Olgierd Łukaszewicz

Olgierd Łukaszewicz

Nacimiento : 1946-09-07, Chorzów, śląskie, Polska


Olgierd Łukaszewicz (born 7 September 1946) is a Polish film actor. He has appeared in over 60 films since his 1969 graduation from the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Kraków. Between 2002 and 2005, he was the President of the Polish Union of Stage Actors (Związek Artystów Scen Polskich).


Olgierd Łukaszewicz


Talking Heads 2021
The film was inspired by one of the most important documentaries shot by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Talking Heads (1980). The director asked his interlocutors seemingly simple questions, such as “Who are you?” and “What do you want?”.
The Republic of Children
Faun Agrullo
Solid Gold
generał Wilkosz
Una investigación liderada por un oficial de la CBS, Nowicki, tiene la misión de atrapar a unos criminales que están desarrollando una estafa piramidal.
A Cat with a Dog
A vision of an unconventional family together with their conflicts and rivalry, a vision full of ironic sense of humour but also emotional moments and true closeness. When the elder brother, Andrzej, suddenly falls ill, despite their differences and a wall of misunderstandings that has grown between them, his younger brother is taking it upon himself to care for his brother in need.
komendant AK
In the 1940s, a small band of underground paramilitaries attempt to fight back against the Soviet-backed security ministry in post-war Poland. Determined to fight for their country's future, the group goes to extreme lengths to make their voice heard.
Felicjan Dulski
Rainer Dulsky, a professor of psychiatry from Switzerland, comes to Melania, the granddaughter of Mrs. Dulska. He feels he’s got something in common with the tenement house in which the Dulski family live... Melania, a film director, intrigued by her family history joins Rainer in his research. Their discoveries will take them back to the past full of secrets that were meant to stay hidden forever. The Dulski family have much on their conscience...
Stones for the Rampart
Dr. Trojanowski
Ser derrotado y no ser - una victoria. Este es el lema de que la vida es guiada por tres jóvenes amigos: Alek, Sophy y Rudy. Scouts, graduados de la escuela secundaria en Varsovia a la deriva ambiciosos planes para el futuro rotos hasta septiembre de 1939. Entrar en la edad adulta en tiempos muy dramáticos, lo que les da una opción: sobrevivir a cualquier costo o unirse a la lucha por una patria libre, arriesgándolo todo. Los muchachos criados en hogares patrióticos, moldeados por los ideales del escultismo, deciden luchar. Se convierten en soldados, y aunque cada rasguño con la muerte, pueden vivir una vida plena.
Jakub Frank
Jest rok 1776. Radca wiedeńskiej Kancelarii Nadwornej Henryk Klein (Mariusz Bonaszewski) otrzymuje skargę na hrabiego Jakuba Franka (Olgierd Łukaszewicz), który kilkanaście lat wcześniej został skazany za głoszenie herezji i zbiegł do Wiednia. Donos napisany został przez jego byłego wyznawcę, Jakuba Golińskiego (Andrzej Chyra). Klein dowiaduje się, że za zdradę Goliński został ukarany i obrabowany, a teraz czeka go śmierć ku przestrodze innych. Radca przeprowadza dochodzenie. Udaje mu się ustalić, że pseudomesjasz ogłosił się Bogiem, tworzy ze swoich wyznawców armię i szuka kontaktów z dworem cesarzowej Marii Teresy. Klein podejrzewa spisek, którego celem jest zamach stanu
Cezary Rudzki
A member of a therapy group is found dead. A prosecutor and a police officer try to solve the mystery of his death.
Lazowski, an expelled university student, investigates the supposed suicide of the famous artist Witkacy and tries to prove that the artist is in fact still alive.
Miasto z morza
Tadeusz Wenda
Gwiazda Kopernika
General Nil
generał Emil Fieldorf "Nil"
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
Anonyma - Una mujer en Berlín
Buttermann (uncredited)
Adaptación al cine de un diario escrito por una mujer alemana. En Berlín, en los últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una mujer vive escondida en el sótano de un edificio en ruinas. Su encierro coincide con la llegada de las tropas del Ejército Rojo, que tomaron la ciudad, la saquearon y violaron impune e indiscriminadamente a las mujeres.
El 1 de septiembre de 1939, la Alemania nazi invade Polonia, dando principio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El 17 de septiembre, el Ejército Rojo soviético cruza la frontera. El ejército polaco, incapaz de luchar en dos frentes, es derrotado. Miles de hombres polacos, tanto militares como funcionarios gubernamentales, son capturados por los invasores. Su destino solo será conocido varios años después.
Tomorrow, We're Going To The Movies
Ojciec Krysi
Three high school graduates prepare to start the next chapter of their lives, but the outbreak of World War II may derail their dreams forever.
Karol, el hombre que llegó a ser Papa
Karol Wojtyła padre
Miniserie biográfica sobre Juan Pablo II. En su juventud, en Polonia bajo la ocupación nazi, Karol Wojtyla trabajó en una cantera de caliza para poder sobrevivir. La represión nazi causó numerosas víctimas no sólo entre los judíos, sino también entre los católicos. Es entonces cuando Karol decide responder a la llamada divina.
King Ubu
rotmistrz Bardior
A grotesque Shakespearean tale of Ubu who comes to power in a bloody way. When his absurd reforms fail and the treasury gets empty, Ubu and his flatterers start implementing terror across the country.
The Career of Nikos Dyzma
Nikos is a master of funeral ceremonies (that's undertaker to you and me) who doesn't expect much from life. After drunkenly insulting a diplomat at a party, weird things begin to happen for Nikos. The news that a mysterious stranger offended the hated Deputy Prime Minister galvanizes the political elite assembled at the banquet, and a rumor that Nikos can take care of anything spreads like wildfire, making him an idol of the masses.
The Witcher
Czarodziej Stregobor
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
Keep Away from the Window
Regina's messenger #1
In a small village a couple fails to conceive. One day the man brings home to hide a Jewish woman whose family was murdered.
Leopold Kast, ojciec Maćka
Entertaining movie about the early days of Polish stock exchange in the beginning of 80's. Young TV reporter is sucked into the inferno of easy money, deception, crime, sex and drugs. Sometimes like Kieslowski's moral tales, sometimes like Pasikowski's brutal fables, even sometimes like "Once upon a time in America". Fantastic creations of Baka as Maks and Majchrzak as Rekin /the Shark/ - evil incarnated.
Poland under Stalinist rule, 1953. A young nun Anna is brought to a prison where an influential priest is kept in. She discovers the priest is the man she loved a few years before. Communist authorities try to make her spy on him now.
Marek Wawrowski
In a small Polish town in the summer of 1939, a married painter and a young Jewish woman begin an affair. Based on the novel by Marek Sołtysik.
Johnnie Waterman
On the road wandering minstrel finds a mare, which, upholstered and sickly, is dying. He buries mare and casts a curse in the village where the animal was tortured. In the village lives Jańcio, a philosopher, a man loving life and his young wife, Weronka. Jańcio lives in harmony with God and is not expecting that he will be put to the test by him. He is convinced he has the power to make miracles. He leaves his pregnant wife, and goes to see the world, promising to return before the due date.
El interrogatorio
Konstanty, mąż Antoniny
Durísimo retrato de la opresión política. Krystyna Janda encarna a una actriz de cabaret que mantiene relaciones con altos oficiales militares. Esos encuentros la hacen sospechosa y la policía secreta la encarcela. Mediante una interrogación brutal, se convencen de que el breve encuentro entre la actriz y un comandante del ejército ha fomentado un complot contra el gobierno. A lo largo de la película se muestran a los extremos que llegan los interrogadores para extraer lo que creen que es la verdad... Prohibida inmediatamente tras su estreno en Polonia, la película fue lanzada internacionalmente en 1990 en el Festival de Cannes, donde Janda logró el premio a la mejor actriz. (FILMAFFINITY)
An alchemist, Sendivius, comes to court, and transmutes base metal into gold.
Decálogo 5
Andrzej Geller, mąż Doroty
"No matarás": En una Varsovia gris, vacía, pobre y triste, Jacek, un joven sin perspectivas ni futuro, asesina brutalmente a un taxista. Quinto de los diez mediometrajes, cuyo nombre genérico es "decálogo", realizados para la televisión por el director Krzysztof Kieslowski y el guionista Krzysztof Piesiewicz. Cada uno de ellos se inspira en uno de los Diez Mandamientos. Este episodio es una versión de la película "No matarás", de 1988, realizada por el mismo equipo.
Decálogo 2
Andrzej Geller
"No tomarás el nombre de Dios en vano": Dorota, una mujer embarazada, visita en el hospital a su esposo moribundo (Andrzej). Segundo de los diez mediometrajes realizados para la televisión por el director Krzysztof Kieslowski y el guionista Krzysztof Piesiewicz, denominados genéricamente "Decálogo". cada uno de ellos se inspira en uno de los Diez Mandamientos.
Art of Loving
Pasikonik's Lawyer
Prior to her wedding a nineteen years old Anna can't stop wondering - whether she made the right choice? So she decides to seek the advice of a well-known sexologist...
Doctor Kramer
Polish film directed by Wieslaw Saniewski.
King Size
A comedy. The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar of a library, and only the most obedient get the chance to grow to king size and inhabit the larger world. Once there, nobody wants to return to Shuflandia. Also, there are no women in Shuflandia.
No matarás
Varsovia. Un taxista está lavando su coche. Jacek, un joven campesino de mirada turbia, vaga por la ciudad. Piotr, un estudiante de derecho, se prepara para hacer su último examen. Sus destinos se cruzan cuando Jacek coge un taxi para ir a los suburbios de la ciudad, donde asesina brutalmente al taxista golpeándolo con una piedra.
The Magnate
Franzel von Teuss
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.
Kill Me, Cop
A Polish thriller. Central story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run (Linda) and the cop (Machalica) who put him behind the bars the first time around.
The Deserters
słowacki dezerter z lasu
Set in military barracks in a small town during World War I. The soldiers herded in the barracks are 'politically suspect' mix of characters from all over of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Czechs, Jews, and even Italians, but officers in charge are Germans. A new lieutenant arrives with the mission to bring order to the unit. He is the sadist, enjoying humiliating the men. Fed up with his behaviour the lower ranks kidnap him one night and string him up in a public toilet. They also make sure that he fouls up during the inspection. Eventually the five ring leaders are imprisoned. They escape and end up in Budapest posing as guards as guards of veterinary surgeons. They are caught and sent back to face a court martial and their old tormentor.
The Girls of Nowolipki
Coming of age story of four girls living in the same poor district of Warsaw just before the outbreak of World War One.
The Phantom
Wladyslaw Jelonki
Set in the early years of the century. A story of a country gentleman haunted by the memory of his first wife. His current wife, had enough of his obsession and has taken a lover, who is mysteriously paralyzed. Meanwhile, main character's son gets his first taste of sensual experience with a mute peasant girl.
Sex Mission: Misión en el futuro
Albert Starski
Película de ciencia ficción en clave de comedia. Dos científicos experimentan sobre la criogenización, ofreciéndose ellos mismos como conejillos de indias del experimento, axial los criogenizan para despertarlos al cabo de una temporada. Resulta que cuando despiertan han pasado 53 años, y el mundo esta dominado por mujeres, el "hombre" ha desaparecido. Así nuestros dos científicos se ven inmersos en un mundo donde ellos son los únicos seres humanos masculinos del planeta, donde miles de mujeres están ansiosas por descubrir sus extraños cuerpos.
The Faithful River
Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.
Otto von Furstenberg
In nineteenth century Poland, Kacper Wosinski is cursed by his wife Maryna on her deathbed. Her evil spirit then haunts him in the form of a she-wolf.
Young Tomek is fascinated by his sweet and friendly mother, Anna, an attractive widow. She takes care of her son carefully, and in the evenings debates with her girlfriend Roza, a free and childless woman. But due to poor financial conditions he is sent to a boarding school where he wouldn't stay long; he must return home because his mother died. After returning, a surprise is waiting for him in the form of a little brother. He decides to take care of him and finds a job and a likely little boy's father who comes to claim his rights, decides to leave the house. When he visits the priest, he discovers that not only his brother is an illegitimate child. And Roza searches for comfort in his arms.
Sonjas Rapport
Film by Bernhard Stephan.
The Issa Valley
Wiktor, brat Romualda
The film evokes a childhood in rural Lithuania between the wars. A country boy, Tomaszek, lives on a rich estate, situated on the Polish border. He realizes that the Issa Valley he lives in is to be torn apart by internal political conflicts and unrests among the mixed population of Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and Russians. He, however, is captivated by a paradise surrounding him, the forest, and his fantasies.
Ślepy bokser
Skwara, dyrektor gabinetu Leśniaka
A distinguished engineer is informed of being forcibly transferred from his current workplace to another construction site.
Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy
dubbing roli odgrywanej przez Borysa Marynowskiego
The film is set in 1905, in a time of feverish revolutionary underground activity in Poland partitioned between three neighbours. All the characters are committed anarchists. The bomb maker puts an invention together to place it at the disposal of young inexperienced terrorists fighting against Tsarist oppression. The story follows the passing of this bomb from anarchist to anarchist as several attempts are made on the life of Tsarist governor general, until, at the end, it is effectively and harmlessly defused by a bomb expert. The presence of the bomb has a destroying effect on all of the Polish revolutionaries, they either die or breakdown.
The Trial
An adaptation of Franz Kafka's "The Trial"
Lesson of a Dead Language
porucznik Alfred Kiekeritz
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and hallucinations, he begins to collect religious art and attends seances.
A dramatization of the Gleiwitz incident.
Jörg Ratgeb - Painter
En vísperas de la guerra de los campesinos, el pintor Jörg Ratgeb está en busca de una figura de Cristo, y Jörg no puede encontrar a nadie que pueda cumplir este deseo. Rodeado de dudas, deja a su esposa e hijos en la búsqueda del camino de su modelo a seguir, Alberto Durero.
Wladyslaw Emeryk
Dagny Juell was the doctors daughter who left Kongsvinger for Berlin to study music, and became famous painter Edvard Munchs mistress and model. Than she ran into August Strindberg. They had a brief affair but after a couple of weeks Dagny left him for Stanisław Przybyszewski.
Noches y días
Janusz Ostrzeński
Relata la vida de una familia de la burguesía rural polaca desde 1863 a 1914.
Znikąd donikąd
Historia de un pecado
Count Zygmunt Szczerbic
A principios del siglo XX, en la católica Varsovia, una joven se enamora de uno de los huéspedes que sus padres tienen en casa. El hombre está casado aunque en trámites de separación, pero el idilio en una sociedad tan estricta es casi imposible...
The Lost Night
A Party for Ten, Plus Three
A bunch of unemployed and unqualified workers are hired to unload a few railway wagons. Because of the low wages, the manager needs to encourage the workers in some other way.
The Wedding
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
Pearl in the Crown
Film set during the Silesian Uprising in the 1920's. The German owners of a mine decide that it is unprofitable and want to close it by flooding it. The miners go on strike.
Stefek Zawada, syn Jadwigi i Wojciecha
A young farm boy spends his days dreaming and making totem-pole like sculptures out of wood. His brother is a go-getter: studies agricultural engineering, comes back with diploma to marry the pretty girl next door. The dreamer graces puts his sculptures around, invoking anger of his father and ridicule of the peasants who find him useless. During the brother's wedding he sets his totems ablaze. He makes a pass at his new sister-in-law, but returns to his own reveries. In the end he hears a call to bring a log out of the marshes, but during the escapade sinks into the bog.
Pogoń za Adamem
aktor grający w filmie Zawady rolę "Żbika"
El bosque de los abedules
Drama familiar ambientado durante la posguerra. Un joven músico retorna del extranjero para pasar unos días junto a su hermano en su Polonia natal.
The Taste of the Black Earth
During the 1920 Silesian uprising, seven brothers take part in the struggle with the Germans to keep the region in the Polish hands.
Dancing at Hitler's Headquarters