Daryl Haney

Daryl Haney

Nacimiento : 1963-06-21, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA


Daryl Haney


My Johnny
An angry child.
Frozen Kiss
Scar-Faced Man
Based on true events, Shelley and Ryan are two young lovers who get stranded during a raging blizzard. With the authorities unable to locate them they must fight for survival from both the elements and the mysterious figures who are trailing them.
Smile Pretty
Peter (uncredited)
Nastalia is too young to have experienced many things in life, but as an abused child she has already experienced the darkest side of it. Now a young teen she takes it upon herself to change her life for the better, but the torment that is so interlaced with her childhood will haunt her every step forward.
Drug Dealer
La historia trata sobre dos policías que intentan detener a un asesino en serie, para lo que cuentan con las declaraciones de varios testigos: una familia, una pareja de jóvenes y un par de policías, cuyas versiones difieren a la hora de explicar su encuentro con el psicópata.
Komodo 2: Isla maldita
Un grupo de dragones de Komodo genéticamente modificados se han convertido en un peligro para los humanos, pues están empezando a cazar a los habitantes de una isla tropical. Un equipo de científicos deben detener a estos animales antes de que alcancen otras tierras y destruyan la humanidad.
The Untitled Star Wars Mockumentary
Damon Packard parodies the making of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Mockingbird Don't Sing
The tragic true story of one of the worst cases of child abuse ever documented (in which a girl was locked in a room without social contact for nearly thirteen years) and what happened when she was finally rescued.
Mockingbird Don't Sing
The tragic true story of one of the worst cases of child abuse ever documented (in which a girl was locked in a room without social contact for nearly thirteen years) and what happened when she was finally rescued.
War Live
Belgrade, 1999. Producer Sergei and his film crew are in a disastrous situation - the film they're making is under threat - there's no money, the crew are dissatisfied - and NATO bombing is just around the corner. Then a member of the State Security Service (Mileta) comes looking for American co-producer Harvey. Anxious and worried, in the midst of the bombing that's begun, Sergei hides Harvey from what he thinks is awaiting him - arrest. During the night, he thinks up a plan. He announces the start of filming on a new, patriotic film - in which the main role will be played by Harvey. The plan works - the State supports the film and Mileta, as the State's representative, joins the crew. However, the underlying conflict between Mileta and Sergei explodes during the first screening. Mileta accuses them of being artists, and not being patriots.
Forbidden Sins
Shannon Tweed stars as the divorced defense attorney who gets caught in a passionate love affair with an accused murderer.
The Adventures of Young Brave
Two young girls awaken the spirit of a native from the old west whose magical powers lead to hilarious misadventures in a comedy romp the whole family will love.
Life Among the Cannibals
Associate Producer
Jasper James decides to leave his girlfriend and moves into a very large house with low rent but gradually discovers that his neighbor Troy has a very strange behavior.
Life Among the Cannibals
Jasper James decides to leave his girlfriend and moves into a very large house with low rent but gradually discovers that his neighbor Troy has a very strange behavior.
Life Among the Cannibals
Jasper James decides to leave his girlfriend and moves into a very large house with low rent but gradually discovers that his neighbor Troy has a very strange behavior.
Erasable You
Jack Henry
A man hires an assassin to kill his money-grabbing first wife.
Xtro 3 La venganza
Prvt. Hendricks
Un destacamento de marines recibe la orden de diseminar bombas en una isla desierta. Los militares comienzan a trabajar hasta que un extraño alienígena empieza a exterminarlos.
Xtro 3 La venganza
Un destacamento de marines recibe la orden de diseminar bombas en una isla desierta. Los militares comienzan a trabajar hasta que un extraño alienígena empieza a exterminarlos.
Xtro 3 La venganza
Un destacamento de marines recibe la orden de diseminar bombas en una isla desierta. Los militares comienzan a trabajar hasta que un extraño alienígena empieza a exterminarlos.
Un extraño en mí
Detective Bobby Corcoran and his partner, Detective Larson, are on the hunt for a vicious serial killer in this tense police thriller. As the murderous villain stalks the city streets leaving carnage in his wake, Corcoran begins to experience blackouts and sudden fits of anger. As the detectives pursue the case, they uncover evidence suggesting that one of them may be responsible for the mysterious deaths.
Emmanuelle 4: Fantasías secretas
Emmanuelle enseña los placeres de las fantasías sexuales a sus amigos alienígenas, y termina siendo presa del amor y los celos. Cuarta parte de la saga de películas televisivas "Emmanuelle in Space"; basadas en el personaje creado por Emmanuelle Arsan e interpretado por Krista Allen.
Instinto animal II
Un infeliz divorciado tiene la mala suerte de mudarse al lado de un voyeur de un instalador de sistemas de seguridad, cuya afición es colocar cámaras de video ocultas en las habitaciones de todos sus clientes. Luego monitorea la vida sexual de sus clientes a través de un elaborado sistema de monitor de TV en su garaje. Shannon se convierte en su última víctima, pero cuando descubre la cámara por accidente, comienza a poner espectáculos de sexo para su placer. La trama se pone fea cuando Jim profesa su amor por ella, pero es rechazado.
Emmanuelle 3: Lecciones de amor
Emmanuelle conoce a Tasha, una extraterrestre a quien le enseñara todo sobre los deseos humanos, la sexualidad y el amor.
Emmanuelle in Space 2: A World of Desire
Después de haber hecho el Primer Contacto con viajeros intergalácticos, Emmanuelle continúa su misión en curso ... para impartir los secretos del amor humano y la sexualidad. Ella se encuentra con un dilema atractivo, cuando uno de los alienígenas se enamora de un terrícola vivaz.
Emmanuelle: First Contact
Emmanuelle makes first contact...when a group of intergalactic travelers arrives, seeking to understand human love and sexuality. Who better to teach them than Emmanuelle, the most sensual woman in the world...and beyond.
Un hombre en armas
El campeón de kickboxing, Jerry Trimble, interpreta a un hombre franco atrapado en la polí­tica de un pequeño pueblo torcido. Para llegar a la verdad sobre la muerte de su abuelo, primero debe expulsar a los criminales, incluido el sheriff, poniendo fin de manera efectiva a sus redes de contrabando ilegal, juego y prostitución. Pero el peor crimen de todos resulta estar en su propio patio trasero.
Concealed Weapon
Oliver Wright
Something unthinkable is happening among Hollywood's elite power players... and Oliver Wright is in the midst of it all. A struggling actor, Oliver gets the lead in a movie for a well-known producer. But what starts out as the role of a lifetime turns into a role others would "kill" for!
Mirror Images II
Shannon Whirry interpreta a Carrie y Terrie, un par de gemelos que fueron separados en la juventud cuando su padre asesinó a su madre y fue asesinado por su propia hija gemela mala. Ahora la dulce "buena" hermana ha crecido para casarse con un piojo abusivo. Atrapada en una relación sin sexo, busca consuelo con una terapeuta (Kristine Kelly), pero sus problemas están a punto de agravarse cuando su malvada hermana llega a la ciudad, con la intención de vengarse de su doble por los errores del pasado. Incluso la ayuda de un detective privado de su lado puede no ser suficiente cuando su hermana se alía con su propio esposo.
El rostro de la muerte
Jack, dibujante experto en retratos-robots, acude, una vez más a la comisaria. En esta ocasión se trata del asesinato de un empresario de modas, pero mientras realiza el retrato se da cuenta de que el dibujo le es extrañamente familiar...
Dance with Death
A string of murders at a local strip joint give a reporter the chance to do undercover investigation. She gets a job as a stripper at the establishment, where she befriends some of the other women, who know more about what is happening than they have publicly admitted. As she gets closer to the truth, her life is put in jeopardy.
Crisis in the Kremlin
The sister-in-law of an assassin and a CIA agent team-up to save Gorbachev's life.
To Die Standing
Willis, a hardened DEA agent from the streets of New York, is given his toughest assignment -- to team up with a Colombian cop, Delgado, and find the connection of a drug shipments and the U.S. government.
John in Nova
Miki and her younger brother Robby flee their destructive home and find themselves in the towering metropolis, Los Angeles. There, they meet Sharkey, a pimp. Miki becomes infatuated with Sharkey and starts to work for him. Miki finds herself trapped in Sharkey's dominating world and must find a way to escape the nightmare.
The Unborn
Officer Lumley
Una pareja que no puede tener hijos se une a un programa de fertilización in vitro. Mientras que ella está embarazada, ella encuentra ocurrencias extrañas sucediendo dentro de su cuerpo. El horror que rodea al niño sale a la luz cuando los padres descubren que su hijo ha sido parte de un experimento loco.
Proyecto Terror 2
Un perro superinteligente y su amo (Singer) son perseguidos por un monstruo que es el resultado del mismo experimento que sirvió para crear al canino.
Masque of the Red Death
With a deadly plague ravaging his Renaissance kingdom, Prince Prospero invites his friends to retire to the protection of his castle for ongoing revels, leaving the peasantry to die. But fate is not so easily escaped by the debauched nobility.
Masque of the Red Death
With a deadly plague ravaging his Renaissance kingdom, Prince Prospero invites his friends to retire to the protection of his castle for ongoing revels, leaving the peasantry to die. But fate is not so easily escaped by the debauched nobility.
Los señores del abismo
Después de un violento terremoto,el pánico se ha echo dueño de la subestación experimental Neptuno. Atrapados,incomunicados a 10.000 pies de la superficie,en la oscuridad de las profundidades no estan completamente solos, la sombra de un ser no identificado acecha entre la corriente...
Crime Zone
Dos jóvenes rebeldes, Helen (Sherilyn Fenn) y Bone (Peter Nelson), descubren una peligrosa conspiración que afecta al gobierno.
Marked for Murder
Agent #1
A snooty female production assistant and an eager gopher at a TV station are assigned by their boss to locate a mysterious cassette. They quickly find themselves framed for murder and pursued by government agents.
The Other Man
Young American actor comes to Yugoslavia to star in co-production film of the two countries, only to find out that the director was mysteriously killed. Later he discovers that the reason was his involvement in the white slavery trade.
Viernes 13. 7ª parte: Sangre nueva
Desde que el maníaco homicida Jason Voorhees quedó atrapado en unas cadenas al fondo del lago Crystal, el campamento de verano más cercano no ha sufrido ningún altercado... ni asesinatos. Pero una de las campistas, Tina Shepherd, puede ver el futuro y hacer levitar objetos. Su médico conoce los peligros de la telequinesia, pero tiene más interés en aprovecharse de ella que en ayudarla. Y ahora es demasiado tarde. Sin querer, Tina ha liberado a Jason de su tumba acuosa, y el baño de sangre está a punto de empezar
Daddy's Boys
A dark comedy set in 1930s America. Jimmy and Christie become celebrity bank robbers whose stardom ends in a bloody shootout when Daddy's Boys catch up with them.
Daddy's Boys
A dark comedy set in 1930s America. Jimmy and Christie become celebrity bank robbers whose stardom ends in a bloody shootout when Daddy's Boys catch up with them.
During a police strike in Nova Scotia's capital city, a gang of hoodlums end up unintentionally causing the owner of a gay bar to be killed. This escalates into a string of murders with a lone survivor trying to not be next.