A medida que avanza la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los aliados están a punto de expulsar a los nazis de África del Norte. Es entonces cuando los nazis suben la temperatura, desatando su arma secreta: ¡DRAGONES! Los aliados pierden terreno rápidamente ante el antiguo monstruo, y están cerca de la aniquilación completa cuando los Aliados forman un grupo de pilotos de combate especiales, especialmente entrenados para luchar contra una bestia que todos creían que era un mito.
"Slip" is the story of Sarah, a young woman who witnessed her mother's murder as a child. Now grown, Sarah is haunted by her mother's memory, her restless soul, opening a gateway for the spirits of the recently departed. Sarah is compelled to do their bidding so their souls may rest in peace. One of these souls leads her to Cal, a young car thief who is one car away from going legit. Unfortunately, Cal is wrongfully accused of stealing from his partners and now they want him dead.Sarah, drawn by the spirit of Cal's murdered nephew, becomes an avenging angel, awakening a dark spirit of her past while risking all to save a total stranger. Now in a race for their lives as well as their souls, Cal and Sarah soon discover that there are far more fearsome things than men with guns.
Jerome Platz (Max Minghella), un joven artista de gran talento, se escapa del instituto para ir a una modesta escuela de arte de la Costa Este. Allí sueña con llegar a ser como Picasso, el artista más importante del mundo. Pero, por desgracia, la belleza y el valor artístico de los retratos de Jerome no son debidamente apreciados.