Christoph Zirngibl
Nacimiento : 1980-11-28, Regensburg, Germany
La ambiciosa empresa de pagos digitales Wirecard impresionó al sector financiero con su éxito descomunal. Hasta que un tenaz equipo de periodistas destapó el gran fraude.
Mia descubre que su piedra mágica es parte de una antigua profecía y se embarca en un emocionante viaje a las islas más lejanas de Centopia para enfrentar un gran mal y dar forma a su propio destino.
When Luna’s family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she’s been living a lie: her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.
Family Neufund is an exchange student from England in the house! The host parents Martin Brambach and Aglaia Szyszkowitz see this as a chance to finally win a girlfriend for their idiosyncratic 16-year-old daughter. But at the airport is not the expected "hip" Sandy McCartney from London in front of them, but a 13-year-old Indian boy! You want to get rid of the little Hindu as soon as possible. In a roundabout way, Zayn Baig in the role of the unwanted guest and Lena Urzendowsky as a loner are still pretty good friends.
Cinco amigos de la escuela se reúnen 20 años después para acabar los estudios. Mientras se preparan para graduarse, tendrán tiempo para resolver varios temas del pasado
Clemens lives and breathes his grandfather’s stories. When his grandfather passes away, it is difficult for him to understand that it is now his turn to continue telling his stories. Story-telling becomes a way for him to not only keep the stories but also the memory of his grandfather alive.
Original Music Composer
Fritz, Walter and Andi are caught red-handed in the event of a burglary. But are the three friends in Santa Claus costume really a wanted gang of criminals? Commissioner Bremer is supposed to find that out on Christmas Eve. While her family is already waiting at home, she has to listen to more unusual confessions than she would like. But the interrogation won't go, because your intrigued colleague is just waiting to take over the prestigious case.
Quotas for women, parking spaces for women, online shopping, small talk and gossip. Software developer Erol, porta-potty rep Lars, and commercial pilot Helmut are licking the wounds of their masculinity – a female-free zone is what’s needed! In the boiler room of their recently built housing complex, the three stressed husbands create a secret refuge where they can watch football, eat fast-food, drink beer and curse the opposite sex undisturbed. When Aykut, the complex’s facility manager, discovers their last bastion of masculinity, he threatens to close it down. One thing is for sure, the men are not going to give up their little slice of paradise without a fight. Based on the stage play bearing the same name, director Franziska Meyer Price allows men to return to rebellious ladhood.
“Los Cocodrilos” están celebrando el cumpleaños de Hannes y el comienzo de las mejores vacaciones de verano que hayan tenido jamás. A pesar de que los chicos han crecido y han desarrollado distintos intereses, la banda sigue unida contra viento y marea. Durante una descontrolada carrera de karts que acaba con un terrible accidente, Frank es trasladado al hospital en ambulancia. Su vida corre peligro: Necesita un trasplante de un pariente cercano para salvar la vida. El único donante posible es el delincuente de su hermano, Dennis, a quien los Cocodrilos pusieron entre rejas con su compañero Kevin. El tiempo se agota, ¡pero los auténticos amigos nunca se rinden! Con la ayuda de Jenny y de la madre de Hannes, la banda nos sorprende con un audaz plan… (FILMAFFINITY)
La impecable reputación del agente neoyorquino del FBI Jerry Cotton está en entredicho: está acusado de un doble asesinato. ¿Disparó Jerry a Sammy Serrano para vengarse de él al no poder aportar ninguna prueba de su culpabilidad en el robo a la reserva de oro de la Unión? ¿Mató a su compañero Ted Conroy para librarse del único testigo de su crimen? En una carrera contrarreloj, Jerry tiene que escapar de su propia gente, dar con el gangster Klaus Schmidt y su banda y averiguar quién cometió realmente los crímenes con la única ayuda de su Jaguar E-Type rojo, su Smith & Wesson 38 y, de entre todas las personas posibles, su nuevo compañero Phil Decker. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Music Composer
The director accompanies the German women's national soccer team.
Original Music Composer
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.