Rabbit Meat telss the story of Edy, a shy bodybuilder who is trying to find a girlfriend.
Mircea has a 15-year-old daughter whose boyfriend is invited to dine with the family. He arrives early and they go to her bedroom. While watching TV, Mircea can hear his daughter moaning from her room. The dinner starts and Mircea finds out that the boyfriend supports a different football team.
Hace diez años en las montañas de Colorado, un niña fue testigo del asesinato de su familia por un grupo de hombres sedientos del secreto que portaban en su sangre. Su única salvación fue internarse en los bosques y transformándose en algo que estos hombres nunca pudieran encontrar...un lobo. En el presente, Vivian vive muy lejos del lugar de los hechos, ocupando su tiempo entre su trabajo en una chocolatería, y las fiestas en los clubes nocturnos de la ciudad. Además, Vivian intentará ocultar su parte más animal viviendo en una sociedad secreta de hombres lobos. Un día deberá elegir entre el amor de un humano o su familia después de que un americano amenace con desvelar su secreto.
When his credit card has just been swallowed by distributor Bruno Lussac, State Inspector Débé crosses the limits of home ethics when he learns that he has just been banned from banking. Disguised as a Southerner for a costume party where he was supposed to arrest drug dealers, he lures his colleagues into robbing a bank; he causes a bloodbath but comes out victorious of this heist. For his accomplices, the informant, and pretty peacekeeper Cécile Barko, known as Cyborg, this is the start of a crazy run.
For Josh Kirby, time is one big banana peel. Just as he's whooshing safely into hypertime, he takes a cosmic header and ends u in a bizarre place called Toyworld. The odds against Josh being relocated by his far-off crew: exactly 5,487,603 to 1. The odds that pursuing mad metalhead Dr. Zoetrope will find him are... Sorry, Josh, it's a slam dunk. But Josh has allies. The lifelike toy creations of fuddy-duddy tinkerer rally to his cause.