Joachim Ortmanns


The Red Orchestra
This documentary re-examines the story of the Red Orchestra: the most important resistance network in Nazi Germany, whose operations extended from Berlin and Brussels to Paris.
What You Don't See
Two strangers have a strong impact on a young man who's spending some time with his family in this drama from Germany. Seventeen-year-old Anton has been struggling to make sense of his life since his father committed suicide when Anton was attending boarding school. Anton's mother, Luiza, wants to mend her strained relationship with her son and introduce him to her boyfriend, Paul, so she arranges for them to take a vacation together.
Coxless Pair
The film tells the story of the friendship between Johann and Ludwig as they strive for the ultimate “buddy” relationship. Going beyond, well beyond, what would be considered good and healthy, the pair attempt to become the ideal twins, driving their relationship based on their partnership in competitive rowing (coxless pairs) to the ultimate, to perfect harmony in mind, word, thought and deed. But their symbiotic relationship is thrown out of balance: Ludwig strives to tighten the bonds ever closer, but Johann discovers happiness in the form of love for Ludwig’s sister, Vera. But because Ludwig hates her, the couple keep their relationship secret. But secrets have a way of coming out and Ludwig is wounded to the core. As the finals of the rowing competition draw closer, Ludwig has already set his sights on a greater goal: to preserve their friendship forever, no longer in life but in death.
La película está ambientada en Essen, Alemania, y sigue la historia de Maria, una joven que sufre del trastorno límite de la personalidad, es borderline. Nos muestra a Maria teniendo relaciones sexuales esporádicas que terminan de forma exabrupta, con sus parejas sexuales, de una sola noche, sin entender qué le sucede a esta joven. De pronto aparece Jan, otro estudiante que se enamora perdidamente de Maria, y debe lidiar con los problemas que ella tiene en su mente para poder estar con ella, cosa que ambos intentarán.
Intervención divina
Aclamado film franco palestino que aborda con humor surrealista el conflicto palestino en Oriente Medio a través de la historia de un palestino de Jerusalén que se enamora de una palestina que vive en Ramala.
Little Thieves, Big Thieves
Associate Producer
Celina no soporta más la ciudad. Nació en un pueblo del interior y viajó hasta la gran metrópoli en busca de fortuna. Ahora regresa a su hogar después de muchos años. Mauricio Matzkin es un comerciante sencillo que cuida a su madre. Hugo, hermano de Celina, vive en las afueras junto a su padre y su madre enferma, ahora nuevamente con Celina. Hugo le debe dinero a Matzkin y Mauricio intenta recobrarlo. Y comienza una historia. (FILMAFFINITY)