Konstantin Lavronenko

Konstantin Lavronenko

Nacimiento : 1961-04-20, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


Konstantin Lavronenko


Syrian Sonata
In the center of the story is the story of two people. He is the conductor of the famous symphony orchestra, giving a concert at a Russian military base. She is a journalist who came to make a report from the scene. From the first minutes of meeting them, feelings flare up, but their first romantic evening in a distant foreign country becomes the only one and completely changes their life. The hotel is captured by terrorists. For the main characters begins a real hunt. The only hope for salvation is the ex-husband of a journalist. Only now, the recently separated spouses have a tough and insoluble conflict. Now the fate of the heroes is in the hands of the one who always dreamed of revenge.
El último guerrero: Mensajero de la oscuridad
Ahora que Iván está a punto de cumplir 21 años, ya es mayor y finalmente tiene la edad suficiente para casarse con la hermosa Vasilisa. Pero cuando Vasilisa es secuestrada y atrapada en el Moscú moderno, Iván y sus amigos deben viajar hasta el día de hoy para rescatarla.
El último guerrero. Las raíces del mal
Belogorie vive un momento de paz y tranquilidad. El mal fue vencido e Ivan está disfrutando de su fama junto a su familia, sus amigos y el maravilloso mundo moderno que le ayuda a vivir de manera confortable. Por suerte, tiene una espada mágica para pasar de un mundo a otro, para coger algunas cosas de vez en cuando. Pero cuando el mal reaparece y la existencia del mundo mágico está en peligro, Ivan tendrá que enfrentarse a los enemigos para que la paz regrese a Belogorie.
The Blackout: La invasión
Dolmatov, major
Aunque no se ha dado ninguna circunstancia sobrenatural, la comunicación entre la mayor parte de los pueblos del planeta se ha cortado. Sin embargo, una ciudad de Europa del Este aún cuenta con electricidad, algo de lo que se percata la Estación Espacial mientras trata de encontrar sentido a lo acontecido. Cuando los ejércitos comienzan a movilizarse, descubren una situación de pesadilla: hay muertos en todos lados, aunque se desconocen las causas por las cuales el ser humano está siendo erradicado. Mientras tanto, el último reducto de la humanidad trata de sobrevivir a cualquier precio. La pregunta es: ¿lo conseguirán?
Tras un enorme y misterioso accidente, un joven y talentoso arquitecto se despierta en un mundo muy distinto del que recordaba. Pronto descubre que su nueva realidad se basa en las memorias de aquellos que viven en él: gente que en la actualidad están en un coma profundo. La memoria humana es irregular, caótica e inestable, rasgos que comparte con "COMA", una colección de ciudades, glaciares y ríos, todos presentes en la misma habitación. En ella, todas las leyes de la física pueden romperse. El arquitecto debe encontrar la lógica intrínseca que rige COMA mientras pelea por su vida, buscando desesperadamente una salida que le permita regresar al mundo real.
Robo es una increíble historia de amistad entre un niño y un robot. Donde se abre un mundo completamente nuevo para ambos. El niño aprende a ser fuerte y valiente, y el robot, inicialmente desprovisto de sentimientos, comienza a sentir empatía y a experimentar emociones humanas reales.
El último héroe
Kataev, SVR officer
Hace quince años, Andrei, bajo la tutela de su padre, el coronel Rodin, fue entrenado en una escuela secreta, donde los agentes eran preparados siendo adolescentes. Cuando el proyecto piloto fue cerrado, Andrei, se quedó en Europa y trató de olvidar su pasado.
Strangers of Patience
Andrey is a well-known artist photographer who lives alone with his Labrador dog, Charley, in his own house with a swimming pool in a big city. While preparing for an important international exhibition, he meets a charming young woman Marina who turns out to be deaf and mute. Andrey brings Marina to his place, takes her photos and keeps her at his place for the night. The same repeats on the second day. Neither does he let her go away on the third day. Finally, the girl understands that she is a prisoner and tries to escape.
El último guerrero
Ivan emprende un alucinante viaje desde Moscú a Belogorye, un mundo de fantasía habitado por personajes de cuentos de hadas y magia rusos. Sin saber muy bien cómo, se encuentra en el centro mismo de la batalla entre las fuerzas de la luz y la oscuridad, donde todos creen que poner fin a la guerra depende únicamente de él.
Wake Me Up
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld
Konstantin Berezhnoy
Basado en el Terremoto de 1988 que azotó al país de Armenia, cuenta la historia de un hombre de familia que tras un viaje al exterior, aterriza en el epicentro de la desastre, encontrando su ciudad natal devastada. Pronto, tendrá que encontrar a su familia. Basado en hechos reales
Ilya Chinkov
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Name Me
A practical joke ends up very wrong in Nigina Sayfullaevas curious youth drama. Two seventeen year old Moscow girls, Olya and Sasha, are visiting Olya's long lost father who lives in Crimea, when they decide to switch places and pretend to be the other person to the father. Little do they know that their joke comes with consequenses that will change their lives forever.
Tri mushketera
герцог Бекингэм
"The Three Musketeers " - a story about the young Gascon D'Artagnan , who , without knowing all the joys of love, is drawn into the vortex of political intrigues of the royal court of Louis XIII. In the company of the king's Musketeers De Treville he finds true friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis . Musketeers so impressed tireless energy Gascon and his ability to find trouble, that take an active part not only in numerous skirmishes with the Cardinal guards , but also in the personal fate of D'Artagnan . Thanks friend D'Artagnan finds his first love - Constance Bonacieux and engaged in a dangerous period of history with pendants Queen. Subtle and far-sighted politician Cardinal Richelieu and his henchmen Rochefort and Milady gain in the face of D'Artagnan dangerous enemy . In the name of love, he is ready for the most desperate deeds . D'Artagnan in the way a lot of temptations and dangerous temptations. But he will overcome them all without betraying their friendship and love !
Zaitsev, burn! Showman history
Alexey Zaitsev is a professional showman. Restless agent and endless activities further and further alienate Zaitsev from the beloved. But the main problem is that he's been lying to everyone all his life, since kindergarten. And once the showman decides to experiment, after which all and he begins to tell the truth…
Jiří Kajínek
Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?
Приказано уничтожить! Операция: «Китайская шкатулка»
Terra nova
Año 2013. Tras ser abolida la pena de muerte, todas las cárceles del mundo se saturan, algo que provoca complicaciones para las autoridades. La solución que será mandar a los prisioneros a un lugar lejano
The Banishment
Alex y su mujer Vera emprenden con sus dos hijos un destierro voluntario que pronto se convertirá en una pesadilla. Se trata de un viaje interior del paraíso al infierno, en el que cada uno evoluciona de manera diferente, alejándose todos cada vez más del ideal familiar. Todo comienza a tambalearse con la llegada de Mark, el hermano de Alex, que ha abandonado a su mujer y a sus hijos. La perniciosa influencia de Mark hace que las relaciones de Alex con su familia sean cada vez más frías y distantes; así, cuando Vera le da la noticia de un nuevo embarazo, Alex la acusa de infidelidad.
Open, Santa Claus!
Young unmarried Zhenya and her little son Grisha are preparing for the New Year. Grisha really hopes that Santa Claus will come to visit them. Zhenya also has a dream that sooner or later she will meet a man whom she will love and who will be her son’s father. On New Year's Eve, old friends come to Zhenya — the Ogurtsov couple and the Kalinkin couple. They noisily see off the old year, after which Zhenya tries to put her son to bed. But Grisha does not want to sleep - he was determined to wait for Santa Claus. And, to mom’s great surprise, Santa Claus comes! Although no one called him ...
Not gonna get us
The main character picture Wayne (Alexei Nesterenko), a young American, Russian origin, working models and dreams of becoming a famous couturier. On the eve of the New Year, Wayne travels to Moscow, to show fashion. His American dream to be realized if he married millionershe named Sherri. Wedding date has been appointed, and guests sent invitations But on the last day stay in Moscow Wayne meets a charming girl, the future actress named Olga, and on the lives of Americans changed dramatically Wayne fall hostage to the criminals who are three : armed guard women's colony on behalf of Semen and two runaway prisoners pump and Bison. Soon all, and fugitives and hostage understand that they can be free, if razdobudut large sum of money. Sherry willing to pay for the buyout of Wayne, but...
Нанкинский пейзаж
The Master
Master Aleksandr Sapalov
A trio of lonely outsiders - a Russian knife-thrower, a prostitute and an accordeon player - establish a moving circus troupe.
El regreso
La vida de dos hermanos sufre un brusco cambio cuando de repente aparece su padre, al que sólo recordaban por una vieja fotografía. ¿Es realmente su padre? ¿Por qué ha vuelto después de tanto tiempo? Los chicos encontrarán la respuesta a sus preguntas en una remota y solitaria isla, después de un emocionante viaje con su padre por los bellos parajes de Siberia. Ópera prima del realizador ruso Andrey Zvyagintsev, nacido en 1964, autor de varios filmes para la televisión rusa. León de Oro en Venecia, donde fue calificada por la crítica como "un film sobre el amor, la pérdida de los afectos y el ingreso en la edad adulta, de irresistible fuerza emocional."
An Essay on Victory Day
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
Still Love, Still Hope
A story about a man who keeps loving the only woman, against all odds. He maintains his profound feeling thru the years and puts up with the fact that she's got married and eventually become a mother of grown-ups. He is contented with the status of "just" a devoted friend.