Jasmin Tabatabai

Jasmin Tabatabai

Nacimiento : 1967-06-08,


Jasmin Tabatabai
Jasmin Tabatabai


Am Abgrund
Alina Kasparjan
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
The Manchador
Mina and Saeed live a stressful life in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Being a woman in Iran is not particularly easy and Mina sees a future for the family elsewhere. She wants to move abroad, but Saeed then invents a device that places the responsibility for the hijab where it belongs - with the men whose gaze women need protection from.
Bex, una joven convicta, se ve obligada a unirse a un programa de rehabilitación social centrado en el baile para superar el doloroso trauma que le supone el haber causado el grave accidente automovilístico que ahora le hace estar en prisión.Los jóvenes a través de baile expresan sus frustraciones, traumas, miedos y consiguen liberarse de los errores del pasado despojándose de todo aquello que les ahoga.
“37 years after her daughter Mitra was executed in Iran and she fled her home country, Haleh leads a successful life as a renowned academic in the Netherlands. Her peaceful existence is shaken by the arrival of a woman she believes may be the traitor responsible for Mitra’s death.”
Goliath 96
Monika Picard
In her desperate longing for sympathy and understanding, a single mother tries to get back in touch with her grown-up son, who locked himself up in his room since two years. She doesn't sense that she runs the risk of loosing him forever.
Mountain Miracle
Dr. Murtsakis
A girl struggling with asthma is taken to a clinic in South Tyrol to be cured. After some time she decides to get out of this hell (that's how she feels about it) and soon she'll meet a new friend. Together they try to reach the peak of a mountain where, according to an old custom, she can be healed.
Strawberry Bubblegums
After Lucy (17) finds out that she was conceived during a porn shoot she sets out to find her father and meets Udo, a has-been former porn star. Together this unlikely couple go on a journey during which both find more than they bargained for…
¡Que te den profe! 2
Secuela de "Fack ju Göhte", que fue la película alemana más taquillera del año 2013 en su país. Esta secuela también arrasó en el Box Office alemán.
Beutolomäus und die Wunderflöte
Das Leben ist zu lang
Grace es una fotógrafa de guerra que decide dejar su trabajo tras un violento accidente en Irak. Max es su marido, un cirujano belga especializado en cataratas que trabaja en una clínica oftalmológica en los Andes peruanos. No muy lejos de allí, los aldeanos de Turubamba enferman gravemente por los vertidos de mercurio de la mina local. La joven Saturnina pierde a su prometido, infectado por las aguas contaminadas. Sin saber las verdaderas causas de la epidemia, los aldeanos centran toda su furia en los médicos extranjeros, y en medio de una riña, Max es asesinado. Entonces, Grace comienza un peregrinaje hasta el lugar de los hechos. Por su parte, Saturnina toma medidas drásticas para protestar contra la interminable violencia que brota de su tierra y sus vecinos. Los destinos de Grace y Saturnina se cruzarán.
Germany ’09 – 13 Short Films About the State of the Nation
Susan Sontag (segment "Die Unvollendete")
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
RAF Facción del ejército rojo
Alemania, década de los 70: violentos atentados terroristas sacuden los cimientos de la todavía frágil democracia alemana. Los hijos radicalizados de la generación nazi, dirigidos por Andreas Baader (Moritz Bleibtreu), Ulrike Meinhof (Martina Gedeck) y Gudrun Ensslin (Johanna Wokalek) libran una guerra mortal contra lo que consideran el nuevo rostro del fascismo: el imperialismo americano respaldado por el gobierno alemán. Su objetivo es crear una sociedad más humana pero, al emplear medios inhumanos, no sólo provocan terror y muerte, sino que ellos mismos se vuelven inhumanos. El hombre encargado de darles caza, el jefe de la policía alemana Horst Herold (Bruno Ganz), en el fondo los comprende. Y, aunque triunfa en su implacable persecución de los jóvenes terroristas, sabe que no representan más que la punta del iceberg.
In Uranias
Narrator (voice)
On the visual layer 'In Uranias' is like a diary film made while travelling through Iran and USA in early 2007. The text layer is more like a journey through the emotional landscapes of an iranian-american muslim. These two layers are intertwined - sometimes converging, sometimes diverging - to create an audio-visual anagram: Uranias.
Messy Christmas
A holiday celebration with the extended family gets stretched to the breaking point in this comedy from Germany. Sara is happily married to Jan, though this wasn't always the case -- Sara is Jan's second wife, while Sara has three ex-husbands, Gunnar, Andi and Erich, and she and Jan are raising children from each of their previous marriages. Jan is less than thrilled with the prospect of spending the holidays with Sara's mother, but things get worse when he learns his wife has planned a surprise for Christmas eve -- they'll be joined by Gunnar, Andi and Erich, as well as Erich's new wife Pauline, Andi's current spouse Rita and his own ex-wife, Eva. To call the atmosphere uncomfortable is an understatement, and things only get worse when Sara announces she's pregnant, which is quite troubling for Jan since he's been waiting for the right time to tell her he had a vasectomy several months before.
The Making of 'Fay Grim' or: How Do You Spell Espionage?
A short documentary about the making of 'Fay Grim.'
La marca del lobo
Nightclub Singer
Hace diez años en las montañas de Colorado, un niña fue testigo del asesinato de su familia por un grupo de hombres sedientos del secreto que portaban en su sangre. Su única salvación fue internarse en los bosques y transformándose en algo que estos hombres nunca pudieran encontrar...un lobo. En el presente, Vivian vive muy lejos del lugar de los hechos, ocupando su tiempo entre su trabajo en una chocolatería, y las fiestas en los clubes nocturnos de la ciudad. Además, Vivian intentará ocultar su parte más animal viviendo en una sociedad secreta de hombres lobos. Un día deberá elegir entre el amor de un humano o su familia después de que un americano amenace con desvelar su secreto.
Fay Grim
Continuación de "Henry Fool". La historia empieza ocho años después de que Henry abandonara el país dejando a su mujer, Fay Grim, y a su hijo Ned que ya tiene catorce años. Henry Fool había revolucionado la vida de Simon y de su hermana Fay. Con Fay tuvo una tormentosa relación sexual, con Simon un pacto de amistad. Un buen día, tal como llegó, se fue, pero Simon fue a parar a la cárcel por haberlo ayudado a escapar de la justicia. Simon ha tenido tiempo de sobra, en la soledad de su celda, para pensar que Henry no era en absoluto el hombre que aparentaba ser. Sus sospechas se ven confirmadas cuando Fay le cuenta que la CIA le ha pedido que viaje a París para recuperar ciertos objetos personales de Henry...
Cuatro minutos
Una anciana pianista, que da clases de música en una cárcel alemana, descubre el talento de Jenny, una joven y conflictiva presa de 21 años, y decide presentarla a un certamen musical para jóvenes intérpretes. Para lograr el primer premio, las dos mujeres, absolutamente opuestas en apariencia, se verán obligadas a trabajar en equipo, a aprender a conocerse y a respetarse...
The Art of Football from A to Z
Funnyman John Cleese leads viewers through an exhaustive -- and hilarious -- tour of the world of soccer, complete with the sport's most memorable goals, kicks, saves, goofs and penalties. Also included are reflections on soccer's impact on culture, including the Monty Python sketch "Philosophy Football," and interviews with celebrities Dave Stewart, Dennis Hopper and Henry Kissinger, as well as soccer icons Pelé, Mia Hamm and Thierry Henry.
Las partículas elementales
Michael y Bruno son medio hermanos, pero son totalmente diferentes. Sólo tienen en común una madre que nunca se ocupó de ellos y que siempre los dejó al cuidado de sus abuelas para seguir pasándolo bien. Michael es un biólogo molecular introvertido que no parece interesarse por otra cosa que no sea la investigación genética. Bruno es esclavo de sus fantasías sexuales y paga por hacerlas realidad. Todo cambia cuando los dos descubren el amor a los treinta y tantos años. Michael reencuentra a Annabelle, su novia de la infancia, y Bruno conoce a Christiane que comparte y disfruta de sus obsesiones sexuales. Sin embargo, el destino les juega una mala pasada: de repente, las dos mujeres enferman gravemente. Aturdidos por la noticia, Bruno y Michael tendrán que decidir si, a pesar de la situación, vale la pena mantener la relación con sus parejas o si es preferible volver a sus solitarias vidas.
Fariba Tabrizi
Fariba es perseguida en Iran por ser lesbiana y para escaparse de esta persecución, vuela a Alemania. Pero su formulario para conseguir asilo político en Alemania es rechazado. Su desesperación por salir del país la llevan a robar la identidad de un conocido llamado Siamak, quien recientemente se ha suicidado y a quien le han dado un permiso temporal de residencia antes de su muerte. Ya en Alemania Fariba comienza a trabajar ilegalmente en una fábrica donde conoce a Anne. Las dos comienzan a acercarse y pronto Anne comienza a sospechar sobre la verdadera identidad de Fariba. (FILMAFFINITY)
Noch einmal lieben
Sergeant Pepper
A dog who was named after the Beatles album, inherits his master's fortune. His owner's two children, however, devise a plan to make off with his wealth.
Sams in Gefahr
Miss Müller-Klessheim
Sams in danger, it is said, when Mr. Taschenbier's son Martin brings the Sams back into the household, which, however, is kidnapped shortly afterwards by the sports teacher because of his special skills.
Three stories about couples who all have a gas station in Austria
Moonlight Tariff
Johanna 'Jo'
To call or not to call? For young Cora it's not a question. In fact, after the first date you may never call the guy, even if it was the best sex of your life! It's him who must beg for a meeting - and not later than 72 hours after. Otherwise - delete it from memory.
Ein unmöglicher Mann
Annelis Anwältin
Kurt and Lydia are planning a relaxed vacation at the Gripsholm castle in Sweden . What Lydia does not know is that for Kurt, a well-known publicist, the journey is actually a flight from encroaching fascism and a direct threat from the Nazis.
No Place to Go
Flanders, a famous female author, travels in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall into the German capital. She is deeply depressed by the events because she saw the communist state as a very good thing that has now ended. In the joy of these days she finds no one to understand her, so she has to travel back to Munich. After meeting several people, known and unknown, it seems as if there will be no way to go.
Rendezvous mit dem Teufel
Valerie Henninger
Late Show
Carla Sperling
Gomez - Kopf oder Zahl
Help the Old
The Maid
A short directed by Peter Stauch.
Nights, Gambled Away
After the death of her father, Maria travels to Berlin to visit her elder sister Helena, a dancer, who she hasn't seen for years. However, when she arrives in Berlin she finds out that Helena has quit dancing and now works as a croupier in an illegal gambling club. As the two sisters' relationship gradually becomes closer, Maria must draw Helena away from the underworld and help her overcome her dangerous addiction to gambling.
Four female cons who have formed a band in prison get a chance to play at a police ball outside the walls. They take the chance to escape. Being on the run from the law they even make it to sell their music and become famous outlaws.
Die Putzfraueninsel
Irma Caspari
Loose Ends
Sara is in the midst of making plans for her wedding to popular radio DJ Robert when she stumbles into a passionate affair. Having been single for four years, Katherine falls for her ex-boyfriend, Nick, who walked out on her and his friends four years ago. Then there is Nina, a playgirl who hardly ever wakes up with the same woman twice—until she takes a ride in Ella’s taxi cab. She finally meets her match and surrenders to love, but not without first putting up a fight.
Magic Girl
Friend of Jenny
Horst, a good-natured manager of a nightclub, falls in love with a guest, the beautiful Jenny. She is high class and spoiled and requires a lot of attention from him.
The Meds
A tragi-comedy telling the story of the adventures of Robin, Anna, Jost and Leo - the meds - who want to be anything but healthy, happy and mediocre. They all live in a large city in West-Germany and are "Westies" to the core. Precocious, disillusioned, morally eroded, politically bored and sexually sated. Always on the run from the next compromise, they are big kids caught up in their mid-twenties crisis. One day in the midst of all this depression the suspicion arises that one of them is in fact a closet "Eastie", a liar and betrayer, an undercover agent, a neo-Nazi or at least a Stalinist...
Vera Vinyl
Children of the Open Road
Jana Kessel
In 1939, after barely escaping the Nazis, a Gypsy family returns to Switzerland only to be torn apart by racial persecution in the benign guise of children's welfare. This fictionalized story of Jana, an eight-year-old Gypsy girl snatched from her parents and consigned to a life of orphanages and bleak foster homes, is based on a little-known chapter of Swiss history: From 1926 to 1972, the state-supported Pro Juventute, a children's aid foundation, forcibly removed some 700 Gypsy children from their families, in order to sever the ties with their culture and assimilate them to a "better way of life." The underlying aim was to preempt a new generation's caravans from following their nomadic traditions along Switzerland's country lanes.