Olivia Hill

Olivia Hill


Olivia Hill


Captain Eager and the Mark of Voth
Captain Eager is resurrected by the sprawling galactic corporation MacroSpace. His mission is to investigate the villainous Colonel Regamun, a maverick 'client' causing trouble in the Veritan Sector, and perhaps in the process uncover the truth behind the mysterious Mark of Voth. Piloting his space rocket the Victory and along with Professor Moon, trusted side-kick Scrutty, Scamp the Space Dog and old flame Jenny, Captain Eager and his team jump in to the digital age to save the day!
La sentencia del diablo
Nick, un joven que vio desaparecer a su novia tras sentarse en lo que parecía una macabra silla eléctrica y que fue después internado en un psiquiátrico, es obligado a volver al lugar de los hechos para colaborar en una investigación científica. La silla del demonio seguirá reclamando sangre...
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
TV Reporter
There's a new drink taking the world by storm - Bubbleshock! Everyone's drinking it. When Maria's dragged along to the factory tour by her new friend, Kelsey - a girl with an opinion on everything - she's plunged into the sinister world of Bubbleshock and the mysterious Mrs Wormwood. There's something terrible behind the hype - something Sarah Jane's interested in too...
Una mujer se despierta dentro de un ataud en un bosque alejado de la civilización. En seguida se da cuenta de que ha sido secuestrada por un loco, que se divierte torturándola...