Andrey Dudarenko

Andrey Dudarenko

Nacimiento : 1930-10-10, USSR


Andrey Dudarenko


Russian Riot
The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.
Иван Великий
Сын за отца...
Un roce
Nikolai Ilyich Malcev
Olga Nikolayevna mata a su pequeño hijo Kolya y luego a ella misma. Andrey, el policía más relajado y amistoso de Rusia, aborda el caso.
Brunette for 30 Cents
"Male students are not allowed to enter the female dormitory." This sign hangs at the entrance, but the men's still climb into the Windows. Seeing this craving for beauty, the authorities of the provincial town decided to improve the financial situation by opening a brothel, while maintaining the chastity of the fairer sex…
Evil Spirit
Наш бронепоезд
El frío verano del 53
En el verano de 1953, tras la muerte de Stalin y la deteción de Lavrenti Beria, el gobierno soviético promulga el decreto "Sobre la amnistía" que libera de los campamentos de trabajo a miles de presos. En una remota aldea del norte se esconden dos de ellos, el ingeniero Nikolai Starobogatov, acusado de ser espía inglés, y el capitán de un regimiento de reconocimiento Sergei Basargin, denostado por haber sido prisionero en un campo nazi y después de fugarse haberse reincorporado a sus tropas.
Хлеб - имя существительное
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.
Ольга и Константин
Комический любовник, или Любовные затеи сэра Джона Фальстафа
Старые письма
At the end of summer
An old man in need of care and attention moves to his son in the city. But soon the son and his wife send the old man to a shelter for the elderly. However, the grandson, who loved his grandfather and understood the cruelty of what is happening, leaves his parents and takes the old man to his future wife.
A Twig in the Wind
Прохор Федосеевич
taxi driver
In their youth, they loved each other, but broke up. Ilya got married, became a doctor, Sasha learned to become an engineer, got married. And now they are together again, at a small, deaf station. They introduced themselves as husband and wife. In fact, while he is married to another, and she has the experience of a failed marriage. For eight days they will be in a remote stop where no one knows them and no one will interfere with love...