Kjell Vassdal


Teddy. La magia de la Navidad
Director of Photography
La paz navideña cae sobre el pequeño pueblo, pero en el mercado navideño hay una actividad frenética. Mariann descubre un oso de peluche en el estante superior. ¿Está vivo? Mariann debe conseguir el peluche como sea. Pero Teddy quiere irse con una familia rica.
No More Everyday Life
Director of Photography
Two soul mates meet, they are in love with life, the world and each other, but do not fit into Hitler's racial state. Why was the young refugee Ruth Maier killed, and why is she still remembered?
Camera Operator
Thelma no es una chica normal. Desesperada, le pregunta insistentemente a Dios por qué la ha hecho así. Sus padres tampoco son de gran ayuda, sino dos personas misteriosas que se muestran tranquilas ante los poderes que muestra su hija, que, cada vez que siente algo, causa desastres. Cuando Thelma inicie una relación con una compañera, las emociones propias del amor harán estragos.
The Classic
Director of Photography
Two Kurdish little people in Iraq risk their lives to fulfill their dreams and that is to meet football hero Cristiano Ronaldo.
A film about the close relationship between two brothers. Markus (10) and Lukas (7) live in an old, yellow townhouse in the middle of Oslo. The river runs close to their home. A paradise in the heart of a big city. Here the brothers grow up with their dreams and longings for the future.
Jeg vil aldri begynne å røyke
Little Erik thinks that men get beards because they smoke. One evening his beautiful mother suddenly lights a cigarette. Erik gets scared.
La montaña mágica y el cuerno encantado
La joven reina Bluerose se encuentra en lo alto de la Montaña Azul, pero pronto se da cuenta de lo difícil que resulta vivir dentro de la comunidad de los Gnomos Azules. Cuando descubre que un peligroso glaciar amenaza el valle de la Montaña Azul y a sus habitantes, los Gnomos Rojos, emprende un viaje para encontrar el Cuerno Azul, un objeto mágico que puede alterar el clima y con el que se propone salvar a los Gnomos Rojos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Junior Olsen Gang 2: el maestro de los ladrones
Director of Photography
La "Junior Olsen Gang" (Banda del Joven Olsen) está buscando un tesoro que ha permanecido perdido desde el famoso robo del Banco Nacional de Noruega, en 1835. Los chicos han encontrado un mapa secreto que les lleva a la antigua ciudad de Fredrikstad, donde Egon descubre que tanto su padre como su desconocido abuelo fueron ladrones, y que esa tradición familiar se remonta a Ole Hoiland, el famoso maestro del robo que desvalijó el Banco Nacional de Noruega. Egon y sus amigos parten en busca del tesoro escondido, pero hay otros que también conocen el tesoro y a los que les encantaría llegar hasta él los primeros…
Junior Olsen Gang y el Secreto del oro negro
Director of Photography
Unos ingenieros noruegos estan buscando petróleo y Egon Olson convence a sus amigos para que compren acciones en ese mercado. Pero Egon descubre una trama para engañar al gobierno noruego asegurando que no hay ni rastro de petróleo en el Mar de Norte. Los Olsen tratan de explicar al ministro la verdad sobre el petróleo, pero son capturados por el malvado jeque El-Altan, que para asegurarse que los chicos van a tener la boca cerrada, secuestra a Valborg y se la lleva a Egipto. Egon y sus dos amigos deciden rescatarla e inician un viaje lleno de aventuras por Egipto y las Pirámides.
Peer Gynt from the Streets
A group of street people plays in a cinematographic version of the 5th act of Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt. The movie contains both fiction and documentary elements.
The Junior Olsen Gang and the Silver Mine Mystery
Director of Photography
Hearing about the Kings Jewels hidden deep in a silver mine, the Junior Olsen Gang embark on a thrilling hunt to prevent the Jewels from landing in the wrong hands.
Director of Photography
A warm, dramatic story about eleven-year-old Alise's encounter with a wild horse on the run.
The Junior Olsen Gang at the Circus
Director of Photography
Rock'n'Roll and bananas has arrived the country, and Egon has found out about sabotage plans about a circus, in order to take it over.
Director of Photography
Jan, un joven noruego, está enamorado de Jasmin, una pakistaní. Pero ésta ha de casarse con un sobrino. Jan comienza a trabajar en la tienda del padre de la joven.
Finding Friends
Director of Photography
This kid has to move to a farm in his summer vacation and don't get to go to Norway Cup as he had planned for. Out on the country there is bad cellphone reception, cow smell and inbreed farmers as far as the eye can see. The family Volvo get stolen and the foreigners in the small town automatically gets blamed. From there is a chase to discover what truly happened...
A vacuum-cleaner salesman rings on the door of a lonely woman on a rainy night. There dust blows off painful memories.
The Junior Olsen Gang Rocks It
Director of Photography
The Gang form The Dynamites. After winning a talent competition they are told by manager Pop-Johansen that the band will be huge in the U.S. But is he only after their prize money?
Fia og klovnene
The Junior Olsen Gang Goes Submarine
Director of Photography
On the orphanage Lykkebo, Egon sits and wants a real family - a mother and a father like Kjell has. The rich couple Gyldenløwe picks out 5 boys they consider adopting, but with a little sabotage Egon himself get picked. Suddely Egon is the rich son with a swimming pool and a big house. What Egon don't know is that Gyldenløwe has exchanged a million dollars for all the papers on Egon Olsen.
Director Sigve Endresen follow the singer Kari Iveland, daughter of two missionaries, on her way to release her first solo album. Through her lyrics we understand the discomfort she has felt all her life, which almost lead to suicide.
You Really Got Me
Jan's fastfood-business is going bankrupt, his girlfriend has left him, and he is being exploited by his live-in father. Therefore, he has nothing to lose when he gets mixed up in the kidnapping of famous rock star Iver Mo. But Jan has never been able to do anything right his whole life, and there are others who want to get their hands on the ransom money.
The Diver
Director of Photography
A thriller about deceit and the struggle for power within Eastern European mafia gangs living in exile in Sweden. Swedish fisherman Arne rescues a young Polish woman, Irena, after a mysterious incident at sea. Two people, both with a past, both determined never to fall in love again, are slowly drawn to each other. Irena has to learn to distinguish friend from foe. Arne must confront his nightmares to save the woman he loves.
El mundo de Sofía
Director of Photography
Pocos días antes de cumplir los quince años, la joven Sofía recibe una misteriosa carta anónima, en la que sólo hay escritas unas inquietantes preguntas: ¿Quién eres?, ¿Cuál es el origen del mundo? Este será el punto de partida de una apasionante expedición a través de la historia de la filosofía occidental, que contará como guía con el enigmático filósofo Alberto Know. Juntos recorrerán a través del tiempo y del espacio 2.400 años de historia, pasando por la Antigua Grecia o la Edad Media hasta llegar a la era moderna. En esta peculiar travesía conocerán a los pensadores más famosos de cada época, embarcándose así en una gran y sorprendente aventura épica.
Bienaventurados los sedientos
Director of Photography
Una película basada en el best-seller homónimo de Anne Holt. La hermosa e inteligente detective Hanne Wilhelmsen investiga un caso de violación que al parecer está conectado con la llamada "masacre del sábado", obra de misterioso asesino en serie que atemoriza la ciudad de Oslo.
Junk Mail
Director of Photography
Dimwitted, somewhat misanthropic Oslo mail carrier Roy's quiet life changes dramatically on the day he steals a set of keys and lets himself into the apartment of a deaf woman who seems to be in trouble with a psychotic criminal. Though he doesn't know it at the time, his and her fate are about to intertwine and this is not going to be to his benefit.
13 Never Again!
13-year old Rikke sees Bea, the new girl in her class, as a challenge. After an endurance test to find which of them can lie longer in a circle of flames, they become friends. However, as a result of some unfortunate truths and half-truths, the friendship falters. Rikke feels that Bea has let her down, and resolves to continue the rivalry between them, but now in a less physical, more artful way. In addition we meet Rikke's elder sister Ninni, who has been in England to learn the language, and has had to leave her great love, a man twelve years her senior. The film is also about the problems Rikke encounters in fulfilling the expectations of those around her as she approaches womanhood.
Dangerous Waters
A dangerous criminal, named Falken, robs a bank together with a redneck small-criminal. They have to take a hostage and escape in a racing boat. When the hostage jumps overboard they have to stay at a lighthouse to wait for a boat. Here the conflicts starts.
Stork Staring Mad
Director of Photography
A married couple, unable to conceive, search for a male donor, but jealousy creates problems when the husband spies on his wife while posing as her brother.
Buicken - store gutter gråter ikke
The bothers Ken and Bent are separated when their parents are divorced, and grow up as very different persons, before they meet as grown ups. They help each other out, but some years later Bent disappears. Only his crashed Buick is found.
Director of Photography
"Herman", based on Lars Saabye Christensen's novel of the same name, tells the story of the young boy Herman who suddenly loses his hair and becomes bald at the age of eleven. It follows him through what is a very difficult period in his life, through big mood swings and irrational behaviour until he finally learns to accept himself for who he is.
The Spirit of Norway
A 4 year-old boy stands in awe of a 1,000 year-old Viking boat in a small Norwegian museum and finds within its silent grace an impressionistic sweep of picture and music revealing the rich spirit of Norway and its people. (This is the movie that was shown after the Maelstrom Ride in Epcot Center)
Mío en la tierra del más allá
Bosse es un niño huérfano que busca a su padre, rey de un país muy lejano, un país de magia y fantasía. Pero no todo será felicidad en ese reino, un malvado caballero ha secuestrado a todos los niños y, según cuenta la leyenda, sólo él podrá liberarlos.
Orion's Belt
Still Photographer
Live to tell the truth. What can one man do against the most lethal army on earth? Local fishermen/smugglers/tourist guides Tom, Lars and Sverre discover the Soviet Union aren't just mining for coal in the arctic archipelago of Svalbard. This is a secret too big for any of them, and soon they find themselves hunted down by Soviet forces and secret agents.