Zoltan Korda

Zoltan Korda

Nacimiento : 1895-06-03, Pusztaturpaszto, Túrkeve, Austria-Hungary [now Hungary]

Muerte : 1961-10-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Zoltan Korda (3 June 1895 – 13 October 1961) was a Hungarian-born motion picture screenwriter, director and producer. Born Zoltán Kellner, Kellner Zoltán in Hungarian name order, of Jewish heritage in Pusztatúrpásztó, Túrkeve in Hungary (Austria-Hungary), he was the middle brother of filmmakers Alexander and Vincent Korda. Zoltan Korda went to work with his brother Alexander in their native Hungary and in the United Kingdom for his London Films production company. Initially Zoltan Korda functioned as a camera operator then for a time worked in film editing and as a screenwriter. In 1918 and 1920 in Hungary, he directed two silent film shorts and a feature-length silent film in Germany in 1927. In London, he made his English-language directorial debut with the sound drama Men of Tomorrow (1932) then gained wide respect for the adventure film Sanders of the River (1935), starring Paul Robeson and Leslie Banks. The film proved a significant commercial and critical success, giving Korda the first of his four nominations for "Best Film" at the Venice Film Festival. Korda and Robert Flaherty won the Venice festival's "Best Director" award for Elephant Boy (1937). A former cavalry officer, Korda made a number of military action/adventure films, many of which were filmed in Africa or India. As someone with a social conscience, his film projects often reflected that perspective when dealing with the indigenous peoples of the British Empire. Of his directorial efforts, 1939's The Four Feathers starring Sir Ralph Richardson is considered his greatest cinematic accomplishment. Of lasting significance, the film was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 1939 Cannes Film Festival and was presented again by the Festival committee in 2002 in retrospective. In 1940, Zoltan Korda joined brother Alexander in Hollywood. Working through United Artists, he served as executive producer of The Thief of Bagdad. Zoltan Korda spent the rest of his life in southern California, making another seven films including the acclaimed 1943 World War II drama, Sahara (1943), for which he wrote the screenplay and which starred Humphrey Bogart, and A Woman's Vengeance (1947) with Charles Boyer and Jessica Tandy. Korda was married to Joan Gardner (1930 - 13 October 1961) till his death and had a son, David. The entire family's colorful history is the subject of a book by Zoltan's nephew Michael Korda, Charmed Lives. Poor health, brought on years earlier from a battle with tuberculosis, forced Zoltan Korda's retirement in 1955. He died in 1961 in Hollywood after a lengthy illness and was interred there in the Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery. Description above from the Wikipedia article Zoltan Korda, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Zoltan Korda


Tempestad sobre el Nilo
En 1865, el Regimiento Royal North Harvey se dispone a partir para Egipto para sofocar la rebelión de los derviches. Al mismo tiempo, el oficial Harry Faversham ha decidido abandonar el ejército, decisión que no comparten ni sus familiares ni sus amigos. Nuevo remake de "Las cuatro plumas", dirigida también por Korda. En este caso incluso usó el mismo guión y parte del rodaje de la versión anterior.
Tempestad sobre el Nilo
En 1865, el Regimiento Royal North Harvey se dispone a partir para Egipto para sofocar la rebelión de los derviches. Al mismo tiempo, el oficial Harry Faversham ha decidido abandonar el ejército, decisión que no comparten ni sus familiares ni sus amigos. Nuevo remake de "Las cuatro plumas", dirigida también por Korda. En este caso incluso usó el mismo guión y parte del rodaje de la versión anterior.
Cry, the Beloved Country
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living in squalor and his son a criminal. Reverend Misimangu is a young South African clergyman who helps find his missing son-turned-thief and sister-turned-prostitute in the slums of Johannesburg.
Cry, the Beloved Country
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living in squalor and his son a criminal. Reverend Misimangu is a young South African clergyman who helps find his missing son-turned-thief and sister-turned-prostitute in the slums of Johannesburg.
A Woman's Vengeance
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
A Woman's Vengeance
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
Pasión en la selva
A Wilson, un cazador profesional afincado en Kenya, lo contratan Margot y Francis Macomber para hacer un safari por la sabana africana. Wilson organiza para ellos una cacería, pero, cuando llega el momento de enfrentarse con un león, Francis, dominado por el miedo, huye despavorido. Por otra parte, el señor Macomber empieza a sospechar que su mujer se ha enamorado de Wilson y trama un plan para comprobarlo.
El ejército soviético ataca por sorpresa a los alemanes. Un reducido grupo de soldados es enviado a territorio enemigo con la misión de hacer prisioneros que proporcionen información. Desgraciadamente, uno de los soldados rusos queda atrapado en un sótano con el enemigo.
El ejército soviético ataca por sorpresa a los alemanes. Un reducido grupo de soldados es enviado a territorio enemigo con la misión de hacer prisioneros que proporcionen información. Desgraciadamente, uno de los soldados rusos queda atrapado en un sótano con el enemigo.
El sargento Joe Gunn y su tanque tratan de volver a sus líneas. Por el camino recogen a 5 soldados ingleses, un francés, un sudanés y un prisionero italiano. Faltos de provisiones y agua, son guiados por el soldado sudanés a una fortaleza abandonada, donde había un pozo de agua. Pronto llega un destacamento alemán, con la intención de proveerse de agua. La lucha será inevitable y el sargento Gunn dirigirá a sus hombres en una resistencia desesperada a la espera de refuerzos.
El sargento Joe Gunn y su tanque tratan de volver a sus líneas. Por el camino recogen a 5 soldados ingleses, un francés, un sudanés y un prisionero italiano. Faltos de provisiones y agua, son guiados por el soldado sudanés a una fortaleza abandonada, donde había un pozo de agua. Pronto llega un destacamento alemán, con la intención de proveerse de agua. La lucha será inevitable y el sargento Gunn dirigirá a sus hombres en una resistencia desesperada a la espera de refuerzos.
El libro de la selva
Adaptación del famoso relato de Kipling ambientado en la India colonial británica que narra las aventuras de Mowgli, un niño abandonado en la selva, que se cría entre animales salvajes.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Associate Producer
Con la ayuda del ladronzuelo mendigo Abu, el califa Ahmed se enfrentará al malvado Visir que le ha arrebatado el poder y dejado ciego, aspirando al amor de la hija del sultán de Basora. La famosa narración del clásico de la literatura árabe "Las mil y una noches" debe su logro principalmente a la labor del productor Alexander Korda.
Las cuatro plumas
Harry, un oficial británico, decide abandonar el ejército antes de que su regimiento se embarque con rumbo a Egipto para luchar contra los rebeldes. Su prometida y tres compañeros de armas le envían cuatro plumas blancas que simbolizan la cobardía. A partir de ese momento, Harry emprende peligrosas aventuras con el fin de poder devolver las plumas y recuperar el honor perdido.
Revuelta en la India
El sanguinario jefe de unos fanáticos guerreros se presenta en la India y pone en jaque al mismísimo ejército colonial británico. Pero, gracias a la valentía de un joven tamborilero, las tropas inglesas podrán salvarse y devolver el trono a su legítimo heredero.
Sabu - Toomai, el de los elefantes
Tras la muerte de su padre, el joven Toomai se queda muy solo y apenado. Su única compañía es su querido elefante Kia Nag. Con su ayuda, Toomai tendrá que enfrentarse a los terribles peligros y misterios que esconde la selva.
The Conquest of the Air
This early docudrama uses dramatic re-enactment, working models of early flying machines, and archival footage to trace man's attempts to fly from ancient times through the 1930's.
Forget Me Not
A young British woman, tricked into believing she was used during a whirlwind romance, marries a gentle widowed Italian opera star, whose songs she and her first love shared.
Sanders of the River
A British District Officer in Nigeria in the 1930s rules his area strictly but justly. He struggles with gun-runners and slavers with the aid of a loyal native chief.
A formerly wealthy man and his daughter try to regain wealth by selling a scheme to some investors, when they come upon a huge amount of unclaimed cash that a young electrician has in his tool box.
Men of Tomorrow
In the years after his graduation Allen Shepherd has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson. A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited.
Women Everywhere
Charles Jackson, an American sea-captain and singing soldier-of-fortune, is arrested by the French Foreign Legion for running guns to the rebel forces in Morocco fighting against the rule of the French in north Africa. He is saved by Lili La Fleur, a singer/dance in a Morocco café and, through her, eventually becomes a hero to the Foreign Legion.
The Eleven Devils
Die elf Teufel / The Eleven Devils was made in Berlin in the summer of 1927, in the last throes of the silent movie era. But Die elf Teufel strikes one today as a prophetic film. One of its early captions is "Football, the sport of the century ". We are shown a ball bathed in light like some sacred relic, and observe how, even in those early days, fans on the terraces wouldn't shy away from using their fists.