Executive Producer
Durante las vacaciones de primavera -Spring Break- un grupo de jóvenes viaja a una isla donde asisten a una fiesta rave. La misteriosa isla es llamada "de la muerte" y siglos atrás, cuenta la leyenda, un brujo experimentó con un elixir para burlar a la muerte. Los jóvenes, una vez en la isla, descubren que el brujo sigue vivo, y que se alimenta de los humanos que caen en sus manos. Ahora, atrapados en la isla, tendrán que usar cualquier arma disponible para luchar contra las hordas de zombies asesinos que están bajo el influjo del malvado hechicero.
America's 7th Best Superhero Team, the Specials, are a group of geeks and oddballs. We get to see one day in their lives as fan and new member Nightbird joins the group, just in time for the group to get a new line of action figures. But the members' extreme personalities and personal issues threaten to rip the group apart.
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
The mob and the government race to be the first to recover a stolen alien artifact with unparalleled powers.