John Harkins

John Harkins

Nacimiento : 1932-09-07, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Muerte : 1999-03-05


John Harkins


Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration
Reverend Burns (archive footage)
Not only did Mary Tyler Moore “turn the world on with her smile,” as her show’s theme song declared, she also influenced a generation of women to become more independent and to pursue successful and fulfilling careers. Moore’s own 50-plus-year career has spanned award-winning films and Broadway shows, as well as two beloved television series that broke ground and continue to entertain viewers. ​ This one-hour special includes highlights from a recent interview with Mary Tyler Moore, tributes from her co-stars and clips from iconic moments throughout her career. The program looks at her breakthrough role on The Dick Van Dyke Show, her iconic turn as TV's first independent career woman on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and her Academy Award-nominated work on Ordinary People.
Crime of the Century
Edward Reilly
In 1932, the nation was shocked when the 14-month-old son of Charles Lindberg was kidnapped, held for ransom, and murdered. Two years later, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested, convicted, and executed. This film dramatizes the investigation against Hauptmann, the trial, and the execution, painting a picture of a corrupt police force under pressure to finger a killer framing an innocent man by manufacturing evidence, paying-off and blackmailing witnesses, and covering up exculpatory evidence.
Cagney & Lacey: The Return
1994. Cagney, now a Lieutenant, re-teams with Lacey, who has left the force, to search for a cache of missing firearms.
This Gun for Hire
A killer for hire named Raven kills his target. However, he believes that he was just killing an ordinary person, but before he knows it, there's a massive manhunt for him. It seems that the man he killed is a senator. While trying to evade the police, he takes a woman, Anne hostage. Though he eventually lets her go. She develops some kind of fascination for him, which doesn't please her boyfriend, who just happens to be the one who tracking Raven. At the same time Raven tries to find out who set him up and why.
Slaves of New York
Chuck Dade Dolger
Meet the denizens of New York City: artists, prostitutes, saints, and seers. All are aspiring toward either fame or oblivion, and hoping for love and acceptance. Instead they find high rents, faithless partners, and dead-end careers.
Odio en el viento
Basado en un caso real de 1925, en el que dos grandes abogados argumentan a favor y en contra de un profesor de ciencias acusado del crimen de enseñar la evolución.
Dr. Keddie
Charles E. Reece, un maníaco asesino, se introduce en dos apartamentos de California con una pistola automática y comete seis asesinatos con un macabro ritual: corta los cuerpos de sus victimas con un cuchillo de cocina para, seguidamente, introducir los órganos en bolsas de plástico y, más tarde, beber la sangre.
The Penalty Phase
Mr. Hunter
Things looked pretty simple: the confessed murderer had all the evidence against him. The Prosecutor Jansen could not have been more relentless, conservative and incisive. Furthermore, the jury already had a verdict: guilty of the more than 30 charges against him. But suddenly Judge Kenneth Hoffman finds out that the evidence was not obtained legally, so the procedure is void. Judge Hoffman is in the middle of this legal storm, although he wants to apply the law strictly, he will find everybody against him.
Doctor Major Weiss
Un adolescente de Philadelphia siente una gran pasión por los pájaros. Esta afición desata en él un deseo irresistible de aprender a volar, un interés que lo lleva incluso a apartarse del mundo y a hacer diversos experimentos, algunos de los cuales ponen en peligro su vida. El mejor amigo de "Birdy" es Al, el prototipo de joven sano y normal. Los dos intervienen en la guerra del Vietnam, de la que "Birdy" vuelve convencido de que es un pájaro.
City Killer
Wally Rickvine
Un maniático asesino. Una mujer aterrorizada por su amor. Una ciudad dominada por el miedo. Una policía condenada a llegar tarde.
The Seduction of Gina
Matthew Walters
Gina is young, recently married and bored. On a trip to Lake Tahoe she discovers the game of blackjack. Increasingly obsessed with gambling, she keeps hoping her lucky streak will last.
Derecho a elegir
G. Clayburn
Mini y Teddy Dwyer son un matromonio de ancianos que plantean la posibilidad de suicidarse juntos después de que a ella le diagnostican una enfermedad terminal.
Amityville III: El pozo del infierno
Clifford Sanders
Cuando la familia Baxtor se traslada a vivir a Amityville ignora que una serie de fenómenos extraños se van a producir en su nueva casa.
One Shoe Makes it Murder
Smiley Copell
Robert Mitchum stars as a down-and-out ex-cop whose entanglement with a shady casino owner leaves him one step behind a killer in the mystery One Shoe Makes It Murder. Soon after the Nevada Gaming Commission suspends his casino license, gambling czar Carl Charnock (Mel Ferrer) hires private investigator Harold Schillman (Mitchum) to find his missing wife. With the help of Fay Reid (Angie Dickinson), Schillman locates the unfaithful spouse--right before she falls from a balcony! Now Schillman must determine whether she jumped or ... whether One Shoe Makes It Murder.
Rascals and Robbers: The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn
Mr. Clinch
The adventures and misadventures of Tom and Huck on the Mississippi River in Missouri with their involvement when they fall in with a gang of con artists, take up with a ragtag circus, help a freed slave buy his sister's freedom, and then see a dastardly villain get her.
The Day the Bubble Burst
A fictionalized account of how the 1929 stock market crash hurt the elite and the struggling, and the forces that may have caused the crash to occur.
Ausencia de malicia
Una joven y ambiciosa periodista acusa de forma irresponsable en un artículo al hijo de un conocido gángster de ser el culpable de la desaparición de un líder sindical. El acusado, dedicado a un negocio de importación de licores, idea un ingenioso plan para salir airoso de la acusación.
Callie & Son
Arthur Cotham
Callie es una madre soltera que vive en condiciones precarias, lo que le empuja a entregar a su hijo en adopción. Años más tarde conoce a un magnate de la prensa, y se casa con él, circunstancia que aprovecha para recuperar a su hijo. La relación con él no será fácil, y seremos testigos de la evolución del hijo, que se casa con una mujer vulgar, a la que da vida Michelle Pfeiffer en uno de sus primeros papeles.
All God's Children
Dr. Munter
Big city judge Parke Denison is involved in a forced busing dispute at the climax of his long career. The friendship between two families -- one white, one black -- and their sons, who are buddies, provides the microcosm of this major social issue that has been argued for several decades.
Marriage Is Alive and Well
Sunny Delmar
A talented wedding photographer, at a crossroads with his own marriage, reflects on tales of past clients and the hope, adversity and romance that holy matrimony brings. Starring as the photographer, football great Joe Namath narrates the unconventional tales of three couples: Judd Hirsch and Melinda Dillon as a twosome who have married and divorced multiple times and who are on the verge of repeating their mistake; an anxious newlywed who prefers the "freedom" that living together allows; and Jack Albertson as an aging comedian who wants to marry his much younger secretary despite the disapproval of his son.
Bienvenido Mr. Chance
Sidney Courtney
Chance es un hombre peculiar. Su vida se reduce a cuidar el jardín de la mansión de un hombre adinerado y a ver la televisión el resto del día. Pero, cuando el dueño de la casa muere y Chance es despedido, no está preparado para hacer frente al mundo exterior. Tiene, sin embargo, la suerte de conocer a Eve, una buena mujer que lo acoge en su casa. Lo paradójico es que, poco a poco, este hombre analfabeto conseguirá engañar a muchos haciéndoles creer que es un gran político.
The Five Forty-Eight
Trace Beardon
The Five Forty-Eight, drawn from a Cheever story about the fictional New York suburb of Shady Hill, concerns an advertising man, John Blake (Laurence Luckinbill), who is emotionally estranged from his wife and those around him. His disturbed secretary, Miss Dent (Mary Beth Hurt), whom he has seduced and then fired and discarded, pursues him harrowingly, and in a final scene in which she holds him at gunpoint in a field beyond the Shady Hill railroad station, she forces him to confront the squalor of his life.
O Youth and Beauty!
Trace Bearden
Cash Bentley and his wife Louise lead an average upper-middle-class life in suburbia, with a nice home and two fine children. But Cash grows increasingly unsettled in his life, yearning for the glories of his athletic youth and watching them fade further in the distance with accumulating age. Louise worries about him as his difficulties with mid-life pull him further away from happiness and comfort with his family.
The Sorrows of Gin
An affluent suburban couple's empty and gin-fueled lives are observed through the eyes of their neglected, eight-year old daughter.
The Cracker Factory
Father Dunhill
Drama depicting the problems of a suburban housewife suffering from fits of depression and alcoholism, and her stay in a psychiatric center after a feeble suicide attempt.
A Question of Love
Dr. Berwick
A lesbian mother fights to keep her son when a custody suit is brought by her ex-husband.
Good Against Evil
Father Wheatley
Dack Rambo and Elyssa Davalos star as sweethearts Andy Stuart and Jessica Gordon. The course of true love is messed up when Satan claims Jessica as his own personal property. Desperately, Andy turns to a pair of priests, Fathers Kemschler and Wheatley, for spiritual guidance, not to mention a bit of brute force in purging poor Jessica of her demons.
Acapulco Gold
Morgan Frye
In this rollicking adventure set on the high seas, an innocent insurance agent working on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai, is framed as a drug smuggler. He gets help from a most unlikely source - the town drunk who knows more than anyone suspects.
Griffin and Phoenix
Dr. Glenn
Griffin has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Instead of quietly facing his death, he decides to have fun in the time remaining. At a college class on death, he meets Phoenix, who has terminal leukemia.
Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case
Medical Examiner
The story of Dr. Sam Sheppard, an Ohio doctor convicted of murdering his wife, despite his vehement denials of the crime.
The Tiger Makes Out
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
The Crucible
Judge Hathorne
Landmark adaptation of the Arthur Miller play. Nominated for 3 Emmy awards.
The Three Sisters
In a small Russian town at the turn of the century, three sisters and their brother live but dream daily of their return to their former home in Moscow, where life is charming and stimulating meaningful. But for now they exist in a malaise of dissatisfaction. Soldiers from the local military post provide them some companionship and society, but nothing can suffice to replace Moscow in their hopes. Andrei marries a provincial girl, Natasha, and begins to settle into a life of much less meaning than he had hoped. Natasha begins to run the family her way. Masha, though married, yearns for the sophisticated life and begins a dalliance with Vershinin, an army officer with a sick and suicidal wife. Even Irina, the freshest, most optimistic of the sisters, begins to waver in her dreams until, finally, tragedy strikes.
Last Hours Before Morning
An ex-cop, now a private detective, investigating a gambler's murder finds that there may be a connection between that crime and the jewel robbery at a beautiful movie star's home.