Christopher Mangum


Rise of the Black Pharaohs
Original Music Composer
Around 800 BC, Kush, a little-known subject state of Egypt, rose up and conquered the Egyptians, enthroned its own Pharaohs, and ruled over the empire of King Tut for nearly 100 years. This unlikely chapter of history has been buried by the Egyptians and belittled by early archaeologists, who refused to believe that dark skinned Africans could have risen so high. But now, in the heart of Sudan, archeologists Geoff Emberling and Tim Kendall are bringing the truth about the Black Pharaohs to life.
Haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend Alice, a heartbroken Billy returns home to Northern Virginia seeking solace from old friends. But what he finds there is more disconcerting: his best friend Stanley has become unstable, mysterious and withdrawn from those around him. Billy teams up with another old friend to find out what's going on and as they probe Stanley's recent activities, their friend's behaviour seems more and more bizarre and frightening.
El Evangelio Prohibido de Judas
Original Music Composer
Judas ha pasado a la historia como el mayor traidor de la humanidad. De hecho en España cuando se quiere llamar a alguien traidor se le suele decir: “Eres un Judas”. La historia del traidor a Jesús ha llegado hasta nuestros días, y dos mil años después aún estamos hablando de ella. En este documental se nos da una visión distinta sobre la traición, que viene dada por el descubrimiento de nuevos textos bíblicos, en concreto del Evangelio de Judas, que cuenta una historia totalmente distinta a la que conocemos. En estos documentos antiguos, parece que se relata como Jesús fue el que ideo todo el proceso que llevó a su ejecución, probablemente para convertirse en un mártir de la Iglesia Católica y que ésta perdurara en el tiempo, como así ha sido. El documental es más que interesante, ya que nos va a dar otro punto de vista sobre la historia de Jesús, apoyado por documentos y testimonios científicos de primer orden.
Wild Seven
Original Music Composer
In this darkly karmic vision of Arizona, a man who breathes nothing but ill will begins a noxious domino effect as quickly as an uncontrollable virus kills. As he exits Arizona State Penn after twenty-one long years, Wilson has only one thing on the brain, leveling the score with career criminal, Mackey Willis.
King Tut's Final Secrets
As part of a high-tech forensic probe into the demise of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, scientists use X-rays and CT scans as they attempt to reach a conclusion about just how this famed king died. In addition, they explore the mysterious curse on explorers linked to Tut's tomb excavation.
Stalking Leopards
On South Africa's Mala Mala Game Reserve, predator and prey maintain an uneasy balance. This remarkable film documents one young male leopard's fight for survival and his place in the community hierarchy. Seventy kilos of strength, the four-year old male leopard, Tjololo, stalks his meals with liquid smooth movements but keeping his catch from the animals that share his domain will require tough lessons and numerous heated confrontations. Hyenas approach as he rushes to free a freshly killed carcass, and Tjololo soon learns that success can be a matter of inches. Stalking Leopards is an intimate chronicle of Tjololo's journey into adulthood: claiming territory, fighting old rivals, mating and killing. For Tjololo, amidst Africa's wild cast of lions, water buffalo, hyenas, elephants and impalas - the only way to walk is proudly and alone.