Dewald Aukema


Mimesis: African Soldier
Director of Photography
Commemorateing the millions of African soldiers, labourers and carriers participated in the First World War on the African continent and on the Western Front in Europe.
The Jazz Ambassadors
Director of Photography
The Cold War and Civil Rights collide in this remarkable story of music, diplomacy and race. Beginning in 1955, when America asked its greatest jazz artists to travel the world as cultural ambassadors, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington and their mixed-race band members, faced a painful dilemma: how could they represent a country that still practiced Jim Crow segregation?
Director of Photography
An Iranian expat living in London has a shady past and an enigmatic present.
Director of Photography
Purple is a six-channel video installation addressing climate change, human communities and the wilderness. At a time when greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are at their highest levels in history, with people experiencing the significant impacts of climate change, including shifting weather patterns, rising sea levels, and more extreme weather events, Akomfrah’s Purple brings a multitude of ideas into conversation. These include animal extinctions, the memory of ice, the plastic ocean and global warming. Akomfrah has combined hundreds of hours of archival footage with newly shot film and a hypnotic sound score to produce the video installation.
The Pity of War
Director of Photography
Professor Niall Ferguson argues that Britain's decision to enter the First World War was a catastrophic error that unleashed an era of totalitarianism and genocide.
Director of Photography
The gangster Manysia is given a second chance after his release from prison. Reverend Jacob Musi takes him under his wings, both as a promise to Manysia’s father and as an act of benevolence. Reverend Jacob thinks that everyone deserves a fresh start and his family generously welcomes Manysia, especially the reverend’s son. But soon the past will cast its shadows over them again.
The Stuart Hall Project
Director of Photography
A person’s culture is something that is often described as fixed or defined and rooted in a particular region, nation, or state. Stuart Hall, one of the most preeminent intellectuals on the Left in Britain, updates this definition as he eloquently theorizes that cultural identity is fluid—always morphing and stretching toward possibility but also constantly experiencing nostalgia for a past that can never be revisited
The Nine Muses
Director of Photography
Part documentary, part personal essay, this experimental film combines archive imagery with the striking wintry landscapes of Alaska to tell the story of immigrant experience coming into the UK from 1960 onwards.
Director of Photography
Narra la historia de tres parejas que competirán por conseguir el premio de una revista a la "boda más original del año", que otorga la revista Confetti. Están en juego una casa valorada en 500.000 libras, su foto para ilustrar la portada del siguiente número de la publicación y, lo último pero no menos importante, el día más trascendental de su vida. Matt y Samantha, Josef e Isabelle, y Michael y Joanna, desde el momento en el que son elegidos como finalistas, muestran su entusiasmo y sus nervios, a lo largo de las agitadas semanas de preparativos que culminan con la gran final. Matt y Samantha son dos románticos a la vieja usanza que optan por los musicales de Hollywood; Josef e Isabelle son los supermotivados profesionales del tenis para quienes el fracaso no es una opción; mientras que Michael y Joanna son dos hijos de la naturaleza que ni se plantean ponerse ropa encima...
The Hungerford Massacre
A re-enactment-documentary of the Murder-Suicide rampage by Michael Ryan, carried out on the 19th August 1987, which left 17 dead (including Ryan) and 15 injured in the town of Hungerford, Berkshire.
My Kingdom (Mi reino)
Director of Photography
Una poderosa dinastía, encabezada por un padre carismático y manipulador, cae cuando decide entregar su imperio criminal a sus tres hijas corruptas y hambrientas de poder. Kath tiene un burdel en los muelles, Tracy posee un equipo de fútbol y Jo, una ex drogadicta y prostituta que rechaza su herencia, enfrentando a las hermanas Kath y Tracy.
Kurosawa: Un documental sobre la vida del maestro
Director of Photography
Un completo repaso y análisis de las vidas y las películas de Akira Kurosawa, uno de los directores más importantes de la historia del cine, autor de obras maestras como “Los 7 Samuráis”, “Yojimbo”, “Rashomon”, “Ran”... Este documental cuenta con la narración de Sam Shepard e incluye fragmentos de sus films, declaraciones de colaboradores, familiares y admiradores de su trabajo, como Clint Eastwood y James Coburn. Y además, incluye fragmentos de la autobiografía de Kurosawa, leídos por Paul Scofeld. Un emocionante tributo a una figura legendaria de la Historia del Cine...
The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong
Director of Photography
Louis Armstrong is one of the most recognizable figures in jazz, with his incomparable trumpet playing and beaming smile. This video profiles Armstrong from his humble beginnings in New Orleans through his career as America's Ambassador of Good Will. Film clips, vintage photographs and interviews with family, friends, fellow musicians and Armstrong himself are woven together to tell the story of this legendary personality.
Director of Photography
John Akomfrah’s seminal Riot traces the riots in Liverpool during July 1981 in a climate of economic recession under Thatcher’s regime. Akomfrah captures this turning point in Britain’s struggle towards multicultural democracy through interviews revealing the ghettoisation and racial abuse in Toxteth that escalated with stop-and-search policing tactics following the “sus” laws.
Director of Photography
Un documental que narra la vida del líder sudafricano Nelson Mandela. Mandela es probablemente mejor conocido por sus 27 años de prisión, y para poner fin al apartheid. Pero esta película también arroja luz sobre el primer período poco conocido de la vida de Mandela.
Director of Photography
Diana is a troubled, bulimic socialite who lives with her loving husband and shoplifts to get herself off. Julie is an unstable, homeless rape victim who lives with a corrupt priest and steals to survive. They form an uneasy friendship.
Full Frontal in Flip Flops
Documentary about naturism by Don Boyd.
Full Frontal in Flip Flops
Director of Photography
Documentary about naturism by Don Boyd.