Jack Davies

Nacimiento : 1913-11-25, Fulham, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1994-06-22


The Pickwick Papers
The Pickwick Papers is a twelve-part BBC adaption of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, first broadcast in 1985. It starred Nigel Stock, Alan Parnaby, Clive Swift and Patrick Malahide, with narration spoken by Ray Brooks.
Rescate en el mar del Norte
Un excéntrico millonario (Roger Moore) se involucra en la caza y captura de un terrorista (Anthony Perkins) contando con el apoyo del Gobierno británico.
Rescate en el mar del Norte
Un excéntrico millonario (Roger Moore) se involucra en la caza y captura de un terrorista (Anthony Perkins) contando con el apoyo del Gobierno británico.
Emboscada en Extremo Oriente
Walter Bradbury, un tímido profesor cincuentón, trabaja como tutor de un muchacho que es hijo del embajador japonés en un país asiático. El chico queda deslumbrado por las apasionantes historias que el profesor le cuenta sobre su pasado: héroe de guerra, miembro del Parlamento, experto buceador, piloto en las 24 horas de Le Mans, etc. Pero, cuando unos rebeldes secuestran al niño y a su tutor para chantajear al padre del chico, entonces se pone de manifiesto la verdadera naturaleza de Bradbury: un hombre pusilánime, cobarde e irresoluto. Sin embargo, herido en su amor propio, afrontará el peligro para recuperar la confianza de su pupilo.
Assistant Editor
Jonathan Harker viaja a Transilvania para cerrar un negocio inmobiliario con un misterioso conde que acaba de comprar varias propiedades en Londres. Después de un viaje preñado de ominosas señales, Harker es recogido en el Paso de Borgo por un siniestro carruaje que le lleva al castillo del conde.
Some Will, Some Won't
Original Story
Four people go to great lengths to obtain the fortune left in a will by a very wealthy practical joker.
El rally de Montecarlo y toda su zarabanda de antaño
En la famosa carrera de Montecarlo participan los personajes más excéntricos que quepa imaginar, pero cada uno de ellos está dispuesto a llegar a la meta como sea. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ladrona por amor
Una mujer euroasiática que trabaja en un cabaret es contratada por un ladrón inglés y un escultor francés para que les ayude a robar una valiosa estatua china que es propiedad de un millonario.
Doctor in Clover
Doctor in Clover is another 'Doctor' movie, but this time Leslie Phillips is the main doctor in the story, looking for love and romance from the hospital nurses, much to the annoyance of the main Administrator (James Robertson Justice) who wants his doctors to be 100% focussed on the job. Numerous antics follow, with Phillips getting Justice fixed up with the new prim-and-proper Matron (Joan Sims) and his attempted failures to lure the hospital's beauty, the physiotherapist.
Aquellos chalados en sus locos cacharros
En 1910 tiene lugar una gran carrera entre Londres y París que es patrocinada por el rico editor de un periódico británico. Los participantes proceden de todas partes y protagonizan toda clase de peripecias, rivalidades y aventuras amorosas.
The Cavern
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
The Cavern
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
Father Came Too!
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
A Stitch in Time
An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.
A volante y a lo loco
Murdoch Troon es un sencillo funcionario que está locamente enamorado de Claire, hija de un prestigioso millonario. Con la intención de impresionar al padre de su querida, Murdoch aprenderá a conducir un antiguo coche deportivo.
Crooks Anonymous
A former burglar trying to go straight joins a rehabilitation scheme using much the same methods as AA. Through the process, he takes work as a department store Santa, where the endless parade of goods and money, not to mention the pretty young shop hands have him like a moth to a flame in no time flat.
Nearly a Nasty Accident
The RAF Group Captain has a hard job to restrain the aircraft-man from tinkering with everything he can get his hands on
Seven Keys
Alan Dobie plays a convict who is bequeathed a set of seven keys by a fellow prisoner. After discovering that the deceased was an embezzler who stole £20,000 that was never recovered; he sets out to find the cash after finishing the last three months of his sentence. However he must first solve the mystery of which locks the keys fit, and run the gauntlet of the police and a number of gangsters who are after him and the money.
Zafarrancho en la marina
Norman Puckle (Norman Wisdom), es vendedor, de bote en bote, de la tienda Dalton’s. Es un tipo bien intencionado pero algo torpe, y luego de ser rechazado por su enamorada Marlene, intenta suicidarse pero falla en todos sus intentos. Salvado, por un ofical de la marina, de caer desde un acantilado (su último intento de abandonar este mundo), su salvador lo convence para que ingrese a la armada prometiéndole que podrá tener muy cerca a numerosas chicas… pero antes tendrá muy cerca un buen número de líos.
The Ugly Duckling
Henry Jekyll was always the outsider, a bungling and awkward buffoon, relegated to waiting for his invitation to participate in life that never arrived: until he discovers a medical formula developed by a dead uncle, which claimed to turn 'a man of timid disposition into a bold, fearless dragon'. Taking a draught of the elixir Henry is transformed into suave, sophisticated and highly desirable Teddy Hyde. Armed with his new persona, Teddy is ready to face the world; but is Henry ready for the consequences?
Don't Panic Chaps!
During World War II, four British soldiers are commissioned to set up an observation post on a seemingly deserted island in the Mediterranean. However, while surveying the island, the Brits come across four German soldiers holed up in a monastery. The Brits and the Germans agree to a truce, sharing the monastery together until either the British or German troops arrive. But when a shipwrecked Slavic girl ends up on the island, a battle over her erupts amongst the men.
Espía a la fuerza
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Norman Pitkin trabaja para el Sr. Grimsdale en el ayuntamiento, pero una serie de circunstancias hacen que Norman acabe transformado en el General Schreiber y sea enviado a Francia.
I Only Arsked
A group of misfit soldiers are desperately trying to fiddle themselves some leave. Instead they wrangle a posting to the British Middle-East protectorate of Darawa. Their frustrations and disappointment at landing one of the harshest territories is compensated when they discover a secret passage to the King's harem.
High Flight
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
La vuelta al mundo en 80 días
Extra (uncredited)
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
Jumping for Joy
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
An Alligator Named Daisy
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
Un médico en la marina
El joven médico Simon Sparrow (Dirk Bogarde) ejerce su profesión en “El Loto”, un buque de carga dirigido por el autoritario y borrachín Capitán Hogg. Allí conoce a los personajes más excéntricos y se ve involucrado en situaciones bastante embarazosas. Cuando en Río ve a Hélène Colbert (Brigitte Bardot), una joven y atractiva cantante francesa, cae rendido a sus pies.
Esta es la noche
El alcalde de Rathberney en Irlanda, es asesinado y le sucede un pariente lejano que está dispuesto a limpiar la ciudad de todo tipo de rateros, desaprensivos y delincuentes. Pero los ciudadanos deciden eliminarlo.
Top Secret
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Curtain Up
Original Story
In a small town in the 1950's a repertory company meets on Monday morning to start rehearsing the following week's play. This is a ghastly thing written by the aunt of one of the theatre's directors. The producer doesn't try to hide his annoyance about it, and is further exercised when the authoress herself arrives to help. The cast have to try and sort out real-life problems that keep intruding as they wrestle with the play's dire dialogue.
Laughter in Paradise
When an eccentric practical joker dies, he divides his fortune among four heirs. But before they can collect the cash they must each do something which goes completely against their nature. NB: This is the film which introduced Audrey Hepburn.
Trouble in the Air
A radio commentator is sent to a village to broadcast a bell-ringing team. Meanwhile a property speculator tries to buy a plot of land for less than it is worth.