Peter Zeitlinger

Peter Zeitlinger

Nacimiento : 1960-06-06, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Peter Zeitlinger A.S.C. (born 6 June 1960 in Prague) is an Czechoslovakian-born Austrian cinematographer, who has worked with the director Werner Herzog since 1995. Their film Encounters at the End of the World was nominated for the Academy Award 2009. Peter Zeitlinger studied from 1980 - 1987 at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. He was influenced by Michael Snow and Peter Kubelka followed by Vittorio Storaro, Sven Nykvist and Vilmos Zsigmond. Zeitlinger's films have received considerable critical acclaim and achieved popularity on the art house circuit. He is represented by the Gersh Agency and is a member of the German Film Academy. Peter Zeitlinger is Professor of Cinematography at the University of Television and Film Munich


Peter Zeitlinger


Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer
“Nothing is typical for Werner, only the atypical is typical for him.” This is just one of many attempts to characterize Werner Herzog. Documentary filmmaker Thomas von Steinaecker spoke to actors, directors, directors of photography and producers who have worked with Herzog over his long career—including directors Chloé Zhao, Joshua Oppenheimer and Wim Wenders, singer Patti Smith and actors Nicole Kidman, Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson. We also hear from Herzog himself, with extraordinary anecdotes about film locations and shoots, his admiration for Lotte Eisner, and his eternal search for beauty. The interviews are carefully punctuated by archive footage of Herzog never seen before, iconic excerpts from his feature films and documentaries, and his cameos in cartoon series such as The Simpsons. Together they create a kaleidoscopic image of a radical visionary and dreamer, and of his very own “Werner World.”
The Angel in the Wall
Director of Photography
Under threat of eviction, an old man hides himself inside his flat, ready for anything - except the cruel twist of fate that will force him to reassess his whole life.
Director of Photography
Bruno lives at a home for the elderly and is in love with a co-resident named Dusa. Their love story is fragmented, as they tend to constantly forget each other. Thus, they can always meet for the first time.
Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds
Director of Photography
Este extraordinario viaje a través de nuestro planeta y universo explora cómo los meteoritos, las estrellas fugaces y los impactos profundos han despertado nuestro asombro por otros reinos y nos han hecho repensar nuestros destinos.
Cómo inventarse una guerra
Director of Photography
Kate es la responsable de relaciones públicas del rapero Harry Hope, que está a punto de dar un concierto benéfico contra la guerra en Georgia. Pero su plan solidario se chafa cuando se declara la paz, con lo que Kate se verá obligada a irse a la zona con su becaria/hermana adolescente a inventarse un conflicto inexistente para retransmitirlo al mundo y así cubrir a su jefe de gloria, fans y billetes.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Narra la historia de un artista estadounidense (Willem Dafoe) que vive en Europa con su mujer Nikki (Cristina Chiriac) y con su hija de 3 años, Deedee.
Director of Photography
Narra la historia de un artista estadounidense (Willem Dafoe) que vive en Europa con su mujer Nikki (Cristina Chiriac) y con su hija de 3 años, Deedee.
Jaroslav Kucera - A Portrait
Executive Producer
Jaroslav Kucera - A Portrait
Director of Photography
Amanecer oscuro
Director of Photography
En un futuro post-apocalíptico, un joven debe abandonar el Oasis –uno de los últimos lugares seguros que quedan- para embarcarse en una peligrosa aventura por el desierto. El objetivo de esta odisea es encontrar un medicamento que cure a su madre, que está al borde de la muerte. Así tendrá que superar numerosos peligrosos, entre ellos un enfrentamiento directo con el señor de la guerra que controla esa zona del mundo.
Ballad of a Righteous Merchant
Narra la realización del largometraje de 2009 del director Werner Herzog, My Son, My Son, What Have You Done, y brinda una visión profunda del director y su oficio. Hijo mío, hijo mío, lo que has hecho está inspirado en la historia real de un actor que en realidad cometió el crimen que se suponía que representaba en el escenario: asesinar a su madre. Con su viejo amigo Herbert Golder detrás de la lente, Herzog revela la privacidad y la profunda soledad que definen al director y su arte.
Desierto de fuego
Drone Pilot
Mientras investiga un terrible desastre ecológico en Sudamérica, una científica es secuestrada por el antiguo líder de la corporación responsable de la catástrofe. Al mismo tiempo, bajo sus pies, un gigantesco volcán está a punto de entrar en erupción…
Desierto de fuego
Director of Photography
Mientras investiga un terrible desastre ecológico en Sudamérica, una científica es secuestrada por el antiguo líder de la corporación responsable de la catástrofe. Al mismo tiempo, bajo sus pies, un gigantesco volcán está a punto de entrar en erupción…
Hacia el infierno
Director of Photography
El aclamado director Werner Herzog visita varios volcanes activos alrededor del mundo. Herzog y el especialista en volcanes Clive Oppenheimer emprenden una aventura por todo el mundo explorando algunos de los volcanes más conocidos de Indonesia, Etiopía, Islandia y Corea del Norte. Relacionándose con científicos e indígenas de cada zona, buscan entender la compleja y antigua conexión que existe entre los seres humanos y una de las grandes maravillas de la naturaleza.
Lo and behold: El inicio de Internet
Director of Photography
NetScout, líder mundial en ciberseguridad y servicios de protección en tiempo real, se subió a bordo como productor e introdujo en un nuevo mundo a Werner Herzog, que llevó a cabo una serie de originales entrevistas con pioneros y profetas del ciberespacio como Elon Musk (cofundador de PayPal y Tesla), Bob Kahn (inventor de la IP o protocolo de internet) o el afamado pirata informático Kevin Mitnick. Estas provocadoras conversaciones revelan la forma en que el mundo digital ha transformado la manera en que funciona prácticamente todo en el mundo real, desde los negocios a la educación, los viajes espaciales, la asistencia médica o el cómo gestionamos nuestras relaciones personales. El "lo" del título original hace referencia al primer mensaje enviado por el ciberespacio, entre ordenadores de la Universidad de UCLA y la de Stanford, el 29 de octubre de 1969.
La reina del desierto
Drone Operator
Queen of the Desert es un ‘biopic’ que cuenta la historia de Gertrude Bell: la escritora, arqueóloga y cartógrafa considerada la versión femenina de Lawrence de Arabia. En el siglo XX se convirtió en toda una experta sobre el mundo árabe y, gracias a ello, aportó sus servicios al Imperio Británico ayudando a expandir sus dominios en dicho territorio.
La reina del desierto
Director of Photography
Queen of the Desert es un ‘biopic’ que cuenta la historia de Gertrude Bell: la escritora, arqueóloga y cartógrafa considerada la versión femenina de Lawrence de Arabia. En el siglo XX se convirtió en toda una experta sobre el mundo árabe y, gracias a ello, aportó sus servicios al Imperio Británico ayudando a expandir sus dominios en dicho territorio.
Chloe and Theo
Director of Photography
Una joven sin hogar de Nueva York que se hace amiga de un hombre Inuit, Theo Ikummaq (interpretado por él mismo). Ikummaq ha sido enviado a Nueva York por sus mayores en una búsqueda, convencer a los líderes en las Naciones Unidas de que el cambio climático es real, antes de sus hogares, literalmente se derritan…
Red Army
Director of Photography
Documental que narra los destinos cruzados de la Unión Soviética y del equipo de hockey sobre hielo conocido como "El ejército rojo": una dinastía única en la historia del deporte. El ex-capitán del equipo, Slava Fetisov, evoca su trayectoria fuera de lo común: primero adulado como un héroe nacional y luego condenado como enemigo político. Ese "Ejército rojo" es uno de los protagonistas de la historia social, cultural y política de su país: al igual que la URSS, pasa por una época de grandeza y luego llega la decadencia, y finalmente los cambios que trae la Rusia contemporánea. "Red Army", presentado por Werner Herzog y el productor Jerry Weintraub, cuenta la extraordinaria historia de la Guerra fría sobre el hielo y la vida de un hombre que se atrevió en enfrentar el sistema soviético. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
El increíble destino de Angélique: una hermosa niña que encontró en su amor por Joffrey Peyrac la fuerza para luchar contra la injusticia y la sumisión en un siglo plagado de luchas de poder, desigualdad y opresión.
Die verbotene Frau
Director of Photography
Vereena es una joven y atractiva periodista, que mantiene una relacion con su jefe.Un dia lluvioso conoce a khalid, un hombre arabe de origen misterioso, con el que siente un intenso amor a primera vista. Despues de un corto pero emocionante romance khalid tiene que volver a su pais, no sin antes prometerle amor eterno. Cuando Vereena decide ir a los emiratos arabes en su busca, khalid insiste en convertirla en su esposa. Pero el joven pertenece a una familia real que tiene otros planes de boda para el, pues esta prometido con una princesa cuyo emirato tendra que gobernar una vez casados
From One Second to the Next
Director of Photography
Stories of serious traffic accidents caused by texting and driving are told by the perpetrators and surviving victims.
Director of Photography
Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll are what a young underground punk band are striving for, but once they get a taste of it, they are forced to decide how far they're willing to go for fame and fortune and who they're willing to leave behind to get there.
La llamada de África
Director of Photography
El veterinario Markus recibe la oferta de hacerse cargo de una instalación de animales en África. Allí conoce a Arianne, una mujer que está pasando por un turbulento matrimonio.
El pequeño testigo
Director of Photography
Tao es un niño chino de ocho años que presencia el asesinato de su familia en el restaurante que regentan en Viena. Los asesinos descubren a Tao, pero él se las ingenia para escapar de sus captores.
Mi abuela es la mejor
Director of Photography
Henriette es una exitosa empresaria que está a punto de cerrar un acuerdo con una compañía asiática. En ese preciso momento aparece su hija Luise, con la que no tenía contacto desde hacía 10 años.
Into the Abyss
Director of Photography
Documental sobre una cárcel de máxima seguridad. Muestra la trayectoria de dos asesinos convictos, acusados de la muerte de tres personas en Texas en 2001. Los criminales son Michael Perry y Jason Burkett. Los dos proclamaron su inocencia. Perry fue ejecutado ocho días después de participar en el documental.
Tontine Massacre
Director of Photography
Survivor turns into Lord of the Flies, as the contestants of a competitive reality show quickly turn on each other when they find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island.
La cueva de los sueños olvidados
Director of Photography
Documental en 3D presentado en el Festival de Toronto 2010, filmado en la cueva de Chauvet de Francia, considerada como uno de los mayores tesoros de la humanidad: es una galería de arte natural con más de 400 pinturas rupestres de 32 mil años de antigüedad.
Männer lügen nicht
Director of Photography
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done
Director of Photography
La policía llega a un barrio burgués de San Diego, donde un extravagante individuo ha levantado barricadas delante de una casa, en la que retiene a algunos rehenes. Gracias a los testimonios de los vecinos, el detective encargado de la investigación consigue datos sobre la extraña vida y aficiones del secuestrador. Producida por David Lynch y estrenada en el Festival de Toronto de 2009.
Teniente corrupto
Director of Photography
Terence McDonagh (Nicolas Cage) es un poco ejemplar teniente de la policía, adicto al juego y a las drogas, que investiga el asesinato de cinco inmigrantes senegaleses en la Nueva Orleans post-Katrina.... Remake de la película "Teniente corrupto", dirigida por Abel Ferrara en 1992 y protagonizada entonces por Harvey Keitel.
Frieda , a therapist, is cheated by her husband Daniel. He makes love with Dorothea. Dorothea is wedded to Philip. Philip has an affair with his scholar Maggie. Maggie is in love to the florist Michael. Michael is married with Barbara. Barbara has a lover, her boss Marko. Marko is engaged with Simone Stern, a singer. Simone loves Leon. All of these secret liaisons could be undiscovered, if Simone Stern wouldn't be anxious to suffer from Aids. Without waiting for the test results, she informs her fiancé Marco about her apprehension of being Positive. Within a few hours the fear of being infected by the disease circulates in this group of people. Lies get transparent, secrets are uncovered, relations break up, Philip even has to pay his flam on his wife with his live.
Frieda , a therapist, is cheated by her husband Daniel. He makes love with Dorothea. Dorothea is wedded to Philip. Philip has an affair with his scholar Maggie. Maggie is in love to the florist Michael. Michael is married with Barbara. Barbara has a lover, her boss Marko. Marko is engaged with Simone Stern, a singer. Simone loves Leon. All of these secret liaisons could be undiscovered, if Simone Stern wouldn't be anxious to suffer from Aids. Without waiting for the test results, she informs her fiancé Marco about her apprehension of being Positive. Within a few hours the fear of being infected by the disease circulates in this group of people. Lies get transparent, secrets are uncovered, relations break up, Philip even has to pay his flam on his wife with his live.
Encuentros en el fin del mundo
Director of Photography
Herzog viaja a la comunidad Antártica de la estación Mc Murdo Station, Oficina Central de la National Science Foundation y al hogar de cientos de personas durante el verano austral (Octubre-Febrero). Sobre el curso de este viaje, Herzog examina la naturaleza humana y la madre naturaleza, alternando impresionantes localizaciones, reflexiones profundas, surrealistas y también en ocasiones absurdas experiencias de los biólogos, de los físicos, de los fontaneros, y de los conductores de camiones, que han elegido formar parte de una sociedad tan lejana como uno nunca hubiera podido imaginar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rescate al amanecer
Director of Photography
Durante la Guerra de Vietman, dos pilotos de las fuerzas americanas son derribados y capturados durante una misión. Ambos intentarán sobrevivir sufriendo las condiciones más extremas.
Full House
Director of Photography
Digital / 2006 / 41 minutes.
Full House
Digital / 2006 / 41 minutes.
Grizzly Man
Director of Photography
Entre 1990 y 2003, Timothy Treadwell, camarero, actor ocasional y ex-alcohólico, pasó catorce veranos conviviendo con los osos grizzly. Él mismo grabó con su cámara de vídeo sus estancias en Alaska y su obsesiva relación con los plantígrados (unas cien horas). Werner Herzog usó parte de este material. El último verano, uno de los osos atacó a Timothy y a su novia Annie.
Wheel of Time
Director of Photography
Wheel of Time is Werner Herzog's photographed look at the largest Buddhist ritual in Bodh Gaya, India.
Einspruch für die Liebe
Director of Photography
The Munich business lawyer Marc is not happy: Instead of going to New York as planned, he has to travel to the province of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania at short notice to represent his sick grandfather as a pub owner for four weeks. The lawyer juggles millions of dollars every day - it should be easy for him to get grandpa's ailing tavern going with Western know-how. But the down-to-earth Ossis are not in the mood for tapas and Thai food. Marc only realizes this when he gets to know and love the young, single parent Carmen. When Marc's fiancée Lisa shows up, decisions are pending.
Alemania, Periodo de Entreguerras (1919-1939). El polaco Zishe Breitbart (Jouko Ahola), hijo de un herrero judío, causa sensación en el Berlín de la República de Weimar (1919-1933) actuando como un forzudo propio de tiempos mitológicos. Hanussen (Tim Roth), el empresario que lo contrata, sueña con crear dentro del Gobierno nazi (1933-1945) un todopoderoso "Ministerio de lo Oculto". Mientras Hitler se va consolidando día a día en el poder y en Berlín estalla el furor antisemita, Zishe, que sufre terribles pesadillas, pide consejo a un rabino local y llega a la conclusión de que ha sido elegido por Dios para advertir a su pueblo del grave peligro que se cierne sobre él.
Jetzt bringen wir unsere Männer um
Two humiliated wives decide to kill their husbands - each other's. But despite an ingenious plan, they fail to implement it. Now they decide to turn the tables: they want to appear as if they were the victims of assassination attempts by their husbands. The murderous castling really does go as planned, but then the men suddenly change their plan.
Wings of Hope
En la Navidad de 1971, Herzog se encontraba en Lima (Perú) y estaba a punto de trasladarse a la selva para rodar "Aguirre", pero el avión despegó sin él: noventa y dos pasajeros y toda la tripulación sufrieron un fatal accidente. La única superviviente fue Julianne Koepke, una chica alemana. Con la intención de rodar aquella tragedia, Herzog localizó a Koepcke, la única persona que había sido testigo de la traumática experiencia de aquella noche.
Wings of Hope
Director of Photography
En la Navidad de 1971, Herzog se encontraba en Lima (Perú) y estaba a punto de trasladarse a la selva para rodar "Aguirre", pero el avión despegó sin él: noventa y dos pasajeros y toda la tripulación sufrieron un fatal accidente. La única superviviente fue Julianne Koepke, una chica alemana. Con la intención de rodar aquella tragedia, Herzog localizó a Koepcke, la única persona que había sido testigo de la traumática experiencia de aquella noche.
Mi enemigo íntimo
Director of Photography
En los años 50, Werner Herzog compartía piso con Klaus Kinski, un diabólico ególatra. Kinski padecía repentinos e injustificables arrebatos de ira o locura, durante los cuales podía llegar a destrozar el mobiliario del apartamento. La terrible personalidad de Klaus fascinó a Werner y entre ambos nació una estrecha amistad que se fue al garete durante el rodaje de la película "Aguirre, la cólera de Dios". (FILMAFFINITY)
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
El veterano piloto germano-americano Dieter Dengler creció en una Alemania reducida a escombros debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Recuerda cómo los aviones aliados bombardeaban su patria, cómo surgió entonces su admiración por los pilotos, que lo llevó a convertirse en uno de ellos. A los 18 años, Dengler emigró a América y se unió al ejército que partía para Vietnam. Durante una misión, fue derribado, cerca de Laos, y encerrado en un campo de prisioneros. Fue torturado, encadenado y encerrado en una celda de bambú, donde planeó su fuga.
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
Director of Photography
El veterano piloto germano-americano Dieter Dengler creció en una Alemania reducida a escombros debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Recuerda cómo los aviones aliados bombardeaban su patria, cómo surgió entonces su admiración por los pilotos, que lo llevó a convertirse en uno de ellos. A los 18 años, Dengler emigró a América y se unió al ejército que partía para Vietnam. Durante una misión, fue derribado, cerca de Laos, y encerrado en un campo de prisioneros. Fue torturado, encadenado y encerrado en una celda de bambú, donde planeó su fuga.
The Bosom Friend
Director of Photography
Main character of this movie is Rene Rupnik, a former math teacher. He is forty years old and lives together with his mother in a desolate block of flats. Ever since his early youth women with big breasts have fascinated him, because they symbolise a kind of earth mother to him. He has never had an especially close relationship with his own mother; she was too 'bony' for him. Object of Rene's fantasy is the actress Senta Berger, to him everything a woman should be. Standing by the blackboard and explaining the mathematical laws of sine and cosine ('sinus' is bosom in Latin), Rene sings the praises of the female curves and those of Santa Berger in particular. Filmmaker Ulrich Seidl let the former teacher speak freely about his obsessions and desires, intercutting his monologues with scenes from the protagonist's day-to-day life.
Animal Love
Director of Photography
In conurbations where hundreds of thousands live alongside one another, in the era of a highly technological society, in which communication has never played such a significant role, man has become lonely. Disappointed by his fellow human beings, he turns to animals. Dogs and other domestic animals serve him as companions, life partners, cuddly objects and bedfellows.
Pictures at an Exhibition
Director of Photography
What does modern art mean for ordinary visitors to an exhibition?
The Last Real Men
Disappointed by failed relationships and the demands set by local women, more and more Austrians search for happiness in a marriage with women from Thailand and the Philippines. Asked about the positive properties of their Asian spouses, the answer of the Austrian husbands quite often is, "They don't talk back." Protagonist of the film is Karl S., a teacher in Vienna in his forties. Following his failed marriage he is now seeking a durable partnership and is on the lookout for a wife who doesn't question her traditional role. His solution: a wife from the Far East. Karl S. rounds up experiences and visits several mixed couples to get a clearer picture and to have his idea proven right. The film accompanies him on his search for the ideal woman and gives an insight into the imagination of these "last real men" who at the beginning seem to have hit the jackpot with their decisions
The Last Real Men
Director of Photography
Disappointed by failed relationships and the demands set by local women, more and more Austrians search for happiness in a marriage with women from Thailand and the Philippines. Asked about the positive properties of their Asian spouses, the answer of the Austrian husbands quite often is, "They don't talk back." Protagonist of the film is Karl S., a teacher in Vienna in his forties. Following his failed marriage he is now seeking a durable partnership and is on the lookout for a wife who doesn't question her traditional role. His solution: a wife from the Far East. Karl S. rounds up experiences and visits several mixed couples to get a clearer picture and to have his idea proven right. The film accompanies him on his search for the ideal woman and gives an insight into the imagination of these "last real men" who at the beginning seem to have hit the jackpot with their decisions
Gesualdo: Death for Five Voices
Director of Photography
Works, legend and murders of Carlo Gesualdo, a notorious Italian composer and murderer from 16th century.
Deep Above
In the 16th century, young men put themselves in great danger to look for mysterious crystals in a tunnel in the Styrian Erzberg. Some of them never returned from searching for this symbol of perfect love. In the 20th century, the student Barbara tries to pursue this legend of her home town.
Deep Above
Director of Photography
In the 16th century, young men put themselves in great danger to look for mysterious crystals in a tunnel in the Styrian Erzberg. Some of them never returned from searching for this symbol of perfect love. In the 20th century, the student Barbara tries to pursue this legend of her home town.
The Election Campaigners
Director of Photography
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
Die Tür
Director of Photography
The motorbike gang, four sullen, hard-baked lads, kill anyone who enters upon their territory, an abandoned factory site. One day, two friendly, quaintly-dressed old gentlemen turn up, bringing with them a door...
Director of Photography
Herbert and Rosa Felsen meet at their lawyer's office to take possession of an inheritance. Herbert is expecting to receive the lion's share, but after greetings are sent from beyond the grave, Rosa receives the key to a safe...
The Neighbour
Director of Photography
Set in an old suburb of Vienna traversed by the local railway line and full of old dilapidated houses. In this district, and old man lives and when his neighbour dies and new tenants move in his existence is transformed.
Loss Is to Be Expected
Looks at two communities on either side of the Czech-Austrian border. There's an elderly man in Austria looking for a new wife, and he meets a lone single woman on the Czech side of the border.
Beware Haderer
A staged TV portrait of the Austrian cartoonist Gerhard Haderer; and first collaboration with Maria Hofstätter.
Erwin und Julia
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
1969. The Prague Spring has been demolished. New barbed wire installations have been erected. Julia, who is thirteen, has moved with her mother to a village in northern Austria which lies on the Czech border. Julia has not spoken since her father's death. Her isolation increases in the village where she is an outsider. Provoked into proving her courage by some young villagers, she walks into no-man's land. She discovers a forgotten tunnel which leads to a construction site on the Czech side of the border. Julia makes the acquaintance of Roland, a forty-five-year-old surveyor, on "the other side". An ambivalent father-daughter relationship develops between them. Roman is the only one to whom she confides the secret of her border crossings. Due to his affection for her, she regains her ability to speak. And she starts to feel at ease with Alexander, who is her age. Roman makes new plans at Julia's urging. The insurmountable border foritfications will remain vulnerable . . .
1969. The Prague Spring has been demolished. New barbed wire installations have been erected. Julia, who is thirteen, has moved with her mother to a village in northern Austria which lies on the Czech border. Julia has not spoken since her father's death. Her isolation increases in the village where she is an outsider. Provoked into proving her courage by some young villagers, she walks into no-man's land. She discovers a forgotten tunnel which leads to a construction site on the Czech side of the border. Julia makes the acquaintance of Roland, a forty-five-year-old surveyor, on "the other side". An ambivalent father-daughter relationship develops between them. Roman is the only one to whom she confides the secret of her border crossings. Due to his affection for her, she regains her ability to speak. And she starts to feel at ease with Alexander, who is her age. Roman makes new plans at Julia's urging. The insurmountable border foritfications will remain vulnerable . . .
Schatten im Rampenlicht
Director of Photography
Shadows in the Spotlight: Stand-ins and bit players. Human material rented out for about 400 schillings a day. Live background, human scenery.
Good News: Newspaper Salesmen, Dead Dogs and Other People from Vienna
This documentary, Ulrich Seidl's full-length film debut, examines the lives of the street newspaper sellers in Vienna, a mixture of men from Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt and Eastern Europe, standing out in all weathers, peddling the trivial Viennese tabloids. We see their lives on the street, their cramped living quarters, their minders, the 'training' days, and the inhumane process which keeps them working endless hour for little reward.
Die Stadt der Anderen
Director of Photography
Two women in two different countries leading different lives. One lives in Austria, one in Yugoslavia, yet their lives become strangely entangled for a moment in time. What if you wake up in somebody else's head and the city around you isn't the one you used to know?
In Achtzig Tagen um die Welt
Director of Photography
Vergiss Sneider!
Director of Photography
Witty, literary and intellectual Kammerspiel film which presents the day after the end of the world as an allegory.
Hinter dem Regenbogen
Director of Photography
A milieu drama which boldly and thoroughly examines the social and psychological causes of a severely disturbed father-daughter relationship.
Two apartments are joined together, the demolition of a wall transfers two small flats into a big one. Seven young people move in and share the living quarters. They all have definite ideas about life and living together and want to make them come true. But they don´t really know what they want. Everyday life causes problems and when a merry-go-round of changing relationships among the young people begins to run quicker and quicker, the constant moving from one room to the other ands before the eyes of the astonished house superintendent with the setting up again of the wall which separated the two walls.
Foreign Land
Director of Photography
The day to day life of a boy and a farm hand working a farm in the middle of nowhere.
Line animation of a birthday.
Experiment Rayner’s Garden
Stop motion experiments in a garden.
Experiment Rayner’s Garden
Stop motion experiments in a garden.
Experiment Rayner’s Garden
Stop motion experiments in a garden.
Experiment Rayner’s Garden
Stop motion experiments in a garden.
Experiment Rayner’s Garden
Stop motion experiments in a garden.
Katharina Blum
Hommage to “Lost Honor of Katherina Blum” is about people dragged in the mud by the newspapers and finally destroyed…
Katharina Blum
Hommage to “Lost Honor of Katherina Blum” is about people dragged in the mud by the newspapers and finally destroyed…
Katharina Blum
Hommage to “Lost Honor of Katherina Blum” is about people dragged in the mud by the newspapers and finally destroyed…
Katharina Blum
Hommage to “Lost Honor of Katherina Blum” is about people dragged in the mud by the newspapers and finally destroyed…
Katharina Blum
Hommage to “Lost Honor of Katherina Blum” is about people dragged in the mud by the newspapers and finally destroyed…