Maléfica: Maestra del mal, de Disney, es una aventura de fantasía que retoma la historia de Maléfica varios años más tarde —en la que se dieron a conocer los hechos que endurecieron el corazón de la villana más emblemática de Disney y la llevaron a arrojar una maldición sobre la princesa recién nacida: Aurora. La película continúa explorando la compleja relación entre el hada de enormes cuernos y la futura reina, mientras forjan nuevas alianzas y se enfrentan a nuevos adversarios en su lucha por proteger el páramo y las criaturas mágicas que lo habitan.
Narrator (voice)
Animals of all kinds are filmed in different moments of habitat.
A comienzos del siglo XX, Sir Anthony Ross, un hombre adinerado de Londres, organiza una expedición rumbo al Ártico con la esperanza de encontrar a su hijo desaparecido pero lo que encuentra es un reino vikingo.
Lincoln Costain se ha salvado de ahogarse gracias a un niño de doce años en la isla de Kauai. A medida que ayuda a la madre viuda del muchacho, también encontrará complicaciones con el ganado.
Bob Leslie es un veterano de Vietnam que se refugia en una cabaña de bosque. En la soledad del lugar su única compañía serán tres oseznos huérfanos de los que se ocupa. El gobierno prevé crear en el lugar un Parque Nacional, aunque los indios que allí habitan se opondrán al proyecto. Bob mediará entre los intereses de ambos.
Un cabo está acusado de deserción por ayudar a los indios. En su huida encuentra a un muchacho indio, y juntos emprenden el camino montados en un camello.
Chandar is a black leopard who lives near the beach of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) together with his mother and his sister.
1910. En París una anciana millonaria y excéntrica lleva una vida feliz con sus gatos en su enorme mansión, con la única ayuda de su fiel mayordomo Edgar. Allí, Duquesa vive despreocupadamente con sus tres traviesos cachorros, sin saber que Edgar planea acabar con todos los gatos para convertirse en el único heredero de la enorme fortuna de la anciana Madame Bonfamille. Con este propósito, los abandona en un lugar remoto, pero quiere la suerte que se encuentren con Thomas O’Malley, un atractivo gato vagabundo y mundano. Desde el principio, O’Malley, atraído por la elegancia de Duquesa, se propone ayudarla a regresar a casa de Madame Bonfamille, aunque para ello tenga que enfrentarse con todos los peligros de la gran ciudad. Afortunadamente, contarán también con la ayuda de Scat Cat y sus gatos swing, que añaden un toque de ritmo y diversión a la vida de Duquesa y de los cachorros.
A frontier huckster, Colonel Ryder, and a young orphan, Davey, operate a travelling tent show. They are loaned an elephant by an old friend, Molly, who is also a rival circus owner. Davey trains the elephant and the two soon become inseparable. When the Colonel loses the elephant in gambling, Davey steals the elephant and begins a 20-mile search for Molly, the rightful owner.
Moki (John Yesno), un indio cree, es nombrado capataz de un extenso rancho ganadero propiedad de su ex comandante del ejército. Pero él lleva consigo a través de la vida el saber de su propia gente. Cuando rescata a un cachorro de oso, Wahb, siente una conexión mística entre él y la magnífica criatura. Más tarde, Wahb, ahora un oso de 1.300 libras, regresa de la naturaleza para causar estragos en el rancho ganadero, y Moki debe enfrentar este temible oso pardo. Esta espectacular película representa una batalla territorial sobre un país de impresionante belleza.
Moki (John Yesno), un indio cree, es nombrado capataz de un extenso rancho ganadero propiedad de su ex comandante del ejército. Pero él lleva consigo a través de la vida el saber de su propia gente. Cuando rescata a un cachorro de oso, Wahb, siente una conexión mística entre él y la magnífica criatura. Más tarde, Wahb, ahora un oso de 1.300 libras, regresa de la naturaleza para causar estragos en el rancho ganadero, y Moki debe enfrentar este temible oso pardo. Esta espectacular película representa una batalla territorial sobre un país de impresionante belleza.
Es miércoles en el Bosque de los Cien Acres y una fuerte tormenta lleva a Winnie Pu y a sus amigos a protagonizar una aventura emocionante, donde el tímido Piglet actúa como un héroe.
Ganador de un Oscar a "Mejor cortometraje de animación" en 1968.
Fred Bolton tiene que resolver dos problemas. Primero, su jefe le ha dado instrucciones para que diseñe una campaña para promocionar un producto nuevo, la píldora estomacal Aspercel... para mañana. El segundo problema es su hija, Helen, que está loca por los caballos, toma clases de equitación, ha tenido cierto éxito en algunas competiciones y su mayor deseo es tener su propio caballo, cosa que su padre no se puede permitir. A Fred se le ocurre una idea muy simple para matar dos pájaros de un tiro: su hija montará un caballo de nombre Aspercel, para promocionar el producto, eso la hará feliz, pero para que la promoción funcione, Aspercel deberá ganar algunos premios.
A recently orphaned boy living in Mexico has one item that would link him to family, an old letter from an uncle with an address in Tucson, AZ. He sets out across the desert and, while temporarily detained at the border, is unwillingly teamed with a runaway chihuahua who follows him as he illegally crosses the border into the United States. The two form a tight bond as they survive the journey fraught with danger.
A recently orphaned boy living in Mexico has one item that would link him to family, an old letter from an uncle with an address in Tucson, AZ. He sets out across the desert and, while temporarily detained at the border, is unwillingly teamed with a runaway chihuahua who follows him as he illegally crosses the border into the United States. The two form a tight bond as they survive the journey fraught with danger.
Cuando un puma criado por un grupo de madereros en el noroeste del Pacífico vuelve a sus instintos naturales, el nuevo entorno podría amenazar su vida.
Cuando un puma criado por un grupo de madereros en el noroeste del Pacífico vuelve a sus instintos naturales, el nuevo entorno podría amenazar su vida.
Fran y su esposo, Mark, tienen una perra salchicha que ha ganado algún premio de belleza y está a punto de traer al mundo sus primeros cachorros. Varias multas de tráfico despues, la familia cuenta con tres preciosas crías. Pero Mark se ha encaprichado de otro recién nacido, un gran danés, último de una numerosa camada, que no puede ser alimentado por su madre. Y a costa de largas discusiones logra traerlo a casa
Cam Calloway y su familia viven en una zona densamente arbolada en Nueva Inglaterra. Sueñan con construir un santuario para los gansos que vuelan sobre la zona cada año, y trazan varios planes para comprar un lago cercano. Sin embargo, el infortunio hará que sea un sueño difícil de llevar a cabo.
When a coyote named Chico is chased into the back of a moving van he accidentally ends up in the Hollywood hills and learns the ins and outs of being an urban coyote.
After falling out of her nest, a young eagle is rescued by a rancher, and she in turn, rescues him.
Unos niños encuentran una foca extraviada y deciden cuidarla y darle un hogar. Esto traerá consecuencias cómicas a la vez que varias desventuras con el animal y con ciertos hombres que quieren robarlo.
El salvaje desierto canadiense es el telón de fondo de esta historia de un perro separado de su dueño.
This tracks the course of a body of water (from brook to lake to sea, etc.) and features the lives of animals that inhabit in or near it.
This tracks the course of a body of water (from brook to lake to sea, etc.) and features the lives of animals that inhabit in or near it.
Created for Walt Disney Presents television series then expanded by popular demand into a full feature, Flash, the Teenage Otter follows one of Disney’s most beloved animal stars as he strikes out from his home at a Wisconsin wildlife sanctuary to see the wider world with all of its wonders and perils.
This final True-Life Adventure would also appear to be one of the best, as we go into the South American jungle to observe the jaguar. Jungle Cat is more intimate than its kin, allowing individual animal characters to be developed. Central to the cast is a pair of jaguars (one ebony), whose fighting leads to love and, not long after, two babies (one resembling each parent).
This short covers some of the wildlife (predominently birds) on four islands-the Galapagos, Guadelupe, Falklands and an island in the Midway chain. While touching very briefly on the turtles of Galapagos and a bit more in-depth on two varieties of iguana and a species of crab, the documentary focuses primarily on birds, including several species of penguin on at least two of the islands, cormorants, frigate birds and the albatross.
Mysteries of the Deep is a 1959 Disney nature documentary short film. Though not an official True-Life Adventures film, it did accompany the release of The Vanishing Prairie and was included on the Walt Disney Legacy Collection's True Life Adventures releases as a bonus feature. It is narrated by Winston Hibler. The film is a panorama of animals inhabiting the sea near the coast: dolphins, sharks, whales, crabs, rays and fish of all kinds.
Había una vez dos reyes que esperaban con alegría el nacimiento de su primera hija, a la que llamarían Aurora. Para celebrarlo, organizaron una fiesta a la que invitaron a todos los habitantes del reino. Pero olvidaron invitar a la malvada bruja Maléfica que, enfurecida, lanzó un terrible hechizo sobre la princesa: el día de su décimosexto cumpleaños, se pincharía con el uso de una rueca y moriría. Pero sus tres divertidas hadas madrinas descubren una forma de romper el maleficio: no morirá, permanecerá dormida hasta que un valiente príncipe la bese...
In 1955 Operation "Deep Freeze" began. This film tells the story of its purpose - the establishment by the United States Navy of seven bases in Antarctica for scientific study and observations in connection with the International Geophysical Year. Rare motion pictures record sequences from the expeditions of the early pioneers, Mundsen and Scott, and the film becomes the story of man's instinct to understand and conquer the unknown.
El joven Chad Smith queda inválido tras un partido de béisbol y se ve obligado a cambiar su pasatiempo favorito por las carreras de palomas. A través de este nuevo pasatiempo, desarrolla afecto por una de sus palomas que, de repente, sale volando para escapar de un depredador del barrio. Filmada en su mayor parte en estilo documental, la película cuenta la historia de esta paloma especial y su viaje por el campo, antes de su eventual regreso al niño que la amaba.
A fabulous new adventure in exciting entertainment.
This True Life Fantasy follows and shows how the life of a female squirrel, Perri, in the forest is filled with danger and fraught with peril. When not fleeing her natural enemy, the Marten, Perri finds time to fall in love with her prince-charming male squirrel.
This True Life Fantasy follows and shows how the life of a female squirrel, Perri, in the forest is filled with danger and fraught with peril. When not fleeing her natural enemy, the Marten, Perri finds time to fall in love with her prince-charming male squirrel.
This True Life Fantasy follows and shows how the life of a female squirrel, Perri, in the forest is filled with danger and fraught with peril. When not fleeing her natural enemy, the Marten, Perri finds time to fall in love with her prince-charming male squirrel.
A look at the people that shot the footage for Disney's True-Life Adventures.
Narrator (voice)
The movie presents a mysterious and enigmatic world, a place where more than 40,000 — no one knows precisely how many — descendants of Arab conquerors live, the last great nomads of the world. These nomads are deemed the “Blue Men” due to their bluish complexion — not a racial characteristic, but the consequence of color from their clothing staining their skin. Each morning, they turn to Mecca and thank Allah for the blessing of their remaining liberty, that liberty which, in spite of all the pain and hardships, they would not exchange for houses, which they could not carry on their journeys, nor for radios, since the world outside does not exist for them, nor for watches, since it is not their custom to count the time.
The movie presents a mysterious and enigmatic world, a place where more than 40,000 — no one knows precisely how many — descendants of Arab conquerors live, the last great nomads of the world. These nomads are deemed the “Blue Men” due to their bluish complexion — not a racial characteristic, but the consequence of color from their clothing staining their skin. Each morning, they turn to Mecca and thank Allah for the blessing of their remaining liberty, that liberty which, in spite of all the pain and hardships, they would not exchange for houses, which they could not carry on their journeys, nor for radios, since the world outside does not exist for them, nor for watches, since it is not their custom to count the time.
Oscar nominated short film from 1956
A tour of the Disneyland theme park.
Narrator (voice)
A train ride takes the audience through the rugged countryside to see the Sardinian people of today. Their independence and self-reliance is emphasized. Sheep are tended and the treatment of their wool is depicted. A wedding and a funeral service are shown, as well as the annual “Ardia” festival with horsemen commemorating historical events.
A train ride takes the audience through the rugged countryside to see the Sardinian people of today. Their independence and self-reliance is emphasized. Sheep are tended and the treatment of their wool is depicted. A wedding and a funeral service are shown, as well as the annual “Ardia” festival with horsemen commemorating historical events.
A feature-length documentary showing the changing world of nature, the sky, the sea, the sun, planets, insects and volcanic action. A story of nature's strange and intricate designs for survival and her many methods of perpetuating life.
This Academy Award winning short subject documentary follows the United States Coast Guard icebreaker ships Eastwind and Westwind for four months as they work to clear navigational paths for ships traversing the arctic sea.
This Academy Award winning short subject documentary follows the United States Coast Guard icebreaker ships Eastwind and Westwind for four months as they work to clear navigational paths for ships traversing the arctic sea.
This Academy Award winning short subject documentary follows the United States Coast Guard icebreaker ships Eastwind and Westwind for four months as they work to clear navigational paths for ships traversing the arctic sea.
Part of Disney's True-Life Adventures series, this film focuses on the lives of lions in Africa.
With the grand opening of Disneyland just a matter of days away, Walt Disney brings us an update on the construction of the new magic kingdom. Winston Hibler narrates scenes depicting the construction on the attarctions and settings in the park as work speeds up to meet the deadline before opening day.
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
Oscar nominated short film from 1954
Story of the American Prairie as it was when vast herds of bison and elk grazed.
Una versión revisionista de la historia americana, en la que un pequeño ratón convive con Benjamin Franklin y es el responsable de todas sus ideas... ¡incluyendo el comienzo de la Declaración de Independencia!
Una visión inusual del desierto de Arizona, en Usa, donde todo parece estar muerto hasta que una mirada atenta nos revela la ingente cantidad de vida que pulula en derredor: sobre las arenas y bajo ellas. Una producción de Walt Disney (“el Mago de Burbank”), que obtuvo el Oscar al Mejor Documental de 1953. Y un canto a cómo la Vida se abre camino en los lugares más insospechados.
Una visión inusual del desierto de Arizona, en Usa, donde todo parece estar muerto hasta que una mirada atenta nos revela la ingente cantidad de vida que pulula en derredor: sobre las arenas y bajo ellas. Una producción de Walt Disney (“el Mago de Burbank”), que obtuvo el Oscar al Mejor Documental de 1953. Y un canto a cómo la Vida se abre camino en los lugares más insospechados.
Oscar Winning short documentary
Oscar Winning short documentary
Uno de los grandes clásicos de la factoría Walt Disney, que relata las aventuras en el País de Nunca Jamás de Peter Pan, su compañera Campanilla, su amiga Wendy y los Niños Perdidos, en su lucha contra el malvado Capitán Garfio.
Bear Country is a 1953 American short documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award at the 26th Academy Awards in 1954 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).[1] The film was produced by Walt Disney as part of the True-Life Adventures series of nature documentaries.
Water Birds is a 1952 short documentary film directed by Ben Sharpsteen. The film delves into the still waters of lagoons and marshes to the wild blue wilderness of the vast oceans, to experience the beauty and variety of their majestic birds, each perfectly designed for its habitat. It won the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Two-Reel.
Water Birds is a 1952 short documentary film directed by Ben Sharpsteen. The film delves into the still waters of lagoons and marshes to the wild blue wilderness of the vast oceans, to experience the beauty and variety of their majestic birds, each perfectly designed for its habitat. It won the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Two-Reel.
Part of the "True-Life Adventure Series"; The subject of this two-reel are the elk of Washington state's Olympic Peninsula. We see these deer learning to walk, climbing downhill in a herd, and braving local bears. Those, plus some colorful arctic flowers, are the nice bits. We also see the elk engaging in duels (something amusingly observed and "imitated" by marmots), athletic fights with deadlocks said to often end in death by starvation to both participants. If that brutish behavior isn't enough to turn you off, then wait until you see how the polygamous bull males gather up wives and do battle with another (with wives as a wager) before unmelodically announcing the end of their bachelorhood.
The strange and wonderful world that lies beneath our feet, under leaf, log and rock, peopled by millions of weird and fascinating creatures. Released theatrically alongside Alice In Wonderland.
The strange and wonderful world that lies beneath our feet, under leaf, log and rock, peopled by millions of weird and fascinating creatures. Released theatrically alongside Alice In Wonderland.
Historia de magia y fantasía en el que la joven Alicia se sumerge en el sorprendente país de las maravillas y conoce a extraordinarios personajes como Tweedledee y Tweedledum, el Sombrerero Loco, La Reina de Corazones y el frenético Conejo Blanco.
1951 behind the scenes featurette of the Walt Disney animated classic.
Produced by Walt Disney as part of the "True-Life Adventures" series of nature documentaries (1948–60). The film depicts a young male beaver who must defend his new family against hungry predators, mischievous river otters, and the ever-impending threat of winter.
Cenicienta vive con su madrastra y las dos hijas de ésta. Las tres le hacen la vida imposible y la tienen trabajando sin parar en las labores del hogar. Pero ella establece amistad con los animales de la casa, que le ayudarán a asistir al baile Real al que su madre no le permite ir.
Adaptación del conocido cuento de Washington Irving. Icabod Crane llega a la pequeña localidad de Sleepy Hollow, donde, según la leyenda, habita un fantasma de un jinete sin cabeza...
This animated fairy tale for kids tells the classic story of a dapper, automobile loving fellow named Mr. Toad, whose passion becomes a problem when he's framed for stealing cars by a band of rogue weasels.
Seal Island is a 1948 American documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award in 1949 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).
Dennis Day tells the story of Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), narrated by The Old Settler. He's an apple farmer who sees people going west and thinks he can't join them, until an angel appears to him and sings the virtues of apples, convincing Johnny he has a mission. He sets off without a knife or gun; at first, the animals mistrust him, but when he even treats a skunk kindly, they all take to him.
Walt Disney cuenta la historia de la exploración del mar.
Walt Disney cuenta la historia de la exploración del mar.
Walt Disney cuenta la historia de la exploración del mar.