Tuomas Kantelinen

Tuomas Kantelinen

Nacimiento : 1969-09-22, Helsinki, Finland


Tuomas Kantelinen


Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone
Original Music Composer
Julius, who devours comic books and vampire stories, has a lively imagination. Julius meets Arnold Cautious, who lives in an abandoned house on the outskirts of town and introduces himself as a degenerated, strawberry juice-drinking vampire. Julius and Cautious become friends. Together they try to make the Lucky Stone, the recipe for which is in Cautious' grandmother's secret recipe book. Julius wants to give the stone to his estranged parents so they can rediscover their common happiness. Julius and Arnold's laboratory attempts to make the Lucky Stone falter badly time and time again, but they stubbornly pursue their quest for happiness.
Original Music Composer
No Love Lost shot to global fame like a shooting star and made millionaires out of its members. Guitarist Tony drank his millions and hasn't been able to play a chord in years. The guitars have been pawned and no new songs are being written. A message about singer-songwriter Katarina reaches Tony. The singer, who has been sober for a long time, has relapsed into drugs with fatal consequences. Katarina's teenage daughter Ellie, who has been placed in a family home, contacts Tony to find out about her family background. In the process, she reveals a secret to Tony that could enable No Love Lost to make a comeback and save Tony's finances. Tony decides to go to the funeral and get to know his daughter enough to get a DNA sample from her to confirm paternity - and gain access to Katarina's inheritance.
The Knocking
Original Music Composer
Tres hermanos regresan a la casa de su infancia, donde aparentemente sus padres fueron asesinados años atrás. La idea es adecentar la casa y el terreno para poder venderlo cuanto antes, pero una fuerza maligna ronda el lugar y hará lo posible para impedirlo.
The Snow Queen - Ice Ballet
In 1844, Hans Christian Andersen imagines the story of an evil troll who wants to drive the sun out of the hearts of humans. To do this, he hangs a huge magic mirror in front of the moon. When it breaks, the people touched by its shards become insensitive. This is the plot of the multidisciplinary work performed in the setting of the Tampere ice rink in Finland, with music composed by Tuomas Kantelinen.
The Snow Queen - Ice Ballet
In 1844, Hans Christian Andersen imagines the story of an evil troll who wants to drive the sun out of the hearts of humans. To do this, he hangs a huge magic mirror in front of the moon. When it breaks, the people touched by its shards become insensitive. This is the plot of the multidisciplinary work performed in the setting of the Tampere ice rink in Finland, with music composed by Tuomas Kantelinen.
Lamborghini: El hombre detrás de la leyenda
Original Music Composer
Siga el lanzamiento de la carrera de Lamborghini como fabricante de tractores, creador de vehículos militares durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y diseñador de automóviles Lamborghini, que lanzó en 1963 como la empresa de automóviles deportivos de alta gama Automobili Lamborghini.
The Mushroom Trip
PJ, a struggling screenwriter and his best friend Jami, a successful car dealer, are fed up with how painfully stuck their heads are in their ways. They decide to do something about it and rent a cabin on the Finnish archipelago for the weekend to get their minds blown - with magic mushrooms. A little getaway between the men gets out of hand when a series of coincidences turn their plans upside down.
MC-Helper BeKINGs
Räkä deliver pizzas for a living and spends his free time on moped meetings. In one meeting he meets Liima and together they start working towards the first place in the upcoming race. The moped club MC Helper is born.
Shoot for the Moon
A documentary about the trials and tribulations of being a entrepreneur and film maker in Finland from the makers of Iron Sky franchise.
The Warrior Queen of Jhansi
Original Music Composer
The true story of Lakshmibai, the historic Queen of Jhansi who fiercely led her army against the British East India Company in the infamous mutiny of 1857.
Year 1288. Nuutti, a girl who has been silent for years has her life changed completely, when the hunting campground gets attacked and she is left on her own, in the middle of ancient Finland’s unpredictable wilds. When the weather and nature test her, only a memory of the past gives her strength and it’s easy to seek shelter in it. The way home is long, and the heavy load of the past weighs on her shoulders more and more with each step. Will the silence break?
Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Original Music Composer
Veinte años después de los sucesos de Iron Sky, la antigua base lunar nazi se convirtió en el último refugio de la humanidad. La Tierra fue devastada por una guerra nuclear, pero sepultada en lo profundo del páramo yace un poder que podría salvar al último de la humanidad, o destruirlo de una vez por todas. La verdad detrás de la creación de la humanidad se revelará cuando un viejo enemigo lidere a nuestros héroes en una aventura en la Tierra Hueca. Para salvar a la humanidad deben luchar contra el Vril, una antigua raza reptil de formas cambiantes y su ejército de dinosaurios.
El ángel de la muerte
Original Music Composer
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1951. El investigador criminal Anders Olsen sigue el caso de un ladrón de bancos que, según los testigos presenciales, parece haber actuado bajo algún tipo de trance.
My Brother's Keeper
The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.
Un hombre se convierte en un enmascarado vigilante en busca de venganza contra la organización criminal responsable de la muerte de su familia.
The Adventurers
Original Music Composer
Los principales ladrones del mundo unen sus fuerzas para lograr el golpe de una vida. Pero cuando se encuentren perseguidos en toda Europa por un legendario detective francés, tendrán que llevar su juego al siguiente nivel.
Moh Maya Money
Additional Soundtrack
A young real-estate broker tries to pull off a huge scam, which goes horribly wrong. To fix everything he involves his begrudging wife leading to an end neither could imagine.
The Icebreaker
Un iceberg enorme se dirige hacia el rompehielos Mikhail Gromov. Durante las maniobras para evitar la colisión, el buque queda atrapado en el hielo y navega a la deriva hacia la Antártida. A la espera de ser rescatados, la tripulación deberá permanecer largo tiempo en el hielo.
The Liberation of Skopje
Original Music Composer
Eight-year-old Zoran is the hero of this story set in Skopje during the German occupation of the city in World War II. Through his eyes, we experience all the cruelty, poverty and suffering of wartime. A love affair between his Macedonian mother and a German officer will help his family get through the hard times…
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Raspberry Boat Refugee
Original Music Composer
Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.
Nanak Shah Fakir
Nanak Shah Fakir is a biographical film on the life and teachings of the first Sikh guru, Guru Nanak Dev.
Hércules: El origen de la leyenda
Original Music Composer
La película nos sitúa en la antigua Grecia, en concreto en el año 1200 a.C. Allí, una reina sucumbe a la lujuria de Zeus y tiene un hijo con él. El niño se supone que es el encargado de acabar con el reino tirano del rey y restablecer el orden. Sin embargo, el príncipe, al que ponen de nombre Hércules (Kellan Lutz, Crepúsculo), no sabe quién es en realidad y solamente desea una cosa: el amor de la princesa de Creta, que se acaba de prometer con su hermano. Pero, cuando se entera de cuál es su destino, debe tomar una difícil decisión. Hércules debe elegir entre huir con su amada o convertirse en el héroe que se supone que debe ser. Su aventura le llevará a conocer lugares y seres tan peligrosos como extraños. Además, se enfrentará a la envidia de los mortales y a la ira de los dioses.
Original Music Composer
Puhdistus nos introduce en la historia de dos mujeres en dos épocas diferentes, unidas por situaciones de engaño, desesperación y miedo. Aliide ha experimentado los horrores de la era de Stalin y la deportación de los estonios a Siberia, pero tiene que hacer frente a su culpa de oportunismo e incluso homicidio. Una noche de 1992 se encuentra con una joven en el patio de su casa. Zara acaba de escapar de las garras de la mafia rusa que la mantuvo como esclava sexual. Aliide, más tarde, descubre que la chica está relacionada con ella y su pasado. Sobrevivientes ambas, Aliide y Zara se involucran en una aritmética compleja de sospecha y revelación. Poco a poco, va surgiendo un drama familiar trágico de rivalidad, lujuria y pérdidas que se desarrolló durante los peores años de la ocupación soviética a Estonia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Once Upon a Time in the North
Original Music Composer
Drama situado en el siglo 19 en las llanuras de Ostrobotnia, al oeste de Finlandia, que son controlados por grupos de matones armados con cuchillos. Tradicionalmente, el hijo primogénito hereda todo, así que cuando Esko - un vagabundo y un líder de la banda - se entera de que su padre va a salir de la hacienda Välitalo y deja a cargo a su hermano menor, todo el infierno se desata.
Princess tells the true story of former cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen's redemptive struggle with insanity, who checked in to Finland's Kellokoski Psychiatric Hospital in 1945.
A Yakuza's Daughter Never Cries
Yuriko, a daughter of Yakudza boss is lost in Russia. Here she finds Alexey - a young man who is trying to help her.
The Sanctuary
En el año 1897, los patriotas del clan del "Cuchillo Envenenado" robaron una serie de valiosas reliquias del Palacio de Thailandia. Cuando los ladrones fueron ajusticiados, el secreto del lugar donde las habían escondido murió con ellos. En el presente, el jefe mafioso Wisa quiere recuperar el tesoro, convencido de que las reliquias confieren poderes especiales a aquellos que las poseen. Para lograrlo contrata a Patrick, antiguo director de la Unidad de Exploración Subterránea del ejército de los Estados Unidos, y a Selina, una seductora y mortífera asesina.
Skeleton Crew
Back in the early 1970s, at a mental institution near the Russian border, a crazed doctor, Dr. Anderson assumed the persona of "the Auteur," and began murdering his patients while filming the atrocities. Thirty years later, an American film crew has arrived at the hospital to shoot a horror film based on those awful events. The director, Steven, is determined to make the film as realistic as possible, a goal that doesn't seem too far-fetched when his Finnish sound men discover a hidden room in the hospital basement. There, perfectly preserved, are the original snuff films shot by "the Auteur". As Steven's obsession grows, his cast and crew begin to fear for his sanity. But this is only the beginning, because when Steven discovers actual camera used by "the Auteur", he assumes the role of the murderous doctor and the real slaughter begins.
Arn 2
Original Music Composer
En 1192, Arn vuelve a su tierra con grandes proyectos y una enorme fortuna para hacerlos realidad. Sueña con volver a ver a su amada Cecilia y formar una familia; además, desea restablecer la paz entre los linajes enfrentados. Gracias a todo lo que ha aprendido en sus años de exilio y al grupo de constructores, artesanos y médicos, tanto cristianos como musulmanes, que ha traído consigo, creará el reino de Suecia, que marca el comienzo de una nueva época en Europa.
Arn: El caballero templario
Original Music Composer
Arn, hijo de un noble sueco de alto rango, es educado en un monasterio en el arte de la lucha con espada y en el estudio de los libros, al cruzar miradas con una joven de una familia rival su destino lo llevara a tierras lejanas.
Quest for a Heart
When the most mischievous resident of Rolli Village befriends a beautiful elf girl, the hopelessly mismatched pair embarks on a magical adventure to save the Forest of Elves by traveling to the Land of Winter and recovering the mythical magical heart in this animated tale of wonder for the entire family.
The Year of the Wolf
Sari is a young, beautiful and intelligent girl who is busy studying at university,but she suffers from epilepsy and has to face death on a daily basis. Mikko is hersomewhat older university teacher, who is tired of life, and who one day decides toabandon his wife, children and idea of a perfect life. Both characters have been tooscared to live their lives to the brim for too long. But they meet, and in spite oftheir prejudices and reserved natures, they manage to create a dramatic and movingmodern romance which confronts numerous taboos. While the imagery explores theboundary between life and death in a most poetic way, the odd couple's romance istold with both bite and humour. Society - be it in the shape of angry ex-wives,overprotective parents, conservative aunts or embittered colleagues - is doing whatit can to put a spanner in the works."
Narra la vida del legendario y tembile Genghis Khan desde su esclavitud hasta que conquistó la mitad del mundo, incluyendo Rusia en 1206. Una superproducción de corte épico que fue seleccionada por Kazajstán como candidata al Oscar a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Original Music Composer
Narra la vida del legendario y tembile Genghis Khan desde su esclavitud hasta que conquistó la mitad del mundo, incluyendo Rusia en 1206. Una superproducción de corte épico que fue seleccionada por Kazajstán como candidata al Oscar a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Matti: Hell Is for Heroes
Original Music Composer
Four Olympic gold medals, seven World Championship titles, four World Cup tour championships, and forty six World Cup circuit victories. Once his career as a professional athlete ended however, the other side of his personality emerged into public view in all of its vulgarity. An alcohol dependency, several marriages accompanied by numerous marital problems, petty crime, uncontrolled acts of violence, and greedy hangers-on.
Adiós mamá (Mother of Mine)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), cerca de 80.000 niños fueron evacuados desde Finlandia a países neutrales como Suecia, Dinamarca y Noruega. Tras la muerte de su padre en la guerra, Eero, un niño de nueve años, es enviado a Suecia. Allí, lejos de su madre, deberá aprender a vivir en un nuevo país, con una lengua extraña y con una familia que no es la suya. Nominada por Finlandia a la mejor película de habla no inglesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cazadores de mentes
Original Music Composer
El FBI tiene un programa de entrenamiento para los agentes de la unidad de perfiles psicológicos (Mindhunters) para enseñarles a seguir la pista a los asesinos en serie. Un grupo de agentes está a punto de terminar el duro curso de instrucción. Sólo les queda una última prueba: pasar un fin de semana en una isla remota resolviendo un crimen ficticio, pero lo que ninguno sabe es que entre ellos hay un asesino en serie, entrenado en las técnicas más modernas de asesinato y acostumbrado a pensar a mayor velocidad que ellos. Lentamente, metódicamente, el asesino los va eliminando uno a uno. A medida que se producen los crímenes, los agentes empiezan a desconfiar los unos de los otros, de manera que todos están bajo sospecha y en peligro mortal.
La amenaza
Un programador, que trabaja con el sistema informático secreto EWS en una base aérea militar, es amenazado junto a su familia por agentes extranjeros. Su única posibilidad de ser rescatado parece ser el veterano de guerra Haglund, el líder de un grupo especial.
Certainly Not a Fairytale
Original Music Composer
Tired of going out with beautiful but superficial and boring men, a young woman decides to try her luck with an unattractive janitor.
Mosku - The Last of His Kind
Mosku - The Last of His Kind tells about the life of reindeer emperor Aleksi Hihnavaara, Mosku, in Eastern Lapland at the beginning of the 20th century, when social conditions and the practice of traditional livelihoods are in transition. Mosku is involved in reindeer disputes and skirmishes and is also involved in the bandit hunt on the side of Soviet Russia led by Wallenius, the commander of the Lapland border guard.
Original Music Composer
En la Finlandia rural de principios de 1950, la joven Elina vuelve a la escuela tras recuperarse de la tuberculosis, la enfermedad que había matado a su padre unos años antes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bad Boys: A True Story
Original Music Composer
Cuatro hermanos finlandeses, apodados "Eura Daltons", recibieron notoriedad en todo el país por arrancar las bombas de gas cuando necesitaban dinero. La película más taquillera en Finlandia después de El Señor de los Anillos: el retorno del Rey en 2003. Recaudó casi 4 millones €, lo que la convierte en la película finlandesa más taquillera de la historia.
The Life of Aleksis Kivi
Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, "Seven Brothers/Seitsemän veljestä". Although Kivi was among the very earliest authors of prose and lyrics in Finnish language, he is still considered one of the greatest of them all.
Morrison y yo
Original Music Composer
A bittersweet tale of a love affair between two people whose lives seem to have lost all direction. The female lead, Milla, is drifting aimlessly through life until she meets Aki. They fall in love - but happiness in a relationship shadowed by crime and drugs is not necessarily a given. The movie is based on the novel Minä ja Morrison by first-time author Kata Kärkkäinen
Rollo and the Spirit of the Woods
Hairy and rowdy creatures called rolleys sail to a land inhabited by more peace-loving elves. When the rolleys arrive to the elf village, they scare the elves away and settle down in the village. One of the elves, Milli, a brave elf girl, returns to the village to make a peace with the rolleys. The rolleys do not warm to Milli's peace proposal, but she becomes friends with a rolley called Rölli. It becomes their mission to solve the conflict between the elves and the rolleys.
Bad Luck Love
Original Music Composer
A shocking crime forces a man to re-evaluate his life, only to find that going straight is more complicated than he imagined. Ali is a low-level criminal who spends much of his spare time working out at a gym with his brother Pulu. Ali spends most of his day stoned on marijuana, while Pulu is known to drink cleaning products when he's run out of booze. Ali has fallen in love with Inka, a bright woman with a mind of her own, and her independent nature occasionally throws him into a fit of jealousy.
Abandoned Houses, Empty Homes
Original Music Composer
A war movie that takes place in Finnish Karelia in 1944.
Artist's Life
Lipton Cockton in the Shadows of Sodoma
Original Music Composer
The 21st-century tale centers on taciturn detective Lipton Cockton as he looks into a series of murders involving exploding victims. The main clue in the case is the white halter dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in the subway vent scene in The Seven Year Itch. This clue directs Cockton to the highest levels of the super company LTD Prods. But though Cockton tries and tries, he cannot get there and ends up himself blown to smithereens.
Ozhuki Ozhuki Ozhuki
Overview Not Available
Bicycle Thief
A rustic comedy about a small-town bowling alley entrepreneur who learns that being scammed is not the end of the world.
The Ark: An Iron Sky Story
Two Chinese university dropout audiophiles set out on a quest to decode a mysterious message received from the Moon, but quickly find themselves fighting against the mother of all conspiracy theories – the Illuminati.