Ray Bradbury
Nacimiento : 1920-08-22, Waukegan, Illinois, U.S.
Muerte : 2012-06-05
Ray Douglas Bradbury (Waukegan, Illinois, 22 de agosto de 1920 - Los Ángeles, California, 5 de junio de 2012) fue un escritor estadounidense de misterio del género fantástico, terror y ciencia ficción. Principalmente conocido por su obra Crónicas marcianas (1950) y la novela distópica Fahrenheit 451 (1953).
Bradbury nació el 22 de agosto de 1920 en Waukegan, hijo de Leonard Spaulding Bradbury y de Esther Moberg. Su familia se mudó varias veces desde su lugar de origen hasta establecerse finalmente en Los Ángeles, California, en 1934. A partir de entonces, Bradbury fue un ávido lector, como durante toda su juventud, además de un escritor aficionado. Se graduó de Los Angeles High School en 1938, pero no pudo asistir a la universidad por razones económicas. Para ganarse la vida, comenzó a vender periódicos de 1938 a 1942. Además, se propuso formarse de manera autodidacta pasando la mayor parte de su tiempo en la biblioteca leyendo libros y, en ese mismo momento, comenzó a realizar sus primeros cuentos. Sus trabajos iniciales los vendió a revistas, y así, a comienzos de 1940, algunos de estos fueron compilados en Dark Carnival en 1947. Finalmente, se estableció en California, donde continuó su producción hasta su fallecimiento.
Ha escrito cuentos y novelas de diversos géneros desde el policial hasta el realista y costumbrista, pero se le conoce como escritor de ciencia ficción por Crónicas marcianas (1950) que relata sobre los seis primeros viajes hacia Marte y su posterior colonización. También trabajó como argumentista y guionista en numerosas películas y series de televisión, entre las que cabe destacar su colaboración con John Huston en la adaptación de Moby Dick para la película homónima que este dirigió en 1956. Además ha escrito poemas y ensayos.
Existe un asteroide llamado (9766) Bradbury en su honor.
En 1947, se casó con Marguerite McClure (1922–2003), con quien tuvo cuatro hijos.
Murió el 5 de junio de 2012 a la edad de 91 años en Los Ángeles, California. A petición suya, su lápida funeraria, en el Cementerio Westwood Village Memorial Park, lleva el epitafio: «Autor de Fahrenheit 451»
Michael B. Jordan y Michael Shannon protagonizan esta adaptación de HBO de la clásica novela distópica de Ray Bradbury, desarrollada en un futuro aterradoramente verosímil donde los libros se queman, la historia se borra y la disconformidad es ilegal.
There’s only one person who so accurately personifies movie magic in the history of film, and that man is special effects maestro Ray Harryhausen. Focusing on the man behind the landmark effects on films like Clash Of The Titans, One Million Years B.C., Jason And The Argonauts and many more, this in-depth film features interviews with the great man himself, and with an array of animators and directors influenced by his work including Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, Nick Park, Terry Gilliam, James Cameron and Steven Spielberg. The film also features unseen footage of tests and experiments recently uncovered.
Director Mark Wexler embarks on a worldwide trek to investigate just what it means to grow old and what it could mean to really live forever. But whose advice should he take? Does 94-year-old exercise guru Jack LaLanne have all the answers, or does Buster, a 101-year-old chain-smoking, beer-drinking marathoner? What about futurist Ray Kurzweil, a laughter yoga expert, or an elder porn star? Wexler explores the viewpoints of delightfully unusual characters alongside those of health, fitness and life-extension experts in this engaging new documentary, which challenges our notions of youth and aging with comic poignancy. Begun as a study in life-extension, How To Live Forever evolves into a thought-provoking examination of what truly gives life meaning.
A documentary about one of the most influential science fiction writers of the 1950s and 1960s. Charles Beaumont was responsible for penning some of the most memorable Twilight Zone episodes before his untimely death at age 38.
La épica historia de cómo la película «La Reina de África» (1951), dirigida por John Huston y protagonizada por Humphrey Bogart y Katharine Hepburn, fue rodada en localizaciones africanas reales, superando a duras penas todo tipo de dificultades y desastres.
As our world suffers the ravages of humankind, scientists look for ways to sustain life. When one of them falls ill and a chrysalis forms around him, a tug of war ensues about the future of the stricken scientist.
Famous Monster takes a fast-paced, colorful look at the life of science fiction's greatest fan - Forrest J. Ackerman, whose 85 year love affair with the genre helped bring it into the mainstream and shape the way we view science fiction today.
A documentary about the life and faith of C.S. Lewis and his inspiration for the Chronicles of Narnia, only available on the 4-disc extended edition DVD of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Legendary all-stars of cinema bring to life the evolution of science-fiction and special effects films from the wild and funny days of B-movies to blockbusters that have captured the world's imagination. This is the story of the Sci-Fi Boys, who started out as kids making amateur movies inspired by Forrest J Ackerman's FAMOUS MONSTERS magazine and grew up to take Hollywood by storm, inventing the art and technology for filming anything the mind can dream.
En el año 2054 los viajes en el tiempo son una realidad. La patente de la nueva tecnología la tiene una empresa al frente de la cual está Charles Hatton (Ben Kingsley), que ha organizado safaris para cazar dinosaurios prehistóricos. Travis Ryan (Edward Burns), como jefe de la expedición, es el encargado de la seguridad de los viajeros. Sin embargo, jugar con el tiempo es muy peligroso y el más mínimo error puede tener consecuencias devastadoras en el presente. Ryan y la doctora Sonia Rand (Catherine McCormack) tendrán que enfrentarse a toda suerte de peligros para sobrevivir y para evitar alteraciones del presente.
With his magazine Hugh Hefner changed the face of publishing, combining titillation with hard-edged reporting and serving up nudity with taste. His swinging bachelor ways also made him an icon for the straight males for whom his publication was tailor-made. Join Richard Kiley in this documentary about the quintessential ladies' man. Includes footage, photos and interviews with Camille Paglia, Mel Torme, Tony Curtis and more.
A documentary directed by Laurent Bouzereau.
Self (uncredited)
A look at the parallel lives of Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler and how they crossed with the creation of the film “The Great Dictator,” released in 1940.
A documentary on The Fly
Lon Chaney, the silent movie star and makeup artist, renowned for his various characterizations and celebrated for his horror films, becomes the subject of this documentary.
A look at Tarzan on the big and small screen with interviews with some of those who have played him.
Self - Interviewee
Documental sobre el cine de terror de la Universal.
Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.
Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.
Theatre Play
Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.
Escrito y dirigido por el prestigioso historiador y documentalista Richard Schickel, “Las crónicas de Harryhausen” es un tributo a la obra del gurú de los FX. Desde su aprendizaje en “El gran gorila” hasta su trabajo final en “Furia de titanes”, este documental recorre la carrera de Ray Harryhausen, sus influencias, sus primeros trabajos, sus grandes éxitos, sus proyectos inconclusos y entrevistas con amigos y admiradores. Incluye además metraje nunca antes visto, que lo convierte en un documento indispensable para los admiradores de uno de los más meticulosos creadores de fantasías del cine.
American Documentary, narrated by Christopher Lee
Aliens crashland near a small desert town, strewing odd bluish-glowing rocks throughout the area. Townfolk notice something is amiss when temperatures begin to soar, water disappears, power goes down and people seem not to be themselves.
BBC 2 produced this documentary on the Oz books of L. Frank Baum and the films and fantasies that they inspired, particularly the first book `The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'. Includes clips from the several silent film versions of the stories produced by Baum that have survived as well as the 1939 film with Judy Garland, and interviews with such enthusiasts as Salman Rushdie, Gore Vidal, Ray Bradbury, Geoffrey Ryman and Nora Ephron.
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
Narrator (Voice)
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
Forrest J. Ackerman styles himself as the number-one fan of science fiction and horror movies, and he has the collection to back it up: more than 350,000 books, publicity stills, lobby cards, props, posters and paintings related to his obsession.
Collection of commercials on VHS tape included with the CD box set, "The Tip of the Freberg." Also includes a video for the single "The Conspiraski Theory."
El pequeño Nemo es un niño que no para de tener sueños en los cuales se ve inmerso en un reino de fantasía. Tal vez por ello, es invitado por el rey Morfeo a ser su príncipe heredero en el Mundo de los Sueños.
Russian adaptation of Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles"
A young paraplegic wants to escape the bonds of gravity by going into outer space.
Adaptation of three short stories by Ray Bradbury. An atmosphere of hostility forms inside an unnamed city, and the citizens are unsettled by the materialization of ghosts and the memories of their loved ones.
Original Story
Agata is badly ill and nobody knows how to cure her. No doctor can help. Friends of Agata learn, that she is ill, because all children have Grannies but Agata does not. They go to the shop "Electronic Granny" and beg the dealer to sell them one Electronic Granny. The dealer warns them, that her electronic circuits are very sensitive - and this Granny will only work if loved. Agata get healthy and plays with her new Granny and other friends. Granny can invite new games and even fly with all children to the Moon. But later due to the jealousy and bad heabits children forget that they must love Granny, they begin to treat her just as a robot that "must do what they ask". As a result Granny dies. To resurect her Agata and friends must get off their ambitions, rudeness, jealousy and again become loving, cheerful and kind.
A promotional piece for the Disney film "Return to Oz", that also traces the history of the Oz books and films.
Among the legends of Hollywood, George Pal takes his place as a true visionary, an innovator and a showman who profoundly shaped the art of motion pictures. A peer of Walt Disney, Pal pioneered stop motion animation and went on to virtually invent the modern science fiction and fantasy film genres. Pal's extraordinary genius molded a dazzling array of films, which earned an incredible total of eight Academy Awards and left a cinematic legacy that served as formative inspiration for the movies of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Gene Roddenberry.
Original Story
In this animated short based on a short story from Ray Bradbury, the viewer observes a computer-controlled house in the near future and learns of the fates of its occupants.
En un planeta lejano, los descendientes de una nave espacial estrellada son sometidos a fuerzas misteriosas propias del planeta, que les causa envejecer y morir en tan sólo ocho días. Todo su ciclo vital sucede aceleradamente en ese corto tiempo. También tienen que vivir en cuevas para protegerse del frío polar de la noche y el calor mortal del día. Un joven está decidido a encontrar el camino de regreso a la nave que los llevó allí. Basado libremente en la novela corta "Hielo y Fuego" de Ray Bradbury.
Principios del siglo XX. A una pequeña ciudad americana llega una misteriosa compañía de cómicos ambulantes, pero dos niños descubrirán el oscuro y peligroso secreto que se oculta tras una fachada de diversión y alegría.
Principios del siglo XX. A una pequeña ciudad americana llega una misteriosa compañía de cómicos ambulantes, pero dos niños descubrirán el oscuro y peligroso secreto que se oculta tras una fachada de diversión y alegría.
Documentary about the life and work of Ray Harryhausen.
To a family whose children are traumatized by the death of their mother, help comes in a most bizarre way. They receive three pieces, that when joined together, give a recording for an offer for an electric grandmother. They go to a bizarre factory, where they customize their new grandmother, and within a short time, she arrives. The android is equipped with everything needed as a parent and the boys are charmed. The daughter, however, still misses her mother and she bears no welcome for this interloper.
To a family whose children are traumatized by the death of their mother, help comes in a most bizarre way. They receive three pieces, that when joined together, give a recording for an offer for an electric grandmother. They go to a bizarre factory, where they customize their new grandmother, and within a short time, she arrives. The android is equipped with everything needed as a parent and the boys are charmed. The daughter, however, still misses her mother and she bears no welcome for this interloper.
Based on the story by Ray Bradbury. Set on a planet where the sun shines for just a few minutes once every nine years, this is a classic tale of suffering and forgiveness. A classroom full of young children are excited to hear that today the rain will stop. However, they are also resentful of a new classmate from Earth who remembers what it's like to see the sun. "This gripping, unsettling production softens the original story’s abrupt conclusion without diminishing its punch. A masterful work." - Booklist. Winner of a CINE Golden Eagle, and honored by Instructor Magazine as one of the 25 Best Films of the Year.
Literary Party Guest
Estados Unidos, años 40. Merry Noel (Bergen) y Liz Hamilton (Bisset), íntimas amigas desde el colegio, donde habían sellado un pacto de fidelidad, se separan cuando Merry se casa. Veinte años después, Merry, prototipo de mujer burguesa, madre y ama de casa, se ha convertido en una popular escritora de best-sellers. Liz, en cambio, como escritora de carácter intelectual, no goza de la misma popularidad. Aprovechando una gira por California, Liz visita a Merry, que parece feliz dentro de un ambiente frívolo y superficial. El reencuentro sacará a relucir lo que ambas han cambiado durante todo ese tiempo.
The Hadley's new house does everything for them - it cooks, does the housework, reads to them, even comforts them. The playroom brings the Hadley children's fantasies to life in full color, three dimensions and odorphonics. However, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley are increasingly terrified by the images and sounds of the the African Veldt.
For fans of science, both fact and fiction, this special provides a fascinating look into the future of space travel with topics ranging from lunar colonies to intergalactic travel. Hosted by acclaimed science fiction writer Ray Bradbury with an appearance from Isaac Asimov, the program presents a look at both the future of space exploration and what the U.S. of late seventies thought about that future.
Creative Consultant
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who seem to want her for some nefarious purpose. When people around her start dying, she realizes she is not dreaming.
Short Story
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
Strange things start to happen when Mr Dark's Pandemonium Carnival arrives in Greentown.
A San Francisco couple travels to France in search of Pablo Picasso.
A San Francisco couple travels to France in search of Pablo Picasso.
Short Story
EE.UU. En la época de la Gran Depresión, miles de vagabundos y parados se dirigen a California con la esperanza de encontrar un trabajo que les permita sobrevivir. Un joven conoce a un hombre con el cuerpo lleno de tatuajes (el Hombre Ilustrado) que anda buscando a la mujer que se los hizo porque, en el fondo, son una maldición: cada uno de ellos tiene la propiedad de contar una historia terrible.
Sátira en torno a los movimientos revolucionarios de finales de los años sesenta y el conflicto entre lo viejo y lo nuevo. Basada en cuentos de Ray Bradbury.
En el futuro, el gobierno mantiene el control de la opinión pública proscribiendo la literatura y manteniendo un grupo de ejecutores, conocidos como «bomberos», para realizar las necesarias quemas de libros. El bombero Montag comienza a cuestionar la moralidad de su vocación…
The film focuses on the thoughts inside the head of a man, an astronaut scheduled to go to the Moon. As he ponders the flight, he laments having an “ordinary” name he fears will not resonate throughout history. His thoughts lead him to consider some of the pioneers of flight-Icarus and his wings, the Montgolfier brothers and their balloon and the Wright brothers and heavier than air flight. (IMDb)
The film focuses on the thoughts inside the head of a man, an astronaut scheduled to go to the Moon. As he ponders the flight, he laments having an “ordinary” name he fears will not resonate throughout history. His thoughts lead him to consider some of the pioneers of flight-Icarus and his wings, the Montgolfier brothers and their balloon and the Wright brothers and heavier than air flight. (IMDb)
Nueva adaptación de la novela homónima de Herman Melville. Ahab, el capitán del Pequod, un barco ballenero, vive obsesionado por dar caza a Moby Dick, la gran ballena blanca que le arrancó una pierna y lo llenó de odio y sed de venganza. Por esta razón, consagra su vida a navegar incansablemente por los siete mares con el fin de capturar a su presa.
Short Story
La explosión controlada de una bomba atómica en el Círculo Polar Ártico despierta a un dinosaurio congelado que causará estragos en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Un astrónomo aficionado, John Putnam, y su prometida Eilen Fields contemplan las estrellas en el desierto cuando una nave espacial atraviesa el cielo y choca contra el suelo. Justo antes de que un corrimiento de tierras entierre la nave, una misteriosa criatura emerge y desaparece en la oscuridad. Por supuesto, cuando Putnam cuenta la historia al sheriff, nadie le cree, pero pronto empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas.
Short Story
An adaptation of Ray Bradbury's 1984 science-fiction story "The Toynbee Convector," about a reporter sent to interview a 130-year-old man who claims to be a time-traveler.
Follows Tom and his schoolmates who begin to investigate the strange happenings in their small town on Halloween night. Their friend Pip is abducted by a powerful demon from the Land of the Dead. With the help of an unlikely ally, a mysterious figure named Moundshroud, Tom and his pals must journey into the Land of the Dead to save their friend.