On the 29th September 1945, the incomplete rough cut of a brilliant documentary about concentration camps was viewed at the MOI in London. For five months, Sidney Bernstein had led a small team – which included Stewart McAllister, Richard Crossman and Alfred Hitchcock – to complete the film from hours of shocking footage. Unfortunately, this ambitious Allied project to create a feature-length visual report that would damn the Nazi regime and shame the German people into acceptance of Allied occupation had missed its moment. Even in its incomplete form (available since 1984) the film was immensely powerful, generating an awed hush among audiences. But now, complete to six reels, this faithfully restored and definitive version produced by IWM, is being compared with Alain Resnais’ Night and Fog (1955).
Maria viaja a Italia con la esperanza de curar su enfermedad terminal, y allí conoce a un pianista ateo que la ayuda.
El norte de Italia antes de la II Guerra Mundial. La señorita Bentley (Vanessa Redgrave) es una mujer feliz que pasa sus vacaciones en un parador turístico situado a orillas del lago Como. Se siente como en su propia casa, ya que ha veraneado siempre allí desde que era una niña. Pero en esta ocasión la turista inglesa se enamora del apuesto Mayor Wilshaw (Edward Fox), un nuevo huésped del hotel, que la trata con bastante indiferencia al tiempo que se muestra muy interesado por una bella y joven suiza, la señorita Beaumont (Uma Thurman). A pesar de ello, la señorita Bentley tramará un plan para conquistarlo.
Irlanda, años 20. Sobre una colina con vistas al pueblo de Kilshanon se extiende un grupo de casas propiedad de un grupo de mujeres ricas y viudas. La líder de la comunidad es la señora Counihan, que ha enterrado a dos maridos y es madre del mimado Godfrey, el más codiciado soltero de Kilshanon. A la colina llega una nueva viuda que perturbara la sencilla y anodina vida de la comunidad.
Otra versión de la epopeya clásica, con variación suficiente para que sea interesante. La historia es la misma, pero algunos de los personajes son muy diferentes de los habituales, en particular, Uma Thurman, una lady Marian muy especial. La fotografía es también excelente, dando a la historia un tono algo más oscuro.
Intriga y chantaje contra un miembro de la KGB de Polonia.
El Dr. Watson busca a un actor que interprete a Holmes, pero sólo encuentra a uno que es mujeriego, bebedor y vago. Aunque celoso de la atención que recibe el falso detective, deberá contar con él porque pronto llega un caso: el robo de las planchas de la casa del tesoro del reino Británico.
When a small Irish town is terrorized by a corrupt business syndicate, a lone hero wages an all out war.
Una división de soldados norteamericanos, muchos de ellos novatos, es transportada a un punto estratégico, desde donce partirán para tomar una colina, en manos del Vietcom. En esas fechas Vietnam era un infierno para unos, y para otros la capital mundial de la diversión. La misión de la compañía Bravo, que en un principio parecía un mero trámite, se convierte en una masacre de la que el ejército estadounidense no sabe cómo salir.
Documentary about the British film studio. First appeared on the BBC television programme Omnibus.
Two separate people, a man and a woman, find something very stirring about the sea turtles in their tank at the London Zoo. They meet and form an odd, but sympathetic camaraderie as they plan to steal two of the turtles and free them into the ocean.
Ebenezer Scrooge es un hombre mezquino y desalmado. El día de Navidad se presentan en su casa los fantasmas de las Navidades Pasadas, Presentes y Futuras, que lo obligan a contemplar no sólo los errores que ha cometido, sino las consecuencias que su conducta tendrá en el futuro. Esa visión cambia el corazón del viejo Scrooge que intentará reparar todo el mal que ha hecho antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Adaptación televisiva del famoso relato del escritor inglés Charles Dickens.
Sir Pierce Blakeney es un noble inglés que se relaciona con las altas esferas de una sociedad que vive con preocupación los ajusticiamientos de ingleses en la Francia revolucionaria. Para combatir este mal, Blakeney adopta una personalidad secreta, 'La Pimpinela Escarlata', bajo la cual hará numerosas incursiones en tierra francesa para rescatar a sus compatriotas condenados a muerte.
Un vampiro muerde a un escritor para saciar su sed de sangre. Una vez repuesto, le ofrecerá asistir a una discoteca regentada por monstruos, donde le relatará tres historias.
Un resuelto ladrón ayuda a un guapo príncipe a luchar contra un mago maligno y a ganar la mano de una bella princesa.
For a poet with a gift for crafting words into barbs, Stevie Smith lives a relatively conventional life. Sheltered in a London suburb, she spends her days engaged in tedious housework, crafting verse and conversing with her aunt. But while her body may be committed to drudgery, Stevie's mind is constantly trying to break free, which causes her to rail against religion and middle-class values, and prevents her from finding happiness with a man interested in her.
The adventures of The Wombles, strange creatures who live on Wimbledon Common and pick up the litter left by the humans. There's always time for a nice song and dance as well. This was a film version of the popular childrens TV show.
El reconocido criminólogo e investigador William Sebastian recurre a su viejo amigo el doctor Hamilton para que le ayude a resolver un caso. Anitra, la hermana del destacado empresario británico Geoffrey Cyon, sospecha que su hermano se está iniciando en las artes esotéricas. Geoffrey, por su parte afirma que ella es una persona mentalmente inestable.
In a Philadelphia convent, two nuns battle it out to be elected to the position of head abbess, and neither is about to let anything stand in the way of getting what she wants.
Versión de la obra de teatro del escritor francés Jean Genet. Solange (Glenda Jackson) y Claire (Susannah York) son dos hermanas que trabajan como sirvientes para una estricta señora (Merchant Vivian). Cuando la señora y el señor (Marcos Burns) salen de la casa, las dos mujeres se alternan a modo de juego como amo y sirviente saliendo así de sus frustaciones.
Returning from her honeymoon with her husband, scholar Jorgen, the cold and manipulative Hedda Gabler is unmoved by the sacrifices he's made to provide her with an elegant home. But when she learns that Jorgen's rival for a university position, Ejlert, has made a surprising comeback with a recent publication, she's quick to push him back into his former alcoholism, steal the sequel to his book and even encourage the writer to kill himself.
Tom Newcliffe, un rico hombre de negocios y gran cazador, ha perseguido y cazado todas las especies que ha podido encontrar. Todas menos una, que todavía no ha sido identificada. Newcliffe invita a seis personas a pasar el fin de semana en su casa de campo. Ninguno de ellos puede abandonar la finca durante el tiempo que permanezcan allí. Newcliffe sospecha que hay un hombre lobo en la zona y que uno de sus invitados es el portador del virus. Su plan es descubrir cual de sus invitados es la bestia nocturna y cazarla, para así aumentar su impresionante colección.
Inglaterra, 1795. La joven Catherine acaba de casarse con Charles Fengriffen y se mudan a su castillo. Pronto, la mujer es víctima de una maldición familiar y, en su noche de bodas, es violada por un fantasma... que la deja embarazada.
Como requisito para trabajar en un asilo psiquiátrico, el joven Dr. Martin deberá entrevistar a varios pacientes "incurables" de dicha institución, y tras escuchar sus historias, decidir cuál de ellos es el Dr. Starr, su predecesor, quien enloqueció. Así, Martin tendrá acceso a las más aterradoras historias patológicas: la venganza de ultratumba de una mujer descuartizada; un maniquí que cobra vida gracias a la magia negra; una joven drogadicta controlada por una entidad maligna; un exmédico que desea transferir su espíritu a un diminuto autómata. ¿Se trata solo de alucinaciones de los pacientes, o son testimonios verídicos? ¿Cuál de ellos es el enigmático Dr. Starr?.
Adaptación de "El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde" a cargo de Amicus Productions, la hermana de la Hammer. Aquí Christopher Lee interpreta al doctor Marlowe, un científico que ha desarrollado una droga intravenosa para liberar sus inhibiciones internas. Pero su efecto es tan potente que surge una nueva personalidad, un ser malvado llamado Blake, que se vuelve más monstruoso (física y mentalmente) con cada transformación.
Narra 4 cuentos de terror relacionados por una vieja y fantasmal mansión en la que se realiza una investigación policial para esclarecer ciertas desapariciones. Escritos en tono paródico por Robert Bloch. 1) METHOD FOR MURDER: Un escritor conjura desde su imaginación a un estrangulador y cual es su sorpresa cuando nota que el criminal ha tomado vida real.
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
Swinging playboy Grand Duke Nicholas Goduno, a direct descendent of the Romanov family who were overthrown in the Russian Revolution of 1917, learns that his family's crown jewels will be exhibited at a London museum and plots to steal them. To this end, he gathers a crew of beautiful but dangerous women, led by Bridget Rafferty, to assist in his plot against Popov, the Soviet functionary in charge of the exhibit.
El periodista Richard Ashley llega a un país de los Balcanes, gobernado por el Duque de Orgagna, un despótico dictador, para investigar sus turbios negocios.
Lot, sobrino del patriarca Abraham, se traslada con su familia, sus criados y sus rebaños a vivir a Sodoma, una ciudad situada a la orilla del mar Muerto, próxima a Gomorra. Pronto Lot y su gente se contagian de los vicios que corrompen a los habitantes de la ciudad y, al matar al príncipe que ha ultrajado a sus hijas, es condenado a prisión. Allí, Dios le revela que va a destruir Gomorra.
In Scotland 1865, An old shepherd and his little Skye terrier go to Edinburgh. But when the shepherd dies of pneumonia, the dog remains faithful to his master, refuses to be adopted by anyone, and takes to sleeping on his master's grave in the Greyfriars kirkyard, despite a caretaker with a "no dogs" rule. And when Bobby is taken up for being unlicensed, it's up to the children of Edinburgh and the Lord Provost to decide what's to be done.
Seven-year-olds Michael and Rachel are best friends who do everything together and who have vowed to remain friends "forever and ever and can't be parted for never and never". Unfortunately, the society that Michael and Rachel live in is one of religious intolerance. The fact that Michael is Irish Catholic and Rachel is Jewish is a point of conflict for just about everyone in the community.
Lewis Gilbert's classic comedy drama portrays the antics of a British Army Searchlight Squad during World War II. Lieutenant Ogleby (Ian Carmichael) has his work cut out to keep his "legionnaires" at their post and not rampaging through the local countryside. The McGaffey brothers (Benny Hill and Tommy Steele) create havoc with their light-fingers and light-loving with the local girls, whilst Smithy (Johnny Briggs) pines for his sweetheart.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un periodista americano afincado en Grecia vende información al servicio de Inteligencia Británico. Cuando los nazis descubren sus actividades, lo persiguen por toda Europa.
Mark Loring is madly jealous of his wife, Mary, former American cabaret singer. Due to an automobile accident, she loses her unborn child, and Mark becomes sterile. His father, Brit-stuffy Sir John Loring, has never approved of the marriage and, again, tries to break it up. Believing that a child will hold the marriage together, Mary suggests artificial insemination to Mark, who finally agrees to accompany her to a clinic in Switzerland. However, when she is again pregnant, Mark finds it impossible to reconcile himself to the situation and leaves her. Prompted by his father, Mark sues for divorce, accusing her of adultery. She contests the divorce and a trial concerns itself with whether or not artificial insemination is a question of adultery. The Catholic Church's National League of Decency placed this film on its Condemned" list.
The Mad Morgans are a family song and dance act touring the British Music Halls. Young Davy is the star of the act but should he stay with his family or strike out on his own ? The last comedy to be produced at Ealing Studios.
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
This movie debut for saucy British TV comic Benny Hill has Benny leaving his job as a sweeper after winning some money. He becomes a private detective and investigates a plot to assassinate British scientists.
When Jim Fletcher is told by his firm, that his new furniture designs, are not in keeping with the firms image. he threatens to resign, and decides to uproot his family, and emigrate to Australia. but his problems are only just beginning.
At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a Royal Navy officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
Maggie es un carguero cuyo viejo capitán se empeña en mantener a flote, a pesar de que se encuentra en un estado ruinoso. (FILMAFFINITY)
Aventuras de un buque escolta de convoy británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Al comienzo de la guerra al Capitán de Corbeta Ericson se le asigna el buque HMS Compass Rose con oficiales sin experiencia y hombres que acaban de salir de la formación militar. Tendrán que enfrentarse al mar invernal y a los temibles submarinos alemanes
Ofrece una mirada sobre el funcionamiento del servicio de libertad condicional a través de los ojos de Phipps, un hombre de mediana edad en busca de mérito y una nueva ocupación.
This tale of intrigue finds Valentina Cortese involved in an assassination plot. She helps the police apprehend the conspirators after an innocent bystander is accidentally killed.
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Jewel thieves, murder and a manhunt swirl around a sailor (Bonar Colleano) off a cargo ship in London.
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
Dos matones londinenses, que han sido rechazados por el crimen organizado, ejecutan por su cuenta una serie de robos que acaban provocando la muerte de un policía. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un joven ambicioso y sin escrúpulos (Dennis Price) proyecta vengar la afrenta que la aristocrática familia D'Ascoyne, a la cual pertenece, les ha infligido a él y a su madre. El plan consiste en eliminar a todos los miembros de la familia que le preceden en la sucesión al título de Duque.
Historia del explorador Robert Falcon Scott y su intento de ser el primero en llegar al Polo Sur.
A look at a family living in Stoke-on-Trent in the 1940's and what it's like working in the pottery factories that Stoke is famous for.
A colorful British documentary about the manufacturing of steel.
Examines the role of art in WWII; featuring Henry Moore's drawings of London Underground during bombing raids, Paul Nash's paintings of aircraft dumps, Stanley Spencer's shipbuilding panels, Evelyn Dunbar's land girls, alongside many amateur artists too.
A documentary on modern British farming.
The captain of a British cargo ship shanghais a group of sabateurs, unaware that the daughter of the ship’s owner is among them.
When she learns that the Nazis have confiscated Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece Mona Lisa, art-loving South American wanna-be spy Tamara (Jane Carr) journeys to Lisbon to snoop for the Germans in return for the iconic painting. But bumbling Nazi agents, Allied counterspies and multiple copies of the artwork soon confound her attempts at espionage.
Training film for officers of the ATS, encouraging compassion and understanding for the young woman in their charge.
After a wealthy woman is killed, her extended family all fall under suspicion of murder.
Doctors perform brain surgery to reform a hardened criminal