Martha Coolidge

Martha Coolidge

Nacimiento : 1946-08-17, New Haven, Connecticut, USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Martha Coolidge (born August 17, 1946) is an American film director and former President of the Directors Guild of America. Description above from the Wikipedia article Martha Coolidge, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Martha Coolidge
Martha Coolidge


I'll Find You
Inspired by stories of Polish musicians from the 1930s and 40s. Two young lovers, Robert, a Catholic opera singer, and Rachel, a Jewish violin virtuoso, dream of one day performing together at legendary Carnegie Hall. When they're torn apart by the German invasion of Poland, Robert vows to find Rachel, no matter what the war may bring. His search leads him on a life-threatening journey through the heart of Nazi Germany, to a reckoning that Rachel may be lost to him forever.
Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies
The definitive documentary on the history of nudity in feature films from the early silent days to the present, studying the changes in morality that led to the use of nudity in films while emphasizing the political, sociological and artistic changes that shaped that history. Skin will also study the gender inequality in presenting nude images in motion pictures and will follow the revolution that has created nude gender equality in feature films today.
Time Warp Vol. 3: Comedy and Camp
The final volume of Time Warp digs deep into what makes us laugh over and over again as we reveal the greatest cult comedies and campy classics of all-time. From "Fast Time at Ridgemont High" and "Office Space" to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," and "Showgirls."
Half the Picture
At a pivotal moment for gender equality in Hollywood, successful women directors tell the stories of their art, lives and careers. Having endured a long history of systemic discrimination, women filmmakers may be getting the first glimpse of a future that values their voices equally.
Celluloid Ceilings
Even though women make up 51 percent of the U.S. population, only about 4 percent of movies are directed by women. Of the 220 TV shows, representing about 3500 total episodes, only 14 percent were directed by women. Bloomberg interviewed several female directors in Hollywood, from Oscar winners to the director of "Twilight" to explore the various forms of sexism and discrimination they have faced in Hollywood, and what they are trying to do to change things
Reel Herstory: The Real Story of Reel Women
Using rare footage and exclusive interviews with filmmakers from all over the globe, "Reel Herstory" corrects the historic notion that women behind the scenes in motion pictures held peripheral careers compared with their male counterparts.
El legado de Janet Hardy
Cilla (Brittany Murphy), una joven actriz, va a pasar una temporada a la mansión que le dejó en herencia su abuela; pero una vez allí, se sentirá abrumada por los recuerdos del pasado y por la sombría atmósfera de la casa. Afortunadamente, su vecino Ford (Jason Lewis) intentará protegerla.
Acoso en las aulas
Executive Producer
Chrissa Maxwell, una niña de 11 años, se ha mudado con su familia a Minnesota a mitad de curso. Acaba de llegar a un nuevo colegio, donde pronto empieza a sufrir el acoso de tres compañeras que lideran un grupo de niñas superficiales a las que sólo preocupa su apariencia externa.
Acoso en las aulas
Chrissa Maxwell, una niña de 11 años, se ha mudado con su familia a Minnesota a mitad de curso. Acaba de llegar a un nuevo colegio, donde pronto empieza a sufrir el acoso de tres compañeras que lideran un grupo de niñas superficiales a las que sólo preocupa su apariencia externa.
Chicas materiales
Ava y Tanzie Marchetta, herederas de una millonaria firma de cosméticos, se toman la vida alegremente, como si fuera una fiesta. Pero cuando un escándalo afecta a uno de los productos de su empresa, ambas se verán en la calle, sin un centavo y sin ayuda alguna. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Art of Imagination: A Tribute to Oz
"The Art of Imagination: A Tribute to Oz" - a featurette narrated by Sydney Pollack.
12 días para Navidad
A Calvin Carter, propietario de una próspera cadena de tiendas, se le cae encima el letrero de uno de sus comercios. Al despertarse en un extraño hospital, su enfermera le muestra cuánto ha desatendido su vida familiar: tendrá doce días (doce oportunidades) para intentar arreglar la situación y pasar una Navidad perfecta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Como terapeuta de parejas, Danielle Montet conoce el impacto de la infidelidad sobre el matrimonio. Aún así, olvida los métodos que emplea con sus pacientes y empieza a engañar a su marido. Por otra parte, tendrá que afrontar el pasado de su familia para descubrir quién es y hallar la paz que tanto anhela. (FILMAFFINITY)
El príncipe y yo
Una joven estudiante norteamericana de la universidad de Wisconsin se enamora de un compañero de clase. Lo que ella ignora es que se trata del príncipe de Dinamarca, un joven que no quiere seguir la tradición de sus padres ni asumir sus deberes. Ésa es precisamente la razón por la que se ha trasladado a Estados Unidos, donde se hace pasar por un estudiante normal.
The Music of Valley Girl
A retrospective of the music featured in the 1983 film Valley Girl.
Valley Girl: In Conversation - Nicolas Cage And Martha Coolidge
Actor Nicolas Cage and director Martha Coolidge sit down to discuss their wok on the 1983 film "Valley Girl."
Valley Girl: 20 Totally Tubular Years Later
A retrospective of the 1983 film "Valley Girl," featuring interviews with the cast and crew.
The Ponder Heart
Uncle Daniel Ponder moves to give away his fortune, while his niece, Edna Earle, tries to tighten the reins on Daniel's generosity. After Daniel marries teenager Bonnie Dee Peacock, her death leads to Daniel's trial for murder
The Flamingo Rising
When Hubert Lee decides to open the world's largest drive-in movie theater across the street from a funeral parlor, a feud erupts between Lee and Turner Knight, the owner of the funeral home. As Lee's many promotional ideas become more and more outrageous, he continues to enrage Knight until one of the promotions backfires with grave consequences.
Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Power of Women in Hollywood
This documentary tells of the life and career of screenwriter Frances Marion. By the mid-1920s, she was the most respected and highest paid scriptwriter in Hollywood.
Mujer contra mujer
Tres historias de amor lésbico tienen lugar en la misma casa, pero en épocas diferentes (1961, 1972 y 2000). La primera muestra una relación entre dos mujeres maduras, que es rechazada por sus familiares, y la situación de indefensión legal en que queda una de ellas cuando muere la otra. En la segunda, una chica tiene problemas con sus amigas, todas ellas lesbianas y feministas, por el hecho de haberse enamorado de una mujer muy masculina. El tercer relato aborda el debate de dos mujeres sobre la concepción de un hijo.
Dorothy Dandridge: La estrella que se enfrentó a Hollywood
Película biográfica sobre la actriz afroamericana Dorothy Dandridge (1922-65), encarnada por Halle Berry, una actriz apenas conocida que alcanzaría la popularidad un año después con "X-Men" (2000).
Por rumbas y a lo loco
Charlie es un jugador nato que disfruta con el juego y vive permanentemente en bancarrota. Tras un nuevo descalabro, convence a su cuñado para embarcarse en un crucero con el fin de conseguir los favores de alguna mujer rica y solitaria.
Tres deseos
Jane Holman, una joven viuda que viaja en coche con sus dos hijos Tom y Gunny, atropella a Jack McCloud, un misterioso vagabundo, que se fractura una una pierna. Decide entonces alojarlo en su casa, y pronto la familia empieza a cogerle cariño. Cuando empieza a enseñarle béisbol a Tom, que ha perdido a su padre en la guerra de Corea (1950-1953), nace entre ellos una fuerte amistad.
In Search of Oz
BBC 2 produced this documentary on the Oz books of L. Frank Baum and the films and fantasies that they inspired, particularly the first book `The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'. Includes clips from the several silent film versions of the stories produced by Baum that have survived as well as the 1939 film with Judy Garland, and interviews with such enthusiasts as Salman Rushdie, Gore Vidal, Ray Bradbury, Geoffrey Ryman and Nora Ephron.
Superdetective en Hollywood III
Security Woman
El detective de Detroit Axel Foley emplea todo su coraje para perseguir a unos despiadados asesinos con la ayuda de sus viejos compañeros Serge y Billy Rosewood. Las investigaciones lo conducen al popular parque temático de Los Ángeles WonderWorld. Allí, repentinamente, Axel se convierte en la nueva atracción del lugar, bien sea quedándose colgado de una araña gigante para rescatar a un niño o disfrazándose de Okey Dokey, un enorme elefante azul.
Angie vive en una hermética comunidad de Brooklyn y no se siente nada satisfecha con su rutinaria vida. Cuando se entera de que está embarazada de su novio, Vinnie, decide tener el niño pero sin casarse con el padre. El vecindario no entiende la decisión de Angie, ni tan sólo su mejor amiga, así que la joven decide emprender un viaje donde se descubrirá a sí misma. Esta película, a caballo entre la comedia y el melodrama, está centrada en la figura femenina y en algunos temas que pueden afectar a la mujer, como la maternidad en soledad. Se trata de una adaptación de la primera novela de Avra Wing, y también está dirigida por una mujer: Martha Coolidge ("Tres deseos").
Lost in Yonkers
In the summer of 1942 two young boys are sent to stay with their stern grandmother Kurnitz and their childlike aunt Bella in Yonkers, New York.
Crazy in Love
Three generations of women live on a small island off the coast of Washington state with their men with whom they have no end of problems.
El precio de la ambición
Georgia, 1971. Buddy Hillyer regresa a la vieja mansión familiar. Huérfano de madre, va a visitar a su padre. Numerosos recuerdos del pasado se agolpan en su cabeza, sobre todo la turbadora aparición de la joven y desinhibida Rose (Laura Dern), una tarde de agosto de 1935. Buddy (Lukas Haas) tenía trece años y ella diecinueve. Llegó a la casa, sexy y coqueta, contratada por sus padres para ayudar en las tareas domésticas. Fue el primer amor de Buddy, pero provocó problemas en la familia por el descontrol absoluto de sus impulsos sexuales.
Bare Essentials
A couple leaves for a vacation on a tropical island and finds happiness and love... just not with each-other.
Fuga del paraiso
Dirk Benedict, mundialmente conocido por EL EQUIPO A, progatoniza "Fuga del paraíso", una apsionante trama en la que da vida a Eddi Mazda, un detective en problemas con la mafia que se refugia en Hawai en busca de más problemas. Allí tendrá que hacer frente a un complicado asesinato lleno de misterio, traiciones y peligrosas bellezas, junto a su nueva ayudante, una fotógrafa tan atrevida e inconsciente como él.
That's Adequate
This mockumentary about fictional movie studio Adequate Pictures boasts an interesting cast. Tony Randall hosts, and James CoCo (practically on his deathbed) stars as head of the studio. Includes parodies of everything from silent comedies to porn, including an ultra violent "three stooges" style comedy team who put a new spin on the eye poking gag.
Calling the Shots
Documentary about women in the film industry. Numerous notable actresses and female directors share their thoughts.
Ropa nueva
Intentando demostrar la inocencia de su hermano, el agente de policía Nick Dunbar, bajo el pseudónimo de Nick Springsteen, se hace pasar por estudiante y se infiltra en su instituto para averiguar quién mató al profesor Bradwood. En sus múltiples peripecias, deberá descubrir la identidad del asesino, enfrentarse a una pandilla de matones del centro, evitar a las chicas que intentan ligar con él y enamorar a su bella profesora de lengua...
Escuela de genios
Mitch Taylor es un chico de quince años que gracias a sus experimentos con láser ultravioleta ha conseguido una beca en un centro experimental en Pacific Teach. A pesar de ser un genio está asustado de vivir lejos de su casa. Chris Knight hace tres años que estudia en el centro y está considerado como uno de los mejores, como uno de los "cerebros juveniles" del país.
El gran lío en la universidad
Leslie Hindenberg es una estudiante del último curso del instituto. Tras un examen médico rutinario comienza a creer erróneamente que sólo le quedan seis semanas de vida, por lo que se decide a perder su virginidad. Sin embargo es bastante difícil cuando su padre es el profesor de educación física del instituto. Mientras tanto, Alan Holt es un adolescente cuyos compañeros se jactan de sus encuentros sexuales, lo cual le provoca frustración ya que no puede dejar de pensar en el sexo mientras se dedica a tratar de perder su virginidad de cualquier manera posible.
The City Girl
A female photographer who is engaged to a businessman investigates a cult in the local club scene. By living out some of her sexual fantasies, she faces the truth about her life and helps one of the cult's victims escape.
The City Girl
A female photographer who is engaged to a businessman investigates a cult in the local club scene. By living out some of her sexual fantasies, she faces the truth about her life and helps one of the cult's victims escape.
The City Girl
A female photographer who is engaged to a businessman investigates a cult in the local club scene. By living out some of her sexual fantasies, she faces the truth about her life and helps one of the cult's victims escape.
La chica del valle
Julie Richman es una chica de campo, en concreto del valle californiano de San Fernando, que acude a la fiesta de su amiga Suzi para olvidar su reciente ruptura con su novio. En medio del gentío, destacan dos jóvenes punks procedentes de Hollywood. Uno de ellos, Randy, pronto se fijará en la dulce Julie. Aparentemente proceden de dos mundos diferentes y a ojos de sus amigos así es, pero pronto conectan a la perfección y encuentran el amor. Ahora Julie ha de decidir si hace caso de las opiniones de sus compañeros, que rechazan a Randy, o sigue el dictado de su corazón.
The London Connection
A missing formula, a defecting Eastern European scientist kidnapped, car chases, foot chases, air chases, the British secret service, and a couple of American tourists caught right in the middle.
Not a Pretty Picture
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Not a Pretty Picture
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Not a Pretty Picture
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Not a Pretty Picture
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Not a Pretty Picture
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Old-Fashioned Woman
Documentary on the filmmaker's grandmother, Mabel Tilton, reflecting on her life as an independent woman.
Old-Fashioned Woman
Documentary on the filmmaker's grandmother, Mabel Tilton, reflecting on her life as an independent woman.
Old-Fashioned Woman
Documentary on the filmmaker's grandmother, Mabel Tilton, reflecting on her life as an independent woman.
Old-Fashioned Woman
Documentary on the filmmaker's grandmother, Mabel Tilton, reflecting on her life as an independent woman.
Old-Fashioned Woman
Documentary on the filmmaker's grandmother, Mabel Tilton, reflecting on her life as an independent woman.
Year of the Woman
Utitlising humour, fantasy, animation, poetry and theatrics, Hochman and her crew challenge the male establishment for ignoring the first meeting of the National Women's Political Caucus and Shirley Chisholm's bid for US vice-president.
David: Off and On
Herself - interviewer
A documentary portrait of a young man's middle class childhood and his struggle with drugs and his reasons to live.
David: Off and On
A documentary portrait of a young man's middle class childhood and his struggle with drugs and his reasons to live.
David: Off and On
A documentary portrait of a young man's middle class childhood and his struggle with drugs and his reasons to live.
David: Off and On
A documentary portrait of a young man's middle class childhood and his struggle with drugs and his reasons to live.
David: Off and On
A documentary portrait of a young man's middle class childhood and his struggle with drugs and his reasons to live.
Directors on Directing (Part 2)
This documentary features the most gifted young directors of the 80's and 90's, revealing the secrets of their success in their craft.
Passing Quietly Through
A blunt and human encounter between a nurse and an aging man.
More Than a School
A documentary following the lives of several students involved in an experimental "school without walls" program at a Long Island high school.