Deaths begin again as a body returns.
Since first donning a tattered fedora and a glove of eviscerating blades in 1984, Robert Englund has become one of our generation's most beloved horror icons. Englund has risen to stand shoulder to shoulder in the pantheon of movie legends alongside such greats as Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. His portrayal of Freddy Krueger is without doubt a moment as visceral to the horror genre as Chaney's werewolf or Karloff's ground-breaking realisation of Frankenstein's monster. Yet few realise the depths of England's true power as a character actor away from the latex mask and iconic red and green jumper. A classically trained actor and talented director, Englund has starred in many well-received movies in the years since Freddy's cinematic birth as well as directing his own feature film.
Sex, drugs and suicidal tendencies... HAPPY NEW YEAR! This ensemble driven dramedy revolves around an eccentric New Years Eve Party, where the Party-Goers are oblivious to the true atmosphere of pain amid the celebration of "life".
In the middle of nowhere, 20 years after an apocalyptic terrorist event that obliterated the face of the world!
Leslie Vernon
Con un inicio narrado en clave de documental, Behind the mask narra la historia de Leslie Vernon (Nathan Baesel), un chico que se 'entrena' para ser un serial killer a la altura de los grandes psicópatas del cine de terror, tomando como modelos a Jason de Viernes 13 o Freddy Krueger de Pesadilla en Elm Street. Taylor Gentry (Angela Goethals) registra con su cámara todo cuanto Leslie le explica, los intríngulis de su 'plan' para sembrar el terror en la pequeña comunidad de Glen Echo.
A horror documentary where I interviewed actors, directors, writers and visual effects artists about their impact on the genre and they tell stories about working on it I also discuss my love for horror.