Jules Brenner


¡Más cerebros! Un Regreso de los Muertos Vivientes
Documental retrospectivo sobre la realización del clásico de culto de terror "El regreso de los muertos vivientes" de 1985.
Sins of the Mother
Director of Photography
A charismatic Real Estate agent, Kevin Coe, is publicly proud of his mother, a prominent socialite, but privately he must put up with her constant belittlements and taunts. And while his latest girlfriend starts discovering the depths of his anguish, no one connects him with a long series of violent rapes that have been troubling the area.
Director of Photography
Dos amigos, Scott y Ralph, se gradúan en 1967 en un instituto de una pequeña localidad estadounidense, y acuden a la universidad dispuestos a cosechar aventuras amorosas y a dar esquinazo a la caja de reclutas. Pero Ralph es expulsado y corre el riesgo de tener que incorporarse a las fuerzas armadas de su país. Cuando los dos amigos toman medidas drásticas -y, naturalmente, ilegales- para garantizar la libertad de Ralph, desencadenan una serie de acontecimientos que cambiarán para siempre sus vidas y su amistad, así como las ideas sobre la guerra de toda una ciudad.
Teen Wolf II (De pelo en pecho 2)
Director of Photography
Todd Howard es un joven como cualquier otro que empieza la Universidad. Sólo tiene algo que lo distingue de los demás: como su primo y su tío, tiene la capacidad de convertirse en lobo. Las cosas empezarán a irle muy bien a todos los niveles cuando se transforme en licántropo. Pero no todo será tan fácil como parece al principio. Poco a poco, con su repentino cambio de personalidad, perderá también a gente a la que aprecia y deberá replantearse si realmente vale la pena ser la estrella de la Universidad. Jason Bateman toma el relevo de Michael J. Fox en esta secuela de "Teen Wolf", que narra en tono de comedia juvenil las aventuras de un adolescente que se convierte en hombre-lobo.
El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Director of Photography
Frank y su aprendiz Freddy terminan su turno en un almacén de productos sanitarios. Charlando, Frank cuenta al joven que los hechos narrados en lapelícula la Noche de los Muertos Vivientes fueron reales, pero han sido ocultados por las autoridades. Para convencer al chico de queno miente, le lleva al sótano, donde le enseña un barril que contiene a uno de los zombies, y el gas que en su momento le devolvió la vida. Accidentalmente abren el barril, liberando tanto al muerto viviente como el gas, que alcanza un cementerio cercano. Sin saberlo, un grupo de jóvenes que han ido a pasar la noche al cementerio serán testigos del despertar de los muertos.
The Killing of Randy Webster
Director of Photography
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
Word of Honor
Director of Photography
A reporter refuses to reveal his source in the case of the murder of a young girl. As a result, he and his family are shunned by the residents of the small town in which they live. Virtually no one comes to his daughter's wedding, and at his office, the police search his desk, and his boss threatens to fire him.
Jimmy B. & Andre
Director of Photography
Real-life story detailing the relationship between a popular Detroit restaurant owner and a young black youngster whom he tries to adopt.
Sabotaje petrolífero
Director of Photography
Una seria amenaza se cierne sobre los países productores de petróleo, y por ende, sobre sus principales clientes, los países occidentales. A través de un comunicado de advierte a los principales líderes de la OPEP que ha creado un producto que, al entrar en contacto con el petróleo, éste se solidifica y deviene un elemento incombustible. Alertados por esta situación que tiene visos de ser real, la OPEP y los gobiernos de Occidente se ponen de acuerdo para activar sus redes de contraespionaje y averiguar quien se encuentra detrás de este intento de sabotaje.
When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
Director of Photography
A drug dealer's car breaks down in a small U.S. town. In turn, the town's people become victim to his unique brand of physical and mental torture.
Solo contra la ciudad
Director of Photography
Danny Travis, un irlandés que ha pasado casi toda su vida en Estados Unidos, es un excéntrico inventor, autodidacta y muy ingenioso. Su apartamento, que le sirve de casa y taller, está amenazado por una orden de desahucio. Una compañia inmobiliaria ha comprado el inmueble y va a demoler el edificio. Danny se erige en representante de los demás vecinos y trata de reunir suficiente dinero para evitar que la orden del juzgado se ejecute.
The Night They Took Miss Beautiful
Director of Photography
Criminals hijack an airplane carrying five beauty contest finalists, but unknowingly they've also kidnapped a government agent carrying a dangerous virus that is to be used in bacterial warfare.
Outlaw Blues
Director of Photography
An aspiring musician is released from prison to find that a song he had written while locked up has been stolen and made into a hit record by a country music superstar. When his confrontation with the star takes a violent turn the ex-con has to go back on the run, but he finds an unexpected ally in a shrewd background singer with a plan to turn the tables in his favor.
El increíble Howard Hughes
Director of Photography
Biografia completa de Howard Hughes,un hombre ambicioso y visionario que se enriqueció y destacó como director y productor de Hollywood, pionero de la aviación y hombre misterioso.
The Million Dollar Rip-Off
Director of Photography
An electronics genius, who is an ex-con, and four of his lady friends devise a plot to steal millions of dollars from the Chicago Transit Authority. A detective, who had been keeping tabs on him since he got out of prison, suspects that he is up to something and tries to catch him at it.
Helter Skelter
Director of Photography
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
The Night That Panicked America
Director of Photography
A dramatization of the Oct. 30, 1938 mass panic that Orson Welles' radio play, "The War of the Worlds" accidentally provoked.
Our Time
Director of Photography
Drama about students at a girls' school, their boyfriends, and an unexpected pregnancy.
Evel Knievel
Director of Photography
Pilot for an adventure/comedy series starring Sam Elliott as the title character and Gary Barton as his sidekick. In the pilot Evel Knievel must compete against a female motorcycle daredevil.
Director of Photography
En 1933, cinco agentes del FBI son acribillados a balazos. Melvin Purvis, un importante miembro de la agencia, jura vengarlos y se dedica a perseguir, con saña, al gángster John Dillinger y a su banda.
Johnny cogió su fusil
Director of Photography
Un joven combatiente de la Primera Guerra Mundial despierta totalmente confuso en un hospital, confinado de por vida, ciego, sordomudo y con las piernas y los brazos amputados a causa de una explosión sucedida durante un bombardeo. Al principio no es consciente de lo que le ha sucedido y en qué condiciones está, pero poco a poco comienza a darse cuenta...
Plimpton! Shoot-Out at Rio Lobo
Director of Photography
George Plimpton got a job playing one of the bad guys in the Howard Hawks-directed John Wayne Western "Rio Lobo." In this special we see him talking to Hawks about whether he'll be killed off or not, to Wayne about how to cultivate a special walk to make oneself a star in movies and to himself as he attempts to rehearse his tiny part and while doing so is caught in the frame of a setup for another scene and chastised by Wayne. Wayne calls Plimpton "Pimpleton" throughout this special.
Director of Photography
Barbara Bouchet (Casino Royale) and Mike Preston (Metalstorm, Road Warrior) are caught in an international mishmash of espionage and double crosses in the Philippines. Michael Rennie (The Day The Earth Stood Still), Richard Jaeckel (Grizzly) and Phillipino heartthrob Vic Diaz also star!