George Magrill

George Magrill

Nacimiento : 1900-01-05, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1952-05-31


George Magrill


La guerra de los mundos
Cerca de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos cae algo que, a primera vista, parece ser un meteorito. Los vecinos acuden al lugar del acontecimiento y descubren que un extraño objeto de que emerge una especie de ojo que empieza a disparar un rayo mortal. Es una nave marciana que, junto con otras muchas, ha llegado a la Tierra para conquistarla. La invasión está teniendo lugar simultáneamente en todo el planeta y ni siquiera la bomba atómica podría detenerla. La humanidad está perdida.
La guerra de los mundos
Traffic Cop (uncredited)
Cerca de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos cae algo que, a primera vista, parece ser un meteorito. Los vecinos acuden al lugar del acontecimiento y descubren que un extraño objeto de que emerge una especie de ojo que empieza a disparar un rayo mortal. Es una nave marciana que, junto con otras muchas, ha llegado a la Tierra para conquistarla. La invasión está teniendo lugar simultáneamente en todo el planeta y ni siquiera la bomba atómica podría detenerla. La humanidad está perdida.
Brigada 21
Policeman (uncredited)
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway que describe la vida cotidiana en una comisaría de policía de Manhattan. Un temperamental policía (Kirk Douglas) recurre a los métodos más implacables para obtener información de cualquier sospechoso de un crimen. Obtuvo cuatro nominaciones a los Óscar de 1952: mejor director, mejor actriz principal (Eleanor Parker), mejor actriz secundaria (Lee Grant) y mejor guión adaptado.
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
Policeman at Ballpark (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Su alteza el ladrón
Siglo XIII. Un malvado y ambicioso político, que pretende proclamarse rey de Tánger, tropieza con una dificultad: el príncipe Hussein, un niño que es el legítimo heredero del trono. Para eliminarlo contrata a un asesino, pero éste, compadecido del niño, se lo lleva con él. Así, el príncipe crecerá en el seno de una banda de ladrones, que serán quienes le ayuden, cuando sea adulto, a recuperar el trono. (FILMAFFINITY)
Short Grass
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
El caso 880
Carnival Barker (uncredited)
El capitán es un hombre encantador querido por todos sus vecinos. Lo que ellos no saben es que él también es el señor 880 , un falsificador que ha logrado sorprendentemente eludir el servicio secreto durante 20 años
Pretty Baby
Trainman (uncredited)
Una joven trabajadora, tratando de encontrar una manera de conseguir un asiento en el metro, se lleva una muñeca para asegurar el camino. Ella termina atascada en una gruesa trama para vender un anuncio a un cliente rico que cree que su muñeca es un bebé real que lleva su nombre. Sus compañeros de trabajo tratan de que siga jugando a ser "madre" hasta que puedan conseguir un contrato para el anuncio.
Abbott and Costello en la  Legion Extrangera
Corporal (uncredited)
Jonesy y Lou están en Argelia buscando un luchador que están promoviendo. El sargento Axmann los engaña para que se unan a la Legión Extranjera, después de lo cual descubren la colaboración de Axmann con el desagradable jeque Hamud El Khalid. Los bits incluyen los avistamientos de espejismo de Lou, uno de los vendedores de periódicos de Nueva York ("me dieron una mala esquina").
Al filo de la vida
Boulder Dam Tourist (uncredited)
Un operador de teléfonos de Los Ángeles utiliza sus conocimientos en electrónica para ayudar a un apostador en sus operaciones. Cuando el apostador es asesinado, decide tomar el mando del negocio. Los gánster de la Costa Este intentarán coger una parte del pastel.
Tarzán y la esclava
Tarzán debe rescatar a Jane y a una enfermera europea, ambas en poder de unos crueles cazadores de esclavos que las han llevado a una ciudad secreta, donde tendrán que elegir entre formar parte del harén o morir de hambre encerradas en un templo oculto. Lex Baxter reemplazó a Weissmüller en el papel de Tarzán y le dio al personaje algo más de ironía y vocabulario. (FILMAFFINITY)
Atraco al furgón blindado
Dave Purvis es un meticuloso y cauto atracador que prepara su próximo golpe: robar el dinero de un furgón blindado. Pero durante el atraco, algo falla y uno de sus compinches y un policía mueren, mientras el resto del grupo consigue huir. El teniente Cordell intentará encontrar a los forajidos vengar la muerte de su compañero asesinado.
The Invisible Monster
Henchman Sam [Ch. 4-5]
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
The Invisible Monster
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
The Good Humor Man
Police Detective (uncredited)
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
La costilla de Adán
Subway Conductor (uncredited)
Amanda y Adam Bonner son un idílico matrimonio de abogados cuya paz conyugal se ve afectada cuando un caso los enfrenta en los tribunales como defensora y fiscal respectivamente: una mujer es juzgada por disparar contra su marido y la amante de éste. Adam no duda de la culpabilidad de la acusada, pero Amanda no es de la misma opinión.
Sorrowful Jones
Horse Player (uncredited)
Un padre deja a su hija en manos de Sorrowful Jones mientras acude a las apuestas de caballos. Cuando regresa, se entera de que el cuidado de la niña interfiere con su estilo de vida. Sorrowful, por su parte, debe escapar de unos gangsters.
Odio entre hermanos
A principios del siglo XX, oleadas de emigrantes procedentes de Europa llegaban a la populosa ciudad de Nueva York. Todos albergaban la esperanza de hacer realidad sus sueños de prosperidad. Muchos procedían de Italia, como la familia de Gino Monetti, un barbero ambicioso y autoritario, que emigró con su paciente mujer y sus cuatro hijos, todos muy distintos tanto psicológica como físicamente. Con los años, Monetti amasó una enorme fortuna; el sueño americano, en efecto, se había cumplido, pero los conflictos familiares se hicieron cada vez más graves.
Miss Mink of 1949
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
Miss Mink of 1949
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
La cicatriz
Tras salir de la cárcel, John Muller (Paul Henreid), un astuto criminal con estudios en medicina y psiquiatría, sueña con el día en que logre dar "el gran golpe". Mientras tanto se ve obligado a desempeñar un aburrido trabajo de oficina. Un día, Mullerdecide llevar a cabo su sueño, robando en un conocido club de juego, propiedad del mafioso Rocky Stansyck. Tras el golpe y durante su huida, Muller será confundido con el Dr. Bartok, prestigioso psiquiatra, debido a su asombroso parecido. Muller tratará de aprovechar la ocasión para esconderse, suplantando la personalidad del doctor. Para ello, deberá auto infringirse una herida que le deja una cicatriz idéntica a la del conocido psiquiatra...
La cicatriz
Stansyck Hood (uncredited)
Tras salir de la cárcel, John Muller (Paul Henreid), un astuto criminal con estudios en medicina y psiquiatría, sueña con el día en que logre dar "el gran golpe". Mientras tanto se ve obligado a desempeñar un aburrido trabajo de oficina. Un día, Mullerdecide llevar a cabo su sueño, robando en un conocido club de juego, propiedad del mafioso Rocky Stansyck. Tras el golpe y durante su huida, Muller será confundido con el Dr. Bartok, prestigioso psiquiatra, debido a su asombroso parecido. Muller tratará de aprovechar la ocasión para esconderse, suplantando la personalidad del doctor. Para ello, deberá auto infringirse una herida que le deja una cicatriz idéntica a la del conocido psiquiatra...
Superman viene a la Tierra cuando era un niño y crece para convertirse en el primer superhéroe de su hogar. Su primer gran desafío es oponerse a la Dama Araña.
G-Men Never Forget
An escaped criminal impersonates a Police Commissioner, causing no end of trouble to a determined Federal Agent.
Cuerpo y alma
Fight Stadium Cop (uncredited)
Charlie Davis es un chico de familia humilde que aspira a conseguir la fama en el mundo del boxeo. Aunque su madre y su novia desaprueban su decisión, Charlie se asocia con Robert, un promotor de combates de boxeo, y va perdiendo los escrúpulos poco a poco, llegando a dejarse vencer en un combate amañado.
Merton of the Movies
Gateman - Mammoth Studios (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Sideshow Spectator Wearing Straw Hat (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
A Likely Story
Expressman (uncredited)
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
Twilight on the Rio Grande
U.S. Customs Officer
Gene and Pokie are on vacation in Mexico when they learn that their buddy Dusty has been bumped off.
The Brasher Doubloon
Policeman (uncredited)
Un detective (George Montgomery) busca una valiosísima moneda que ha sido robada de la colección de una acaudalada mujer. Durante su pesquisa, algunos involucrados encuentran la muerte en manos de una organización delictiva que también ansía hallar la preciada moneda.
La Dama del lago
Policeman (Uncredited)
Una editora literaria (Audrey Totter) encarga al detective Phillip Marlowe (Robert Montgomery) encontrar a la misteriosa mujer de su jefe (Leon Ames), que supuestamente ha huido con un amante (Richard Simmons) y tal vez ha provocado una muerte.
La extraña mujer
Poster's Workman
Bangor, 1824. Gracias a su deslumbrante belleza, Jenny Hager manipula a los hombres a su antojo y es capaz de conseguir de ellos todo lo que se propone. Tras contraer matrimonio con un acaudalado comerciante, no tarda en seducir al hijo de su marido con el único fin de inducirlo al asesinato de su padre. Al mismo tiempo, se encapricha del prometido de su mejor amiga
Desert Command
El Maghreb
Tom Wayne rescues Clancy, Renard and Schmidt in the Arabian desert and they join him in going after El Shaitan, a bad guy who is never seen as he tries to wipe out the Foreign Legion. Feature version of the movie serial, The Three Musketeers (1934).
Sucedió en el tren
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Kit Madden es una novelista que viaja en tren a Hollywood para colaborar en una película que se basa en su nuevo libro 'Aquí está el mañana'. Durante el trayecto conoce al marine Rusty Thomas, un caballero que discutirá con ella diversos aspectos del libro, mostrando su desacuerdo en algunos puntos, sin saber que está hablando con la autora.
No eran imprescindibles
Durante la campaña del Pacífico, una heroica compañía americana lucha contra el avance de las fuerzas japonesas en Filipinas, perdiendo cada vez más terreno. Dos oficiales de lanchas torpederas, en contra de la opinión de sus superiores, intentarán frenar el avance del enemigo utilizando las viejas embarcaciones contra los barcos nipones.
¿Ángel o diablo?
Cop at Murder Scene (uncredited)
Eric Stanton (Dana Andrews) se ve obligado a bajar del autobús en que viaja porque no tiene dinero para todo el trayecto. Es así como llega a un pueblo desconocido, donde empieza a frecuentar un local de comidas, cuya principal atracción es una hermosa camarera llamada Stella. Un clásico del cine negro.
Abbott y Costello en Hollywood
Actor (uncredited)
A pesar de que en el título aparece la palabra Hollywood, esta comedia no gira en torno al mundo del cine, sino al de la música. Abbott y Costello vuelven a interpretar a dos perdedores que sueñan con convertirse en importantes agentes musicales. Quieren cumplir su sueño, así que empiezan con pequeños clientes con carreras alejadas del estrellato. Por el momento son unos don nadie, habrá que ver si la pareja de cómicos consigue convertirlos en los reyes de la música.
Jungle Raiders
Greedy traders have kidnapped a researcher, hoping he will reveal the location of a treasure in a hidden village. Family and friends of the researcher come looking for him. Adventure ensues.
On Stage Everybody
Stagehand (uncredited)
Radio's miracle show is on the screen.
One Mysterious Night
Police Guard (Uncredited)
After a rare gem is stolen from an exhibition at a posh hotel, Inspector Farraday decides to recruit former thief Boston Blackie to find the stone. Along with his assistant, "The Runt", Blackie focuses his investigation on the hotel manager, George Daley, and his sister, Eileen. Through disguises and ruses, Blackie and the Runt try to trick their way to discovering the thieves.
Man (uncredited)
MacMurray es un vendedor de seguros que, en connivencia con Barbara Stanwyck, elabora un plan para asesinar al marido de ella y quedarse con el dinero de su seguro. Obra cumbre del género, uno de los ejercicios de suspense más fascinantes de todos los tiempos.
La reina de Cobra
Al descubrir que su novia Tollea ha sido secuestrada, Ramu y su amigo Kado viajan hacia una isla donde todos los extranjeros son asesinados a la llegada y sus habitantes, a menudo sacrificados al dios del volcán, adoran a la cobra. En la isla reina la malvada hermana gemela de Tollea, Naja, la Mujer Cobra, quien tiene planes para Ramu y no quiere la competencia de su benévola hermana.
La reina de Cobra
Al descubrir que su novia Tollea ha sido secuestrada, Ramu y su amigo Kado viajan hacia una isla donde todos los extranjeros son asesinados a la llegada y sus habitantes, a menudo sacrificados al dios del volcán, adoran a la cobra. En la isla reina la malvada hermana gemela de Tollea, Naja, la Mujer Cobra, quien tiene planes para Ramu y no quiere la competencia de su benévola hermana.
The Great Alaskan Mystery
The obsessive scientist Dr. Miller is working on a matter-transmitter invention called the Paratron; a conspiratorial team of spies and no-goods pursue him to Alaska, trying to steal the device.
The Racket Man
George the Private
A gangster is drafted into the Army and, soon realizing how wrong his life of crime has been, agrees to help the FBI break up a black market ring by pretending to have been kicked out of service and to have resumed his old life of crime.
Swing Fever
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
The Chance of a Lifetime
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Policeman (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
El auténtico protagonista de esta película es el destructor bélico norteamericano John Paul Jones, barco que sirvió en la I Guerra Mundial. La película repasa cada etapa de su vida y para ello se sirve de varios miembros de su tripulación. Uno de ellos es Steve, que ayudó a construirlo y ha aprovechado la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para volver a filas; el otro es el capitán del destructor.
Henchman at Sphinx Club
Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.
Good Luck, Mr. Yates
A 4F military school teacher's lie about being accepted for active duty causes problems on the home front.
Se necesitan maridos
Tough Guy at Harem Show
Eddie Johnson va a Coney Island para encontrarse con Joe Rocco. Eddie está decidido a obtener una participación en el nuevo local de Joe, en el que actúa Kate Farley. Eddie convence a un amigo para convertir su local en un "harén turco" con bailarinas. Su idea es un éxito y aleja a los clientes de Joe. Eddie envía a sus matones a destruir el local
Su última danza
Pinks es un hombre humilde, todo corazón, que vive única y exclusivamente para complacer a la mujer de la que está locamente enamorado. Sin embargo, ella está tan acostumbrada al lujo que es incapaz de agradecer los desesperados esfuerzos que él hace por ella.
Su última danza
Mug at Mindy's (Uncredited)
Pinks es un hombre humilde, todo corazón, que vive única y exclusivamente para complacer a la mujer de la que está locamente enamorado. Sin embargo, ella está tan acostumbrada al lujo que es incapaz de agradecer los desesperados esfuerzos que él hace por ella.
Wake Island
In late 1941, with no hope of relief or re-supply, a small band of United States Marines tries to keep the Japanese Navy from capturing their island base.
El cuervo (Contratado para matar)
Policeman (uncredited)
Un matón llamado Raven (Cuervo en inglés) es contratado para que cometa un asesinato. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que su vida está en peligro, ya que alguien pretende tenderle una trampa.
Fingers at the Window
Policeman (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Piratas del mar Caribe
Los cayos de Florida en 1840, donde gritan los implacables huracanes del Caribe, donde los rescatadores de Cayo Hueso, como la intrépida y bella Loxi Claiborne y su tripulación, recogen, a bordo de frágiles goletas, la cosecha del viento salvaje, enfrentándose a los dientes de tiburón de los arrecifes para rescatar a marineros y carga de los naufragios provocados por los carroñeros del mar.
Nazi Agent
Thug (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Brooklyn Orchid
Cab Driver
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
Over My Dead Body
2nd Arresting Policeman
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Fancy Answers
Police Officer in Park Saluting Flag
In this Pete Smith Speciality, the audience is asked a series of multiple-choice questions on various subjects.
This Woman Is Mine
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
Mi marido está loco
Sanitarium Guard (uncredited)
Steve y Susan Ireland van a cumplir su cuarto aniversario de boda, pero su relación es bastante problemática. Cuando Susan descubre a Steve con su antigua novia, piensa que tienen una aventura y decide pedir el divorcio. Pero Steve ama a su mujer y está dispuesto a todo con tal de recuperarla...
The Spider Returns
The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.
El lobo de mar
Dos náufragos fugitivos de la justicia, una mujer y un joven novelista, son recogidos en el mar por el capitán Wolf Larsen, que gobierna su barco como un tirano y que considera que la piedad es un signo de debilidad. Con el paso del tiempo los náufragos se dan cuenta de que en realidad son sus prisioneros.
Meet Boston Blackie
When a murder occurs on an ocean liner docked in New York, the trail leads to Coney Island and a spy ring.
Patrol Car Driver (uncredited)
Bud y Lou se alistan en el ejército para poder escaparse de la cárcel; lo que ignoran es que en el cuartel se encontraran con un instructor de armas tomar.
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
Spike - Henchman with Bordine
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Gallant Sons
Bartender (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Mystery Sea Raider
Man on Wharf
June McCarthy has unwittingly aided an undercover Nazi naval officer with acquiring a "mother ship" for German submarines in the Atlantic.
Policía montada del Canadá
En 1885, tres aventureros de la frontera (el maestro Riel, el traficante de whisky Corbeau y el trampero Duroc) fomentan en Canadá una rebelión contra la Corona. Sólo la Policía Montada permanece leal. El policía Ronnie Logan está enamorado de la hija de Corbeau, pero tiene que rivalizar con un ránger de Texas que busca a Corbeau por asesinato
The Gay Caballero
Deputy Sheriff
The Cisco Kid and his buddy Gordito arrive in town and learn that Cisco is supposedly dead. Not only that: Before his death, he is believed to have attempted to steal Susan Wetherby's land.
Glamour for Sale
Mugg (uncredited)
A blackmail mob is waiting for you to go out with one of these girls.
The Secret Seven
Henchman Scarlatti
Scientists assembled to prove their methods are effective in criminal investigation try to solve a series of murders.
Millionaires in Prison
Guard in Yard (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Winners of the West
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Luna llena
Marianne de Beaumaniour está de camino a Nueva Orleans desde París para inspeccionar la plantación que heredó de su tío. En el barco viajan también algunos esclavos para ser vendidos. Charles, Duque de Villiers, un enemigo político del rey, también está a bordo haciéndose pasar por esclavo. El jefe de la plantación de Marianne compra a Charles y éste pronto la seduce con su encanto. Marianne descubre rápidamente la verdadera identidad de Charles y le deja en libertad, antes de que los oficiales franceses le encuentren. Marianne decide volver a París con el Capitán de Policía, a bordo del barco “Luna Llena”, pero deben hacer escala en la Martinica. Después de la Martinica, el barco es asaltado por los piratas. Marianne queda conmocionada al ver que Charles es el líder de los piratas. Esa noche, una dura tormenta les azota, y todo se hunde. Ahora Charles es el líder y la diversión acaba de comenzar….
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
El joven Edison
Train Passenger
Desde que era un niño, Thomas Alba Edison (Mickey Rooney) empezó a realizar sus primeros experimentos químicos en el sótano de su casa. Además, tuvo que ejercer múltiples oficios antes de poder registrar su primera patente. Queda para el recuerdo la escena de la operación de la madre, en que el joven Edison idea un sistema de juego de luces con espejos para iluminar el improvisado quirófano.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Estudiantes en Oxford
Tow-Truck Driver (uncredited)
Tras varios intentos desesperados de buscar trabajo, Laurel y Hardy terminan trabajando de barrenderos. Sin proponérselo, detienen a un ladrón de bancos, por lo que el director, en agradecimiento, decide pagarles los estudios en la prestigiosa universidad de Oxford. Cuando llegan allí, protagonizan varios enredos y bromas.
Swanee River
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Con su misma arma
Reporter (Uncredited)
Dos abogados (Pat O’Brien y Broaderick Crawford) se aprovechan de unos escándalos políticos en la administración de carreteras para hacer negocios. Dodd, una bella divorciada implicada en el escándalo, es hallada muerta con un cuchillo clavado a su espalda. O'Brien toma la determinación de resolver los crímenes por su cuenta y riesgo, pero a cada paso que da los problemas se agravan...
Oklahoma Frontier
It's the opening of the Cherokee strip and the Rankins are after a particular section. Frazier is also after the same section and has hired outlaws to make sure he gets it. When Jeff gives Rankin a map, the outlaws kill Rankin, steal the map, and frame Jeff for the murder. Scheduled to be hung the day of the land rush, Jeff's pal Frosty has a plan to free him.
Our Leading Citizen
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
Winter Carnival
New York Mercury Reporter
A divorced glamour girl keeps warm with a professor amid sports and romance at Dartmouth College's Winter Carnival.
Five Came Back
Stunt Double
Twelve people are aboard Coast Air Line's flagship the Silver Queen enroute to South America when the airplane encounters a storm and is blown off course. Crashing into jungles known to be inhabited by head hunters, pilots Bill and Joe race against time to fix the engines and attempt a take off. The situation brings out the best and worst in the stranded dozen as they create a makeshift runway and prepare to escape before the natives attack. But damage to the plane and low fuel reserves means that only 5 people can be carried to safety.
Tell No Tales
Alex (uncredited)
Michael Cassidy es el editor de un pequeño periódico que está a punto de ser cerrado. El nuevo propietario, Matthew Cooper, dueño de otro periódico de la ciudad, sólo lo ha comprado para deshacerse de la competencia
Hotel Imperial
Austrian Sentry (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Unión Pacífico
Surveyor (uncredited)
En 1862, durante la Guerra de Secesión, dos empresas rivales comienzan a construir la primera línea de ferrocarril transcontinental que enlace el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Al tiempo narra los amores entre la hija de uno de los ingenieros, Mollie Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck), el agente del gobierno encargado de la seguridad Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) y el principal saboteador Dick Allen (Robert Preston).
The Flying Irishman
New York Airport Workman
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Sergeant Madden
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
King of Chinatown
2nd Gangster
A Chinese-American surgeon faces a moral dilemma after operating on the mob boss in charge of vice and protection rackets in her city's Chinatown.
Money to Loan
Radio Broadcaster (uncredited) Hanley's Strong Arm Man
The MGM crime reporter introduces Norman Kennedy, District Attorney of a large city, he who talks about the general want for money, and the extraordinary lengths some will go to to get it. The loan sharking business has that want for money on both sides. He tells the story of one such loan shark, Stephen Hanley, who tried to pass his company off as a legitimate loan business, but who charged exorbitant rates, and used extortion and fraud to get out of his customers even more than what they may have owed on paper.
The Phantom Creeps
Thug-Pilot / Schooner Crewman
A mad scientist attempts to rule the world by creating various elaborate inventions.
Say It in French
Taxi Driver
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Ocho mujeres y un crimen
Policeman (uncredited)
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
Red Barry
A police detective is caught up in a plot to steal two million dollars in bonds.
Born to Be Wild
Truck drivers Steve Hackett and Bill Purvis are fired from their jobs with the West Coast Trucking company for not using second-gear going down steep grades. Davis, the company vice-president, surprisingly asks them to carry a load of merchandise to Arrowhead and offers a $1000 bonus. He tells them it is a load of lettuce. Several miles out of Los Angelese, they are stopped by a mob of lettuce-farm workers on strike. When the first crate is tossed off the truck, it explodes and the two pals learn their merchandise is a cargo of dynamite. The workers let them proceed and they crash into a car driven by Mary Stevens, whom they had met at a restaurant. She and her dog, "Butch" (played by a Credited dog named Stooge), join them and they deliver their cargo, and learn unscrupulous real-estate operators have jammed the locks on the dam in order to ruin the ranchers and farmers and take over their property.
The story of a D.A. who becomes a prison warden and winds up overseeing the sentence of a man he prosecuted.
Una nación en marcha
Historia sobre el desarrollo de las comunicaciones terrestres en los EE.UU. durante su rápida expansión en el siglo XIX. La película se centra en la vida de Ramsey McCay, empleado de la recién creada asociación entre Henry Wells y William Fargo, y de cómo gracias a su especial dedicación, la Wells-Fargo llega a convertirse en una gran empresa de correos y transporte de mercancías hacia el Oeste, presente en los mayores acontecimientos de la época.
Cadetes del mar
Cadet Prankster (uncredited)
Tres jóvenes que ingresan por distintos motivos en la Academia Naval comparten su afición por el fútbol americano, lo que ayuda a cimentar su amistad.
It Happened in Hollywood
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Jungle Menace
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
She Had to Eat
G Man (uncredited)
An Arizona gas station owner faces comic adventures after traveling with an eccentric millionaire to New City, where he meets up with a small-time con woman and is repeatedly mistaken for a gangster.
Behind The Headlines
Gang Member
A radio reporter sets out to rescue his ex-girlfriend when she is kidnapped by gangsters.
They Gave Him a Gun
Soldier (uncredited)
Jimmy Davis se convierte en un héroe matando alemanes durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero resulta gravemente herido. Durante su estancia en el hospital se enamora de Rose, una enfermera que a su vez está enamorada de Fred, compañero de Jimmy. Fred es capturado pero ambos piensan que está muerto al no volver del campo de batalla, así que comienzan planes de boda. Cuando Fred aparece no se opone al matrimonio de ellos a pesar de quedar destrozado emocionalmente. Finalizada la guerra, Fred se encuentra con Jimmy y descubre que es un mafioso
Maid of Salem
Sailor (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
The Mighty Treve
Story of a dog that is fanatically devoted to its master.
El arado y las estrellas
Una joven esposa irlandesa intenta vivir tranquilamente alejada del caos político. Pero su marido, miembro del IRA planea un golpe contra la oficina de correos de Dublín. Relata la historia de un matrimonio absolutamente implicado en la lucha por la independencia de Irlanda durante la fallida insurrección de Pascua de 1916.
Wanted: Jane Turner
Henchman (uncredited)
Investigators set out to capture a gang of thieves transporting stolen cash through the U.S. mail.
Fugitive in the Sky
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
Sworn Enemy
Steamer's Trainer (uncredited)
A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
You May Be Next!
Mike--Policeman (uncredited)
Gangster tries to censor a crusading radio station by jamming its signal.
Three Little Beers
Street Cop
The stooges are inept deliverymen at a brewery. When they learn about a company golf tournament, they sneak onto a golf course to get some practice. They quickly proceed to bother the other golfers and destroy the course. Forced to escape in their beer truck, more havoc ensues when the load of beer barrels are spilled out down a steep hill.
The Rainmakers
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
The Nitwits
A would-be songwriter and a would-be inventor run a cigar stand and get mixed up in the murder of a song publisher.
El acorazado misterioso
Sailor on Watch (Uncredited)
La Secretaria de la Armada informa al capitán Winslow de que va a recibir un nuevo mecanismo de control que revolucionará la guerra en el mar. Pero el mecanismo no tarda en desaparecer...
The Miracle Rider
In 1930s Texas, following the murder of his father, Tom Morgan joins the Texas Rangers to avenge his father's death and to follow in his path as a proponent of Indian rights. His task as a Ranger is to stop the evil Zaroff and his gang, who are smuggling the elements for a powerful explosive from a mine on Indian land.
Strangers All
Domestic drama about an elderly woman and her four squabbling adult children.
Noche nupcial
Wedding Guest with Plate
Un escritor achaca su crisis de creatividad al ambiente en el que se mueve, la alta sociedad. Por esta razón decide transladarse junto con su esposa a su pueblo natal en Nueva Inglaterra. Su mujer decide regresar, poco después, a Nueva York, y él se enamora de una granjera, a la que convierte en heroína de su novela. Sin embargo, sus padres le obligan a contraer matrimonio, contra su voluntad, con otro hombre
La viuda alegre
Policeman (uncredited)
Sonia es una viuda, inmensamente rica, de Marshovia, pequeño país centro europeo del que controla la mitad de la riqueza. El país depende de que ella gaste su dinero en él, así que, cuando se traslada a París porque no logra encontrar marido, el rey envía al Conde Danilo a cortejarla y traerla de vuelta. Si no lo consigue, se le formará consejo de guerra.
El valor de Charlie Chan
Charlie Chan es contratado para entregar un collar de perlas a un millonario en su rancho. Cuando interviene el asesinato, se disfraza de criado chino y empieza a investigar.
The Vanishing Shadow
A 12-episode serial in which a son avenges the death of his father at the hands of corrupt politicians. He develops a wide variety of complex devices in his crusade . . . ray guns, robots and a 'vanishing belt.'
Journal of a Crime
Ambulance Man (uncredited)
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Keep 'Em Rolling
Skeptical Soldier
World War I drama about a soldier and the wild horse he befriends.
Pirate Treasure
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
The Mystery Squadron
Hank Davis, foreman on a huge dam project, enlists the aid of his two flyer friends when a sinister figure known as The Black Ace leads his Mystery Squadron of masked pilots in an attempt to destroy the dam.
Perils of Pauline
A famous scientist and his beautiful daughter travel to Indochina to find an ivory disc that has the formula for a deadly gas engraved on it. An evil doctor and his gang are also looking for it.
The Chief
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
Broadway Thru a Keyhole
Member of Rocci's Mob
Racketeer Frank Rocci is smitten with Joan Whelan, a dancer at Texas Guinan's famous Broadway night spot. He uses his influence to help her get a starring role in the show, hoping that it will also get Joan to fall in love with him. After scoring a hit, Joan accepts Frank's marriage proposal, more out of gratitude than love. The situation gets even stickier when she falls for a handsome band leader during a trip to Florida. Can she tell Frank she's in love with someone else?
The Wolf Dog
The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.
Asesinato en la terraza
Crelliman's Butler (uncredited)
Un abogado (Warner Baxter) evita la condena de un conocido mafioso. Tras negarse a dejar de defender a criminales es rechazado por su bufete de abogados y también por su novia. Sin embargo, ella reclamará su ayuda cuando su nuevo prometido sea acusado de asesinato.
Undwood's Chauffeur
A lovely fashion model's dreams of marital bliss are shattered when her fiance jilts her. To make matters worse, her father kills the cad and she gets accused of the crime.
El gran domador
Un circo al borde de la quiebra decide salvarse montando un número con leones y tigres por primera vez.
Los tres mosqueteros del desierto
Tom Wayne rescata a Clancy, Renard y Schmidt en el desierto de Arabia y se unen a él para perseguir a El Shaitan, un tipo malo que nunca se ve mientras trata de aniquilar a la Legión Extranjera.
King Kong
Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
Men Must Fight
Stretcher Bearer
Prophetic tale of a mother in 1940 trying to keep her son out of war.
The Lost Special
A lady reporter and two college students search for the "Gold Special," a train that disappeared without a trace.
Scarlet Dawn
Revolutionary (Uncredited)
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
Flaming Gold
Cargo Ship's Crewman
Two friends working a jungle oil field clash when one marries a lady of the evening.
Roar of the Dragon
A boatload of Westerners is trapped in Manchuria as bandits led by Russian renegade Voronsky ravage the area. Seeking refuge in a fortified inn, the group is led by the boat's Captain Carson, who becomes involved with a woman who "belongs" to Voronsky. Carson must contend with the bandits outside and the conflicting personalities of those trapped inside the inn, as well as dealing with spies among the inn's personnel.
Side Show
A circus side show performer tries to discourage her younger sister from following in her footsteps.
The Galloping Ghost
A gambling ring run out of the Mogul Taxi company is intent on fixing college football games. Football star Harold "Red" Grange is a target for the gamblers, whose thugs try to eliminate Grange from playing. Grange's buddy Buddy is himself vulnerable to blackmail, since he has broken team rules by marrying. The crooks use all their wiles to keep Grange and Buddy from leading their team to victory.
The Sin Ship
A lecherous ship captain becomes spiritually changed by a female passenger, not realizing she and her "minister" husband are really bank robbers.
Los seis misteriosos
Police Guard at Jailhouse (uncredited)
El contrabandista y propietario de un club nocturno, Johnny Franks, recluta a un joven hombre llamado Louis Scorpio para unirse a su banda, que está liderada por el deshonesto abogado Richard Newton. Scorpio finalmente se hace cargo de la administración de Franks, vence a una banda rival, se vuelve rico y domina la ciudad por varios años, hasta que un grupo secreto de seis empresarios enmascarados lo procesan y lo envían a la silla eléctrica con la ayuda de su rival, el periodista Carl Luckner y Hank Rogers. La camarera Anne Courtland se debate entre su amor por el honesto periodista Rogers y su dependencia financiera de su generoso jefe, Scorpio.
Danzad, locos, danzad
Luva’s Henchman #2 (uncredited)
Cuando la desgracia golpea duramente a la familia Jordan, de la clase alta de Chicago, Bonnie Jordan, una chica deslumbrante e ingeniosa, encuentra trabajo como aspirante a reportera; sin embargo, Rodney, su ingenuo hermano menor, toma un otro camino y se relaciona con gente poco recomendable.
New Moon
New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
Queen of the Northwoods
Sergeant Bolt
The villain of this serial, the "Wolf Devil", who's head covering amazingly looks to be a REAL wolf's head, is determined to eradicate the non native races from Alaska.
Hawk of the Hills
Hawk of the Hills (1927), a ten episode serial, re-edited into a five-reel feature length version released in 1929. Newhall, California. A band of Indians led by the half-breed 'The Hawk' terrorizes prospectors in a valley. When the old prospector Clyde Selby hits the mother lode, The Hawk plans to kidnap his pretty blond daughter Mary Selby. This kidnapping actually proves one of the lesser of the perils faced by the poor Mary. Laramie, a government agent, wants with the help of his friendly Shoshone Indian friends to extricate the damsel-in-distress.
Vultures of the Sea
When his father is falsely convicted and sentenced to die for a murder committed aboard ship, the man's son signs on as a crewman to discover the real killer and clear his father.
The Ballyhoo Buster
Brooks Mitchell
Bob Warner sells some cattle to two men who later drug him and rob him of the sale money. He takes a job with a medicine show as a barker, offering a reward to any spectator to last three rounds in fighting him. While in the ring, he notices in the audience the two men who stole his money. He knocks out his contestant, pursues the crooks, and recovers the money.
The Desert of the Lost
Henchman (uncredited)
Chased by Detective Murray and the posse, a wounded Jim Drake heads across the border into Mexico where he recuperates with the Wolfes. When Murray arrives again, Jim heads into the desert. But in the night his guide sneaks off and leaves him without water or his horse.
Dog of Dogs
Harold Zane
A silent short film starring "Fearless."
The Enchanted Hill
Based on a Peter B. Kyne novel, The Enchanted Hill featureds a triangle romance between Jack Holt, rancher's daughter Mary Brian and jealous foreman Richard Arlen.
Montería salvaje
Bert Manerube
Un ranchero decide atrapar caballos salvajes para venderlos, utilizando cepos. La tribu de los Navajos de la zona intenta persuadirle para que deje de hacerlo.
The Fighting Smile
A cowboy who has been away from home for a long time returns, only to find that the area he grew up in has been taken over by a vicious gang of cattle rustlers--and that his closest friend from boyhood is one of them.
Fast and Fearless
Pedro Gómez
Lightning Bill Lewis sets out to capture Gómez, the leader of a ruthless gang that has been tormenting a border town. He prevents Gómez from kidnapping his girl, Mary, but Gómez escapes. With the aid of Captain Duerta, Lightning Bill pursues the gang, and when it is captured by Mexican soldiers he is free to marry.