Daniel H. Blatt


Dog Days: The Making of 'Cujo'
Documentary about the making of the 1983 thriller "Cujo"
When Angels Come to Town
Executive Producer
Max, un ángel en el exilio, camina por los Estados Unidos para ayudar a los humanos. En un pequeño pueblo de Maine, conoce a una mujer joven sin una familia llamada Sally. Mientras lucha por obtener la custodia de su hermano menor, Max inmediatamente cree que su nueva misión es ayudar a Sally. Pero Jo, un ángel estricto, es enviado a explicar a su colega que esto no es exactamente lo que se espera de él. De hecho, la misión de Max no es ayudar a Sally, sino a Karl, el gerente de una pequeña fábrica de decoraciones navideñas. Su negocio apenas sobrevive porque sus productos tradicionales no alcanzan el éxito de antaño. Primero aburrido, Max nota que Karl conoce a Sally ...
A Town Without Christmas
Executive Producer
In the small town of Seacliff, Wash., a child's letter to Santa Claus captures the nation's attention. When the little boy, Chris, writes that he wishes to leave this world so he will no longer be a burden to his divorcing parents, a race begins to find him before he harms himself.
Asesinato en el Orient Express
Executive Producer
Adaptación de una de las novelas más conocidas de Agatha Christie. Narra la historia de un asesinato perpetrado durante un viaje en el legendario Orient Express. La investigación del famoso detective belga Hercules Poirot (Albert Finney) tropieza con grandes dificultades, pues los ilustres pasajeros disponen de una coartada que los excluye como sospechosos. Inmejorable reparto para un film que consiguió un Óscar (mejor actriz secundaria:Ingrid Bergman) y seis nominaciones.
Dead by Midnight
Executive Producer
Just when he's beginning to take his perfect life and marriage for granted, John (Timothy Hutton) discovers that he's the result of a failed government experiment to spawn a race of perfect assassins. But the closer he gets to finding out what went wrong, the weirder the truth becomes.
Never Give Up: The Jimmy V Story
Executive Producer
The biography of Jimmy Valvano, American sports reporter and basketball coach, who died of cancer in 1993.
Kissinger and Nixon
Executive Producer
A dramatization of the relationship between Kissinger and Nixon during the six-month period in 1972-73 when Kissinger was negotiating an end to the Vietnam War and Nixon was grandstanding politically.
It Was Him or Us
Executive Producer
When her daughter's lover begins exhibiting signs of becoming a dangerous abuser, a mother attempts to intervene.
Common Ground
Executive Producer
Fact based story about the racial tensions that occurred in Boston in the 1970's because of court ordered busing to end desegregation. The story focuses on an African-American mother determined to get her children a quality education and a white lawyer trying to deal with inner city problems.
Impulso sensual
Historia de ambiciones personales y ruina moral, con un rodaje tan turbio y accidentado como la historia que narra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sworn to Silence
Executive Producer
A lawyer who is defending an accused murderer, is told by his client the whereabouts of the bodies. However, being his lawyer, he is unable to reveal this information.
Rescate infernal
Cuando Harry Burck (Mark Harmon), un ingeniero estadounidense en calidad de préstamo a Colombia, es tomado como rehén por un grupo de terroristas para pedir un rescate, su hermano Corey (Michael Schoeffling) y su amigo Jack (Gary Busey) se encuentran entre un grupo de hombres, liderados por Shrike (Robert Duvall), que deberán adentrarse en las selvas de Colombia para rescatar a Harry y a un embajador de Estados Unidos.
A Winner Never Quits
Executive Producer
Fact-based story of a young boy who lost his right arm in a childhood accident, but went on to fulfill his dreams of playing major-league baseball. The story of Pete Gray.
En una pequeña población norteamericana, un murciélago muerde a un entrañable perro San Bernardo y le contagia la rabia. A medida que avanza la enfermedad, el perro se vuelve más agresivo hasta llegar a aterrorizar a todo el vecindario.
Independence Day
Durante los preparativos de la festividad del 4 de julio, Mary Ann Taylor se enfrenta a un importante dilema. Sus inquietudes le empujan a dejar su pueblo y marcharse a la ciudad a estudiar fotografía. Sin embargo, tendría que dejar atrás a su novio, un joven mecánico al que adora. Los problemas de la hermana de éste, Nancy, y la ilusión con la que preparan su coche deportivo para la carrera anual mantienen a Mary Ann atrapada entre dos mundos.
Inspector Perez
Failed crime TV pilot starring Anne Bloom.
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Executive Producer
A man is wrongly convicted for murder and sent to prison, where he is accused of murdering a brutal guard he killed in self-defense.
The Children Nobody Wanted
True story of Tom Butterfield and his crusade to provide family life for homeless children, becoming not only the first bachelor caretaker, but the youngest single adult to become a legal foster parent in the state of Missouri.
Executive Producer
Karen, una popular presentadora de televisión de Los Ángeles, sufre una crisis nerviosa al estar a punto de ser asaltada por un violador. Para superar el trauma sigue el consejo de un psicólogo que le recomienda retirarse a descansar al campo. Viaja entonces a la costa norte de California, y allí su marido sufre un cambio de personalidad al ser atacado por un extraño animal, mitad hombre, mitad lobo.
The American Success Company
A husband is humiliated at home and at work. He decides he has had enough of it and hires a prostitute to help him get back at his boss, wife and friends and get a lot richer in the process.
Muertes de invierno
Diecinueve años después del asesinato de un Presidente, su hermano investiga su misteriosa muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Executive Producer
The wife of a paralytic becomes involved in an extra-marital affair, with his permission.
Zuma Beach
Executive Producer
A fading rock singer goes to the beach to get away from it all and winds up getting involved in the lives of the teenage beachgoers.
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Executive Producer
A disturbed and institutionalized 16-year-old girl struggles between fantasy and reality.
Panic in Echo Park
A young doctor tries to convince everyone about an impending epidemic, but he is accused of creating panic.
Brigada antisecuestro
Un avión de Air France, que transporta cien pasajeros judíos, es secuestrado por un grupo de terroristas que amenazan con llevar a cabo un atentado. Los comandos israelíes preparan una gran operación para rescatar a los pasajeros y devolverlos a sus casas sanos y salvos. (FILMAFFINITY)