Martin Held

Martin Held

Nacimiento : 1908-11-11, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 1992-01-31


Martin Held


Was zu beweisen war
Wilhelm Kaiser
Berlin zur Kaiserzeit - Glanz und Schatten einer Epoche
Einmal Moskau und zurück
N.M. Tschmutin
Documentary about director Fritz Korner
Der Pfingstausflug
Heinrich Johannsen
Der große Karpfen Ferdinand
Dr. Mannhaus
Heinrich Zille
Heinrich Zille
Unordnung und frühes Leid
Prof. Abel Cornelius
Strychnin und saure Drops
El Serpiente
El coronel Vlassov, uno de los máximos responsables de la KGB, elige la libertad y huye a Occidente facilitando a la CIA una lista de espías soviéticos que actúan en Europa. La maquinaria de la CIA se pone rápidamente en marcha, pero sin poder despejar una horrible duda: ¿Vlassov es un exiliado sincero o, por el contrario, está tramando la operación de espionaje más ambiciosa de todos los tiempos?
Frohe Ostern
Beno von Stürler
Main Thing Holidays
Professor Hebbel
Ossian Flint
Yvonne, Prinzessin von Burgund
König Ignaz
Gentlemen in White Vests
Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker
Bruno Stiegler, a boxing promoter with a disreputable past, returns from America to Berlin to make some big things again with his friends. Fatally, he is always preceded by some gentlemen from better circles who are developing amazing criminal activity in their old days. They are led by Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker, whom it still hisses, that he could bring in his term Bruno never behind bars.
Spion unter der Haube
Dr. med. Fabian - Lachen ist die beste Medizin
Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Spalke
Almost a Hero
Karl Küppers
Towards the end of World War II, the fictitious French mountain village of Molinette is occupied by German troops. Because of sleep aid, served by his French girlfriend Hélène, the German corporal Karl Küppers misses the departure of his company to Russia. With the help of the purposeful Frenchwoman he becomes Ortskommandant.
El oficio más viejo del mundo
Comedia de sketches con varios directores, cada uno de los cuales muestra un paso adelante en la historia de la prostitución, desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días.
Die Mission
Professor Heinrich von Benda
Piernas largas, dedos largos
Baron Holberg
Un abogado inglés se enamora de una joven baronesa austriaca que, junto con su padre, roba joyas del cuello de una mujer aplicando el llamado "sistema de un dedo y medio" de su abuela.
Pastor Manders
Röbbe Klingenbarg
Michael Kramer
Michael Kramer
Condemned to Sin
Hugo Starosta
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
And So to Bed
Twelve different episodes of erotic relationships are described as examples of modern love substitute.
Una chica casi formal
Generaldirektor Steckler
El director de una empresa alemana que viaja a España acompañado de una secretaria que domina el castellano, intentará seducir a la joven.
Liebe will gelernt sein
Christoph Mylius
Black-White-Red Four Poster
Friedrich de Wehrt
90 Minuten nach Mitternacht
Charles Elgin
Frau Cheneys Ende
Butler Charles
Der Walzer der Toreros
The Dream of Lieschen Müller
Lieschen Müller is in her mid-20s, works a dull office job and fancies the handsome waiter from the diner down the street, wishing for a more exciting life. In a vivid, lucid dream she happens upon a gigantic fortune, allowing her to live out her wildest fantasies. Quickly, however, she realizes that that's not what makes her happy.
Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi
Frédéric René Saint-Claude
The Last Witness
Direktor Werner Rameil
Director Wolfgang Staudte who left East Germany in 1953 to make movies in West Germany, takes a few swipes at the West German judicial system in this fairly effective courtroom drama about the murder of a four-month-old baby. Police almost immediately arrest the mother Ingrid who is the mistress of the father, a rich business VIP married to another woman. His position and wealth keep him insulated from suspicion. A hot-shot lawyer has to overcome the unaccountably biased perceptions of the police, the judge, the prosecutor and almost everyone else in the judicial system. The defence lawyer, driven to an extreme, knows he has to find the real killer or his client will be convicted.
Hauptkommissar Stern
Roses for the Prosecutor
Oberstaatsanwalt Dr. Wilhelm Schramm
April 1945. Because he stole two bars of chocolate, the soldier Rudi is sentenced to death by the court-martial judge Dr. Schramm. Rudi manages to escape from the firing squad at the last minute, and since the end of the war has been making a meager living as a street peddler. Years later, Dr. Schramm is now a respected public prosecutor. By chance, he runs into Rudi one day on the street. Afraid that Rudi will blow the whistle on him, Dr. Schramm wants to scare him out of town. He has Rudi arrested and bullied by the police.
Meine Tochter Patricia
Heinz Roland, Apotheker
Wet Asphalt
Cesar Boyd
In Berlin, when the journalist Greg Bachmann is released from prison six months before the end of his sentence, there is a driver named Jupp waiting for him. Soon he learns that the famous journalist Cesar Boyd was the responsible for the shorter sentence. Cesar offers a position of his assistant to Greg; in return, Boyd would write his story about his interviews to war criminals and Greg would help him in other matters. Meanwhile Boyd welcomes the daughter of a deceased friend, Bettina, and he becomes her guardian.
El Zorro de París
Gen. Quade
En 1944 las tropas aliadas ya han desembarcado en Europa. Francia permanece ocupada por los alemanes que sufren los constantes ataque de la Resistencia y algunos oficiales tratan de impedir el sacrificio inútil de cientos de soldados pasando información procedente del Cuartel General de Berlín a las tropas aliadas. Entre ellos se encuentra el general Quade, que no desea ver como son aniquiladas las divisiones a sus órdenes en el inminente desembarco de Normandía. El capitán Eustenwerth, que actúa como involuntario mensajero de esa información, se enamora de la joven francesa Yvonne y así entra en contacto con la Resistencia. Inesperadamente, los dos idealistas oficiales, cuyos fines no son tan diferentes, se encuentran en ‘bandos’ opuestos.
Bank Vault 713
Herbert Burkhardt
Spy for Germany
Erich Gimpel
The true story of a German agent sent to the USA in 1944 in order to stop the development of the atomic bomb.
Friederike von Barring
El capitán Kopenick
Dr. Obermüller
The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
Before Sundown
Erich Klamroth
Based on a play by Gerhardt Hauptmann, the film details a bittersweet May-December romance between ageing Mathias Clausen (Albers) and young, beautiful Inken Peters (Annemarie Dueringer).
An industrialist's wife was killed and now her lover is accused of murder.
Die Schule der Väter
Der Biberpelz
Amtsvorsteher von Wehrhahn
Almirante Canaris
Obergruppenführer Heydrich
Basada en hechos reales, sobre la figura de Wilhelm Franz Canaris, veterano de las dos Guerras Mundiales conocido con el sobrenombre de El Pequeño Almirante debido a su baja estatura. Con la subida al poder del nazismo, Canaris llega a jefe de inteligencia de la Kriegsmarine y la Wehrmacht. Pero el horror que le produce conocer en primera persona el trato que se les da a los judíos lo lleva a facilitar información incompleta a Hitler y evitar, así, que éste inicie determinadas campañas bélicas. Debido a sus conocimientos de español, Canaris viaja a España para tratar de convencer a Franco de aliarse con Alemania en la Guerra, pero Canaris le aconseja al dictador español que se mantenga al margen
Heimweh nach Dir
Direktor Petermann
Schwarze Augen
Alexander Grabner
Violin virtuoso Fedor Varany meets on the train from Nice to Vienna Helene Samboni, the lover of the Chamber of Commerce President Alexander Grabner and still-wife of the artist Samboni know. Fedor falls in love with her without betraying his identity.