Elizabeth Rodriguez
Nacimiento : 1980-12-27, New York City, New York, USA
Elizabeth Rodriguez is an American actress, best known for her role as Aleida Diaz in the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black.
After graduation from Lehman College, Rodriguez studied for two years under acclaimed acting teacher Maggie Flanigan at William Esper Studios in NYC. While still at the studio, she began working professionally with appearances in feature films including Fresh, Dead Presidents, and I Think I Do, as well as in TV shows such as Law & Order, and recurring roles on both OZ and New York Undercover.
Rodriguez has since appeared in numerous shows, including a recurring role as Aleida Diaz on the Netflix Original series Orange Is The New Black. Other TV credits include roles as series regulars on both NBC's Prime Suspect, opposite Maria Bello, and ABC's All My Children, in addition to recurring roles on The Shield and ER. Other credits include Six Feet Under, FlashForward, Cold Case, Just Shoot Me, NYPD Blue and Law & Order: SVU.
Her made-for-TV movies include Inflammable and The Eddie Matos Story, written by Oscar nominated writer Jose Rivera. Some of her feature films include Return to Paradise, Four Lane Highway, Acts of Worship, Blow, All Things Fall Apart, Pound Of Flesh, Tonight at Noon, A Line in the Sand, Jack Goes Boating directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Michael Mann's Miami Vice, opposite Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx, Tio Papi, Glass Chin, and Animal Rescue with Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini.
In addition to her work on screen, Rodriguez remains extremely active in the theater. She has starred in Beauty of the Father (Manhattan Theatre Club), The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (NY's Public Theater), Roger and Vanessa (Actors' Gang), Den of Thieves (Black Dahlia), Robbers (American Place Theater), A View From 151st Street (NY's Public Theater) and Unconditional (NY's Public Theater). Rodriguez is a longtime member of NY's acclaimed Labyrinth Theater Company.
Gwen Cantu
The patriarch of the family enters the hospital with COVID-19 and because of hospital protocols his family members are forced to say their goodbyes via video conferencing.
Three Nuyorican sisters navigate the daunting life-challenges of single motherhood, career and family, all while finding humor and solace within the bonds of sisterhood in this absorbing dramedy.
Three Nuyorican sisters navigate the daunting life-challenges of single motherhood, career and family, all while finding humor and solace within the bonds of sisterhood in this absorbing dramedy.
Three Nuyorican sisters navigate the daunting life-challenges of single motherhood, career and family, all while finding humor and solace within the bonds of sisterhood in this absorbing dramedy.
Follows the wild, exhilarating life of legendary adult film icon Vanessa Del Rio, set against the backdrop of organized crime-controlled Times Square during the 70s and 80s.
After years of "manually" trying to conceive, John and Katie Kelly put their bodies, wallet and marriage through the ringer of modern infertility treatments.
La vida de Camille como una adolescente solitaria suburbana cambia dramáticamente cuando se hace amiga de un grupo de chicas patinadoras. A medida que se adentra en esta subcultura cruda de la ciudad de Nueva York, comienza a comprender el verdadero significado de la amistad, así como su ser interior.
Cuando el Marine de los Estados Unidos Nelson Sanchez vuelve a casa se encuentra atrapado por el violento pasado del que intentaba escapar.
Sin sus poderes, por primera vez, Lobezno es verdaderamente vulnerable. Después de una vida de dolor y angustia, sin rumbo y perdido en el mundo donde los X-Men son leyenda, su mentor Charles Xavier lo convence de asumir una última misión: proteger a una joven que será la única esperanza para la raza mutante.
Detective Romsey
En Brooklyn, un solitario camarero rescata a un cachorro de un cubo de basura. Sus problemas empiezan cuando aparece el dueño del animal, un hombre con problemas mentales que, además, está involucrado en una conspiración criminal que se planea en el bar en el que trabaja el camarero.
Rita Sierra
Un ex boxeador venido a menos debe de elegir entre la amistad y la ambición tras ser acusado de asesinato.
Nurse Janet
After being hit by a car, a woman comes home to realize her friends don't really want to take care of her. Desperate for help, she turns to an unlikely source.
It was a bachelor’s life for hard-working and fun-loving Ray Ray Dominguez (Joey Dedio) who dreamt of leaving the barrio for a more carefree existence in Miami. That’s until one day when everything changed – and he became a reluctant “Tio Papi” aka Uncle Daddy to his sister’s six children ages 6 to 16. Now, in charge of raising this energetic (and expensive) clan, Ray Ray must make important decisions on what life really is all about. Combining heart-warming drama with light-hearted comedy, TIO PAPI, directed by Fro Rojas from the original screenplay by Joey Dedio and Brian Herskowitz, is an upbeat story of life’s unexpected surprises and ultimately what matters the most – the love of family.
Ambientada en el mundo de la psicofarmacología, ciencia que estudia cómo afectan las drogas a la mente humana. Emily es una joven que se vuelve adicta a un nuevo medicamento que le receta su psiquiatra para que pueda controlar su ansiedad ante la inminente salida de la cárcel de su marido.
Mrs. Lopez
50 Cent stars as gifted college running back Deon in this touching drama. Deon's world turns upside down when an unexpected crisis jeopardizes his professional ambitions -- and causes him to look at himself and his life in a new way.
Sgt. Rebecca Ferraro
POUND OF FLESH is the story of two men, polar opposites who will fall from grace at the same moment,engage in moral and mortal combat, and discover that they are not that different after all.
Waldorf Event Assistant
A pesar de su timidez, un conductor de limusinas de Manhattan se lanza a hacer cosas tan estrafalarias como dar lecciones de cocina, natación o mantener una relación inverosímil con una persona adorable pero que es también un perdedor nato. La película, presentada en Sundance en 2010, supuso el debut de Philip Seymour Hoffman como director.
Una historia humana se desarrolla cuando los detectives agravados por una gran redada que salió mal se ven obligados a lidiar con un hombre atormentado arrojado a la jaula después de orinar en la limusina del alcalde. La explosiva combinación de carácter y situación equilibra el drama intenso con una comedia de risa a carcajadas.
Older Isabel
Isabel is a high school journalist who has stumbled into a frightening - and potentially deadly - story. Lately, the teenagers in Isabell's small town have been disappearing at an alarming rate. When Isabell learns that a killer known only by the online moniker of "Azreal" is stalking MySpace on a mission to punish amoral teens, the budding journalist enlists the aid of her best friend Zeek in hopes of stopping a relentless maniac. But "Azreal" is no amateur, because whoever this killer may be, they have clouded their true identity by constructing a complex web of deceptions and dead ends. When Old Springs Valley Detective Ramirez appears to investigate the case, the sleuthing teens fast begin to discern that they may be in mortal danger. Now, as Isabell carefully attempts to uncover the blood-soaked motivations of a mysterious serial killer, it's only a matter of time before she comes face to face with her worst nightmare.
A man's journey to win back his former love forces him to confront a past of emotional immaturity, drinking, and thwarted artistic ambitions.
Det. Gina Calabrese
En Miami, ciudad en la que los barones de la droga procedentes del Tercer Mundo se codean con industrias corporativas de miles de millones de dólares, “Sonny” Crockett y Ricardo Tubbs, se enteran de que un soplo en las altas esferas ha causado la muerte de dos agentes federales y la masacre de una familia. La investigación de los dos detectives no tarda en llevarlos ante la puerta de los brutales asesinos de la Hermandad Aria y de una sofisticada red de traficantes globalizados protegidos internacionalmente.
Antonio es un jóven mexicano que decide tomar la decisión de emigrar al país de las oportunidades, Estados Unidos. Comienza su aventura en Los Angeles donde persigue su sueño: convertirse en un aútentico músico.
Cuando llega, comienzan a abrirse puertas tocando en pequeños locales, el camino será duro, pero la vida le tiene preparado otro destino. Lo que nunca llegaría a imaginar Antonio, sería que allí encontraría también el amor.
Conoce a su vecina Mirabella, una antigua cantante cuyos sueños llegaron a desvanecerse por la falta de oportunidades que encontró en Los Angeles. Animada por Antonio, recupera las ganas de vivir cantando, para ello reunirá a su antigua banda y comenzarán de nuevo a tocar.
¿Existe el auténtico sueño americano? ¿Llegarán ambos a lo más alto?
Martha Oliveras
Basada en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de George Jung, un hombre de familia humilde que consiguió hacerse multimillonario gracias a su propia versión del sueño americano. Durante su estancia en la cárcel se adentra en el mundo del narcotráfico en Colombia, y a través de un ingenioso sistema de importación llega a comerciar la mayor parte de la cocaína que entra en Estados Unidos durante los 70. Acompañado por Mirtha y Delgado, formarán un triángulo que compartirá situaciones límite dominadas por la pasión, el odio, la amistad y una desmedida ambición de poder.
Alix is taken in by a photographer, Digna, who despite her friends' protests, tries to help Alix piece her life back together and overcome her addictions.
Bentwood Girl #5
Ah, the Pennytree Golf Club...lavish clubhouse, manicured greens, 18 holes of golfing paradise... NOT! Tattered and almost without any customers, Pennytree has become the target of a takeover by it's neighbor and competitor, Bentwood Country Club, owned and operated by the conniving Simon Roosevelt (Dan Barkley). Inspired by a freak accident, Liberty Pennytree (Christy Tummond) hatches a plan to bring in more golfers and crush Simon's takeover plans. Gorgeous ladies, hot bods and the fun filled "cart wash" are the attractions as busloads of new customers flock to the "new" Pennytree Golf Club. The ladies of Pennytree, led by "Barbara the Bod" (Amy Lynn Baxter), are a hit with the customers, money is rolling into Pennytree and Simon is steaming. Simon's not giving up and issues the ultimate challenge, a winner-take-all-match between Pennytree and Brentwood, "your pro against my pro." The winner
Un hombre y su hija regresan a Nueva Zelanda con el objetivo de arreglar unos asuntos sobre su casa. Una vez allí, el padre entabla una agradable relación con una doctora muy atractiva.
Bob y Brendan, dos compañeros de piso víctimas de un amor mutuo no correspondido, se reencuentran cinco años después de su graduación, en la boda de un tercer compañero. Bob aparece con un hortera actor de culebrones y una vida más o menos estable… más bien inestable al ver de nuevo a Brendan.
Tanya Santos
An ambitious young female lawyer meets a former lover while investigating a sexual harassment case aboard a US Navy support ship that turns into a murder case when the victim is discovered dead.
Segunda película de los hermanos Hughes, tras su exitoso debut con "Menace II Society". Trata los problemas de la comunidad afroamericana a finales de los sesenta y principios de los setenta, en el marco de la guerra de Vietnam, los problemas con las drogas y la dificultad de encontrar un hueco en la sociedad.
Mariachi Fan
Un joven mariachi marcado por la fatalidad y el destino se sumerge en el oscuro mundo del hampa cargado con un viejo estuche de guitarra que esconde todo tipo de armas. Su objetivo es seguir la sangrienta pista que le lleva hasta el infame narcotraficante Bucho. Con la ayuda de la dueña de un café de un pequeño pueblo tomado por un traficante de drogas, se enfrentará al bandido en un duelo marcado por la pólvora, la sangre y la acción.
Fresh es un niño de 12 años de Brooklyn que trafica con droga y pasa crack a los camellos locales. Fresh viaja a escondidas para jugar al ajedrez con su padre, un medio genio vagabundo al que tiene prohibido ver.
David defaces his sister's doll. In the fight that follows Rebecca falls and hits her head. When she comes to, she discovers that she has telekinetic powers, and uses them to take revenge on her brother David.
After winning a car in Las Vegas, Mighty and Leti from the Bronx, find themselves in Idaho's Sawtooth Mountains.
Lee and Mae are a couple trying to work out their differences. As Mae struggles with memories of a former flame, Lee, who is a writer, works through his frustration by forming his problems into a story in his mind. And that's when everything starts shifting back and forth from reality to Lee's imagination.
An uptown gangster, nicknamed Blanco for being a light-skinned Dominican, uses his status as a confidential informant to turn the tables on law enforcement and build his criminal empire.