Andi Niessner

Nacimiento : 1967-02-25, Munich, Germany


Inspektor Jury spielt Katz und Maus
Contra viento y marea
Dos familias de clases sociales muy diferentes acaban varadas en una isla desierta tras naufragar el barco en el que viajaban. Ambas tendrán que superar conflictos y trabajar unidas para poder salir de la isla
Bienvenido a Kolleda
La tranquila vida de Simon se ve interrumpida cuando Carla Schneider visita la ciudad con la intención de cerrar el molino. La amabilidad de Simon y sus vecinos harán que cambie de opinión.
Ausgerechnet Sex!
Für immer 30
For a long time advertising specialist Timo Wittmann was the best in his profession. But he does not want to believe that his star has long since sunk in the fast-paced business. When his boss hires the talented Susanne Andersen as new Art Director, Timo takes an angry hat. He will not clear the field without a fight. To show everyone that nothing works without him, he disguises himself as a 30-year-old recruitment copywriter and finds himself undetected in Susanne's team. It turns out that the new masters not only their job. It also fuels his libido. Should Timo finish her or listen to his feelings?
Die grünen Hügel von Wales
Alex inherited her recently deceased grandmother's cottage in Wales. Having lost her husband a year ago and being broke, she moves there with her son, hoping to quickly sell the cottage, so she can use the money to purchase an antiquities shop in London. But with the cottage in dire need for repairs and no potential buyers in sight, she is forced to stay for some time. While there, she meets up with an old friend of hers, who wants to be more than friends, and also runs into an intriguing local politician who is already engaged. She supports the politician's goal of creating a nature preserve right outside of town, although she falls short of pledging some of her land to the cause in order to not upset potential buyers of her property. When her aunt suffers a fall and gets hospitalized, Alex temporarily takes over her aunt's shop. While the love triangle gathers steam between Alex and her two suitors, a local gold digger suddenly claims that there might be gold right under her ...
Männer lügen nicht
Ein Date fürs Leben
Joanna Trollope: In Boston liebt man doppelt
40+ sucht neue Liebe
Dörte's Dancing
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Niebla sobre el castillo
Un apuesto joven que se dedica a domar caballos susurrándoles llega a la inmensa residencia de los Kilrush para trata de domar a Otelo, un magnífico ejemplar. El mal carácter del animal contrasta con la dulzura de la dueña, la hija de la familia quien no ha vuelto a montar desde que Otelo matara a su prometido. El recién llegado no tardará en sentirse atraído por la belleza de la joven.
Der Bergpfarrer 2- Heimweh nach Hohenau
Plötzlich wieder 16
Santa Claudia
Bjorn: Hurdles of Bureaucracy
Björn and his girlfriend Anja have packed their suitcases, their flight to their long-awaited holiday leaves in three hours. But then Björn notices that his passport is out of date. He rushes off to the local authorities, and the odyssey begins that completely changes his life. Will he ever see Anja again?
Bjorn: Hurdles of Bureaucracy
Björn and his girlfriend Anja have packed their suitcases, their flight to their long-awaited holiday leaves in three hours. But then Björn notices that his passport is out of date. He rushes off to the local authorities, and the odyssey begins that completely changes his life. Will he ever see Anja again?
Bjorn: Hurdles of Bureaucracy
Björn and his girlfriend Anja have packed their suitcases, their flight to their long-awaited holiday leaves in three hours. But then Björn notices that his passport is out of date. He rushes off to the local authorities, and the odyssey begins that completely changes his life. Will he ever see Anja again?