Lee Jae-yong

Lee Jae-yong

Nacimiento : 1963-03-21, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, South Korea


Lee Jae-yong is a South Korean actor.


Lee Jae-yong


The Legendary Tazza's Tap
Dong Soo
A crime-action film depicting the story of Taekdong, also known as "Tazza" in the online gambling community, jumping into the real gambling world for revenge.
Steel Rain 2: Summit
Director of National Security Office
Una película futurista sobre una crisis cercana al borde de la guerra luego de que tres líderes sean secuestrados por un submarino nuclear norcoreano en un golpe de estado durante una cumbre entre las dos Coreas y Estados Unidos.
The Prisoner
Prison governor
A film about a detective who participates with the fight club in the prison after chasing a criminal who killed his fiance.
Black Money
President of broadcasting station
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
Happy Together
A son and father earn a living working at night. This movie depicts their heart wrenching story.
La Era de la Sangre
First Vice-premier
Durante la dinastía Joseon, cada vez hay más descontento y menos confianza en la capacidad del rey para gobernar el país. Un grupo de rebeldes desea deponer al rey Yeongjo (Ryu Tae Joon), pero primero deben rescatar de la cárcel al líder del grupo, Lee In Jwa (Kim Ji Hoon). Kim Ho (Jung Hae In), un antiguo guardián del rey, ha sido degradado a trabajar como un guardián de prisión. Aún así, sigue siendo considerado el mejor espadachín de todo Joseon. ¿Podrán In Jwa y sus hombres pelear contra Kim Ho y vencerle para triunfar en sus planes? “La edad de la sangre” es una película surcoreana de 2017, dirigida por Kim Hong Seon.
Disappearance: Missing Wife
Park Man-sik
A mysterious man, whose name is known as Yeon-woo, comes to the police station to report his wife has gone missing. Yeong-sook, the female detective, investigates the missing case along with Tae-sik. Meanwhile, Yeon-woo’s missing wife is kept in a dark room in a basement. The wicked looking kidnapper’s name is Man-sik. The horrible feeling that she might be murdered climaxes. Will Yoo-mi be murdered in the end?
The Classified File
Fortuneteller Baek
Una niña llamada Eun-joo desaparece en Busan en 1978. Sin que el supuesto secuestrador haya contactado durante las dos últimas semanas y sin pistas que seguir, la policía asume que ha muerto. La madre, desesperada, pide ayuda a un adivino, que le asegura que su hija está viva y que pueden salvarla si se acupa del caso el veterano detective Gong Gil-yong. Éste, pese a su escepticismo, acepta el caso.
Empire of Lust
Jung Do-jeon
Ambientada en 1398. Kim Min Jae es el supremo comandante de la Dinastia Joseon. Se enamora por primera vez y por ésa mujer, toma muchos riesgos. Yi Bang Won es el hijo del Rey. Él ayudó a su padre a construir la dinastía Joseon, pero no fue elegido como el principe heredero y todavía tiene la ambición de ser rey algún día. Jin es el hijo de Kim Min Jae y el hijo del rey. Debido a su situación, él no puede hacer parte de la política y sólo busca conseguir placer.
My Paparotti
Gang Boss
La película habla sobre el genio estudiante de secundaria Jang Ho (Lee Je Hoon), que sueña con convertirse en el próximo Pavaroti a pesar de que es parte de una pandilla y Sang Jin, actualmente profesor de música en una escuela de arte.
Masquerade es la adaptación filmográfica de la novela de Mark Twain "El principe y el Mendigo", que tiene como actor principal a Byung-hun haciendo un doble papel. La historia , bastante conocida mundialmente, esta ambientada en Corea, donde un rey está confuso y para poder tratar los asuntos de la corte con tranquilidad, decide hacer caso al consejo de su concejal, y pone en su lugar a un doble (el mendigo) que ocupe su lugar en el trono. Aquí empieza una historia donde el rey de la dinastía se debate en como ser un mejor rey, ya que el toque humanitario de su doble hace cambiar poco a poco la moral de palacio.
Detective K: El secreto de la viuda honrada
Minister Lim
Sigue las aventuras de Jeong Yong Yak (o Detective K), durante una investigación ordenada por el Rey, una serie de misteriosos asesinatos esta azotando al país. Durante su misión secreta, se encuentra con Han Pil que finalmente se convertirá en su compañero, y Han Gaek Ju, una mujer de negocios influyente que es una figura clave en el caso. A medida que profundiza más en el misterio, descubren secretos inquietantes que enlazan los asesinatos a una conspiración masiva que hará temblar a toda la nación de Joseon.
4 Days
11 members of an internet suicide site gathered in an abandoned school. They included a former baseball player who retired because of his injuries, a cancer patient whose death was declared, and a high school girl being pessimistic of her school score. While having the last supper after completely preparing the equipment and method for their suicide, they listen to each other's stories.
Heartbreak Library
Chairman Song
Una bibliotecaria ayuda a un hombre desconsolado a buscar un mensaje dejado en un libro para él por su ex novia.
Who's That Knocking At My Door?
street vendor 2
There are five lonely souls: Je-hwi, who hides himself from the world. Jang-hui, who is obsessed with certificates of qualification; Byeong-cheol, who believes that he has a fatal disease; and the lovers, Pyo and Romi. One day, a woman who committed suicide suddenly appears before them.
Fly, Daddy, Fly
An ordinary businessman in his forties, JANG Ga-pil returns home one day to find his daughter sexually molested by some schoolboys, including school boxing star KANG Tae-wook. Realizing that he has no background and money to fight back, he plans to stab KANG on the way to school. This fails miserably, but another student named GO Seung-suk agrees to teach Ga-pil to fight ? in only 45 days.
Love Phobia
On a sunny day, a boy named Jo-kang meets Ari, a girl in a yellow raincoat, and they become friends. Jo-kang falls helplessly in love with the quirky but attractive Ari, but one day, she suddenly disappears. Ten years pass and Jo-kang, now a high school student, gets a call from Ari and meets her again in a temple. Although they have not seen each other for ten years, they have such a great time together. Then, Ari disappears again. Jo-kang is devastated. Why has she disappeared again? What will become of them?
If You Were Me
Immigration Office Staff (seg. 6)
Anthology film of six shorts by leading Korean directors. Park Chan-Wook, tackles racial prejudice and the economic exploitation of immigrant workers through the real-life story of a Nepalese woman in Korea. Jeong Jae-Eun, tackles the plight of a paedophile released into the community. Yeo Gyun-Dong, invites disabled actor Kim Moon-Joo to re-enact his most famous protest. Im Soon-Rye, goes for the engrained sexism of Korean men with superb wit and, Park Jin-Pyo, confronts the horror of children forced into oral surgery to improve their English-speaking ability.
Salvar el planeta Tierra
Inspector Choo
Byeong-gu cree que extraterrestres del planeta Andrómeda atacarán La Tierra para acabar con la vida en el planeta. Según él, uno de ellos es el presidente de una compañía química a quien, con la ayuda de su novia, secuestra para obtener información sobre la futura invasión. La única manera que Byeong-gu tiene de evitar la invasión es convencer al secuestrado para que organice un encuentro con el príncipe de Andrómeda, antes del próximo eclipse lunar, que ocurrirá dentro de una semana. Mientras tanto, el desacreditado inspector Lee decide llevar la investigación por su cuenta con la ayuda del inspector novato Choo.
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3 short movies: "Enemies in Four Directions": A bunch of thugs, an assassin who uses a screwdriver as a weapon of choice, a young gigolo and his housewife "customer," and other motley crew of guests converge in a hotel, creating havoc for one another through a series of misunderstandings and identity confusions. "My Nike": In contrast, is a modest, gentle but savvy evocation of an urban lower-middle class family life in 1980s Korea. The chapter is told from the point of view of a 14 yo junior high school student whose greatest desire in the world is to own a pair of Nike sneakers. "The Church Sister": Stars Kim Il-yong as a young soldier on a vacation leave. He is secretly in love with the friendly and beautiful "big sister" from the Sunday school, whom he has known since childhood. They go see a movie, eat lunch together, walk around the neighbourhood aimlessly, waiting for the train to carry him off to the barracks. Will he confess his true feelings to her in time?
Wind Echoing in My Being
A young man living alone in his attic, wishes to publish a book of his dreams. He records his dreams on a small tape recorder while he falls in and out of sleep. Then when he awakens, he writes of these dreams on paper. His dreams consist mainly of memories and recollections of his youth.