Aviva Joel
Nacimiento : 1949-10-28, Tel Aviv, Israel
Theresa Gonçalves
Lisbon Attorney and former DA Eduardo Silva never got over the death, two years ago, of his wife valentine in a car crash. When he and his gypsy assistant Marcia Amaya hear crime baron Tiago Zarco is arrested having been found over the corpse of the massive pharmaceutical fraud case, she's surprised like the DA that Eduardo offers to defend Zarco, who accepts while keeping his uncooperative right hand-lawyer on, even if that solves their law firm's dire financial state. Silva seems prepared to risk his lawyer license for vengeance on the monster who had an affair with Valentina, yet refuses to look away from indications that Zarco hasn't committed or ordered the murder, but sets a risky trap for those fiends, which proves extremely difficult and dangerous.
“Luxury, luxury, luxury… and not to be so alone.” Vanessa wants to spend her holiday at a comfortable resort. However, due to a booking error at the travel agents, Vanessa ends up on a barren desert island. The next ship doesn’t arrive for another week, so until then she has to cope with oddball lighthouse keeper Stanislav, and the highly unconventional and nonchalant Sebastian, who also has a right to the only shabby guest room. There’s no escape from this island – and the three gradually get to know each other over schnapps and pie. When a further guest arrives in the form of dubious businessman Felix and a body turns up in Stanislav’s cellar, the insular resort becomes the backdrop for a grotesque fight for life. In his debut feature, Matthias J. Michel cleverly repels various genre and character clichés to create an exceptional black comedy.
Tom's Mother
Un retrovirus, el G.M.O. (Genetically Modified Organisms), concebido para la industria de la ingeniería genética, se ha escapado al control de sus creadores y se extiende como la pólvora. Se combina con el ADN de cualquier organismo, siendo las plantas las más resistentes debido a su complejo ADN y los humanos los más sensibles: en una persona causa mutaciones grotescas, agresividad e incluso la muerte. Dentro de una semana, el 90% de la población mundial estará tragando polvo. Sin embargo, una fracción de supervivientes es inmune al virus y deberá aprender a sobrevivir a este nuevo mundo hostil en constante cambio. Tom, un superviviente, está atrincherado en una base militar junto a otros de los suyos. Pero las defensas de su pequeño bunker no pueden hacer frente al retrovirus y a sus hijos
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Sweet, 12 year-old Stefanie, played by child model Soraya Da Mota, dreams of attacking her parents with a flail.
Mrs Ben Ami
A Charlie, una joven actriz de EE. UU. pro-palestina, le ofrecen un suculento contrato para rodar en Grecia un anuncio para la TV. Al poco tiempo, descubre que todo el grupo es en realidad un comando de Israel que pretende reclutarla para que luche junto a ellos.
Eva Thompson
Año 1997. Una estación euroamericana consagrada a la investigación metereológica, con tan sólo dos tripulantes a bordo, está dando vueltas sobre la órbita terrestre. Max Marek, oficial científico, y Billy Hayes, oficial técnico, tienen el cometido de facilitar diagnósticos metereológicos con la máxima brevedad posible. No obstante, como los efectos de radiación resultan imprevisibles, científicos y políticos se ponen de acuerdo para suprimir la estación orbital metereológica. Marek parece conforme con esta decisión, ya que lleva tiempo temiendo los posibles efectos fatales de esta serie de ensayos en un espacio de ingravidez. Por su parte, Hayes se muestra disconforme ante esta decisión.... Debut en la realización de Roland Emmerich tras codirigir el cortometraje "Franzmann" en 1979. "1997: El principio del Arca de Noé" es un trabajo de estudiante que, dada su solidez y su gran acogida en Alemania, fue distribuida a nivel mundial.
This romantic drama follows two policemen whose job is to investigate the lives of foreigners who have applied for Swiss citizenship. Among the applicants they must screen are a French psychiatrist and his wife, and a ballet dancer. The married couple are quickly accepted, but the dancer's life offers some objections. However, since the younger policeman has fallen in love with her, there is a chance that she, too, will win Swiss citizenship.