An english tv-team discovers a special white flower in the indonesian rainforest, but they never get to investegate it further, before the danish recluse Severin has shot them down. A danish special enforcement with a psychiatrist in front is sent off, and they find out, that Severin claims, that he is 129 years old, and it's the flower, which keeps him young. Soon all hunts the white flower, which apparently gives eternal life.
Crewman Samuel Huynh
Miniserie de TV. 3 episodios. Versión televisiva de la novela de Neil Shute, ya llevada al cine en 1959, en una memorable película con Gregory Peck. Aquí Rachel Ward y Bryan Brown interpretan a dos amantes que encaran la muerte por radiactividad luego del estallido de la guerra nuclear y la posterior llegada de la nube mortal a Australia.