Frederick Hazlitt Brennan


Always (Para siempre)
Pete Sandich, un temerario piloto que se dedica a la extinción de incendios, muere en acto de servicio tras salvarle la vida a un amigo. En el cielo, se encuentra con un ángel femenino que lo conmina a regresar a la Tierra para proteger la vida y convertir en un experto piloto al novato Ted Baker. El único problema es que Ted está enamorado de la antigua novia de Pete.
Noche salvaje
Obligado a cumplir condena por matar a dos hombres en defensa propia, Billy Reynolds, antiguo ayudante del sheriff, es encarcelado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de la comarca. Allí se encontrará con Jessie Gormar, un hombre cruel y despiadado que prometió matarle cuando saliera de prisión.
Fearless Fagan
A young man brings his pet lion with him when he's drafted into the army. Comedy.
Devoción invencible
La biografía del valiente campeón de golf Ben Hogan.
Killer McCoy
Tommy McCoy grew up poor and scrappy. As a young man he discovers that he can fight with his powerful right arm. He becomes successful at boxing, however he has an alcoholic father.
Un marino mercante que lleva una vida bastante despreocupada se enamora de una dulce y sumisa bibliotecaria, pero muy pronto se da cuenta de que no puede seguir con ella porque su vida es el mar.
Greenwich Village
In 1922, a would-be classical composer gets involved with people putting on a musical revue.
Mi amigo Wolf
Los Anstey, un rico matrimonio de Virginia, están demasiado ocupados para ocuparse de su hija Gretchen, y contratan a Miss Munn, una estricta niñera británica. Gretchen se ha hecho amiga de un pastor alemán al que encuentra en un pozo abandonado y al que llama "Lobo", pero Miss Munn no piensa permitir que se lo quede.
Dos en el cielo
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tras su muerte, el mayor Pete Sandidge (Tracy), piloto de un bombardero, se convierte en el ángel guardián de otro piloto, el capitán Ted Randall (Van Johnson), al que no sólo protegerá en las batallas, sino que también ayudará a resolver los problemas con su novia (Irene Dunne). Melodrama bélico de carácter propagandístico y elementos fantásticos.
A courageous doctor braves a fierce blizzard in the Canadian wilderness to save a remote community from a deadly epidemic. He has come North to visit and ends up stealing a wife from her husband. When the epidemic hits, he and the wife begin their arduous journey.
Sailor's Lady
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
St. Louis Blues
Dotty (Dorothy Lamour) es una estrella de Broadway que decide abandonar su profesión y vivir aislada en una pequeña ciudad.
College Swing
En 1738, ante la incapacidad de su nieta para graduarse, Tully Marshall toma la decisión de dejar toda su fortuna a la Universidad, si en los próximos 200 años ninguna mujer de su familia consigue graduarse. En 1938, Gracie Alden se propone graduarse para conseguir la herencia.
The Big Broadcast of 1938
The Bellows family causes comic confusion on an ocean liner, with time out for radio-style musical acts.
Wives Never Know
Homer Bigelow has an ideal marriage, with a wife who loves him very much as does he in return. Hilarity ensues when, his wife and him take "marital advice" from an old school friend, who thinks marriage is a farce.
Little Miss Nobody
A runaway orphan is befriended by a kind-hearted pet store owner with a criminal past.
Miss Pacific Fleet
A down-on-her-luck showgirl sets her eyes on the cash prize that comes with winning the title "Miss Pacific Fleet".
The St. Louis Kid
Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an boycott action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and Kennedy is arrested once more. He leaves jail at night to meet Ann, but meanwhile the owner has asked some mobsters to deliver the milk. One of the farmers is murdered, Ann Reid is missing and Eddie Kennedy is accused of murder.
A Man of Sentiment
A man and woman fall in love at first sight, but everyone in their universe tries to keep them apart except one old fool with a sentimental heart.
La locura de Shanghai
Un aventurero es contratado para pilotar una cañonera por el río. Deja a Wildeth en una misión por su seguridad, pero cuando regresa le atacan los comunistas. Si repele la agresión, es posible que la Marina le readmita y reciba permiso para casarse con Wildeth.
Play Girl
A young innocent falls for a compulsive gambler.
Sporting Blood
El criador de caballos Jim Rellence se siente orgulloso de sus caballos y exalta con placer sus virtudes para los potenciales compradores. Hasta que un día, su yegua favorita sufre un accidente durante una tormenta, y no tiene cura. Tío Ben decide adoptar los potros de la yegua, y más tarde, el caballo Tommy Boy cae en manos de un mafioso que proyecta transformarlo en un campeón...
One Night at Susie's
A woman gets help from her gangster friends after her foster son takes the blame for a murder he did not commit.
Sweet Mama
A young girl falls in love with a member of a gang of crooks. She determines to bring the rest of the gang to justice so she can save the man she loves.
Words and Music
Phil y Pete compiten por el amor de Mary, y también por escribir la mejor canción de un concurso de estudiantes.
The second version of Louis Joseph Vance's 1907 mystery melodrama The Brass Bowl. The story of a wealthy world traveler and his evil lookalike, the master criminal Anisty.
The second version of Louis Joseph Vance's 1907 mystery melodrama The Brass Bowl. The story of a wealthy world traveler and his evil lookalike, the master criminal Anisty.
Blue Skies
Better known for her work in talkie "weepers," Helen Twelvetrees made a few preliminary appearances in such late silent films as Fox's Blue Skies. The audience was expected to believe that the twentysomething Twelvetrees and Frank Albertson are teenagers living together platonically in an orphan asylum. A wealthy old man comes calling to adopt Albertson -- who, feeling sorry for Twelvetrees, trades places with the girl. Thus it is that the heroine is carted off to a luxurious mansion, while Albertson remains behind. One year later, the old man discovers Albertson's deception, whereupon he invites the boy to live with him as well. By this time, Twelvetrees and Albertson are of marriageable age, thus the film ends with a wedding in the offing.
Viva la ambición
Strong Boy es un reputado cargador de equipajes, por lo que pronto será ascendido de puesto. Está enamorado de Joy, una bella chica, que a pesar de su buen hacer en el trabajo no consigue alcanzar el puesto que ella desea.
The Ghost Talks
Miriam Holt hopes to solve the disappearance of a million dollars in bonds allegedly stolen by her late uncle. A team of crooks is following her, though, in hopes she'll uncover the missing money and they can grab it from her. She checks into a hotel where Franklyn Green works as a desk clerk. Franklyn is learning to be a detective through a correspondence course, and he thinks he's just the guy to help Miriam solve her mystery. The fact that she's a very attractive lady doesn't hurt, either.
The Sin Sister
Pearl a vaudeville dancer is stranded somewhere in Alaska. With no official place to stay in the vicinity, Pearl is obliged to accept the hospitality of a wealthy family which has itself been stranded in the Great White North. An ill-tempered fur trader and a looney Eskimo both lust after Pearl, but she is rescued by Peter Van Dykeman her hosts' male secretary….