Michael Moritzen

Michael Moritzen

Nacimiento : 1954-11-02, København


Michael Moritzen er søn af skuespilleren Henning Moritzen og kassererske Betty Moritzen, f. Krohn. Han blev uddannet som instruktør på Statens Teaterskole i 1978 og uddannet som skuespiller på Skuespillerskolen ved Århus Teater i 1981. Han var tilknyttet Aarhus Teater i sæsonen 1981-82 men blev derefter free lance. Han har bl.a. spillet Børge i "Dansen med Regitze" og en større rolle som modstandsgruppelederen i "De nøgne træer". På teatret har han bl.a. haft titelroller i "Don Ranudo" på Grønnegårds Teatret i 1989, i "Erasmus Montanus" og som admiralen i "Pinafore" på Det Danske Teater i 1998. Michael Moritzen var 1999-2000 leder af skuespillinjen på Statens Teaterskole og i 2001 blev han chef for Folketeatret / Hippodromen, hvor han uden større held forsøgte sig med en vis fornyelse af repertoiret.


Michael Moritzen


Elsker dig for tiden
Anna and Thomas are missing something: love. They will follow their encounter through confusing crushes and lack of commitment, but can love survive when you don't want to compromise your own dreams for your partner?
The Idealist
Direktør for Udenrigsministeriet
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. Unos días más tarde, responsables del gobierno calificarán el accidente como un «Broken Arrow» —es decir, un incidente donde intervienen armas nucleares pero no reviste peligro—, no habiendo motivo para preocuparse en torno a contaminación radiactiva o violación de la política nuclear por parte de una potencia extranjera. Centenares de trabajadores de Thule están trabajando en una inmensa operación de limpieza. Después de 8 meses, todos los restos de la aeronave y la nieve contaminada con plutonio han desaparecido. El caso está cerrado. No obstante, y 18 años más tarde, mientras cubría una historia sobre trabajadores locales, el reportero Paul Brink se verá inmerso en sospechosas circunstancias que le llevarán al oculto accidente nuclear del 68.
Almost Perfect
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an anonymous sperm donor who has been carefully chosen. But as her hormones get the better of her she realizes that the child may come to resemble the father and possibly get his less flattering characteristics. Anne feels compelled to find the sperm donor and ensure that he is as perfect as she imagines.
Anton, un niño de 10 años, tiene un hermano mayor autista, cuando a él lo que le gustaría sería tener un hermano mayor normal. Pero un día su hermano recibe ciertos poderes que lo convierten en un héroe, algo así como un Superhermano. Ahora bien, esos poderes, aparte de que no son eternos, tendrán que aprender a utilizarlos.
Daisy Diamond
Una historia de amor sobre Anna, que sueña sólo con una cosa: llegar a ser actriz. Sin decir nada a su acomodada familia, se muda a Copenhague para perseguir su sueño secreto. Pero el destino le tiene reservada otra cosa. Se queda embarzada y tiene una niña... (FILMAFFINITY)
Rich Kids
A story about a group of rich kids, from old money families, north of Copenhagen, from a world where people with ambition and power rule. Away from the superficiality and pretention of their social class, they live a secret life, in which power, money, sex, drugs and endless secrets dominate. A lifestyle only a few of them can survive and where most become scarred for life.
Carsten es un profesor de instituto de 52 años muy querido y respetado. Está casado con Nina y tiene un hijo, Tobias. Carsten mantiene relaciones con una antigua alumna, Pil, que es una activista de extrema izquierda. Una noche, Pil participa en un asalto frustrado en el que un policía resulta muerto. Pil y otros dos activistas son arrestados y sale a la luz la aventura amorosa de Carsten, que abandona a su mujer, ante el asombro de ésta, para dedicar todos sus esfuerzos a Pil. Pero un policía ha muerto, hay dos familias destrozadas y el sentimiento de culpa irá apoderándose de él, lento pero seguro...
Oh Happy Day
Hannah (Lotte Andersen) is a housewife in a village Zealand, where she is married to the sad Carsten (Mikael Birkkjær). She sings in the mammal church choir along with his outspoken sister (Ditte Gråbøl). A choirmaster in transit - the black Jackson - get fired up during the chorus, as soon singing and joy - and Hannah is experiencing new feelings.
Nete is a tough woman of 37 who runs her job, husband, and teenage daughter with a firm and efficient hand. Her father suddenly becomes ill. Seriously ill. Nete forces a doctor to tell her how much time he has left. 3 weeks, hardly any longer. Nete's father becomes bitter and introvert, but Nete insists that he come to live with her and her family the few weeks he has left. "You should die with your family." Nete's father moves in and puts even more strain on Nete's family and everyday life. They all try to cope with the situation - he has only three weeks left, and you don't argue with a dying man. Three weeks pass by. A month. Nete's father does not die, his appetite comes back, the doctors begin to have doubts as to the prognosis, and Nete has a problem.
When Albert's best friend Egon goes missing, Albert embarks on an adventure to find him. Along the way he meets Sabrina and together they must save Egon.
Los idiotas
Man from Municipality
Un grupo de amigos se reune con la intención de liberarse de las ataduras morales que la sociedad imprime sobre los individuos. Para ello, se hacen pasar por retardados mentales. El grupo se dedica a enfrentar a la sociedad con sus idioteces.
On Our Own
Three siblings ingeniously avoid being sent off to a children's home while their solo-mother serves a short sentence in a prison for shoplifting. Rather than have the news leak out and have to be escorted off with the eccentric welfare officer, they invent a 'never present' dad who is looking after them.
Royal Blues
Royal Blues
The Kingdom
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
The Naked Trees
Christian Borck
In 1943, where everything was prohibited, and the Nazi grip on the Danish population tightened, more and more growing resistance to the occupation quite naturally in the Danish population. In Aarhus break 2 young men, Holger Mikkelsen (Ole Lemmeke) and Leo (Per Morberg) into a company who sympathize with the Germans, and burn repairer. It had been a close thing, but when, however, to reach safety before occupying forces emerge.
Spring Tide
Franco lives in a rough part of Copenhagen. His hooker mother has little time for him. Franco drifts into a life of crime, repeatedly confronting the authorities. To give him a new start, he’s placed in a foster home far away from Copenhagen. His new family greets him with warm hospitality. There’s also the beautiful countryside and, last but not least, the teen-aged daughter
Memories of a Marriage
Young Borge
Karl Åge and Regitze host a summer garden party for close friends, their son, and his family. Karl Åge is quiet, detached; Regitze is spirited, lively. He thinks back: love at first sight during the war, living together unmarried, her mother's hunger strike when they won't baptize their son. Regitze is passionate and forthright; she speaks her mind. He remembers her inviting a derelict for Christmas dinner, and the man shows up with five bashful friends. He recalls her taking on their son's teacher when the man slaps the lad. He remembers her love of dancing and his fear that his social clumsiness might end their relationship. Now, in twilight, he has other things to face.
What a Pity About Daddy
About the young Aarhus businessman Jacob Hansen who is going to a congress in Copenhagen. His competitor in the firm sends his secretary over to spy and bring Jacob into disrepute. The secretary has sympathy for Jacob, creating complications when his wife show up.