Ivy Kong


The New King of Comedy
Mientras ve cómo otras compañeras consiguen trabajar fácilmente, Rumeng no piensa en rendirse hasta que vea cumplido su sueño de ser una gran actriz. Ya sea cambiándose la cara, interpretando papeles no remunerados, o, la prueba más dura de todas, enfrentándose a su familia por ello.
La sirena
Película "The Mermaid (Mei ren yu)", en la que Liu Xuan participa en un proyecto que involucra la regeneración del mar y el cual amenaza la subsistencia de las sirenas. Shan, una de las sirenas, es enviada para impedirlo, pero termina enamorándose. Sin embargo, cuando Xuan planea dejar el proyecto, Shan y las otras sirenas son cazadas por una organización oculta que pretende exterminarlas.
La sirena
Película "The Mermaid (Mei ren yu)", en la que Liu Xuan participa en un proyecto que involucra la regeneración del mar y el cual amenaza la subsistencia de las sirenas. Shan, una de las sirenas, es enviada para impedirlo, pero termina enamorándose. Sin embargo, cuando Xuan planea dejar el proyecto, Shan y las otras sirenas son cazadas por una organización oculta que pretende exterminarlas.
Viaje al Oeste: La conquista de los Demonios
Adaptación en clave de humor del clásico de la literatura china "Viaje al Oeste". En un mundo plagado de demonios, que causan sufrimientos indeseables a los humanos, un joven cazador de demonios llamado Xuan Zang, se arriesga por el bien común y conquista a un demonio-pez, un demonio-cerdo y al demonio de todos los demonios, Sun Wukong. Los toma como sus discípulos, y los cuatro se embarcan en un viaje hacia el Oeste plagado de obstáculos.
Viaje al Oeste: La conquista de los Demonios
Adaptación en clave de humor del clásico de la literatura china "Viaje al Oeste". En un mundo plagado de demonios, que causan sufrimientos indeseables a los humanos, un joven cazador de demonios llamado Xuan Zang, se arriesga por el bien común y conquista a un demonio-pez, un demonio-cerdo y al demonio de todos los demonios, Sun Wukong. Los toma como sus discípulos, y los cuatro se embarcan en un viaje hacia el Oeste plagado de obstáculos.
Happily Ever After
Nan Au-Yeung (Michelle Wai) and Sze Tso-chi (Ken Hung) share the same birthday, go to the same school, love photography, and are just as competitive. But they did not know of each other’s existence until they “crossed swords” at a debate tournament. And they both felt as if the fairytale prince and princess finally found each other. Later in a birthday party, Nan thought Chi played a trick on her, leaving a slap on his face. Four years later, Nan Au-Yeung encounters his ghost and learns that he is already dead...
Yes, I Can See Dead People
Tragedias y extraños acontecimientos ocurren en el lugar de nacimiento de Nam. Su apacible vida cambiará profundamente cuando sus amigos de niñez y vecinos mueren en extrañas circunstancias. Posesiones malignas, historias de amor que van más allá de la muerte, extraños acontecimientos
Itchy Heart
Truly reflecting Hong Kong people's attitudes of love and marriage, "Itchy Heart" tells a story of a married man who wants to look for excitement out of marriage by meeting someone new. As his wife going out for a trip, Chi-man's (Lau Ching-Wan) desires to new excitement have overwhelmed him as he meets beautiful and young Cherry (Cherry In) and his former girlfriend Bing (Carina Lau). After knowing his wife's affair, he decides to get divorced, without knowing whether he should give himself a second chance to be in love again. This is a comedy reflecting a so-real reality on marriage nowadays. With the detailed portraits of the characters' emotions, the story itself has successfully created echoes among the audience with its bitter-sweet scenario.
Dragón blanco
In this swordfighting comedy, a young noblewoman falls in love with a prince of the Imperial House. By accident, she acquires the martial arts skills of the White Dragon. New in her power, she learns that there are definite advantages in performing "good deeds" as the Little White Dragon.
Three of a Kind
Famous novelist Ngan (Michael Hui) is leading a comfortable life living on the royalties of his published novels. He has now placed all his attention onto his daughter Sophia (Miriam Yeung). Sophia has reached a suitable age for marriage and is still searching for her Prince Charming. She has a crush on Frankie (Lau Ching Wan), her boss and a playboy. Due to some accident, Frankie decides to stay at Sophia's home for a while, Then, Sophia and Frankie became lovers and are planning to get married! Ngan Loves his daughter so much that he knows he must destroy their love before it is too late. Sophia must make a life and death decision between Frankie and her father...
Love Battlefield. Una salvaje historia de amor
Ching, administrativo, y Yui, enfermera, son una pareja a punto de salir hacia Japón en un viaje romántico para romper la monotonía de su relación. Al bajar al parking para coger el coche se dan cuenta de que el vehículo les ha sido sustraído. Pocos minutos después, Yui descubre el vehículo a pocas manzanas. Cuando se dispone a recuperarlo, los ladrones aparecen y la secuestran para que les ayude a curar a uno de sus cómplices, herido de bala en un golpe reciente. Esta banda resulta ser un grupo de atracadores profesionales fuertemente armados y motivados que no dudan en disparar sobre todo aquel que se cruza en su camino, incluidos escuadrones tácticos de la policía de Hong Kong. Lo que parecía iba a ser el día de la reconciliación entre la pareja, se convierte en un calvario de sangre, sudor y lágrimas.
Love Undercover 2: Love Mission
The Crime Investigation Department is assigned to protect a princess-consort coming from the Republic of Puerto Risi. They arrange a fantastic trip to introduce the princess-consort to Hong Kong, but a big crisis looms on the horizon.
Diva: Ah Hey
An aspiring songbird (Charlene Choi) gets a chance to prove her worth when she is asked to ghost-sing on a pop star's (Niki Chow) album.
The Mummy, Aged 19
Tien-You has recently taken on a job as a security guard in an old mansion, and on the first night he takes his friends Nam and Priscilla along to keep him company. While exploring, they discover a mummy hidden away in the basement, which Tien-You accidentally breaks. The next day, Tien-You finds to his horror that his body is becoming dried out and transforming due to a curse from the mummy.
Love Undercover
A young policewoman is picked for an undercover job--getting close enough to a gangster's son so that she can plant a microphone at a table where the gangsters make their deals. Complications arise when she finds herself falling for him.
Dummy Mommy, Without a Baby
Fong (Miriam Yeung) is already at odds with Wu (Edison Chen), one of her bosses at an ad agency, when she makes a major mistake at work that puts her job on the line. To save herself, she feigns pregnancy, which, under Hong Kong law, means she cannot be fired for 10 months. However, while there may be some perks that accompany her "pregnancy," she is eventually forced to concoct increasingly elaborate lies and involve everyone around her in the charade.
1941 Hong Kong on Fire
Production Manager
A family suffers at the hands of the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.