Pascal Ulli

Pascal Ulli

Nacimiento : 1969-09-22,


Pascal Ulli


Mad Heidi
Dr. Schwitzgebel
En una Suiza distópica que ha caído bajo el dominio fascista de un malvado tirano del queso, Heidi vive la vida pura y simple en los Alpes suizos. El abuelo Alpöhi hace todo lo posible para proteger a Heidi, pero su anhelo de libertad pronto la mete en problemas con los secuaces del dictador. La niña inocente se transforma en una fuerza de lucha que se propone liberar al país de los locos fascistas del queso.
Pájaros enjaulados (Hasta que estemos muertos o libres)
Roger Bellier
Barbara Hug es una joven abogada que luchó contra el anticuado sistema penitenciario de Suiza en la década de 1980. Walter Stürm está preso y, a menudo, escapa de la cárcel y se le conoce como el Rey de las fugas. Cuando los dos se encuentran, se forma una alianza insólita.
Franz Gubser
In 1902 Switzerland, child laborer Emma is expected to thread needles, but just like children today, she desperately tries to live her dream of playing the violin.
Pino Gambassi es un niño que sufre de hemofilia y está animado por un deseo desenfrenado de libertad y coraje ilimitado: decide comenzar su aventura en el mundo y mostrar a todos que puede vivir su vida como un niño normal
Oscar is late. In the surrounding skyscrapers hands are shaken and contracts are signed. That's the last thing he needs right now. Where do these damned snails come from?
Alina im Wunderland
Dengler - Am zwölften Tag
I Am the Keeper
Goalie has just been released from prison after spending a year inside for keeping his mouth shut for his best buddy Ueli. He heads for his hometown of Schummertal, a small town where everyone knows you. He's going to start over, without drugs. Meanwhile, Ueli has gotten ever deeper into drugs, can't understand why Goalie suddenly wants to be a square. Although they've been friends since childhood, everything is different now. Goalie wants a new life but finds his past.
The Wicked Uncle
In a small Swiss village, a school sports coach is accused of molestation by the mother of one of his pupils. The citizens are outraged…that the mother could make such a claim – for the coach she accuses is a local hero, a former world champion who has become the town’s closest thing to a sporting legend.
El perfecto desconocido
Un hombre regresa a Mallorca con la esperanza de reencontrarse con su pasado para poder cerrar sus heridas.
Ivo Keller
Snow White
The life of 20-year-old Nico from upper class Zurich is all party, sex and drugs when she meets Paco, the front man of a rap band. She finds herself drawn to his independent, creative and profound way of life, so different from her own. With naiveté and infinite self-confidence, she tries to adopt his lifestyle - without anticipating the consequences.
Hinter dem Regenbogen
Nacht der Gaukler
Klaus Koska