Katy Karrenbauer

Katy Karrenbauer

Nacimiento : 1962-12-31, Duisburg, Germany


Katy Karrenbauer
Katy Karrenbauer


Stand up! Was bleibt, wenn alles weg ist
Die Passion
Sie Selbst
Solidarity, peace, and brotherly love – especially in difficult times. The passion stands for values and has fascinated people for over 2000 years already. Now, Jesus Christ gets resurrected once again in ‘Die Passion’ (The Passion): During the RTL live music event, he awakes in modern times – accompanied by real pop hits. The modern depiction of the final days in the life of Jesus Christ is enacted in ‘Die Passion’ by an array of popular stars of the worlds of acting and music.
Under ConTroll
Helga Wolf
During building work in the city of Baden-Baden in 2015, an evil troll who was transformed into stone in the 15th century, is accidentally brought back to life. To prevent being unmasked, the Troll slips into the body of Vanessa and enslaves her. Vanessa Troll then goes looking for Charlie, the virgin boyfriend of Vanessa's daughter, as The Troll needs his blood to evoke a portal to a magical prison. Will the Troll's plans find success?
Kartoffelsalat 3 - Das Musical
Frau Wilkens
Mia has an idea for a musical. The best thing is that this idea is to save the Leo Weiß School from the impending closure. But the "potato salad" staging about the past zombie apocalypse causes great confusion.
Goblin 2
After 700 years, an evil troll awakes in Baden-Baden to new life. In the form of a woman, he tries to free his demonic companions from a other dimension.
Goblin 2
Helga Wolf
After 700 years, an evil troll awakes in Baden-Baden to new life. In the form of a woman, he tries to free his demonic companions from a other dimension.
Lars, a male nurse from Saarbrücken, moves to Berlin with his lover, Roland. They begin to renovate an apartment and their happiness seems almost complete. What Roland doesn’t know is that, while secretly checking out Berlin’s night life, Lars is also experimenting with a deadly poison.
A plastic surgeon publishes an ad searching for a slave. Even if he meant it in an ironic way and is really looking for a housemaid, a lot of SM-subs are showing up in front of his house the next day...
Das Joshua-Profil
Frau Pfeiffer
The unsuccessful writer Max Rhode is a law-abiding citizen. But what Max doesn't know yet: In a few days he will commit a crime so horrific that it is hard to imagine for a human being.
Dr. Dorothea Lehberger
Die Spezialisten: Flowerpower
Dr. Dorothea Lehberger
The IEK team investigates the corpse of 1970s-disappeared flower girl Monika Rothmann, both burned and suffocated as drowned. She was believed to have abandoned husband Herbert and daughter Anja without a trace, but it turns out she started a new life as a political and environmental activist, yielding potential motives and suspects, but also an adulterous affair.
Dr. Dorothea Lehberger
The White Snake
Weiße Schlange (voice)
Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden bowl. No-one knows what the bowl contains, not even Princess Leonora. When the queen's ring goes missing, suspicion falls on Endres.
Potato Salad: Don't Ask!
Frau Wilkens
When a deadly zombie virus infects a school in Germany it remains on the student Leo to save the world.
Tough Love
Andys Mutter
Half documentary, half docu-drama about a German karate champion, who used to be a successful pimp...
Vergrabene Stimmen
Plastic - Schönheit hat ihren Preis
El atlas de las nubes
El atlas de las nubes es una novela que da la vuelta al mundo y recorre desde el siglo XIX hasta un futuro apocalíptico, a través de seis historias entrelazadas. El relato se abre en 1850 con el regreso del notario estadounidense Adam Ewing desde las islas Chatham a su California natal. Durante el viaje, Ewing traba amistad con un médico, el doctor Goose, que comienza a tratarle de una extraña enfermedad causada por un parásito cerebral... Repentinamente, la acción se traslada a 1931 en Bélgica, donde Robert Frobisher, un compositor bisexual que ha sido desheredado, se introduce en el hogar de un artista enfermizo, su seductora esposa y su núbil hija... De ahí saltamos a la Costa Oeste en la década de los setenta, cuando Luisa Rey destapa una red de avaricia y crimen que pone en peligro su vida... Y, del mismo modo, con idéntica maestría, viajamos a la ignominiosa Inglaterra de nuestros días.
A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.
Lise / Magnus Mutter
C.i.S.: Chaoten im Sondereinsatz
Lukas Maler is a butcher. Albeit more out of necessity than out of passion: As the “Karajan with the scalpel”, his vocation was always forensic medicine. When he accidently destroyed all evidence against the “24-hour-killer”, his career as a coroner was done for. And not far from it was his marriage with his great love Diana, whom he could not offer anything anymore as a broken man. But Lukas gets a second chance when once again a serial killer terrifies the city because the murders resemble those of the “24-hour-killer”. Diana – who has ascended to head of the forensic institute in the meantime – knows that only the best one can solve the case. But he is not available. And so, she gets the second-best one: the most over-qualified butcher in town…
Putzfrau Undercover
Petra Borchert
Nothing Else Matters
Carla, the runaway with high aims. Lucie, the street girl. Interchanged identities and a shared baby. Collage of a fateful year.
Spiel mir das Lied und du bist tot!
Ma. St. John
African Race
Crazy Race 3 - Sie knacken jedes Schloss
Kara Moreni
Max and Moritz Reloaded
Mutter Rita Reischke
Max and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.
Crazy Race 2 - Warum die Mauer wirklich fiel
In 1989, Jenny Ecker, an 18-year-old daughter of an entrepreneur, flees from Hildesheim to the east - out of love. The teenager has fallen hopelessly in love with an East Berliner. Jenny’s parents are foaming from wrath and offer a reward: One-hundred thousand, later even a million, deutschmarks for whoever brings them their daughter back. The prospect of so much money gets east and west into quite a disarray – and in the end, the Wall really falls.
Amenaza en el mar
Dr. Verena Brandauer
Los turistas de Mallorca tienen la oportunidad de ver a los tiburones desde una embarcación de recreo. El padre de Maya teme que su hija corra la misma suerte que su madre, muerta a causa del ataque de un tiburón. Su preocupación crece al encontrar lo que parece el diente de un gigantesco tiburón blanco, el mismo que pudo haber matado a su esposa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ein krasser Deal
Frau Bruchmüller
Crazy Race
Como los Conejos
Horst Bommelburg es contrabajo de la Sinfónica, vive con Vera Malkowski, maestra de una guardería, en un espacioso piso del barrio Schwabing, en Munich. Una pareja feliz y con planes, ¡o no? Vera ya quiere compromiso, boda e hijos, pero…
El retorno de la peste
Un indigente aparece muerto en mitad de la ciudad alemana de Colonia. Los primeros análisis revelan que el hombre ha fallecido por la peste. El doctor Martin Brügger, director de una policlínica, y Clemens Lindenthal, experto en control de enfermedades contagiosas, son informados del hallazgo. Preocupados, ambos empiezan a indagar en el lugar donde se ha encontrado al indigente. Allí hacen un macabro descubrimiento: en los túneles y alcantarillas de la antigua ciudad hay miles de ratas muertas. Brügger y Lindenthal avisan de inmediato a las autoridades, pero éstas hacen caso omiso. Pronto las muertes con síntomas de peste empiezan a llegar hasta el anatómico forense de la ciudad. La alarma entre la población empieza a crecer... (FILMAFFINITY)
Love Letters - Liebe per Nachnahme
Rita Adler
Postal worker Jenny finds and reads the letters that the little girl Lilly sent to her dead mother. Jenny decided to help Lilly and gets involved with her father Matthias.
Late Show
The First Semester
A young student stands to inherent a fortune provided he can pass his first semester of college and find a steady girlfriend. His scheming stepfather has other plans for the money, however.
German Fried Movie
A series of comedic sketches.