Paul Morris
La informática Dra. Mary Cameron está firmemente convencida de que el amor no es una fuerza del destino, sino que sigue leyes que pueden calcularse. Ella creará un nuevo algoritmo.
Andreas finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Stella, his husband Christian's niece, is becoming more and more independent at the age of seven. Stella has lived with the two men since her mother's early death. Andreas looked after her lovingly every day, which is why he has never worked, despite having completed an engineering degree. And now, as a full-time father, should he no longer be in demand and find an employer that his vita doesn't put off? Difficult. His father Herbert has never made a secret of the fact that he doesn't believe in his son's life model. The fact that the grumpy pensioner was kicked out of the door by his wife Liselotte after more than 30 years of marriage and is now moving in with Andreas and Christian of all places, harbors potential for conflict.
Antes de su boda, Lilli hereda de su familia biológica una casa de campo en Cornwall. Aunque a su prometido no le entusiasma la idea, Lilli visita la casa, donde conoce al encantador Ian Taylor.
Michael Bliesinger
Polizist 3
11-year-old Michi lives in a children's home, every day fighting to win the respect of the other kids, till the day he finds his real dad, Tom - who happens to be a dwarf, even shorter than Michi is, the opposite of his idea of manliness and strength. When the kids find out, Michi's life becomes hell and he flees. With nowhere to go, he moves in with Tom, who is new to this fatherhood thing, while Michi tried to hide his embarrassment and shame from his fellow school kids. This forces Tom, who had coped well till now, to confront his handicap head on. As time passes, they discover they have more in common than other sons and fathers, until their relationship is again suddenly put to the hard test...
La película está ambientada en Essen, Alemania, y sigue la historia de Maria, una joven que sufre del trastorno límite de la personalidad, es borderline. Nos muestra a Maria teniendo relaciones sexuales esporádicas que terminan de forma exabrupta, con sus parejas sexuales, de una sola noche, sin entender qué le sucede a esta joven. De pronto aparece Jan, otro estudiante que se enamora perdidamente de Maria, y debe lidiar con los problemas que ella tiene en su mente para poder estar con ella, cosa que ambos intentarán.
Ecky está bajo los palos para intentar parar el penalti decisivo en el último partido que su equipo disputa en la liga regional. Y no lo para. Si se tratara de Casillas, Barthez o Khan, los hinchas lo justificarían como una cantada pasajera o mejor aún, una noche movida cumpliendo con señoritas modelos. Como se trata de Ecky y toda la ciudad acaba de descubrir que es gay, por puro prejuicio popular bien arraigado: “los homosexuales si de algo no entienden es de fútbol”, lo condenan al ostracismo. Pero Ecky no sólo no se rinde, sino que comienza a ojear talentos para crear el primer equipo de fútbol gay de la historia. Y aún más: demostrará que, para jugar al fútbol, mejor arte y talento que testosterona y las pelotas, mejor sobre el césped que presumir de ellas.