Youji Matsuda

Youji Matsuda

Nacimiento : 1967-10-19, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Youji Matsuda


Atsushi Henmi
A kind man aspires to become a manga writer, but villains and evil deeds do not come easily to him, for he has little experience or natural inclination for them. Things take a surprise turn when he comes across a family who were described as idealized that are no more. He uses the real-life situation for his work.
Teishi Tomo
Ninsho becomes a monk, following his mother’s wish who died when he was little. His father devotes his fortune for Ninsho to become a great monk. Ninsho helps with relief effort to save people who suffer from famine and disease. One day, he meets a woman with problems with her legs. She makes a living by begging. Ninsho carries her on his back everyday.
La chica que saltaba a través del tiempo
Sojiro Takase (voice)
Una adolescente sufre un accidente y descubre que desde entonces puede saltar hacia atrás y hacia delante en el tiempo, poder que utilizará para encauzar su caótica vida estudiantil y amorosa en el instituto.
La espada oculta
Japón, siglo XIX. El declive de la casta guerrera de los Samurai y de los Shogun ha hecho mella en el pequeño feudo de Unasaka, situado en la costa del noroeste del país. El samurai Yaichiro Hazama se marcha a la lejana ciudad de Edo para hacerse cargo de un puesto muy importante de la organización del clan, mientras sus amigos samuráis, Munezo y Samon, vuelven al lugar en el que Munezo nació y creció. A pesar de su modesto sueldo consiguen vivir una vida placentera en la casa de la madre de Munezo junto con la hermana pequeña de éste y la hija de un vecino que es granjero, llamada Kie, que trabaja en la casa como empleada doméstica y espera poder conseguir marido. Durante los tres años siguientes fallece la madre de Munezo, Samon se casa con la hermana de Munezo, y Kie se casa con el hijo de una familia acomodada de mercaderes, los Iseya.
The Stupid Teacher
Young soldier
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
The Nagaharu Yodogawa Story: A Cineaste's Life in Kobe
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
El viejo y el mar
Un viejo pescador cubano, Santiago, sale a la mar todos los días, aunque la mala suerte le persigue y no consigue regresar con una buena captura. Una mañana sale a navegar en su pequeña barca y, mientras espera con el cebo en el agua, un pez, aparentemente enorme, pica el anzuelo. A partir de ahí se entabla una durísima lucha entre el viejo pescador y el pez.
The Birth of Princess Mononoke
Mononoke Hime wa koushite umareta, also known as The Making of "Princess Mononoke", is a three-tape VHS video boxed set (total length 6 hours 40 minutes) released in Japan at the end of 1997. Re-released on DVD
La princesa Mononoke
Ashitaka (voice)
Tras sufrir el ataque de un monstruoso jabalí maldito, el joven Ashitaka emprende el camino en busca de la cura que detenga la infección. Mientras, los humanos están acabando con los bosques y los dioses convertidos en temibles bestias hacen todo lo posible por protegerlo encabezados por Mononoke, una princesa guerrera. Ashikata deberá escoger bando y decidir si ayudar a los hombres o las deidades intentando detener la maldición de su herida que se extiende por su cuerpo sin cuartel.
Scan Doll
Katsumi, a man who lives a lazy and uninspired life, suddenly becomes addicted to "peeping" to uncover the true identity of his unknown neighbors in the same apartment building, i.e. their abnormal daily lives. In the midst of this, a mysterious high school girl named Mika suddenly jumps into Katsumi's eye. In order to find out what's going on with Mika, who regularly comes to the room of a middle-aged man with no luck, Katsumi uses his high-tech skills to peep into the girl's life, but he soon becomes obsessed with the girl's mysterious charms. What is Mika's true face that he finally sees?
Turning Point
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
Haruka, Nostalgia
Hiroshi Saitoh
Ayase Shinsuke, a popular writer of a series of girl novels, visits Otaru, the town he grew up in. He meets a strange boy who calls himself by the author's real name.
Binetsu MY LOVE
Based on the comic book series by Mio Murao.
Dogra Magra
Ichiro Kure
Un hombre es llevado a una institución mental después de intentar asesinar a su novia. Dos médicos dicen que su problema se debe a que los defectos mentales se transmiten de generación en generación.
The Discarnates
Harada is a successful scenario writer, and his best buddy has just announced an intention to propose to Harada's ex-wife. Recovering from the shock, Harada indulges in melancholy, mainly on his failure as a husband and father, and goes to a 'Rakugo' (sit-down comedy) show, where a friendly man in the audience invites him home. Harada is puzzled at the strong resemblance of this man and his wife to his own parents, who were killed nearly 30 years ago when he was twelve.
The Glorious Asuka Gang!
In the year 199X, on the dark, shady streets of New Kabuki Town, the free-for-all between gangs of young delinquents and a corrupt police force is further complicated by the appearance of a mysterious girl named Asuka.
Kyofu no Yacchan
Komugīro no tenshi suzume to shōnen
Blood Type: Blue
UFOs appear on Earth, and people who actually see them suddenly find that their blood has turned blue. Soon panic and hysteria result in the new "blue-bloods" being persecuted by the rest of mankind, and eventually certain all-too-familiar measures begin to be taken against them.
Kamen Rider Amazon: The Movie
Masahiko Okamura
The Kamen Rider Amazon movie is a theatrical version of episode 16, Garander's Tokyo Sea of Flames Operation!!, depicting Gengoro Beastman's attempt to execute Garanda's Tokyo Sea of Flame plan.