Lina Giornofelice


The Colossal Failure of the Modern Relationship
The Colossal Failure of the Modern Relationship is a smart, sexy comedy that explores the truth about relationships today.
Real Gangsters
Maria Teresa
Real Gangsters tells the story of the Lo Giacamo family, one of the most successful crime syndicates in New York City. Run by cousins Vincent Lo Giacamo and Jack Lo Giacamo, Real Gangsters shows how these two men maintain control of their dangerous extended family and volatile business ventures by very different means.
A love triangle is complicated by an urban legend, Captivus, whereby an entangled couple cannot physically separate themselves.
Homie Spumoni
All his life, African-American Renato has been raised in an Italian-American family. Completely unaware that he is Black, his life is upended when his birth parents materialize, causing Renato to examine what he true heritage is.
Looking for Angelina
Angelina Napolitano
Looking for Angelina is based on one of the most important murder trials in Canada. Angelina Napolitano murdered her husband with an axe and was sentenced to be executed...
Jeanine Mueller
Un agente secreto se ve obligado a colaborar en el caso del asesinato de un policía, al desvanecerse el rastro que seguían en la investigación.
54 (Studio 54)
Nicaraguan Woman (as Lina Felice)
Nueva York, 1979. Shane O'Shea, un chico de 19 años, guapo y que lleva una vida monótona y anodina, sueña con poder entrar una noche en la discoteca Studio 54 de Manhattan. Se trata de un local muy exclusivo, donde sólo admiten a famosos. Una noche, el propietario del negocio, ve a Shane en la cola y ordena al portero que lo deje entrar. Le gusta y le ofrece un trabajo en el local. Allí, se iniciará Shane en el mundo de las drogas, el sexo y la música disco. Como otros muchos jóvenes aspira a codearse con la gente del mundo del espectáculo, con la esperanza de poder hacer realidad sus sueños.