Jonathan Sagall
Nacimiento : 1959-04-23, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Jonathan Sagall (born April 23, 1959) is an Israeli actor, film director, TV director and screenwriter.
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Lara is Palestinian and lives in London. She has everything she wants in her life: a husband, a son and a beautiful house in one of the best areas of the city. Nevertheless, her everyday life appears cold and grey, only brightened up by surreptitious sips of vodka. But one day, Inam, a sensual, resolute girl, knocks on her door. Lara seems to be transported back to her adolescence when she and Inam were close friends, and studied together in Ramallah. In Lara's astonished eyes we see a mixture of fear and desire towards the woman whom she had lost sight of. A deceptive tangle of memories which a trauma, a love affair and an experience with two Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem an re-surface. From a gripping, well structured emotional thriller that traces back their memories through recurrent flashbacks that take us to the West Bank in 1994, during the Intifada.
Lara is Palestinian and lives in London. She has everything she wants in her life: a husband, a son and a beautiful house in one of the best areas of the city. Nevertheless, her everyday life appears cold and grey, only brightened up by surreptitious sips of vodka. But one day, Inam, a sensual, resolute girl, knocks on her door. Lara seems to be transported back to her adolescence when she and Inam were close friends, and studied together in Ramallah. In Lara's astonished eyes we see a mixture of fear and desire towards the woman whom she had lost sight of. A deceptive tangle of memories which a trauma, a love affair and an experience with two Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem an re-surface. From a gripping, well structured emotional thriller that traces back their memories through recurrent flashbacks that take us to the West Bank in 1994, during the Intifada.
Lara is Palestinian and lives in London. She has everything she wants in her life: a husband, a son and a beautiful house in one of the best areas of the city. Nevertheless, her everyday life appears cold and grey, only brightened up by surreptitious sips of vodka. But one day, Inam, a sensual, resolute girl, knocks on her door. Lara seems to be transported back to her adolescence when she and Inam were close friends, and studied together in Ramallah. In Lara's astonished eyes we see a mixture of fear and desire towards the woman whom she had lost sight of. A deceptive tangle of memories which a trauma, a love affair and an experience with two Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem an re-surface. From a gripping, well structured emotional thriller that traces back their memories through recurrent flashbacks that take us to the West Bank in 1994, during the Intifada.
An estranged couple receives an unexpected visitor who throws everything in their family off balance.
An estranged couple receives an unexpected visitor who throws everything in their family off balance.
An estranged couple receives an unexpected visitor who throws everything in their family off balance.
An estranged couple receives an unexpected visitor who throws everything in their family off balance.
En Israel, un laboratorio de armas químicas ha conseguido fabricar un arma desconocida. Un grupo de terroristas descubre su existencia e intenta hacerse con el control del laboratorio.
Poldek Pfefferberg
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.
Es verano, y a Huey se le ocurre reabrir un viejo bar con sus amigos Benji y Bobby. Lo difícil será reunir el dinero para volver a abrir el bar, y no enamorarse de Polly, la hija del propietario...
Cuando sus padres se van de vacaciones, Huey invita a sus amigos Bobby y Benji a un viaje en el cadillac de sus padres. Pero el coche choca contra un árbol; ahora necesitan dinero para reparar los costes. Encuentran trabajo en un hotel de playa donde hay un montón de chicas jóvenes.
Alex and Gershon are both playwrights and lovers. Although Gershon is older and they are not both sucessful, they manage to maintain a long term relationship.
Alex and Gershon are both playwrights and lovers. Although Gershon is older and they are not both sucessful, they manage to maintain a long term relationship.
Alex and Gershon are both playwrights and lovers. Although Gershon is older and they are not both sucessful, they manage to maintain a long term relationship.
Bobby - Momo
Con Bobby de vacaciones en Estados Unidos, Benji y Huey están al acecho de chicas. Después de una noche de desesperación, Huey se encuentra con Fatima, la hija de Georgie Ramirez (el sargento Ramirez de la entrega anterior). Él intenta convencerla para acostarse juntos, pero su padre llega a casa y dice que Huey que debe casarse con su hija, diciéndole que está embarazada, a pesar de que nunca han dormido juntos y ella todavía es virgen.
A Charlie, una joven actriz de EE. UU. pro-palestina, le ofrecen un suculento contrato para rodar en Grecia un anuncio para la TV. Al poco tiempo, descubre que todo el grupo es en realidad un comando de Israel que pretende reclutarla para que luche junto a ellos.
Aquí vuelven Benji, Bobby y Huey. Esta vez sus días veraniegos están ocupados por excursiones a la playa, recoger a las chicas en el café Montana y ganar premios en metálico realizando proezas con sus motocicletas en la playa. Y está vez de nuevo, Benji se enamora perdidamente, pero de la hermana pequeña de Bobby y casi destroza su relación con su mejor amigo.
Robi is a young Israeli who lives his grandparents and works at their store. He dreams of finding true love and becoming a movie director, both of which seem increasingly difficult. His film career stalls, until he can get financial backing and his love life seems to be in similar shape. While the urban city has places to cruise for sex, Robi struggles to find an organized gay community and a committed relationship.
Robi is a young Israeli who lives his grandparents and works at their store. He dreams of finding true love and becoming a movie director, both of which seem increasingly difficult. His film career stalls, until he can get financial backing and his love life seems to be in similar shape. While the urban city has places to cruise for sex, Robi struggles to find an organized gay community and a committed relationship.
Momo / Bobbie
Benji, Huey y Bobby, han sido reclutados por el ejercito para tres años. La tentación surge inmediatamente cuando les dicen que la zona de las mujeres es zona prohibida. Se hacen pasar por oficiales y sacan de la cama a las chicas con una falsa alarma de una plaga de piojos. Pero las deliciosas vistas de las chicas yendo a las duchas para desparasitarse se ven bruscamente interrumpidas cuando son asaltados por una mujer que resulta ser sargento.
Bobby / Momo
Una comedia que refleja las desventuras de Benji, Huey y Bobby, tres excitados adolescentes con una sola idea en la mente... sexo. Bobby es el lider del grupo y atrae a las chicas sin el menor esfuerzo. Huey, rudo y regordete, vive bajo el engaño de que también es atractivo, y lo intenta insistentemente y consecuentemente siempre tiene problemas... con las chicas, con sus padres e incluso con sus profesores. Benji es el más inocente del grupo, pero aprende rápido.
Momo / Bobby
Benji, Bobby y Huey son amigos inseparables, estudian y se divierten juntos. Por supuesto donde hay chicos, hay chicas: Tammy, Shelly, Martha. Sus vidas transcurren entre coches "tomados prestados", pequeños robos, peleas con sus rivales motorizados, el colegio y la heladería de al lado...
Momo / Bobbie
Benji, Bobby y Huey son tres chicos que viven su adolescencia en el Israel de los años 50, y por supuesto la viven obsesionados por una única cosa... el sexo. Benji está enamorado de la guapísima Nili, pero ella prefiere a su amigo Bobby. Tras infructuosos esfuerzos por tener su primera experiencia sexual, deciden que lo mejor es acudir a una prostituta, experiencia que les dejará un molesto recuerdo.
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]