George Faber

Nacimiento : 1959-11-30, Kensington, London, England, UK


The Miniaturist
Executive Producer
Siglo XVII. Una mujer se muda a vivir con su nuevo marido a Ámsterdam, y pronto descubrirá que no todo es lo que parece. Telefilm emitido en tres partes y autoconclusivo basado en la novela de Jessie Burton.
Einstein and Eddington
Executive Producer
Película que narra la evolucion de la "Teoría de la Relatividad" de Albert Einstein, así como la relacion de éste con el cientifíco británico Sir Arthur Eddington, el primer físico en entender sus ideas.
Mansfield Park
Executive Producer
Nueva adaptación televisiva de la popular novela de Jane Austen. A los diez años, Fanny Price es enviada a vivir con sus parientes ricos a Mansfield Park, Northampton. Aunque siempre ha estado agradecida a sus tíos, tiene que luchar para adaptarse al protocolo aristocrático y sufrir alusiones diarias a su inferioridad por parte de sus parientes. Su rencorosa tía Norris le recuerda constantemente que ella nunca será igual que sus hijas, María y Julia. Y su tía Bertram es demasiado perezosa para defenderla. Tom, su primo mayor con quien se lleva muy bien, está a menudo ausente así que el único compañero que tiene es su primo Edmun. A medida que pasa el tiempo, Fanny se va enamorando de Edmun. Desde el principio Edmun parece destinado a casarse con María, hasta que se da cuenta de que se ha enamorado de Fanny...
Executive Producer
A gripping story of love, deceit, betrayal and survival set against the backdrop of the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. Michelle is married to Gary, a young miner who goes on strike as soon as the dispute between the Thatcher government and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) begins. Meanwhile, her sister Linda's husband Paul is a local policeman. Paul becomes more and more voluble in his opposition to the strike, while Linda looks around her and witnesses the women of her community suddenly find a voice and independence. The scene is set for political and personal conflicts which would change their lives forever.
Llámame Peter
Executive Producer
La turbulenta vida personal y profesional del actor Peter Sellers (1925-1980), desde sus inicios como intérprete cómico en la radio hasta su gran éxito en el cine como uno de los mejores comediantes de todos los tiempos; un artista obsesivo tan dedicado a su trabajo que descuidó a sus seres queridos y sacrificó parte de su propia personalidad para crear de manera convincente la de sus muchos memorables personajes.
Sons & Lovers
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Stephen Whittaker adapts author D.H. Lawrence's simmering tale of sex, love, and family. In the years leading up to World War I, the problems faced by many families were uncannily similar to the issues that mankind would still be struggling with nearly a century later. Human relationships remain as fragile as ever, and the only constant in life seems to be a humbling sense of uncertainty. Sarah Lancashire stars in a drama detailing the anguish of first love, and the awkward confusion of first sex.
Morvern Callar
En un pequeño pueblo escocés trabaja Movern Callar -Samantha Morton- como cajera en un supermercado. Una tarde vuelve a su casa y encuentra el cadáver de su novio. Todo indica que ha sido un suicidio. Movern decide entonces coger una novela recién terminada de su novio y salir de allí. Tras vender la novela y coger el dinero del adelanto por la publicación, Morvern viaja a Ibiza a cambiar de vida.
Cor, Blimey!
Executive Producer
La dramatización de la historia de amor entre Sidney James y Barbara Windsor, se desarrolló en el contexto de las películas de 'Carry On' durante los años sesenta y setenta.
A Room for Romeo Brass
Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous stranger, comes between them. Morell befriends with the two boys and later asks them to help him pursue Romeo's beautiful elder sister. He gradually becomes more violent after she rejects him.
Disparo al corazón
Associate Producer
Después de 20 años juntos, dos amigos se encuentran enfrentados a ambos lados de las líneas enemigas en la guerra civil de Bosnia. La ciudad de Sarajevo, abandonada por los civiles que temen morir en el conflicto, se convierte de este modo en un campo de batalla donde los dos hombres tendrán que luchar a muerte.
En primera línea
Belfast 1972: Bernie, que es políticamente ingenua, intenta educar a una familia normal en un entorno que no es normal. Su mejor amigo es accidentalmente asesinado a tiros por el IRA, y sus vecinos son constantemente atacados por el ejército. En este clima de miedo, ella se pone de pie y condena los asesinatos. Criticando ambas facciones, su llamado a un alto el fuego se interpreta como un ataque contra el IRA, y cuando su movimiento por la paz toma impulso, ella y su familia se colocan en primera línea.
The Tribe
Property developer Jamie has to evict some weird, post-modern hippies from a building. But they slowly drag him into their dark underworld of bizarre rituals and dangerous liaisons.
The Stringer
Executive Producer
Vadik Chernyshov is an impoverished dreamer who spends his life drifting though Moscow with a video camera, hoping to shoot footage that will interest Western press agencies. He falls in love with the beautiful Helen, an English media executive, and subsequently they must contend with the barriers that their different backgrounds present.
My Son the Fanatic
Executive Producer
Pakistani taxi-driver Parvez and prostitute Bettina find themselves trapped in the middle when Islamic fundamentalists decide to clean up their local town.
Executive Producer
The sexual rivalries over a new, potentially great rock'n'roll singer between a nightclub owner and a local gangster cause unrest and eventually lead to murder.
Executive Producer
In a typical English working-class town, the juveniles have nothing more to do than hang around in gangs. One day, Alan Darcy, a highly motivated man with the same kind of youth experience, starts trying to get the young people off the street and into doing something they can believe in: Boxing. Darcy opens a boxing club, aiming to bring the rival gangs together.
Priest (Sacerdote)
En la Irlanda actual, el padre Greg Pilkington, un joven sacerdote católico, llega a un pueblo para sustituir al antiguo párroco, recientemente fallecido. Pronto tendrá que afrontar dos espinosos problemas: el del secreto de la confesión, aun cuando se trate de delitos denunciables, y el de su homosexualidad, que mantiene en secreto.
Cruel Train
Executive Producer
In wartime England, a railway official learns that the chairman of the line had sexually abused his wife as a child, then given him the job so he could continue having sexual access to her. The husband and wife kill him together, but are seen by a train driver, who also has problems of his own. The wife tries to divert suspicion by implicating another driver and befriending the witness, but it doesn't go that smoothly.
Memsahib Rita
Executive Producer
Using a blend of magic realism and realist drama, Memsahib Rita looks at the physical and emotional violence of racism. Shanti is haunted by both the racist taunts of nationalist white youths and the memory of her white mother.
Executive Producer
Antonia Bird's first feature length film; "Safe" from 1993, focused on the plight of the homeless in London.
A Little Bit of Lippy
Kenneth Cranham and Rachel Davies star as the parents of 19-year-old Marian Fairley, who finds a pair of women's knickers in her husband's laundry. Outraged to think he is havingan affair, she takes the TV, the microwave and the baby, and moves in with her parents down the road. But an even bigger shock awaits her.
Came Out, It Rained, Went Back In Again
Executive Producer
A short film in which an innocent northern girl discovers her sexual identity on a trip to London, where she goes into a lesbian bar/club, and considers revealing her gayness to her mother.
Executive Producer
A husband drives throughout the night on a voyage of self-discovery, while his wife waits at home, raking over the ashes of their marriage as their child sleeps in the next room.
A Small Mourning
When Marjorie's husband of 20 years dies of a brain tumour, she's hit financially as well as emotionally. The money she makes packing tights in a factory isn't enough to cover her rent, and her TV is repossessed. Soon after the funeral she meets Arnold, a wealthy pub landlord, who squires her to the local Conservative Club ball in an effort to cheer her up. Life with Arnold promises not only companionship but undreamt-of luxury, but Marjorie's friends and family do not necessarily approve.
Seeing in the Dark
Tony has begun to panic that life may be passing him by. As his friends forge ahead, he feels stuck in a dead end job and trapped by his relationship with Judith. One day, he starts to be plagued by a series of mysterious phone calls and letters. Tony becomes haunted by a growing premonition of catastrophe.
Loving Hazel
Mike and his ex-wife have an 8-year-old daughter, Hazel. She calls her new mother's boyfriend 'daddy', which Mike goes along with until his access to Hazel is limited.
Burning Ambition
When the luckless Martin and Renato have the bright idea of starting up a guided coach tour of the M25, London's orbital motorway, they think they're on to a winner - but they soon discover they're on course for disaster.