Chi Ying Chan
Chen Zhiying, a native of Hong Kong, is a director of photography. He has been engaged in cinematography for more than 30 years since the 1990s.
Director of Photography
Cuando un artista marcial respetado es acusado de asesinato, emprende un viaje en busca de respuestas sobre su misterioso pasado y los enemigos que buscan destruirlo. A lo largo de su búsqueda, descubre detalles reveladores que podrían cambiar su vida para siempre.
Director of Photography
Mother Ji Peizhen (Xu Fan) is the soul of this family. She takes care of the family so well, it seems there is clones of her. The home looks orderly under her gaze, but that is not the whole truth. Ji Peizhen thinks her daughter, Li Xiaomei, is the best, however there is other side of Xiaomei while she works and lives in Beijing. Peizhen's husband, doctor Li Wengfan, has been unable to pick up the scalpel due to mistake a few years earlier. With all this, Peizhen thinks she will be able to relax after retirement... But she is diagnosed with cancer. If the mother has only four months to live, how can the family's life continue?
Director of Photography
The historical fantasy film basically revolves around the tale of an impoverished scholar and a fox demon in search of a magic pill. Chen Linong plays the guileless Wang Zijin, the scholar on the way to Beijing who inadvertently becomes fast friends with Li Xian’s fox demon Bai Shisan. Unbeknownst to him, the wily Bai Shisan actually has plans to use him to retrieve the magic pill that will turn him immortal.
Director of Photography
Even when they were orphans, Wang Yizhi has always been in love with Xinxin. Now older, Yizhi decides to train as a boxer before he allows himself to profess his love, but only for her to fall for a geeky computer engineer who is secretly a popular superhero. When Xinxin gets kidnapped, Yizhi must prove his love and his fighting skills to get the girl of his dreams.
Director of Photography
Little Q es un aspirante a perro guía, entrenado para ser un guía para ciegos. Little Q se asocia con Bo-ting, un renombrado chef de repostería que está perdiendo la vista. Pero Bo-ting es irritable y reacio, constantemente pierde los estribos con quienes lo rodean y rechaza a Little Q. Finalmente, el perro y el dueño se unen cuando Little Q gana a Bo-ting con su inquebrantable lealtad. Sin embargo, a medida que Little Q envejece y la salud de Bo-ting sufre, los dos se enfrentan a una separación involuntaria ...
Director of Photography
El legendario explorador de tumbas Hu Bayi vuelve a participar en una misión peligrosa en la que busca la tumba del Emperador Xian, que se encuentra en una isla llena de criaturas monstruosas.
Director of Photography
Siete amigos se reúnen para cenar y deciden jugar a un juego: tendrán que compartir con toda la mesa los mensajes y las llamadas que llegan a sus móviles.
Director of Photography
The film revolves around a pair of big-boned, bumbling cops who find themselves at the heart of a drug trafficking case. The agent "J" (Zhang Wen) was shot in the head during an A-level mission, causing damage to the intracranial hypothalamus. During the period of rehabilitating, J gradually became a big fat man of three hundred pounds and suffered from severe narcolepsy, but J still considered himself a ace agent. Finally, J received the task again and went to Japan to retrieve the confidential documents. After the file was obtained, J arbitrarily opened the file and decided to continue the task of hiding the organization for the organization, but he fainted in the izakaya. J who woke up in the hospital got to know the security guard Handsome Hao (Bei-Er Bao), Handsome Hao to prove that he is not a waste of nothing to resolutely join the mission. In the process of carrying out the task, the temporary partner has experienced the ridiculous and dangerous crisis of time over and over ...
Director of Photography
Harto de una vida llena de sangre, el Tercer Maestro ha decidido fingir su muerte y refugiarse en un burdel. Sin embargo, un espadachín que siempre quiso enfrentarle y Qiudi, su antigua prometida, deciden sacar al maestro de su escondite... a la fuerza.
Director of Photography
El detective de Hong Kong Bennie Black (Chan) ha estado siguiendo durante décadas a un conocido jefe de la delincuencia, Victor Wong. Cuando la joven sobrina de Bennie, Samantha, se mete en problemas con el sindicato del crimen de Wong, Bennie deberá localizar a la única persona que podrá ayudarlo: el jugador estadounidense Connor Watts (Johnny Knoxville). (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
An omnibus of 4 short stories, each of them occurring in different corners of our society, but all of which encompass the same themes: courage, determination, pursuance and hope.
Director of Photography
Continuing the story of Beijing Meets Seattle I from 2013, the new movie has the couple fall in love again.
Director of Photography
Inteligente exorcista Fatt tiene un método único de tratar con espíritus vengativos: Negocia con ellos y les convence para dejar de lado sus rencores. Después de grabaciones de sus exorcismos en virales, Fatt atrae las atenciones de un espíritu asesino que ha dirigido los medios, así como un reportero molesto que toma gran interés en Fatt y su estrecha relación con un espíritu femenino.
Director of Photography
El colapso esquizofrénico de Fan Kwok Sang llevó a la muerte accidental de su esposa Wai Ling, y fue internado en un hospital psiquiátrico hace tres años. Ahora Fan está listo para ser lanzado, con el Dr. Chow Ming Kit respondiendo por él a pesar de que sus objetos principales. Sin embargo, a Fan le resulta difícil hacer frente a su nueva vida. Algo malo le sucede y Chow se obsesiona al tratar de defender a su paciente y salvar su propia reputación.
Director of Photography
Hong Kong. Cuando Cao Nan y su grupo de ladrones asaltan un furgón blindado a plena luz del día, no dudan en asesinar a inocentes en su huida. Lui Ming Chit, un veterano inspector de policía, se ve obligado a usar siniestras tácticas para atraparlos.
Director of Photography
In "Haunted Pillow," TVB starlet Fala Chen is still obsessed with her lover (Gordon Lam) after their breakup and invariably suffers from insomnia. She gets hold of a Chinese herbal pillow that eventually helps her fall asleep again but it also draws her near something unexpected. "Hide And Seek" casts a group of young newcomers into an abandoned school campus where they meet longtime janitor Mr. Chan who takes shelter at the school. Playing hide-and-seek after midnight, the teenagers go missing, one after another. In his self-directed piece "Black Umbrella," Teddy Robin makes solving conflicts on the street at night his mission and marks each closed case with his signature black umbrella. Before he calls it a day, he meets a prostitute who forcefully pulls him upstairs for business and unfortunately things spiral out of control.
In "Haunted Pillow," TVB starlet Fala Chen is still obsessed with her lover (Gordon Lam) after their breakup and invariably suffers from insomnia. She gets hold of a Chinese herbal pillow that eventually helps her fall asleep again but it also draws her near something unexpected. "Hide And Seek" casts a group of young newcomers into an abandoned school campus where they meet longtime janitor Mr. Chan who takes shelter at the school. Playing hide-and-seek after midnight, the teenagers go missing, one after another. In his self-directed piece "Black Umbrella," Teddy Robin makes solving conflicts on the street at night his mission and marks each closed case with his signature black umbrella. Before he calls it a day, he meets a prostitute who forcefully pulls him upstairs for business and unfortunately things spiral out of control.
Director of Photography
Paralyzed at a young age, Jing is a kind piano teacher who leads a quiet life. One day, she accuses her doctor Zhou of molesting her during a typical medical examination. Zhou is promptly arrested, charged and put on trial. The prosecutor of the case is Tim, an idealistic lawyer who joined the law world to punish the guilty. However, as Tim's investigator Nam helps him peel back the pieces, the more complex the case becomes. Soon, Tim begins to question the truth surrounding Jing's story.
Director of Photography
When a young couple moves into a home, they find a mysterious doll that changes their lives forever.
Director of Photography
La historia de los Yang ha sido elogiada por cientos de años en la sociedad china. En ella se relatan las hazañas de la familia militar Yang, mostrando con detalle la lealtad inquebrantable de los herederos de la familia Yang. ‘Salvar al General Yang’ coloca el foco de atención en como los siete hijos de la familia Yang combinaron sus esfuerzos para rescatar a su padre.
Director of Photography
When Jiajia, a young woman in Beijing who lives a luxurious life provided by her wealthy boyfriend, gets pregnant, she goes to the United States, hoping that the baby will be born an American citizen. There she meets Frank who offers help and makes her think twice about who her Mr. Right really is.
Director of Photography
Intensa película de acción inspirada en los clásicos de artes marciales y kung-fu de la cultura oriental. El film está dirigido por uno de los más antiguos colaboradores del productor, el músico RZA, quien también escribe el guion junto a otro veterano cómplice de Tarantino, el artista estadounidense Eli Roth. RZA debuta como director en la gran pantalla con este largometraje, que narra una legendaria historia sobre un héroe forastero y solitario en la China del siglo XIX. Los protagonistas de la historia tendrán que luchar contra un desalmado clan que intentará destruir su comunidad. El extranjero herrero de la ciudad, dedicado a la creación de armas desde su llegada, invocará una extraordinaria energía mística con el objetivo de convertirse en una potente arma humana. Deberá aprovechar su poder para frenar las actuaciones de la organización enemiga y proteger a los habitantes de su entorno.
Director of Photography
Dos detectives investigan un asesinato en una fábrica de balas en la Shanghái de los años 30. Sin embargo, el patrón no colabora, y los trabajadores van desapareciendo.
Director of Photography
Ning Ning is a new student at her school, where her passion for singing helps her form a relationship with a boy in her class. Together with their friends, they fight the odds to participate in an inter-school singing competition.
Director of Photography
Tina Armstrong es una superestrella en el mundo de la lucha femenina. Christie es una bella ladrona y asesina a sueldo. La princesa Kasumi es una guerrera aristócrata asiática que recibió formación de maestros de las artes marciales. Helena Douglas es una atleta de deportes extremos cuyo trágico pasado la obliga a confinarse en un lejano palacio del sureste asiático, que es donde tiene lugar el torneo de Dead Or Alive. A ellas se unirá, en aquel selvático paraje, la flor y nata de los luchadores de élite mundial, todos ellos esforzándose al máximo para conseguir el premio de 10 millones de dólares. Entre los contendientes se encuentra Zack, el luchador callejero, Bayman, poseedor de un récord Guinness y conocido como "el hombre más fuerte de Australia"; y el duro Leon.
Moon is a young misfit who has the ability to talk to bugs. Moon has always been perceived as a "misfit" because she spoke baby talk too long. She has a crush on a boy named Hyland who works in a store across the street from her house. Unknown to Moon, Hyland has a serious problem with body contact with other people. Moon also meets Coochie, an endearing ladybug who speaks to her and becomes part of her daily life, advising her. Moon meets a band of kids who also has abilities, including telekinetic twins, a high jumping teen, a fortune teller, a boy with x-ray vision that is a semi-pervert. Leading these misfits is a woman named Auntie who looks early to mid 20s but her actual age is 70. Auntie wants both Moon and Hyland to join her band of misfits because of Moon's abilities and Hyland's ability to dodge other people's attacks.
Director of Photography
Restaurant supervisor Jill (Karena Lam) has a handsome boyfriend Chi On (Wu Bing), but she is just his backup girlfriend. She knows she is the other girl, but her hope for being his one and only has never ceased until he changes his formal girlfriend once again. All her anger goes to her co-worker Jack (Ekin Cheng), who appears to be a womanizer but indeed shares a similar unfortunate romantic situation of being the backup boyfriend of an airhostess. Knowing that both are victims in romantic relationships, Jack and Jill no longer spar with each other and a liking between them start to develop
Director of Photography
En el antiguo reino de Huadu, los hombres son tratados como esclavos y vendidos como ganados por las mujeres bajo el mandato de la cruel emperatriz. Su reinado tan solo se ve perturbado por la profecia que augura que un muchacho se alzara para convertirse en emperador y recuperar la hegemonia masculina. Ajenos a todo esto, dos jovenes actores ambulantes se topan un mapa grabado en una tablilla y emprenden la busqueda de un tesoro legendario a la que pronto se unen dos muchachas tan encantadoras como leales. Los cuatro dejaran de un lado la guerra de sexos, para superar juntos los numerosos obstaculos de un viaje epico repleto de romance, comedia y artes marciales destinado a devolver el equilibrio entre dos generos.
Director of Photography
Heung, a fishwerwoman, is determined to help Kai, an amateur aromatherapist, find the ultimate elixir for the princess who has a bad case of body odour. Although Kai's initial aim is to find the cure and win the princess' heart, he and Heung draw closer every day in the quest for the ultimate cure.
Michelle Yeoh interpreta a una Robin Hood en versión femenina. Una mente criminal maestra busca conquistar el mundo con sus tres entrenados asesinos. Yeoh interpreta a Wong Ngang, una mujer que está haciendo carrera en el mundo judicial por el día y que busca hacer justicia en las calles por la noche.
Director of Photography
Younger brother from HK visits older brother, who is a mid-level mobster in Thailand. He is looking to recoup money the brother took from the family when he fled HK 15 years earlier. His pesky girlfriend, refusing to stay in HK, learns the hard way that there's more to Thailand than elephant rides. The elder brother is caught up in an internal struggle within the mob. Someone is injecting drugs into their gambling operation. His search leads to a tug of war, with the brother and girlfriend caught in the middle.
Assistant Camera
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
La sociedad secreta del Loto Rojo está decidida a deponer al malvado emperador manchú y a sus secuaces. A uno de los gobernadores se le encarga la misión de elaborar una lista con los nombres de los miembros de dicha sociedad. Mientras, Fong Sai Yuk, un cantonés que practica las artes marciales, se enamora de la preciosa hija de un rico comerciante recién llegado a Cantón. Su padre, en un intento por ganar influencia en la zona y mejorar sus negocios, ofrece a su hija en matrimonio a aquel que resulte ganador en un torneo de artes marciales
Focus Puller
In this homage to Alfred Hitchcock, a femme fatale and a photographer embark on a romantic adventure surrounding a mysterious marble.