Jesse Armstrong

Nacimiento : , Oswestry, Shropshire, England, UK


The lives of the Roy family as they contemplate their future once their aging father begins to step back from the media and entertainment conglomerate they control.
Un desastre de altura (Downhill)
Apenas escapando de una avalancha durante unas vacaciones familiares de esquí en los Alpes, una pareja casada se ve desarreglada cuando se ven obligados a reevaluar sus vidas y cómo se sienten el uno con el otro.
El día llegará
Moses Al Shabaz, un predicador de Miami que está al borde de perder el poco dinero que le queda, recibe una oferta económica para salvar a su familia del desahucio. No sabe que tras el dinero se esconde la mano del FBI, que planea emplearle como cabeza de turco por proclamar ideas revolucionarias en las zonas más castigadas por la pobreza de Miami.
Bad Sugar
A dysfunctional, wealthy mining dynasty, with an ailing patriarch and some greedy siblings. A peculiarly British take on telenovela style melodramas, played for laughs.
Four Lions
Omar (Ahmed), un musulmán radical de nacionalidad inglesa, ha creado una célula terrorista de la que forman parte su hermano Waj (Novak), un muchacho muy simple, Barry (Lindsay), un extremista que odia a los blancos, y Fessal (Akhtar), un aprensivo fabricante de bombas. Mientras que Omar y Waj están en Pakistán en un campo de entrenamiento mujaidín, Barry recluta a Hassan (Alí), un aspirante a rapero. Cuando Omar regresa a Gran Bretaña, trae consigo un plan: un ataque suicida con bomba contra un objetivo occidental insólito.
In the loop
Todo empieza cuando el presidente de los Estados Unidos y el primer ministro británico deciden iniciar una guerra. No todo el mundo cree que sea una buena idea. Pero cuando Simon Foster, el secretario de Estado británico, respalda accidentalmente la guerra en horario de máxima audiencia en la televisión, se gana sin quererlo muchos amigos en Washington DC.
Spinners and Losers
Peter Mannion's speech on immigration, leaking the PM's policy, did not have the effect Tucker desired and now the PM is resigning, leaving the way clear for the Nutters and their leader Tom. Ollie has been promised a job by young Nutter Ben Swain, Tucker's assistant has encouraged Hugh's predecessor Cliff to stand as a stalking horse and Glenn is keen to keep Hugh in the frame whilst his boss is in Australia. Fortunately Tom has a dark secret which is just what Tucker is looking for but will it be enough?
The Rise of the Nutters
With Hugh in Australia and Glenn in Wales, Ollie is left in charge, feeding policies to junior minister Ben Swain. He is one of the 'Nutters', the group keen to take power when the P.M. resigns and keen to make a name for himself - which he does in the wrong sense when Jeremy Paxman skewers him on 'Newsnight'. This is music to Tucker's ears as it is in his interest for the P.M. to remain in power for as long as he can. Ollie's new girlfriend Emma is working for Shadow Minister Peter Mannion and hopes to impress by stealing one of Ollie's idea for use on their immigration policy though things do not go fully to plan.
A pair of rivaling stage magicians are forced to confront their falling out over a guillotine mishap when they compete in a magic competition.
A pair of rivaling stage magicians are forced to confront their falling out over a guillotine mishap when they compete in a magic competition.
A pair of rivaling stage magicians are forced to confront their falling out over a guillotine mishap when they compete in a magic competition.
A coddled kid takes off for NYC where he joins forces with an old friend to produce a terrible Broadway play
A coddled kid takes off for NYC where he joins forces with an old friend to produce a terrible Broadway play