Bill Murphy


Memoir of a Snail
A bittersweet remembrance of Grace Puddle; a lonely hoarder of ornamental snails living in Canberra.
Kombi Man
In a race against time, a man goes on a fun filled adventure to find a Kombi van, revisit his hippie youth and explore the meaning of life. Meeting a colourful array of characters in the Australian Kombi world, he discovers that Kombis are not only cultural icons of freedom but are now also big business. While attempting to get a clapped-out Kombi on the road, he courageously faces his own mortality and embarks on a spiritual journey reminiscent of the 1960s counterculture.
During the 1940s, Nevil Shute had a steady job as an engineer in the British military but in his spare time, he wrote novels that were being well-received. Once the war was over, Shute choose to move to Australia and focus on writing, soon becoming an internationally acclaimed novelist. His novel On The Beach, particularly hit a chord with the international community, depicting the impact of global nuclear destruction. This documentary studies Shute's career and the adaptation of his most famous novel into a feature film in Melbourne, as his predictions of a post-Hiroshima world seem to be foreboding in their accuracy.
A young artist sits on the sidewalk, struggling to make a living. She makes drawings for the passersby. A businessman recognises her talents and offers her a paying job. The prospect seems inviting but the reality threatens to kill her imagination.
The 25th Reich
In 1943, five US soldiers are recruited by the OSS for a time travel mission to save the world from the tyranny of Hitler's 25th Reich.
Lago Mungo
Alice Palmer, de 16 años, se ahoga en una presa local. Cuando su cuerpo se recupera y su familia afligida la entierra. La familia experimenta una serie de acontecimientos extraños e inexplicables centrados en y alrededor de su hogar. Inconformados, los Palmers buscan la ayuda del psíquico y parapsicólogo, Ray Kemeny. Ray descubre que Alice dirigió una vida doble y secreta. En el lago Mungo, el secreto pasado de Alice emerge.
Mary and Max
Narra la larga amistad por correspondencia entre un cuarentón judío y obeso de Nueva York, y una niña australiana de 8 años que vive en los suburbios de Melbourne.
En la tiniebla
Unos meses después de la trágica muerte de su hijo, Rachel Carlson, una famosa escritora de novelas policíacas, se traslada desde Londres a un pequeño pueblo pesquero de Escocia con la esperanza de volver a escribir, pero muy pronto empiezan a producirse a su alrededor hechos muy extraños e inexplicables.
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Hotel de Love
10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.
A highly cinematic adaptation of John Brumpton’s play about a group of inmates incarcerated in an isolated HIV-positive section of a prison.
Body Melt
Residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new 'Body Drug' that causes rapid body decomposition (melting skin etc.) and painful death.
Juventud frenetica
Psycho Joe loves one thing: fast cars! When he gets a job at a local supermarket, Joe meets fellow "petrol head" Dazey, who quickly becomes his idol and best friend. Soon after, Joe falls for Savina, a goth girl who practices black magic. But Savina has already fallen for Dazey and will do anything to get him -- including using Joe's feelings for her. In true Shakespearean fashion, this trio race down the road to tragedy.
Romper Stomper
Hando es el líder de una banda de skinheads que impone el terror en el centro de Melbourne apaleando a la población local vietnamita, por considerarla un claro ejemplo de la impureza racial en Australia. Finalmente, los vietnamitas deciden hacer frente a sus agresores para demostrarles que no están dispuestos a sucumbir al miedo.