Professor Norkus
Un importante historiador alemán del Holocausto, nieto de un criminal de guerra nazi, lucha contra la historia de su familia, su carrera y su odio hacia la gente en general. En el punto álgido de su crisis personal se encuentra una apasionada e histérica judía francesa con complejo teutónico. Su actitud poco convencional pone patas arriba su vida personal y profesional y lo ayuda a finalmente romper las barreras que se ha construido alrededor de su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Seth Pilaster
Un sorprendente secreto detrás de la muerte de chicos jóvenes guía a tres generaciones en esta impresionante saga de amor, poder y venganza, en medio de la riqueza y la decadencia de la Inglaterra victoriana.
Tres relatos vagamente relacionados: La relación entre la matrona Rosa y el terapeuta Marcel es sacudida por un diagnóstico de cáncer. Vagando sin rumbo por la vida, la camarera Motte se horroriza al descubrir que está embarazada se su mejor amigo Neo, que ni siquiera está seguro de su orientación sexual. Por último, la señora de limpieza Layla se niega a aceptar que su ex, Navid, la ha dejado por una mujer más joven. OHNE DICH es una película sobre el amor y sus ingredientes amargos, y la igualmente seria, pero reconfortante certeza de que la vida continúa.
Oberst Seler
In this vivid historical drama set in 1980s East Germany, two dockworkers and best friends who dream of escaping the repressive regime are forced to choose their loyalties when the state police promise them safe passage out of the country — if they inform on their co-workers and union leader.
Wilhelm Hessler
Linda Hessler and her husband Frank have been running a small gourmet restaurant for years. The business is going well, and with his talent, Frank has made a star. But that does not satisfy the ambitious perfectionist: he wants a second star, no matter what he wants. No wonder that the romantically inclined Linda feels increasingly neglected by her workaholic spouse - until she finds a charming admirer in the florist Peer. The passionate dancer brings new life into her life and leaves no stone unturned to win her heart.
Prof. Stockeby
Mammon (archive footage)
Based on archive holdings from nine decades, director Hannes Rossacher has created a complete Jedermann performance and thus a unique cultural-historical puzzle from Alexander Moissi to Nicholas Ofczarek. The success story of the phenomenon "Everyman" is told in an unprecedented way.
Mosche 'Zaide' Pulver
Jil has found great love in the landscape architect Marc. There is only a tiny problem: Marc is not a Jew, and Jil's devout Jewish family would never accept marrying a "goi," a non-Jew. There is only one thing that helps: Marc, son of a German bourgeois family, must pretend that he is also a Jew. After a quick course in terms of traditions and customs, this also seems to work quite well. Jil's family is thrilled with the new friend. But then the dizziness flies up just during a big bar mitzvah celebration - and Jil has to decide.
The young Berlin anesthesiologist Nora is facing exciting times: her partner Eric makes her a marriage proposal and she has the opportunity to give her first important speech at an international congress in St. Petersburg. Nora goes to Russia, where she gets a frosty reception. The Russian pediatrician Andrej, who has been assigned to her as a personal companion, is not very enthusiastic about this task. So he puts Nora in a taxi soon. But then Nora is attacked and Andrej plagues his guilty conscience. Soon, the people are coming closer to the fight.
Georg Riemann
In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.
Rabbi Ginsberg
Zucker es un periodista que está al límite de la ley, y su vida esta a punto de fracasar. Una herencia parece ser la salvación de sus problemas, pero una cláusula, convertirá todo en una pesadilla.
Ferdinand Hansen / Paul Freeman
Paul recibe una carta de quien asegura que es su verdadero padre, proponiéndole un último encuentro antes de morir. El hombre viajará hasta Australia y allí conocerá a una mujer por la que se sentirá atraído.
Musiklehrer Kirnberger
Prussian general's son Friedrich, Freiherr (German baron) von der Trenck, is an unruly student whose countless affairs make him enemies, but he wins every duel. Frederic II the Great recruits him for his personal bodyguard. During his cadet training under the cruel stickler Graf (count) von Jaschinsky Friedrich falls in love with the king's headstrong oldest sister Amalia. She, however, refuses to be married off the the Swedish king's heir. When Prussia makes war on Austria over Silesia, Trenck's loyalty is dubious on account of an Austrian family branch. Janischky eagerly convinces the king there is more.
Bernhard Rief
Joy can not accept the fact that her career as a model is over at 24. The star photographer Tom Kurz shows no interest in her. Joy meets the broke and unemployed Andrea.
Max Sander
Peter Green
Kaufmann und Reiter
Anwalt Bornstein
Wolfgang Dreher
Professor van Geyken
Prof. Weihrauch
Felix Malroux
Un hombre (Harrelson) sale de la cárcel dos años después de haber sido encerrado por un delito que no cometió. Buscando trabajo, conoce a una atractiva mujer (Shue) que le ofrece la oportunidad de ganar dinero rápida y fácilmente.
Raimund Kaschke
Julius Streicher
Narra la historia de un famoso sexteto alemán de música de cámara (cinco voces y un piano) desde 1927 hasta 1934, año en el que las autoridades nazis prohibieron sus actuaciones, porque tres de sus componentes eran judíos.
Georg Mosbacher
Dr. Prokropp
Gemeindepräsident Mathis
Theo Krautinger
Prefecto Angiolieri
The Twenties: The German Fuhrmann family spend their holidays in Italy again. The country is full of mysteries in that time. The Fuhrmann's have to realize the upcoming and growing fascism and their children are fascinated by a magician visiting the town. Soon nothing is as usual. The times are changing ...
Grenville Bayliss
The young bookseller Rebecca Bayliss was setting up her new apartment in London when she received news of her mother Lisa's serious illness. Rebecca rushed off to her mother in Ibiza and heard the terrible news: leukemia. During the last hours together, Lisa Bayliss tells her daughter the truth about her origins.
Hans Kastler
Lodge Hecht
Un agente secreto sueco se infiltra en un grupo terrorista alemán.
Karl Lentz
Schtonk! is a farce of the actual events of 1983, when Germany's Stern magazine published, with great fanfare, 60 volumes of the alleged diaries of Adolf Hitler – which two weeks later turned out to be entirely fake. Fritz Knobel (based on real-life forger Konrad Kujau) supports himself by faking and selling Nazi memorabilia. When Knobel writes and sells a volume of Hitler's (nonexistent) diaries, he thinks it's just another job. When sleazy journalist Hermann Willié learns of the diaries, however, he quickly realizes their potential value... and Knobel is quickly in over his head. As the pressure builds and Knobel is forced to deliver more and more volumes of the fake diaries, he finds himself acting increasingly like the man whose life he is rewriting. The film is a romping and hilarious satire, poking fun not only at the events and characters involved in the hoax (who are only thinly disguised in the film), but at the discomfort Germany has with its difficult past.
Professor Siedlach
Heiner Rudolf
Robert Koch
Based on a semi-autobiographical story by Ogai Mori, about a Japanese medical student who goes to Berlin to study in the 1880s and falls in love with a German ballet dancer.
El suizo Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), especialista en educación experimental, sentó las bases de la educación primaria universal primaria y desarrolló teorías y técnicas educativas todavía vigentes. Una etapa importante y crítica de su vida la pasó en un convento abandonado, donde enseñó a los niños pobres de las aldeas del cantón francés de Suiza.
Bruno Markward
A story about massive robbery from the safe of German railways set in 1946.
Melanio Altolaguirre
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.
Jürgens Vater
Eduard II
A biopic about Austrian composer Johann Strauß.
The young Chinese heir to millions in the USA is suddenly destitute. He takes out a life insurace policy on himself and assigns his former teacher to kill him.
Friedrich Wieck
A study of German 19th Century Romantic art through the writings and paintings of Carl David Friedrich and his fellow artist, Carl Gustav Carus.
Director Hüsgen
1942. The members of the Voß family, mother, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law, are living in a house at the river. A fellow soldier of son Paul, who fights at the eastern front, delivers his greetings and an embroidered Russian blouse for Emmi, Paul′s wife. Daughter Agnes, whose husband is also fighting in the war, receives a fur vest from the junior partner who is stalking her. Obviously, the vest is also loot from the eastern front. When the family receives news that Emmi′s husband has been killed in action, the war finally enters the house at the river. Emmi commits suicide while Agnes′s husband returns as a cripple from the war front. At home, he has to learn what a price his wife had to pay for the "Russian fur".
Dr. Hane
Amadeus Bergk
The plot revolves around three men waiting to be deported in a prison. To escape the monotony, they form chess pieces from their bread rations, with which they then play against each other. Grünstein, a Polish Jew, proves to be a real talent, because although he is a beginner, he manages to defeat even the experienced player Lodeck, a German sailor, with his "Grünstein Variant".
Wilhelm Heinse
This tragic love story relates ten decisive years in the life of the great Romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin, played by a young Ulrich Mühe.
Edgar Allan
A nihilistic art student meets the mysterious Edgar Allen at a coffee shop in Venice. The fascination for the older man soon turns into paranoia.
Dr. Boeblinger
Lydia Kowalenko is fired from the pharmaceutical company where she has worked for many years because she refused to help cover up the use of a dangerous chemical. Her daughter Katja, however, has no scruples and risks an operation which is more beneficial to her own medical research than to the convalescence of a young patient. Then Katja's only son dies after a car accident. Was he too the victim of a career-minded doctor?
When the ten-year-old Til and two of his friends are caught in heavy rains, they escape into a barn. They are not alone in there, however. A man whom they do not recognize is obviously stealing crop from the barn. When the friends investigate the matter, Tim discovers the terrible fact that the thief is his own father. Since he wants to keep his discovery a secret by all means, he sets his friends on the wrong track. Although Til is embarrassed and would like to know the reason for the thievery, he does not have the guts to take his father to task. Eventually, he breaks the secret to the coachman Paul. In the meantime, however, his friends have also found out about Til′s father and the case is revealed.
Friedrich Wieck
Narra la historia del compositor del siglo XIX Robert Schumann y su mujer pianista Clara Wieck, tormentoso matrimonio que fue destruido a causa de la fama y el poder de la música. Drama biográfico protagonizado por Herbert Grönemeyer, el cantante pop más famoso de Alemania.
Film by Bernhard Stephan.
Ein Guter Reiter
A young boy fantasizes his way to school into a battle between cowboys and Indians, where the bad guys want to steal some gold medals. Real events and fantasy interacts in his mind.
Verwalter Hopf
World War II is over and Heinrich, a young German boy, influenced by the Russians, starts to act according to Communist principles in a small German village.
Un ambicioso actor de teatro (Brandauer) no duda en concentrar todos sus esfuerzos en adular el nazismo con tal de lograr el éxito en su profesión. Llega incluso a casarse con la hija de un importante prohombre del régimen para poder medrar.
Lehrer Kirsche
Abdecker Froese
In a small village in West Prussia in the 1870s, Germans, Poles, Gypsies and Jews live together as neighbors. One night Johann, a German mill-owner, secretly opens the dam gates and floods the mill of his Jewish rival Levin. After his business is ruined and his calls for justice go unanswered, Levin leaves town.
A woman in her mid thirties drifts through Berlin on a Friday night then lazes around her apartment with her husband the next morning.
The years of the tsar’s adolescence and youth were permeated with deadly danger coming from some of the Boyars, the rebellious Streltsy and Tsarevna Sophia who aspired for power. But already at that early time Peter demonstrates a profound, bright intellect, a strong will and the sense of purpose, which help him disarm both his open and secret enemies.
Film by Bernhard Stephan.
Sabine Wulff is almost 18 when she is released from the juvenile detention center. She doesn't want to return to her unsupportive parents or to her former boyfriend Jimmy, who got her into trouble by persuading her to steal cigarettes. She instead chooses to begin an honest life by getting a job and renting her own room.
Lehrer Schütterow
10-year-old Kathy Montag moves to a big city in Brandenburg. Before that, she lived in the Harz Mountains together with her father Peter. Her mother has died a few years ago. The girl finds her new home very exciting, and since Kathy takes an interest in everything she encounters, she keeps finding herself in peculiar situations such as a brigade party or the shooting of a historical epic movie. Her classmates consider her an oddball and even her father is unhappy about his daughter′s development.
En vísperas de la guerra de los campesinos, el pintor Jörg Ratgeb está en busca de una figura de Cristo, y Jörg no puede encontrar a nadie que pueda cumplir este deseo. Rodeado de dudas, deja a su esposa e hijos en la búsqueda del camino de su modelo a seguir, Alberto Durero.
Graf Vegesack / Offizier / Baron / Gefangener
Der Runde
When Dr. Schmith's proposal for international research on infant mortality is rejected, he decides to leave East Germany and strikes a deal with an escape agency that promises him a leading position at a children's hospital in West Germany. But then the decision is reversed: the project is approved and his international colleagues want Dr. Schmith to head the GDR section. Moreover, he falls in love with his new colleague, Katharina. Schmith initially tries to ignore the arrangements he made with the escape agency, but they blackmail him. Things soon turn deadly...
Alexander Grey
At the end of the 19th century, German archaeologist Professor Bohmann is searching for the remains of the legendary island Atlantis. But he is not the only one who is trailing the myth. His adversary, the British scientist Sir Grey claims to have already found Atlantis. In different masks and guises, he sets cunning traps to keep off his adversary from finding Atlantis.
Jimmy Dexter
Ignaz Schuppanzigh
Vienna, 1813-1819: Beethoven (played by Donatas Banionis) is at the peak of his fame. Orchestras all over the world play his music, but he lives modestly and is dependent upon private patrons. Nagged by his patronizing brothers, spied upon by officials for his republican beliefs and faced by his progressive hearing loss, the composer becomes more and more isolated. Seeman’s poetic film explores the joys, heartbreak and artistic spirit of the great composer as he works on his Ninth Symphony.
Pfarrer Clark
Europe in 1793. For years, England and France have been at war with each other. Now, France sends three men to the British colony of Jamaica to organize a slave revolt. The envoys are Debuisson, the grandson of a Jamaican rum manufacturer, who knows the island very well, his old friend Sasportas, and the sailor Galloudec. After having established contact with the fragmented rebel groups, they receive the surprising news of Napoleon′s takeover in France. Whereas Debuisson, who by now has gotten used to his role as a rich heir, wants to wait for new instructions from home, his companions are determined to press ahead with the revolt. When a slave kills a British guard, the situation escalates.
Herr Mühlstädt
The five-part feature, based on the novel by Helmut Sakowski, focuses on the friendly but also rival relationship between Druskat and the self-righteous Max Stephan, an old pal with different attitudes towards life and socialism . Druskat came to Mecklenburg as a refugee after World War II, became an integral part of the community, but also repeatedly caused a stir. Since the death of his wife he lives only with his daughter Anja, although there were enough women who wanted to be with him. Now he´s chairman of the LPG, the "volutary" federation for agriculture and animal husbandry. One evening, two men from the public prosecutor's office come to pick him up. He seems prepared, but Anja doesn't know why. Her first way leads her to Max Stephan, LPG chairman in the neighboring village. She happened to be there during the last argument between them, Max threatened to literally destroy Daniel. Did he carry out this threat? In conversations with the villagers, she gradually learns the truth.
Robert Zimmermann
Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him.
Film by Horst E. Brandt.
Dieter Bellmann
The adventures of Kit Bellew and his friend Shorty during the gold fever at the end of the 19th century.
Rudolf II
Europe, 1620: The well-known astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, who teaches as a professor in Linz, receives the message that his mother is prosecuted as a witch in Württemberg. The truth behind the allegations is rather simple: His mother has been denunciated by a former friend after an argument with the authorities. Kepler tries desperately to convince the prosecutors of the absurdity of their allegations with rational arguments.
Due to his profession, Fred, an easy-going and charming long-haul truck-driver, sees a lot of the world. Along his routes he enjoys the company of a lot of girlfriends who sweeten his spare time. One day, he suffers an accident in Prague which puts his co-driver Orje out of action. The beautiful Hungarian Jana persuades him to make her his new co-driver and does her utmost to take care of the stressful job. The more time the uneven couple spends on the road together, the more Jana feels attracted to Fred.
Meister Hans Röckle
Hans Röckle is a puppeteer, inventor, blacksmith and more. He is challenged by the Devil (in almost a dozen fancy costumes) who offers him even more inventiveness, against his soul should he ever make money with an invention, build something twice, or cease inventing for 7*7 hours.
Captain Burton
This rather unconventional Western movie is set in the middle of the 19th century in Arizona. The film portrays an Indian tribe, the Mimbreno Appacheans, who are celebrating their Thanksgiving, building an irrigation plant, carrying on commerce, and trying to settle down in a rather constricted territory. But the confrontation with the white Americans changes their situation as the mercantile "gentlemen" want to prevent the Indian tribe to become independent from the white men′s business practices. Thus, they destroy the irrigation plant and chase the Indian tribe in an inhospitable territory where they cannot survive. Led by their chief Ulzana, the Appacheans thus start a bitter fight to preserve their habitat.
Onkel Carlo
At the textile company, everyone appreciates the work of 18-year-old Susanne, but nobody really considers her a woman—including Lutz, with whom she is in love. She sets about to make a change, but it is only when she realizes that she is being taken advantage of that a more self-confident Susanne emerges.
In this film, Wolf and scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase explore the role of art and the artist in socialist society. A sculptor questions the reception and value of his work, in a delicately nuanced narrative interweaving personal memories, historical dilemmas, and political defeats.
Uwe Polzin, a highly talented biologist publicly stands the defence of his doctorate and this crucial day prompts him to look back on his life so far. These reminiscences are not altogether positive and he and his family still face almost unsolvable problems. For; while Ruth, Uwe's sister, consciously goes without family life and private happiness in order to devote herself fully to her vocation as a doctor; he tries to reconcile career and family. He has found in Alla, his wife - an interpreter - not only a truly loving partner but also someone who shares his basic view of life. Still, their marriage is undergoing a crisis. Uwe's job has become so demanding that he expects her to cope with a great deal of domestic problems. Alla senses that her husband is exploiting her love towards him and that he expects her only to make sacrifices for him. This is why she is contemplating divorce.
This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.
Érase una vez una hermosa y bondadosa joven llamada Cenicienta, a quien su cruel madrastra y sus dos hermanastras obligaban a ocuparse de las labores más duras de la casa, como si fuera la última de las criadas. Un día halla tres avellanas mágicas, que le concederán tres deseos...
Ritter Götz von Bredow
The twelve-year old Susanne is a dreamer and feels misunderstood by her classmates. She pours out her heart to an old lock keeper, who understands her well. He gives her a ring, which has the ability to help its owner. Susanne believes greatly in its magic power. Some wishes actually come true but others fail.
Captain Burton
Durante la guerra mexicana de 1846-1848, un grupo de exploradores estadounidenses descubre un yacimiento de metales preciosos en la reserva apache de Mimbreno. Deciden, por lo tanto, anexionarse el territorio a los Estados Unidos, exterminando para ello a todos los indios. Pero el joven guerrero Ulzana buscará venganza.
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.
Olo Tal
Ocho naves espaciales desaparecen en las cercanía de la estación espacial Margot. La profesora Maria Scholl junto con el consejo mayor ordena la prohibición de vuelo al resto de naves espaciales.Sin embargo, una nave escapa de la Tierra y se pierde la comunicación con la nave espacial.
Josef Barody
Werner W. Bergmann
After meeting the woman on the train Erwin Retzmann kills her in the forest.
König Karl IV.
As a painter in the court of King Carlos IV, Goya has attained wealth and reputation. He believes in King and Church, yet he is also a Spaniard who dearly loves his people. This contradiction presents him with a dilemma.
In his daydreams, 15-year old Otto is a real hero who masters dangerous situations by the dozen. But in reality, the rather imaginative ninth grader has trouble moving up to the next grade. Fortunately, his teacher Nickel notices that Otto does not lack intelligence, but the ability to use his imagination for the requirements of everyday school life. Together with school director Menschke, Nickel tries to change Otto’s attitude. Although this is easier said than done, Otto eventually realizes that he has to try to build his cloud-castles only after school has ended. And his teacher is going to support him in his attempts.
At the end of the 19th century, the Wyoming Oil Company has established itself in the vicinity of Wind River City at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where they have been illegally pumping oil from Native American territory. One of the company's greedy agents, Mike Allison, kicks out both his white partners and the Native Americans. He has his some of his associates secretly murdered and blames it on the Native Americans, who are then killed when they get in the way of his plans. Five chiefs with lifelong shares in the Oil Company die mysteriously as a result. The young chief Shave Head asks his a half-blooded brother Chris Howard for help.
James Besham
Farsighted Falcon, chief of the Lakota, seeks refuge in the Black Hills with his wife Blue Hair and two warriors, sole survivors of their tribe. When they are attacked by the outlaw Bashan, Falcon strikes out for the town of Tanglewood to take on Bashan's boss, mining magnate Harrington.
Herr Kranepuhl
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the order to investigate the backgrounds of this mysterious case. Although the leads point to murder, head physician Dr. Nikolai, the driver of the car involved in the accident, maintains his innocence and even has an alibi. With a lot of arduous detail work, Kreutzer follows all leads and evidence. Both Nikolai’s colleagues and his son act suspiciously. Eventually, Kreutzer convicts the criminal who secretly used the physician’s car for his criminal dealings.
London in 1856. Karl Marx is living in exile in the British capital. One day, "Mohr", as Marx is called by his friends, meets the 13-year old worker′s son Joe. The boy works every day for twelve hours in a spinning mill and even has to work night shifts although that violates current rules. Marx tries to end the illegal activities of the spinning mill owner and one night shows up at the mill together with an inspector. But his foray is undermined by a robbery by the rebellious raven gang that is led by Joe′s brother Billy. The spinning mill owner of course takes this chance to blame his young workers for the theft. But Marx is not let astray and does not stop to fight against child labour. Furthermore, he tries to get the members of the raven gang back on the straight and narrow – with success.
Reitender Bote
A Saxon village in 1792: While the Prussians go against France, the haymaking takes place in the village and the resolute Marthe catches her daughter Ev with the village blacksmith Ruprecht in the hay.
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
In the latter half of the 19th century, gold is discovered in the Black Hills, sacred land of the Lakota people. Gold diggers, profiteers and adventurers flock to the region. Among them is the hard-hearted land speculator Bludgeon, who tries to expel the Lakota using brutal methods. Lakota warriors retaliate, and soon the gold diggers' town becomes a battlefield.
Etappenmajor Behring
Gregor is a young soldier entering Germany with the victorious Soviet troops at the end of WWII. But he is also the child of left-wing Germans who fled from Hitler and spent the war in the Soviet Union. As a result, his return to Germany is ambivalent; he finds he is a stranger in his own land. As they enter Germany, Gregor begins to realize that he is different from all his comrades in arms, for this defeated land is his home country, the Germans he meets are his compatriots. He is a victor, but also one of the vanquished. He attempts to understand the Germans he meets along his way, but he is a 19-year-old: inquisitive, occasionally uncomprehending and repeatedly dismayed by the atrocities and lies he encounters.
Hans Müller finds himself on a trip in Thüringen, accompanied by his loving female friend, Moritz. Hans doesn't understand much about trust, which constantly leads to problems between the two of them. During one of their fights, Lady Venus intervenes and sends the young man back to the Middle Ages - so he can learn the true meaning of love. Disguised as Tannhäuser, he has to stand his ground against a horde of minstrels. At a singing competition, he blunders, without the support of Moritz, who had also been thrown back into the 13th century. And with the help of Frau Venus, his adventure will surely turn out even worse...
In 1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer Becher arrives in Budapest in order to obtain material for the Waffen-SS. At the same time, he starts to gather private property by offering an insidious choice to the corporation′s Jewish majority shareholder, Dr. Chorin: Either Chorin assigns the company to Becker "on his own free will" – thereby obtaining the permission to travel abroad - or he his family will end up in an extermination camp.
After the death of their father, 18-year-old Helene Raupe (“coccoon”) and her younger sister Asta come under the guardianship of the youth welfare office in East Berlin. Helene fails miserably as a fishmonger, fashion assistant and bus conductor, all jobs ordained for her by the authorities. The young woman really only “emerges” in her fantasies, where she can escape from her dull, normal life.
Lehrer Eiffler
An idealistic teacher is shocked to discover her pupils are already cynical and opportunistic. Her colleague soon grows resentful when she uses new and challenging techniques to help her students overcome obstacles.
Rudi Wiesen
Was it an act of sabotage or willful negligence? The non-party engineer Heinz Solter is suddenly arrested and accused of approving a defective pipeline that caused a half million loss to his company. At first, the case seems clear-cut for the state prosecutor, but when he probes deeper, he discovers that Solter had acted against his better judgment due to the pressure from his career-driven and authoritarian boss.
Lehrer Klein
In 1945, Ernst Machner returns home from the war in his mid-20s. Tuche would like him to weave for a living, but his comrades persuade him to become a young teacher instead.
This is part one of a two-part biopic about Karl Liebknecht. In 1914, Germany is arming itself for war. Karl Liebknecht, left-wing revolutionary Social Democrat, workers’ leader and a virulent antimilitarist, is one among 110 SPD members of Parliament who vote against approving war loans. From then on, he is considered un-German and a traitor to the fatherland, and his own party’s leadership turns against him. Despite threats, Liebknecht speaks up against the war and writes the manifesto “The Main Enemy Is at Home.” Even when he is arrested and charged with treason, he does not surrender.
Ella Conradi, a dedicated journalist from Germany, is in Jerusalem to report about the trial against the Nazi criminal Eichmann. Disgusted by the monstrosities that are revealed, she eventually returns to Germany. There, she wants to cover common cases and trials again. Her first assignment is a murder trial against a man called Ralf Jordan who constantly maintains his innocence. Conradi, who believes Jordan and wants to help him, starts to investigate the case - and thus opens up a political can of worms. The backgrounds of the case reach back to the Nazi period and involve officials of the Third Reich, who in the meantime have returned to their powerful positions.