A collection of Weird Al Yankovic's parody and original music videos, including "The Saga Begins" and "All About The Pentiums" from the "Running With Scissors" album and "Bob" from the "Poodle Hat" album.
El Dr. Bryson es un xenoarqueólogo que lleva años buscando el secreto de la vida eterna. Hace poco, encontró en una excavación una de las galerías donde los Cazadores de Almas guardan sus colecciones, y se llevó una de las Esferas con la esperanza de que sea la clave de su búsqueda. El proyecto de Bryson era uno de los muchos que financiaba en secreto el fallecido magnate William Edgars. Garibaldi, nuevo presidente de Industrias Edgars, concierta una reunión con Bryson en Babylon 5 para que le de un informe de progresos y así poder evaluar si seguir financiándole o no. Pronto, los Cazadores de Almas aparecen reclamando lo que es suyo, y las almas atrapadas en la Esfera utilizan a Bryson como canal a través del cual expresar su rabia y llevar a cabo su venganza contra los Cazadores. Además de con esta crisis, Lochley y Zach deben lidiar con un empresario que ha instalado un holoburdel en el Sector Marrón, y con su abogado.
Jeff, un buen abogado, y un amigo suyo consiguen librar a la hermosa Miranda de un novio prepotente y dominante, pero entonces empiezan los problemas: Jeff se siente fuertemente atraído por Miranda e, intentando ayudarla, se ve implicado en una misteriosa red. Lo que le ocurre a Miranda es que está tratando de huir de una secta de brujas.
A raped policewoman forms a vigilante group of various rape victims. They abduct and castrate men whom have committed repeated violations of women, and got away with it through legal technicalities.
A man with a wife and daughter also has a son with another woman. When he dies this little secret is revealed to the wife. She then sets out to make her and her son suffer by trying to throw them out of the house he bought for them but now it legally belongs to his wife. And at the same time, wanting to ensure her son's future, she sues his estate for her son's education fund. While they are butting heads, they both discover that they were both deceived by him.
A man with a wife and daughter also has a son with another woman. When he dies this little secret is revealed to the wife. She then sets out to make her and her son suffer by trying to throw them out of the house he bought for them but now it legally belongs to his wife. And at the same time, wanting to ensure her son's future, she sues his estate for her son's education fund. While they are butting heads, they both discover that they were both deceived by him.