Christopher Goodman

Christopher Goodman

Nacimiento : , Izmir, Turkey


Christopher was born in Izmir, Turkey to Maria Aliberti and Wayne Goodman. His father worked for the U.S. Air Force, and after brief stations in Karamusel, Turkey and Bittburg, Germany, Wayne brought his wife and three boys to Midwest City, Oklahoma (home of Tinker Air Force Base) when Chris was five years old. While attending school at Nicoma Park, Chris played football and basketball from second grade through Junior High where he also picked up tennis. He earned seven varsity athletic letters, finished 12th in the state of Okla. in tennis, served on four student councils, and was selected as an All-State actor before graduating from Choctaw High School. Chris then attended Penn State University as a Theater Major, but changed his focus to International Politics and finally Political Science. He served as 'Worthy Chaplain' for his fraternity (Alpha Tau Omega), was selected twice as 'PSU Spring Week God'(sketch competition), worked one Homecoming Committee, one Dance Marathon morale team, danced one 48 hour Dance Marathon, and was chosen his senior year as a "Man of Penn State". He also sailed around the world on 'Semester at Sea' before graduating and returning to Oklahoma to start a company with his childhood friends. He moved in with his grandparents Ed and Veda Goodman and was with them for the final year of their lives. They were both 94 years old and past away within nine days of each other. Chris was catering and substitute teaching while raising fledgling sports memorabilia business with his two partners, when a truck bomb exploded in downtown Oklahoma City. Through his catering boss he and his two friends managed volunteers and ran the food service line in the Myriad Convention Center (feeding firemen and rescue workers) from dusk till dawn for three straight days before being relieved by the Red Cross. After a year as an owner in the restaurant and bar business and in his third year of "The Case of Champions" (still in business today) he left Oklahoma City to pursue an acting career in Paris, France.


Christopher Goodman


Divide & Conquer
Jed Burrows
Gets into the heads of a big family: four children finding their way to adulthood in these complicated times and the parents whose lives they're sucking dry to get there.
What Other Couples Do
¿Casado o soltero? Película inteligente, sarcástica, hilarante pero desgarradora sobre las relaciones, el sexo y el amor. Cuatro parejas se reúnen para una cena en Los Ángeles y deciden jugar al juego de los besos “Seven Minutes in Heaven”. ¡Cuidado con lo que deseas!
John Carter
Stockade Guard
Adaptación de ‘Una princesa de Marte’, la primera novela fantástica de Edgar Rice Burroughs. La película lleva a la gran pantalla una aventura épica que se desarrolla en el devastado planeta Marte, un mundo habitado por tribus guerreras y seres salvajes. John Carter es un veterano de la Guerra Civil norteamericana (1861-1865) que se halla en el planeta Marte, se ve inmerso en una nueva y misteriosa guerra con un extraño ejército de marcianos, entre los que se encuentran Tars Tarkas y la princesa Dejah Thoris.
Return of the Killer Shrews
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
Compromiso en vacaciones
La madre de Hillary está muy contenta porque su hija se casa con un abogado. Cuando él la deja plantada, Hillary no se atreve a decir la verdad y contrata a un actor para que se haga pasar por él. (FILMAFFINITY)
Scott Bridges Unlike the rest of the girls coming to Hollywood with dreams of seeing their name in lights, Carrie Kevin arrives with a single purpose, to protect her cousin Stefy from the dark side of showbiz. A moderately successful pinup model, Stefy uses parties, alcohol, and sex to get ahead like everyone else. But when tabloid sensationalist Evelyn Echo gets a hold of a video tape that could destroy Stefy's career, Carrie has only one choice. To satisfy Evelyn's need for a bigger story, Carrie must become what she hates, a bottom-feeding scene-dweller, and investigate the disappearance of a teenage cyber-lebrity named Jordan Rivers. Lost in the web of chat rooms, fan forums, and online vlogs, Carrie quickly learns that no one is what they seem in the City of Fallen Angels and it is up to her to unravel the conspiracy before she too becomes its victim.
Una pareja de tres: Los años cachorros
Cat (voice)
Cuando la familia Grogan se va de vacaciones, Marley se queda con Boda, su sobrino de 12 años y su abuelo, Fred. Para demostrar que es capaz de c uidar de un perro por si mismo, Body decide entrenar a un equipo formado por Marley y otros dos cachorros del barrio para el desafío local “Cachorros Ágiles”. Lo que no sabes, es que el peor cachorro del mundo puede ser su arma secreta. Precuela de la exitosa producción "Marley & Me", centrada en los años de cachorro del perro Marley.
Play the Game
David le enseña a su abuelo viudo cómo llevar a cabo el juego de la seducción, con la intención de ganar a Julie, la mujer de sus sueños. Sin embargo, el estudiante terminará convirtiéndose en el profesor, cuando el abuelo deba ayudar a su nieto a reconquistar al amor de su vida.
Al rojo vivo
Officer Sternfield
Harlan, un chico de un pueblo de Wyoming, decide irse de casa de su madre y mudarse a los Ángeles. Pero su viaje se acaba convirtiendo en una mezcla de salvajes matones psicóticos, chicas picantes, ladrones de joyas y todo ello al ritmo de un grupo de salsa
Al rojo vivo
Harlan, un chico de un pueblo de Wyoming, decide irse de casa de su madre y mudarse a los Ángeles. Pero su viaje se acaba convirtiendo en una mezcla de salvajes matones psicóticos, chicas picantes, ladrones de joyas y todo ello al ritmo de un grupo de salsa