Line Producer
A pesar de la crisis del petróleo debido a la guerra de Oriente Medio, un joven inversor de banca (Slater) está a punto de hacer una delicada transacción de compra de crudo. Al mismo tiempo, tiene un lío con una joven recién graduada en económicas, una chica tan idealista como atractiva, que correrá con él una arriesgada aventura.
Production Manager
A teacher tutors a student in her home with the intent of taking over the family. Using poisonous herbal teas and other psychological devices, she manipulates the husband into thinking his wife is going crazy.
Executive Producer
Un novelista y su esposa se trasladan a vivir a un pequeño pueblo tratando de encontrar una existencia pacífica lejos de los peligros de la gran ciudad. En lugar de eso, Robert se convierte en el primer sospechoso de un caso de asesinato.
Production Manager
This film tells the tale of young Wilma's romantic escapades with Christine, a woman from the "outside" world. Surrealistically set in the 1950s, the town of Eden is a place where the air is haunted with silence. Wilma has to choose whether to redeem herself in the eyes of her religiously obsessed brother James, her neurotic chain-smoking Mother, and her opprobrious Father, or escape Eden, a place where one can never feel quite clean enough.